UFO Part 14 of 16

UFO Part 14 of 16

___¢ ___-:__* ~ ~__'- ,-,- , » ~- .*~aA'-.¢':;+&7_4+* -,-:1-~ - , -I. -H1 .__ .. _ n»s§K¢- - -I . 92 "~. -..r '~-' " . - ~ - .. I * . _ .r~-__... - '-'' "~ .1 ."_ 3" '. , ' WI _-_..:_;;_.;.-------__»In ~_--__-;_r._....__,_,_ _ -'92"_ , _-a_ fr A__ " -_ ....' 1_x _; »'.---.-".- t ._q _ ~.,u.I. -~, i I-_*.'-*1,-'v=_¢__ ' ¢-if-1*;---*--.- ,1 - w 7 - ____» ;".eT_ " - _ ~ 1 92_--f-_ q ~ " _ FBI-J7.-'.'-5;--=~_~;h-X,____ ,.__ 11' "_';.9'92;>92;_ - 4p-..¢.-_-- ..¢' .- ', ' ' - 0 _ a _ Dam 5/2_0/eo -.r *- . »"-».a:-"vs:I '-.-U ~- 0 _ ' - _ *_; . ., 7 . ..r- _.___. _ Trcrumll the lollowinq in F _ ' -- '.'_*vui-..,.._- ,,,_.._r _- , ~'~".-_-;':1:§*:-_'*s 7- . _ A I _ ' W W W ypc is 1- mi} cede? _;_:_...». _-..,_ -I-_ -92~'_'__.___. __ I. T . y l __ _ _ pl _ ___ _ _,I u .-.-til. '.a*i_-,_..-.-,-,1 .-~_=-_-- J __.. _vu;. e _.7_,T ye :7.7 if fl ff p _ __. _._ __'_'q._ 1 -Ar ~ 4;-*--.*.=»- -."r--1 1 :-. __.__ ' y_ J ,? _ e __ D _ -_ PrieriIyerI¢u92elsfl'lih'a;!_ it -C F e;, _ . " """§"_""""'?"'f"""6g"'_. _.92.. '10Director I: YB! ' ' -F,-ivis-f .' 92 s*92 mos;. 'sac, Detroit es-2s11!e ' - - ' nummmrxsn FLYING osancr;' ' - L" ~r-2 __ n JOSEPH rxnnr, camesum, ._ " . t _ aucazc-an - com>1.1mwrr " - __.» - - _-<"; 1' _ . 1' y? __~..-» - P ~ e I -- . - - . _ . -- . , ~ I -.,_:;.q_ ;-i-*1!,__K-. - * , _ . _ ,__;-I.»-" ---- __. ,, .~ - _ - -= 1' - " K":-K» ~p '5 2 '-~ r..' __{_J_ 3 r- ...,,__-r. ' 7.--,__-__. .- Z I '._e u'I._' ' . 0.4. .».,:'_ -8- -' arr awrxns znmxcmns! _,-_.;; e H. 1__~.;:Q_.;.-;-:._r:.~,s.;;._pe_-,;i}f,};.',e_---- -0 __- - a 5;"»>n>/~:.$';A|!<-*5?Tl-ls" ' . I BeBu1et'to Ottice oi SpecialInvestigations, Force, air ¢-M 1 4/21/60. ,;4__'. '_ -- __ M; _ l92 .- 1'e . ;.-' _ , ___..H__. _ 1, .4 .__ 92.' _ _ _ -/Enclosed herewith are 5 copies oi a letterhead memo explaining telephonecall iron the "Detroit Times" atDetroit, lich-, " to the flint, lich.,- Residentagency on5/20/60, _- y_ It is not_ed that the Hint RA immediately advised Detroit upon I. 's receivt oi thiscall :1-ea** oi the '--*192 -_. a . E The asac n n inunediae y contacted ja. to determine the extent oi his inquiry of our RA and it Ias determined he had merely had a call iron Q» u referred to in letterhead aeno, andby inference, had -__ _ stated it was his understandingthat the FBI Agentsin Flint _ I 4 ad reviously "snatched" the 2 photos iron JOSEPHPERRY. l+"'=-. P tated he her that the FBI did not operate that ray '_ and inasmuchas he was doinga research on his morguefiles ;_-_>_-1'~f-= .1 _'he wanted to clarity this into:-nation. - " y ft _. .'II '.-.'. - . _ . _.- F _.w ¢_; ' , . If . " J '11Z -" ,9 -.F ' ~ -/L . Q'-7 --~s attention wasdirected toa previous contact by1._ .1-"..'*' I _ the DetroitOiiice Iiththe at the timethe Ii:.5 _ if-..-_._ _ = incident occurred and it was reitera this_hat e the FBI did not investigate this case and_doesnot investigate - .1-1; ' _ _ . _ . 1 1 . ;-_e-'~._!r ' .'7; . 0 . 1 iii-1° 1Lonl*§92Y"'/Z- - Bureau Bncls. - 8! _-L *1! _. _ .,. _ _ .- - - i 92 924lv-. --9" ".=.._.,.;;J-'e.T_I Detraltgggggy Q52 ''7... ' 53 5'., - lllusva- In am E HAY 21 I960 u 1 a a* _-- J g§&- . - -'0 ' ' '1-'5-5-?' -I - 1 a Is-|$ .11 - 92 we0-Q», I s '-.' av . I w - Ac...up .-K.,,r_-_ _;.,_;__ _v _-.--1 __ 3, I _.. ; £01;-e92:92__W, ff __ '13-~£'lr_-"":s_ 92|_ 67 '_ 7 -1 7- j-' _,' ' _ '?.;'i..*-':T"~' .2: 1:s_'I_'-, -' "F-.I '1 F-A ZI hi . "1§:'n!"._'T_T_' ..:v- _ ... " *4? "" ' £1}; £'"'5~""',' ' - . " " 6 ix ~_;e_r1.%__.r _- PLi! *5! I _. - - ",,=1?'~; *4-.'-.'-. 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