1885. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 241 man than when the work is divided among three-and with no power By Mr. RIGGS: Petition for the improvement of Saint 1\.fary's River · to legislate, but with power alone to report how much shall be ex­ and Hog Lake Channel-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. pended, with the duty to take up all of the subjects relating to appro­ Also, resolutions of merchants of New Orleans in favor of the Eads priations found in the reports, and they will be better qualified, in my ship railway-to the Committee on Commerce. judgment, for that work than if they had any legislation of any kind, Also, petition of Maj. N. Vedder, for relief-to the Committee on and better than another committee which is charged with legislation. War Claims. I do not believe, M:r. Speaker, whathasbeensaid about the one-man By Mr. SPRINGER: l>etitionof John Moore, of illinois, for relief­ power of the Committee on Appropriations. Take its legislation away to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. and there is no ~wer except that of appropriation. The gentleman By :Mr. STRUBLE: Petition of James McCallen, for arrears of pen­ from NewYork LMr. Hrscocx] isreportedheretohavesaid that when sion-to the same committee. chairman of the Committee on Appropriations he had in his :fist two By Mr. ZACH TAYLOR: PetitionsofMrs. Jackey Armour; of Eras­ bills and was invested with power to prevent important legislation o tus T. Allen; of 0 . .M. Alsup, administrator of Thomas B. Crenshaw; the sort the country desired. of Bettie L. Abington, widow of James B. Abington; of M.A. Gober; of Mr. HISCOCK. I beg the gentleman's pardon, I did not say that. DixonS. Boswell; of William J. Bishop; of Julia C. Baily, adminis­ I said that I had forwarded legislation; that I had kept Congress in tratrix of Sylvester Baily; of John Bateman; of Richard L. Andrews, session until it passed certain bills. administrator ofM. H. Battle; of J. J. Baily; of Robert H. Cleeve; of Mr. BLOUNT. Well, the gentleman says he kept those bills in his D. W. Caldwell; of Lucy E. Dowd, executrix; of H. C. Dacus, ad­ hand or keptCongresshereuntilit bad passed them. Why, Mr. Speaker, ministrator of H. A. Dacus; of A. D. Neilson; of M. L. M. Edenton; is it quite certain that the House would not have passed those bills of R. D. Frayser, administrator of Fletcher Lane; of D. A. Ferguson; any way in spite of the gentleman? But suppose one man can do that, of Willis Ferrell; of Elizabeth J. Finney; of Louisiana E. Green; of R. and you give the power to nine appropriation committees in this D. Goodwin; of Mark M. Harwell; of W. H. Hughey, administrator House every one of them with the power to keep a bill in their pockets of Jacob Hughey; of Robert C. Hardwicke; ofHenryT. Jones, admin­ until you pass some other. istrator of J. C. Anderson; of Harriet Jones, administratrix of John L. The evil does not belong to the Committee on Appropriations alone; Jones; of James H. Johnson; of William Johnson; of R. D. Jordan, it may happen anywhere, and is vicious, no matter from whence it guardian of minor children of Claiborne Delsach; of William R. Kear­ comes. But I do not believe the gentleman from New York exercised ney; of Elijah Kennon; of Ezekiel T. Keel; ofWilliamA. Lowery; of so much power as he thought. I think it very likely his associates on James P. Lowery; of Patrick G. Meath; of Pearson C. Montgomery; the Committee on Appropriations and the general sentiment of the of John Morrison; of Thomas E. Moore; of E. P. McNeal; of B. M. House were on his side or he would not have dared it. Parham; of Robert J. Pirtle, administrator of James Toon; of Mary Mr. Speaker, I have sought to do my simple duty in regard to these K. Rogers; of Leger Restle; of Alexander P. Rose; of John T. Strat­ questions. I regret to :find myself not in hn.rmony with either one of ton, Edgar McDavitt, aud Samuel H. Dunscomb; of Mary Speed; of these reports. I may be in error in my views as I have stated them Mary A. Somerville, administratrix of Thomas T. Somerville; of Mrs. here, but I am responsible to my own conscience and to my constitu­ J. D. Scott; of Ellen Savage; of George W. Shearin; of George·P. Shel­ ents, and if! have done my duty in the.expression ofthese sentiments ton; of David H. Townshend, administrator of.Oswell P. Newby; of on the floor I shall content myself with that. [Applause.] 'l'homas L. Taylor, administrator of Andrew Taylor; of Margaret A. Mr. STORM. Mr. Speaker, before proceeding with the discussion Tally, J. :M. Tally, and H. A. Tally, heirs of Benjamin F. Tally; of of th.is question I shall first yield a portion of my time to my colleague Joseph I. Willia[\lson; of Thomas H. Webb, administrator of Emily from Philadelphia [Mr. KELLEY). Ewell; ofWilliam H. Wood, administrator of George ·wood; of Thomas Mr. KELLEY was recognized. H. Webb, asking compensation for property taken and used by the . Mr. HATCH. I ask the gentleman from Pennsylvania if he will United States Army during the late 1·ebellion-to the Committee on yield for a motion to adjourn? War Claims. Mr. KELLEY. Certainly I will. I shall esteem the motion most gracious at this hour of the day. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. SENATE. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted until Tuesday, THURSDAY, December 11, 188u. 22d instant, to Mr. BURLEIGH, on account of important business. And then, on motion of Mr. HATCH (at 4 o'clock and 15 minutes p. Prayer by Rev. BYROY S NDERL.A.ND, D. D., of the city of Wash- m. ), the House adjourned. ington. ' The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. PETITIONS, ETC. SENATOR FROM OREGON. The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, llfr. DOLPH presented the credentials of John H. Mitchell, chosen under the rule, and referred as follows: by the Legislature of Oregon a Senator from that State for the term By Mr. BINGHAM: Papers relating to the case of Richard C. Ridg­ beginning March 4, 1885; which were read. way and others-to the Committee on Ways and Means. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The credentials will be placed upon By Mr. BLAND: Petition ofT. A. Bray, for retaining tariff on wool­ the files of the Senate. The Senator-elect will please come forward and t.o the same committee. take the oath prescribed by" law. By Mr. C. R. BRECKINRIDGE: Petition of Jacob Berg, for pen­ Mr. MITCHELL advanced to the desk of the President pro tempo7e, es­ sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. corted by Mr. DOLPH, and, the oath prescribed by law having been ad­ By Mr. CUTCHEO:ll: Memorial of the board of supervisors and many ministered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. citizens of Antrim County, :Michigan, asking for the survey of a navig­ able connection between Torch Lake and Lake Michigan-to the Com­ PATENT OFFICE ROOMS. mittee on Rivers and Harbors. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the joint reso· By Mr. GROSVENOR: Petition of Isaac Carleton, for relief-to the lution (H. Res. 1) authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to use a Committee on Invalid Pensions. portion of the contingent fund to :fit up rooms for the Commissioner of By Mr. LIBBEY: Memorial of John T. Gray, praying the reference Patents. of his claim to the Court of Claims under act of March 3, 1883-to the The joint resolution was read the :first time by its title. Committee on War Claims. llfr. PLATT. I ask that the joint resolution may be read at length Also, papers relating to the claim of John '.r. Gray-to the same com­ so that it will go in the RECORD, and then, having received its second mittee. reading, that it may lie on the table, and I shall ask to have it ta.ken By Mr. MATSON: Petition of S. N. Shuck and 59 others, citizens up and passed to-morrow. I think there will be no objection to it on of Johnson County, Indiana, asking that the coinage of silver be not the part of the Senate. stopped-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. The PRESIDENT protempore. The joint resolution will be read the By Mr. McOOMAS: Petitions of Michael J. Brown; of Owen Ardin­ second time at length. geri and of Emanuel Bomberger, for relief-to the Committee on War The joint resolution was read the second time at length, as follows: ClaliD.S. Resolved by the Senate and House of R epresenl.alives of the United States in Ccrngress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to Also, petition ofMaryW. Craggs, George Clive, and Jos. B. Stollin­ use so much of the contingent fund, not exceeding $600, as was appropriated by ger, for equalizing pensions-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the act of March 3,1885, for the use of the Interior Department as may be neces­ By Mr. McKINLEY: Petition of Baker, McMillen& Co., of Akron, sary to put in proper repair'the rooms in the Interior Department building which have been assigned by the Secretary for the use of the Commissioner of Ohio, and other leading manufacturers, against the restraints of trade Patents.
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