Index Abbas, Mahmoud, 16, 36, 37, 38,Adler, Alexander, 357 218, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, Adler, Felix, 703 235, 237, 241, 242, 243, 244, Adler, Shmuel, 582n 245,246,247, 248, 249, 253,Admon, David, 486 254, 255, 256, 257, 258,259, Adwan, Sami, 281 389,392, 518 AfnShvel, 687 AbdelRazek, Hisham, 258 Agenda.'Jewish Education, 687 Abdullah, Abdullah, 546 Agudath Israel of America, 43, Abdullah,King, 36, 234, 243 106, 633 Abergil, Linor, 278 Agudath Israel World Organiza- Abi Khalil, Naji Antoine, 286 tion, 634 Abitbol, Michel, 357 Agus, Jacob, 697 Abitbol, Sylvain, 302, 307 Ahenakew, David, 295, 296 Abraham Fund, 618 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 41, 89, Abrahams, Lionel, 557,558 288, 369, 388, 392, 421, 422, Abrak, Aharon, 234 424, 535 Abramoff, Jack, 32, 73 Aiello, Barbara, 399, 400 Abramowitz, Mayer, 312 Aish Hatorah, 665 Abramowitz, Yossi, 113 Ait Mohamed, Samir, 286 Abrams, Elliot, 31, 202, 243 Akayev, Askar, 518 Abrams, Nathan, 697n Akerman, Piers, 537 Abu Hhalil, Ahmed, 249 Akhmatova, Anna, 332 Abu Rajab, Tarek, 242 Akier, Howard, 313 Abu Razek, Oscar, 279 AkronJewish News, 691 Abu Rudeineh, Nabil, 253 Al Masri, Hani, 257 Abu-Amr, Ziad, 231 Al Zarkawi, Abu Mussab, 423 Abu-Assad, Hany, 448 Alac, Patrik, 357 Abuhatzeira, Moshe, 209 Alaoui, Abdelila Cherifi, 349 Abutboul, Assi, 476 Al-Arian, Sami, 90 Academy for Jewish Religion, 646 Al-Bakhit, Ma'arof, 241 Adenauer, Konrad, 424 Albala, Paulina LebI, 511 759 760/AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK,2006 Albert Einstein College of Medi-American Academy for Jewish Re- cine, 654 search, 610 Albert II, King, 360, 364 American Associates, Ben-Gurion Albert, Boris, 208 University of the Negev, 619 Albou, Karine, 358 American Association of Jews ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Re- from the Former USSR, 657 newal, 634 American Association of Rabbis, Aleph. Historical Studies in Science 634 and Judaism, 684 American Committee for Shaare Algemeiner Journal, 687 Zedek MedicalCenterin Aliot, Louis, 343 Jerusalem, 619 Auto, Samuel, 35, 102 American Committee for Shenkar Al-Kidwa, Nasser, 238 College in Israel, 619 Almagor, J., 589n American Committee for the Beer- Almog, Doron, 250, 251, 319 Sheva Foundation, 619 Alpha Epsilon Pi, 657 American Committee for the Weiz- Al-Qaradawi, Sheik Yusuf, 324 mann Institute of Science, 619 Al-Qassim, Lubna bint Khalid,American Conference of Cantors, 536 642 Alter, Robert, 695 American Council for Judaism, Altmann, Haim, 217 605 Altmann, Maria V., 417, 459, 460 American Federation of Jews from Al-Wazir, Intisar, 238 Central Europe, 657 Aly, Götz, 449 American Friends of Alyn Hospi- Am Kolel Judaic Resource Center, tal, 620 634 American Friends of Assaf Haro- Amar, Meir, 274 feh Medical Center, 620 Amar, Michel, 302 American Friends of Bar-Ilan Uni- Amar, Shlomo, 209, 252, 274, 276, versity, 620 391 American Friends of Beth Hate- AMC Cancer Research Center, 659 futsoth ,620 Amcha for Tsedakah, 659 American Friends of Herzog Hos- Ameinu, 94, 618 pital, 620 Ament, Jonathon, 133n, 134n, 567nAmerican Friends of Likud, 620 America-Israel Cultural Founda-American Friends of Magen David tion, 618 Adorn (ARMDI), 620 America-Israel Friendship League,American Friendsof Neve 619 Shalom! Wahat Al-Salam, 621 INDEX I 761 American Friends of Rabin Med-American Jewish Conference on ical Center, 621 Soviet Jewry, 11 American Friends of RambamAmerican Jewish Congress, 35, 39, Medical Center, 621 53,55, 56, 59,60, 73, 77, 78, American Friends of the Tel Aviv 95, 256, 606 Museum of Art, 622 AmericanJewishCorrectional American Friends of the Alliance Chaplains Association, 659 Israelite Universelle, 631 American Jewish Historical Soci- American Friends of the Hebrew ety, 115, 117, 129, 610 University, 621 AmericanJewish History, 685 American Friends of the IsraelAmerican Jewish Joint Distribu- Museum, 621 tion Committee (JDC), 4, 14, American Friends of the Israel 49, 467, 468, 489, 505, 506, Philharmonic Orchestra, 621 507, 509, 528, 569, 631 American Friends of the OpenAmerican Jewish League for Israel, University of Israel, 621 622 American Friends of the ShalomAmerican Jewish Periodical Cen- Hartman Institute, 621 ter, 648 American Gathering of JewishAmerican JewishPhilanthropic Holocaust Survivors, 610 Fund, 632 American Guild of Judaic Art, 610American Jewish Press Associa- American Israel Public Affairs tion, 610 Committee (AIPAC), 38, 41,American Jewish Public Relations 42, 74, 94, 95, 109, 110, 203, Society, 606 622 American Jewish Society for Ser- American Israelite, 691 vice, 659 American Jewish Archives Journal, American Jewish World Service, 691 44, 49, 50, 632 American Jewish Archives, 115,American Jewish World, 686 116, 117, 127, 128, 129 American Jewish Year Book, 19, 21, American JewishCommittee, 28, 687 3—28, 35, 39, 40, 43, 47, 49,American ORT, 632 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 66,American Physicians Fellowship 77,78, 79, 95,98, 100, 112, for Medicine in Israel, 116,121, 122, 123, 133n, 404, 622 420, 426, 429, 450, 469, 470, American Rabbi, 682 501, 540, 605, 695, 696n, 697, American Sephardi Federation, 709, 710 128,610 762/AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2006 AmericanSocietyforJewish 62, 64, 66, 74, 77, 78, 82, 85, Music, 611 88, 94, 95, 386, 404, 455, 493, American Society for Technion- 501, 606. Israel Institute of Technology,Antonov, Asia, 215 622 Appel, David (Dudi), 273 American Society for the Protec-Appelfeld, Aharon, 281 tion of Nature in Israel, 623 Appignanesi, Lisa, 314 American Society for Yad Vashem,Arad, Eyal, 221 623 Arafat, Musa, 242, 245, 250 American Society of the Univer-Arafat, Suha, 34, 254, 344 sity of Haifa, 623 Arafat, Yasir, 16, 36, 230, 238, 242, American Students to Activate 245, 250, 254, 257, 259, 288, Pride, 634 322, 343, 344, 345 American Veterans of Israel, 657 Aranoff, Gideon, 47 American Zionist Movement, 623 Araud, Gerard, 281 American-IsraelEnvironmentalArbib, Alfonso, 399, 401 Council, 622 Arbiv, Nissim, 229 American-Israeli Lighthouse, 622 Arizona Jewish Post, 682 Americans for a Safe Israel, 623 Arkin, Moshe (Mori), 264 Americans for Peace Now, 93, 623Arkwright, Kenneth, 542 Amichai, Yehuda, 309 Arnon, Ruth, 269 Amit, 623 Aronovsky, Solly, 558 Amit, 687 Arviv, Menashe, 249 Amit, Arye, 226 ARZA/World Union, 624 Ampal-American Israel Corpora-A-Sana, Taleb, 198 tion, 623 Ashbel, Dan, 454, 457 Andelman, Julia, 306 Asiel, Yitzhak, 509, 511 Anders, Christian, 430 Askolovitch, Claude, 341 Anderson, John, 700 Asner, Milivoj, 472 Andreev, Evgueni, 564n Asper, Israel, 311 Andrews, Robert, 39 Asper, Leonard, 290 Angel, MarcD., 119 Aspira, Abraham, 212 Annan, Kofi, 18, 43, 44, 87, 236, Asrin, Myra, 549 238, 253, 254, 275, 413 Assad, Bashar al-, 84, 231, 236, 260 Ansip, Andrus, 524 Association for Jewish Studies, Anstey, Errol, 558 635 Anti-Defamation League (ADL),Association for the Social Scientific 35, 42, 49, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, Study of Jewry, 635 INDEX I 763 Association of Jewish Aging Ser-Azriele, David, 300 vices, 660 Azur, Eli, 290 Association of Jewish Book Pub-Azure, 683 lishers, 611 Azzeh, Burhan, 296 Association of Jewish Center Pro- fessionals, 660 B'nai B'rith, 50, 54, 404, 660 Association of Jewish CommunityB'nai B'rith International Jewish Organization Personnel, 660 Monthly, 683 Association of Jewish CommunityB'nai B'rith Klutznick National Relations Workers, 606 Jewish Museum, 611 Association of Jewish Family andB'nai B'rith Youth Organization, Children's Agencies, 660 635 Association of Jewish Family andB'nai Brith Canada, 666 Children's Agency, 50 Bachi, Roberto, 563n, 566n Association of Jewish Libraries, Bachnar, Alexander, 511, 512 611 Bacsfi, Diana, 485 Association of Orthodox JewishBadawi, Abdullah Ahmed, 235 Scientists, 635 Bader, Alfred, 467 Association of Yugoslav Jews inBadiou, Bertrand, 357 the U.S., 658 Badran, AbadIa, 237 Assouline, Pierre, 356 Bagraim, Michael, 544, 545, 546, Ateek, Naim, 57, 289 549, 550, 551, 552 Atlanta Jewish Times, 684 Bahus, Michel, 212 Atlas, Adam, 308 Baker, Alan, 288, 289, 292 Attia, Yossi, 229 Baker, David, 207, 243 Attius, Richard, 342 Bakri Mohammed, Omar, 322 AuJbau, 687 Balkenende, Jan Peter, 374, 376 Aumann, Robert, 280 Baltimore Hebrew University, 646 Avetisyan, Armen, 523, 524 Baltimore Jewish Times, 685 Avnon, Artur, 479 Bandel, Ehud, 104 Avodah: the Jewish Service Corps,Banyai, Frantisek, 480 660 Barak, Ehud, 16, 291 Avotaynu, 686 Barash, Manis, 480 Ayalon, Ami, 226 Barenboim, Daniel, 75, 448 Ayalon, Daniel, 75, 93, 129 Barghouti, Marwan, 230, 256, 257 Azar, Adi, 283 Barghouti, Mustafa, 230 Azeroual, Yves, 357 Barkan, Nimrod, 390 Azman, Moshe Reuven, 530 Barker, Graeme, 281 764/AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 2006 Barnier, Michel, 233, 344 Ben Yitzchak, Ron, 270 Baron de Hirsch Fund, 660 Ben Yitzchak, Shai, 270 Bar-On, Dan, 281, 450 Benatoff, Cobi, 352 Baron, Leib, 313 BenedictXVI,Pope(Joseph Bar-On, Roni, 221 Ratzinger), 54, 70, 252, 260, Barrett, David, 313 309, 385, 389, 391, 392, 397, Bartel, Meir, 208 402, 403, 404, 405, 421, 445, Bartoszewski, Wiadyslaw, 493 • 446 Baruch, han, 546 Ben-Eliezer, Binyamin, 222 Basescu, Traian, 502, 503, 504 Benenson, Peter, 334 Bashevkin, Sylvia, 314 Ben-Gurion, David, 280, 424 Baskin, Bernard, 315 Ben-Hur, Oded, 391, 392 Baskin, Marjorie, 315 Ben-Hur, Tamir, 228 Bass, Warren, 314 Benichou, Gabriel, 357 Bassi, Yonatan, 201 Bénier-Burckel, Eric, 349 Bassouni, Mohamed, 241 Ben-Itto, Hadassa, 333 Bauer, Karl M., 449 Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Bauer, Yehuda, 548, 556 Law, 655 Baumgartner, Michael, 297 Benjamin, Jon, 323, 325 Bayefsky, Anne, 287 Benjamin, Sydney, 543 Bayfield, Tony, 329 Benjamin, Walter, 311 Bayh, Evan, 41 Benko, Agnes, 490 Bayme, Steven,
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