Theosophical University Press Online Edition Wind of the Spirit G. de Purucker First Edition copyright ©1944; Second Revised Edition copyright ©1984 by Theosophical University Press (print version also available). Electronic version ISBN 1-55700-128-6. All rights reserved. This edition may be downloaded for off-line viewing without charge. No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial or other use in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission of Theosophical University Press. For ease of searching, no diacritical marks appear in this electronic version of the text. Contents Foreword Wind of the Spirit The Heritage of Man Is Man Himself Where Are the Sages and Seers? Shifting Our Center of Consciousness Altruism Carving Your Destiny After Death: You Are Yourself The Secret of Human Conflict The Divine Proportion Civilization Built upon Thought The Injunction of Pythagoras Universality and the Esoteric Tradition Where the Masters Work Prayer and Aspiration The Only Way Out Where Two or Three Are Gathered The Direct Road to Wisdom What Is Old Age? Work Out Your Own Salvation The Touchstone of Truth To Those Who Mourn The Giving of the Self Why Not Laugh at Yourself? The Guardian Angel Strength through Exercise The World's Trouble and Its Cure Guard Your Thought Processes Initiation and Suffering The Weighing of the Heart The Ensouling of Man Overcoming Doubt The Essence of H. P. Blavatsky's Message The Yoga of Theosophy Beauty and Science The Understanding Heart Karma: Pleasant and Unpleasant Young People and Theosophy Making Mistakes The Lost Cause of Materialism The Virgin Birth Let the Christ-Child Live The Exoteric and Esoteric H. P. B The Vision of the Lord Buddha Rules of Conduct Common Sense in the Home An Attitude of Balance and Vision Forgiveness and Karmic Action Capturing a World with Ideas Karmic Results and the Bardo The Guerdon of Self-Forgetfulness "Vengeance Is Mine" Human Consciousness Theosophists and Prayer Strength and Balance in Occultism Fear, the Great Destroyer Soul Loss and Insincerity The Relation of the Finite to the Infinite Misuse of the Free Will "Lead Us Not into Temptation" Help from the Gods Predestination What Is Truth? We Have No Dogmas Making Resolutions Help from the Teachers Encouragement on the Path Nature in Silent Prayer Two Ways of Viewing Reality Oracles of the Ancients Duty and the Moral Balance One Life — One Law The Theosophy of China Responsibility of Scientists Angel and Demon About Healing Man in a Just and Ordered Universe Where Can Truth Be Found? Win with Gentleness and Kindness The Hill of Discernment Three Aspects of Karma How Easter Became a Christian Festival Time, Duration, and the Eternal Now Nature's Way after Death Wine as a Mystic Symbol The Four Yugas How Can You Prove Reincarnation? The Invincible Fire of Spirit Knowledge Brings Responsibility The Adversary The Christmas Tree The Living Buddhas in Tibet Thoughts on Karma The Ancient Doctrine of Vicarious Atonement The Golden Chain of Platonic Succession Lost Continents and Our Atlantean Heritage Three Stages of Visioning Truth Aham Asmi Parabrahma Glossary Chronology Foreword "THE WIND OF THE SPIRIT that is blowing over the world, tumultuous, cold and biting as it seems to our sensitive lives, is nevertheless the wind of the spirit" — this is the theme of an address given by Gottfried de Purucker in 1940 and used as the title and opening chapter of the present book. He urges us to penetrate appearances and discern the eternal beyond the temporal, for behind and within the current turmoil there is "power, spiritual power." In the near-half century since these words were spoken the winds of destiny have been blowing hard, at times with gale force. Certainly not a nation or race, not a single human being, not Mother Earth herself with her families of lives, has been untouched by karmic change. Yet out of the pain and disruption a new worldview and a new and grander vision of humanity's role in the cosmic drama are coming into focus. Despite the prevailing self-seeking in subtle and gross forms, the practice of altruism is on the rise as the counter-impulse toward spirit gains momentum. During his leadership of the Theosophical Society (1929-1942) Dr. de Purucker lectured constantly on the manifold aspects of theosophy, both in Europe and in the United States, and these addresses form the basis of his larger works. Wind of the Spirit is different. In this seemingly random collection of remarks made spontaneously at public and private gatherings and drawn from letters and notes to students, we rediscover how immensely practical theosophy is. Of course there is teaching aplenty — it could scarcely be otherwise, so profound was his knowledge of the world's spiritual and literary heritage; but it is de Purucker's lucid and direct response to human need that constitutes the book's appeal: always compassionate of human frailty yet ever challenging the nobility within each of us to shine forth. Understandably, when Wind of the Spirit first came out in 1944, within two years of the author's death, it was an instant favorite. In the present edition the eight formal lectures included in the first edition are omitted as the subject matter is amply treated elsewhere by the author. Outside of this, only minor editing of the text has been done so as to preserve the vitality of the spoken word; and, as an aid to the reader, an index and glossary of philosophical terms, prepared by Ingrid Van Mater, have been added. Wind of the Spirit concludes with the talk given by Dr. de Purucker a week before he died: "Aham Asmi Parabrahma" — I am Parabrahma, the Boundless. This was the alpha and omega of his teaching mission: to remind us again and again that at the core of every human being, indeed of every atom in the cosmos, is a living divinity. "Think if every man and woman on earth were thoroughly convinced of the utter reality of this cosmic truth! Never again would the hand of man be raised against man. Always it would be the extended hands of succor and brotherhood. For I am my brother — in our inmost we are one." GRACE F. KNOCHE June 21, 1984 Pasadena, California Contents Theosophical Society Homepage Wind of the Spirit — G. de Purucker Wind of the Spirit The Heritage of Man Is Man Himself Where Are the Sages and Seers? Shifting Our Center of Consciousness Altruism Carving Your Destiny Wind of the Spirit There is one thing I learned when I was a boy, and I learned it well, and it has been one of my best friends ever since. It is that I can learn from everything, and that if I allow a single day to pass without increasing my store of wisdom, without enlarging and enriching my inner life, by however small an increment, that day is a lost day in my life. Too many of us are asleep; we sleep and dream. We dream dreams, and all too often these dreams are evil dreams, for they are the upsurgings of the lower, personal, easily self-satisfied ego of ours. But others of us dream visions of incomparable beauty — and I mean not merely physical beauty, but beauty of any kind: spiritual beauty, intellectual beauty, ay, even beauty of wondrous nature around us. And every such new envisioning of a marvel awakens us by just so much. Oh, how we sleep, and are forgetful of what we are and of the richness around us which is ours for the taking, ours if we will take it! For there is naught that stands in the way of taking except oneself. There are none so blind as they who refuse to see; none so deaf as they who refuse to hear; and, on the other hand, none so wise as they who meet every new experience in life's wondrous adventure with the feeling: there is an angel behind this for me. I must discover him; learn what that angelic messenger is trying to tell me. Every experience is such. I think one of the grandest things that theosophy does for us is to unveil our eyes, unstop our ears, so that seeing, we see somewhat more, and hearing we hear somewhat more; until finally we begin to hear what the silence tells us — the voice of the silence, which is the greatest and the richest and the most wisdom- pregnant voice to us. Theosophy were but a farce, were but as tinsel if it did not awaken us out of ourselves and make us more than we were. That is its one purpose; and that is the whole purpose of our study of it: to become ever more enlightened, a little bigger, a little more receptive. Just here we see the difference between the beast and the man. The beast sees and knows not, recognizes not; the man sees and understands somewhat; and the master sees and hears, and the message enters in in its fullness; and the god, the producer of that which we see and hear — all the gods have to receive their light from still sublimer worlds, planes, spheres of universal life. So now facing what is taking place in the world today we must recognize it as no chance event, no haphazard or fortuitous occurrence, not the blind blows of fate, but the working out of the events which are coming. We must recognize that behind these events there is power, spiritual power, spiritual force. It will all work out to an already predestined and sublime ending.
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