Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 8 AUGUST 1905 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Adclress in Repl;lj. [ASSEMBLY.] ,_Questions. TUESDAY, 8 AUGUST, 190fJ. The SPEAKER (Hon. Sir A. S. Cowley, Hervert) took the chair at l1alf·past 3 o'clock. PAPER. The following paper, laid on the table, \\·cui ordered to be printed :-Twenty.first repr<~· ,f the creation, inscri_r:tion, and 1 ue of stock, under the provisions of the Qu,•ensland Stock Inscription Act. QUESTIONS. IN·PATIENTS, BRISBANE GENERAL HOSPITAL. Mr. TOLMIE (Drayton ctnd Toowoomva) asked the Home Secretary- !. How many in-patients were treated in the Brisbane General Hospital for the year ended 31st December, 1904? 2. (a) From what districts or localities did tbose patients come? (b) How many from each district or locality specified? The HOME SECRETARY (Hon. P. Airey, Flinclers) replied- 1. 3,601. 2. Memorandum showing the localities from which patients treated in the Brisbane Hospital were received, the number from ea~h locality, and their aggregate days in hospital during tbe year 1904. Patients. Days. City of Brisbane 1,230 25,205 South Brisbane 594 12,157 Tow;;_ of Ithaca 301 6,014 Toowong 79 1,7:J3 Sandgate 27 695 Windsor 182 3,372 Hamilton 68 1.409 Shir~ of 'roombul 80 1,400 Kedron 51 1.175 Enoggera ~6 4~1 1'aringa 40 1,13<! In dooroop\lly 17 330 Sherwood 27 6!9 :Stephens 82 1,H96 Yeerongpilly .. 23 258 Bclmont 3 19 Coorparoo 63 1,429 BaJmornl 61 1,10~ "'rynnum 15 299 Tingalpa H 345 -2,993 61,105 Shire of Pine 19 510 Redclilfc 16 7·kl 35 1,251 Shire of Cleveland ... lG ·.~79 Bcenleighand Water- ford 49 981 Coomera 7 203 Southport ... 18 •tl9 ."'lerang­ 8 164 rrarnbourine and 1'abragalba 15 278 Caboolture ... 104 2,704 212 --- 5,228 Qnestions. [8 .AUGUST.] Address in Rq1y. 175 Patients. Days. PRJWERENCE TO UxiONJSTS, DRY DocK. ~hire of nunda.mba 7 123 ::\Ir. PAGET, in the absence of ::\Ir. ,Jen­ Town or Ipswich 19 788 ;')hire of Purga I 18 kinson, asked the Treasurer- Gooln.an 197 Is preference to 1-:-nionists being given at the South }1utdRpi~ly 1 3 J~risbane Dry Dock: and if so, in what bralJCh of Laidley :J 74 trade: J.~sk 12 289 , 'l'a.rampa 12 37:1 The TREASuRER rPplied- Town of TnO\voomba 12 230 Yes. To shlpwri.~ht'::, tlntt being practien.lly the onl.\' ~hire of Hightields 1 260 tradt> in whi<'ll any question of preferenee ha:-; , Clifton a (;9 oectured. TO\Vn of Allora 19 \Yanvick 4 2~6 ALL[GJW l'El\SRCUTION OF LJCENSE!J Shire of <;Iengallan l 2(} "\r IC'ITALLH:Rt). Inglewood 1 13 , Jor:.daryan 4 314 Mr. LESIKA (Clermont) asked the Home 'fown of' Jlalby 2 213 Secretary- ~anaugo 148 Shire of 4 1. h there any founcbtion for the statements made 11aroom 1 20 by the secretary of the Lit~ensed Victuallers' Association, 'l'ow;; of 41 n.oma l as reported in the Da; "Jfail of the 31st ultimo, as to Shire of Bungil . 2 :a the alleged _per .... ecntion of pnblica.ns of Brisbane and vraroo. 35 other centres by polieeJ acting under instnwtions from Roorenga 81 the Oommissionm·;. _\iurweh 49 'Pown or Chal'leYHle li 537 2. Has he any objection to la,;; upon the table of the Shire of Paroo ll 286 House envies ot" the ac':.nsatwns made by the secretary Bulloo l ll of the Licensed Yictnallers' Association against Con­ Adavale 1 10 stables Harvey and Bennett in this connection; together Barcoo ... 1 14 with the evidenee tal·am in the Uepartmr.ntal inquiry, 132-- 4,560 1\:Ir. Ranking's report thereupon, and all other corres­ Shire of ::.\iaroochy :;8 920 pondence connected 1vith the char~c in ttnestion? , Wi<lgec 21 Town of Gympie 13 <}25 The HOME SECRETARY replied- Shire of Tiaro 3 36 1. There is uo truth in the allegation of perseeution , Kilkivan ... 7 191 of publicans by the police. but all lawful means a-re Town of l\laryborough .. 6 121 17 405 being taken to rompel a proper obsen ance of the law by licensed victuallers. Shir~ of ~~~l~~~erg 3 3[1 Is is 9 287 2. Yes. It is not usual to pnblish the contents of Kolan J 30 documents oi this nature, nor in this case would it Eidsvold 115 serve any useful purpose to do so. , ::1-firiarn.Vale . 2 55 To\vn of Gladstone 3 102 Shire of Cal!iope 1 27 1L\.RSl~PIAL BOARDS BILL. Town of kockbampton 6 HI FIR~T READING. ~hire of Fjtzrov I 33 Town of J\foun t 1\lorgan 1 62 On the motion of the SECRETARY FOR ~hire of Peak Down I 96 Town of Clermont 6 696 AGRICULTURE (Hon, D. F. Denham, Oxley), 1 66 this Bill, introduced in committee, was read a Shir~ of ~~.~~~'~ine ·± 81 first time, and the seC'ond reading made an Order Aramac 1 to of the Day for Thursday next. Longreach 4 133 ,J "Vrinton 2 40 Town of ~Iackay 2 178 ., Townsville 7 91 ADDRESS IN REPLY . Shire of Ra venswood ... 3 175 REHl'MPTION m· DEBATE. 'fow11 of Charters Towers 7 130 Shire of Dalrymple I 91 Mr. TURNER (Rockhampton North) said: I , Hughenden 1 87 would like, with other hon. memLers, to con­ Town of Cairns 2 54 gratulate the Government on the work of Shire of Douglas I 12 1 18 administration which they have performed, and Tow~ of I~~~~~nton 2 43 also on the programme of Bills that are to be laid Croydon 2 I63 before the Home during this session. There c::tn Shir~ of Cloncurry 1 49 be no doubt that thev have, since they took 166-- 5.255 office, brought in and placed on the statute-book New South Wales. cbiefly measures which have been promised for a number Border <)5 1,122 of years ; and there can he no doubt also that 55--- 1,122 their intentions are to bring forward legislation Balance (I<Jrrors) I,IHo of the same character in the future that they 8-- I,I86 have done in the past. Amongst other things I should like to see broug·ht forward in connection 3,601 79,707 with an amendment of our Land Act is " clause providing for the leasing of land. It is impos­ REVENUE B'OR YEAR E1\lJE11 30TH JCNE. sible to do away with land sales immediately, but we "hould inaugurate a system of lettse' so Mr. PAGET (Macl.:a!J), in the absence of ji'fr. as to ultimately take tbe place of sales. The Forsyth, asked the Treasurer- leader of the Opposition referred to the leasing of land in Kew Zealand. It is well known that 1. Did the Treasurer receive any moneys from any of the departments after tlle 30th June last and m·e<lit there are perpetual leases in force in X ew same to the revenue for the year ended 30th June last:-- Zealand ; and what is the object of the lease­ holders in wanting tu turn their leases into 3. If so, ho\v mucll money was creditecl ~ freeholds? Eighteen or twenty months ago I was in New Zealand, ttnd was talking with a The TREASURER (Hon. W. Kidston, number of people who were dissatisfied with Rockhwnpton) repiied- their leases. They said, "\Ve have leased this Ye'). A very large part of the June revenne, about land at a verv small premium; it has now one-half indeed, can only reach the Treasury after the become very much more vttluable, and we see no 3~th June. reason why we should not make it freehold, and 1Wr. Turner.] 176 Address w Repl.1f. [ASSEMBLY.] Address in Rep(y. put the profits into our own pockets." I think clanse put in your agreementR that in the there is no douht that that is the desire of a event of getting this lanci thrown open, and gteat nutnber of them. \Vhen we im1ugurate a in the event of your wanting to transfer or system of leases, as I hope we shall do, they lease it, you will be prohibited from leas should be perpetual leas<cs with periodical ap· ing to aliens,,. and they said, '' \V e \Vant praise1nent of rentR. I ntay say, tuo, that in no restrictions. \Ve wa.nt to have it in one district of New Zealand, the district our o\vn h~-tnch. ~' In another instance we were of Rotorua, there were no such thing~ as free~ gnin~ through a su.~ar district where there WPre holds. The land was perind1cally appraised, -±,000 acres of sugar cane, and we were told that and if land was obtained at a low rent white wnple had made ap[Jhc~tion to get some this year it was )JUt np next year for of thi; land, whrch was thrown open by the reappraismnent by auction, anJ nmch more company, but not one was allowed to get a piece. rent was obtained. [Mr. JACKsON: Is that It was all leased 1 o a company of Chinan1en. I a mining diRtflct ?] No ; it is not a rnining say when we find KUCn instances as that existing district. The small allo ment of half an acre in the State it is time for the Government to on which the cottage stood in which I was step in and say that no further dealing of this accomnwd~ted had been ]JUt up to auccion and kinJ will be >•ermitted.
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