j Your want ad is easy to place/ Published Every Thuudoy by Trumor Publlihlng C91 609 Morrli ave., Sprlna(l»Wr M.J. 07081 - 686^-700 Molli/icj AddreM! -- . Sublcriotion Bale ^— Second Clou Poltbge 15 Cents Per Copy 39-No. 9" P.O. Bon 69, Springfield, N.J. 07081 SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY^DECEMBER 7, 1967 $o.5>v£rly .^^ r P«U <•• SprlngH.ld, N.J.' probe of wayfpfaniters District ready to program for expansion ~ lang_deToOr Aslar Regional High SchoolDistrictBoard' The three citizens who have obtained petW of Educatldn-planned-toannoujicelts-program -lions" tofile-inreandidates, buthaVg-not as yet for aipanilon and pupUdistriBQUonataspecialc fUed,. are-Mrs. Henry Huneke, former presl- ^next Thursday three local residents dent-of the Springfield League_of_Women _; .._....._. _ri-__*. filoflffrnn^ldRff ' Voters: Robert Halseyrformar-boardpresldent Compfeffefrof highway for the one sedfTfom Springfield to be Springfield Public Library, jind Henry at the regional board-election on' Feb. 6, S. Wright,-long active on the focal-poHtical nqw~p5slponed fo~ J 972 and educational scene, who ran unsuccessfully At the same time, plans to seek, another : -term- were, announced by one of the three last year for the regional board. • __ .__ township "administratlon plans' to call'",'" members of the Springfield Board of Education ' The__b^ra~comprlses' two members each__ for a legislative investigation of State Hlgh- 'Whose terms expire this winter. The other two from Springfield,. Clark and Berkeley Heights ._.. way Dupartiiieut planning procedures,. In-tha- stated that they had not yet decided whether or and onejsach from Mountainside, Kenilworth wake of last week's' disclosure that comple- not to run again In the local school election and Garwood. The other member froniSpring- tion of Rt. 78 is at least five years away, FebTTJT" :.~ — field Is Mrs. Leonard Waldt, whose term has-=- Mayor Arthur M. Falkin announced this week. two years to run. _ ;i~Z~ "f Construction oTTthe superhighway into The seat on the regionag l boar^«ud I»s ^beinu«g two years to run. _ _;iZ f ... y , former hearth BoarBd d memberb s whose' terms expire this Newark is now scheduled for 1972, if sufficient Vacated by William Melick, year, to addition to Melick, are Alfred,q»_ federal funds are available, Commissioner presidenvwhidh o thihi s flfalll , disclosedil d that-he will Battagll'a-of Berkeley Heights, and RoberCW." David J. Goldberg of the State Department "retire, from office after some IS years of Lockwood of Clark. Nelther-has announced his of Transportation disclosed at the N. J. High- plans concerning another term.-—— way Users~Conference.seminar held'In Tren- 1 - - • « »_» ' • • ' • ton last Friday. ' '— •. '- —V- ie me . FRANCIS' SHiMSHOGKr--°» --of & He added tfeflULa bUl to permit transfer medal I members of the Springfield Board of Education of' Rt. 278 funds to the proposed Central ' completing three-year terms this winter, this jersey Expressway is passed in Washington, week reported that he plans to seek reelection. then 278 will be terminated at'Rt. 1 in Linden. - The other two are. Mrs. Lawrence Dorsky and That bill has passed-the House, and-Sahate Erslcine Canlo-A. Casale. Both declared that they had approval is expected. \ . —• ••—:_i not yet reached a final decision on plans for Commenting on Goldberg's announcement ~lh1rwexrthree years. ~ concerning the delay in Rt 787Mayor Falkin 'copter pilot - The Springfield board operates-five schools stated: . for local youngsters, running up to the eighth - "We are extremely dismayed by Commis- grades. The regional board Is responsible for sioner Goldberg's report that Rt. 78 will not . four. high schools for teen-agers from six be ready for use prior to 1972. Our-concexn ' communities. ._ is-tJBBed-Ori fttvfact that Springfield is losing the; benefit of approximately seven years of -for the regional board, and for the registration tax ratables which would have'amounted to of new "voters to participate In the regional TRAINING SESSION---Members of the Springfield First AHSquad take ~ with Mr & Alex Bednarlk. a member of the Aid Squad^Udles election, is on Dec. 28. this time the taxpayers were not ' Deadline for filing to run for the Springfield part in monthly drills as part of their Ih-service^rilning schedule. Auxiliary, as victim," are, from left, Richard AmosrWlHimr^ Drr^Barry Lauton, at left above.is oTJe ofjdhe local physicians who— Barrett, Malcolm Bohrod and Mrs. Myron Ogonowski (back to served. board, and for voter registration for that elec- "The-lack of L , _ . tion, Is on Jan. 4, often assist asinstructo'rs.Snownpracticingresuscitationtechniques camera). ' ___ _ Department in beglnnlng_a_r_oad such as this. In addition to the.-choice of candidates, both _ without having accumulated all of the right elections will give die voters an opportunity of way, and without having gained the necessary. to pass on the budgets for the next school approvals-prior to its origination, Is certainly 1-^. year presented by. the two boards oteducatlpn. Town__ Sauad issues .. cause-for concern.'" ••' •' ' •'- ;•.•.;...•.•!;.'. •' .. ~v- ' l i ...membership^" canv'9ralft.'PAtillijDUUfl U««iMbB"r:'.'Vv«^e;.v:^'^u •\j_v...'.v$*•-<' Fredericks, aljhe Regional Board of Education at Jonathah Dayton _ Regional High-School; we will be looking at this barren wasteland (Continued on pofl»T5) -^The Springfield First Aid Squad this ViSK -toj.respond emergencies during daytime ar„„e riot„ trained-medical rpersonnel . The,y —ar e for five-more years/ — andsufferingfrom the —~ j : ., issued an urgent appeal for additional volun- hours? . ; — volunteers who are willing to give up time-to dU8t-and,the,deMs,.no|qnlytheinconvenlanc>. t „ teers . to serve as members, particularly'tb , An Aid Squad spokesman declared: help their feUow men. They are ordinary dti-_ but the estfeUcrfasulC •.[:> ._•••••;..,>_. i±\-i —I—* rpy "We who worked to hard tp make Springfield . take part In the crew which Is always on hand "Members of the Springfield First Aid Squad zens who have taken Red Cross and squad Red SGGKS ^ __ training courses. , • - the kind of.©wri we "are allitappyto live in are -iSquad members ^who arrived at the scene particularly insulted that tall of our townsT '• :,T»f an accident are not medlcallyjralned. They . people must suffer-this indignity. • volunteei^ Buddhist monk recalled are adults who have learned^Eo-keep calm In 'We Intend to ask the;new session of the '. emergencles.-Through experience, they have legislature to conduct an Investigation into learned how—toiapply book learning under er activities Springfield^ pressure. Through practice, they have learned ~~(Continu«d on The Springfield Red-Cross chapter has an how to operate lnhalators and resuscitators. urgent need for volunteer workers willing to, quiet boy...an honor student..lnterested in From" training, they have Iearrie3rhow best WO EDWIN M. ERSKINE A in Monterey, Callf.f-and was sent to Saigon to move victims of accidents and heart at- •aerve-as-committee-chairmen—Mrs. A. D»—matfrand-science •— • for a one-ryear tour of duty in 1963. Higlfschboljish AN-KHIi, VIE'lNAM^Forhejoismln com- tacks; "*- — ..-...-. Duca, chapter chairman, declared at a recera Hug wasthe way Springfield residents and Following his discharge from the Army. '- "During the coming holiday season,-the. bat, Army Warrant Of fleet Edwin M. Erskine, meeting- at the Cannon Ball House. school officials this week- recalled Stephen 22, soh of Fire BBpt7"and Mrs. Edwin M. "If-none are-forthcomlng," she declared, tlnu»d on page 5) First" Aid Squad will not take a vacation. Shlafer, 25, who on Mpnday became a Buddhist - They will operate-24-hours a day as usual. new procedures Erskine of 167 Linden ave., Springfield, N.J., —i-'our service to the community-maji-welLbe monk in Vietnam.- — ' ~ received' the~Alr Medal in ceremonies near seriously curtailed in the near future." Mr & Unnecessaryrtfiey will-mBn two_ambulances An Khe, Vietnam. It was his sixth award of Duca asked all interested men and women to - Shalfer, brought up as a Jew, m>t onTy took at once, and even-^provlde a third crew~if orrrnow closings the medal. ; ;r^~~r —- ' call her at 379-4092. ' , a new religion, but .also a new name—Thich necessary. But they need people. WO Eraldne earned the award May 18 while. Chapter member's discussed the group's par- '(Venerable) ThienFlien. • • •• 1 Snow, closings at JonatliaTTDgytBirRegional , •_The son of Mr. and Mrsi-Hyman Shlafer1—- "Where are some of tHe~pther reliable servlng4*j-pilot of a UH-lDTielicopter during -. tlcipaUon in the current United Fund campaign 7 High School will be announced over three radio . a hazardous evacuation mission into a booby.—-and called for more volunteers to take part of 11 Troy dr.-,. he became acquainted with — residents"o'f Springfieid?-Why do squad-mem- stations, It was announced this week. The trapped landing zone. Many casualties had al- in the residential canvassing phase of the Vietnam as an Army Interpreter" in 1963. bers, who already give-much of themselves, school has -also established a "snow com- ready been sustained in the area wherf another fund drive. Shlafer-graduated from Jonathan Dayton-High— have to give further- time for work on_mem- mittee" of parents to be called for lnfor- aircraft-had detonated an enemy mine when Mrs. Frank McClatchey presented-her-re- \ School in Springfield In 1959 after spending bership campaigns? . ' matlon on closings, . landing. port as chairman of- volunteers. .'She noted his first two high school years at Weequahlc ''There are at present only 10 members of Th6 closings will be announced over radio. Disregarding his own safety, WO Erskjne that ln-Getober and November, youthful work- High in Newark. ... -i •_ . i. (Continued on page 5) station WOR at 6:20 and 7:20 a.m.;' ^TABC , maneuvered—his aircraft Into a.
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