1963 , Basketball at . l MOREHEAD STATE COLLEGE Morehead, Kentucky GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION - Morehead, Ky., (Pop. 5,000) located on US 60 halfway between Lexington and Ash­ land where the "bluegrass meets the mountains." ENROLLMENT - 3,285. FOUNDED-1922. PRESIDENT - Dr. Adron Doran. DEGREES GRANTED - Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Master of Arts in Education. COLORS - Blue and Gold. NICKNAME - Eagles. CONFERENCES - Ohio Valley and NCAA. FIELDHOUSE CAPACITY - 5,000. PRESS RADIO & TV Morehead News, WMOR, Morehead Morehead. WHAS, WHAS-TV, Louis- Louisville Courier-Journal ville (AM) WAVE. WAVE-TV, Louis­ Louisville Times (PM) ville Huntington Herald­ Dispatch WSAZ, WSAZ-TV, Hunt­ ington, W. Va. Huntington Advertiser WHTN, WHTN-TV, Hunt­ Lexington Herald •(AM) ington, W. Va. Lexington Leader (PM) WBLG, WLAP, WLEX, Asihland Daily lnde- WVLK. Lexington pendent WCMI, Ashland Maysville Daily Inde­ pendent WFTM, Maysville Maysville Public Ledger WGOH, Grayson The Trail Blazer (college WMST, Mt. Sterling paper) WSIP, Paintsville A Message E.rom Dr. Adron Doran President MOREHEAD STATE COLLEGE We are pleased to have the CJW)Ortunity of com­ peting with other institutions of higher learning in the field of intercollegiate athletics and we extend a cordial welcome to all visiting members of the press, athletic teams, coaches and spectators. We have arranged what we be­ lieve to tbe a challenging schedule which will be of great interest to those who are ,conicerned with the athletic fortunes of Morehead State College. This year's team promises to be an exciting one as was last year's fine OVC co-championship squad. We hope that all of our many friends and supporters will be able to shru:-e with us a successful season. We wish to continue our pleasant relationship with representatives of the press, radio and tele­ vision and have prepared this brochure to give you pertinent information about our program and per­ sonnel. I would like to express our appreciation to you who have Tendered so many services to Morehead State College in the ,past years and to extend a per­ sonal invitation to you to visit with us on the campus. To .Newspaper, Radio And TV Personnel Morehead State College has had a bright his­ tory in basketball and this year's squad should fall right in line with the many exci:ting basketball teams which have represented the college. We sincerely feel that this year's young squad will be an interesting one to watch and that OUT youngsters will provide much interesting copy for you. This booklet has been prepared for your benefit and we would like to offer further services to you. We will supply pictures, scan-a-graver cuts. bio­ graphical sketches, tapes, films or any other infor­ mation which you might desire on the 1963-64 Eagles. Feel free to WTite me or my very capable stu­ dent assistant, Jim Payton, for pictures, further in­ formation or game passes. RAY HORNBACK Assistant to the President for Public Affairs. 2 Coach Bob Laughlin The 1963-64 Cage season initiates Bobby Lauigh­ lin's twenty-eighth year of a ssociation with More­ head State College. He began his ca'l'eer with Ea,gle teams in 1935, after performing as a college athlete at Xavier University, a s assistant basketball coach and head basketball coach at Breckinrrdge 'I"l'aining School In- 14 years as m en t o r •U' of tihe E&glets, he guided his prep cagers to the Tegional finals no less than 12 times. In 1946, he led them to the Kentucky high school state championship. In 1953, Laughlin assumed the position of head basketball coach and athletic director at Morehead State College. Unde.r his tutelage, Eagle quints have com piled a fine 143-98 record, with tJhree trips to the NCAA tournament in a 10- year span. In 1960-61, Laughlin was voted the Ohio Valley Conference "Coach ol the YeaT" after his squad won a three-way playoff to advance to the national tournament. T ermed a rebuilding year by many in pre-season forecasts, the person able mentor piloted the 1962-63 contingent to a share of the OVC crown, finishing with a 13-7 record. He is married and has one son, Jim Bob, who is on the freshman basketball team at Tulane. REX CHANEY Affable Rex Chaney holds both the AB and MA degrees from Morehead State College and has done doctoral work at Indiana' University, This is .his third yeaT as a ssistant coach at Morehead and the 29- year-old has proven a capable re­ cruiter and a stute student of the game. Following graduation from More­ head in 1957, Chaney coached at Fleming-Neon and J enkins Higlh Schools in Kentucky and Stewart in Miami, Ohio, during which time he posted a fine oveTall record of 59 wins and only 14 losses. He was named baseball coach at Morehead upon his retur n and was named Ohio Valley Conference "Coach of the Year" this year as his Eagles posted a 20-10 mark and captured the co-championship of the conlerence. Chaney played freshman basketball at More­ head and was the possessor of the discus r ecord at Morehead during his junior year. He is also widely known for his prowess at the billial'd table and is vice-president of the Noonday Billiard Club. He is married and has one daughteT. 3 STEVE HAMILTON Steve Hamilton, former Morehead State College baseball and basketball great, is serving as an as­ sistant to basketball coach Bob Laughlin. The star New York Yankee re­ lief hurler finished work on his MA -which he received in absentia at J u n e commencement exercises­ and has ,been named an instructor in the division of Healtih, Physical Education and Recreation. While attending Morehead State College, Hamilton received all­ American honors in basketball. He averaged 17.5 points per ,game his senior year, hit­ ting on 40% of his shots from the floor. His junior year, Hamilton averaged 24.5 points a game and received All-Conference !honors as well as in his sophomore and senior years. The college ,baseball care e T ot the Yankee pitcher was just as successful as his basketball career. Steve received OVC All-conference awards and pitched Morehead to the league ohampionship his senior year. After receiving his AB degree in 1958, Hamil­ ton played two professional seasons with the Min­ neapolis Lakers. Steve quit, he revealed with a straight face, ·because at 6-7, "I was too small for the National Basketball Association." His baseball career led from the Cleveland In­ dians to the Washington Senators to the New York Yankees where he pitched in the World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers-allowillg no hits in a brief one-inning stint. He is married and has two daughteTs. JOHN E. "SONNY" ALLEN John E. "Sonny" Allen, former Morehead State College basketball star, was named freshman coach this year replacing Lake Kelly who moved to Florida State University. Allen, who served as basketball coach at Breckinridge Training School for the past 11 years, is one of Morehead's all-time scoring greats. An All-KIAC choice while playing for the Eagles from 1947 to 1950, he led Breckinridge Train­ ing School to the state tournament on two occasions with Breckinridge winning the state championship in 1946. Allen coached Breckinridge Training School to the 16th regional champiorn~hip and a berth in the state tournament during the past season. The 35-year-old also coaches the cross-country and golf teams. He is married and has tour children. 1962-63 Season Summary A surprisingly talented team with determination and hustle, the ca,ge Eagles dominated Ohio Valley Conference play during the middle weeks of the 1962-63 hardwood campaign and then scrambled to a share of the loop title. Coach Laughl.in's charges breezed to victories in three opening encounters, disposing of Hanover College, Marshall University, and -conference oppo­ nent Middle Tennessee. After J.nclement weather forced cancellation of a scheduled game with Camp­ bellsville College, the Eagles faced their sternest test of the young season. St. Bonaventure invaded the Morehead fieldhouse on December 17, but the pre­ season billing of the visitors as "the best in the East" failed to impress the scrappy, hot-shooting Eagles as they doomed the New Yorkers, 81-80. The long, mid-term lay-off and old up-setters Ohio University handed Morehead its first defeat, 76-67. Then, before embarking on the OVC title . chase, the Eagle crew continued its mastery of Mar­ shall University, ringing up an 80-66 conquest. The week end of January 12 saw a stiff Tennessee Tech zone muffle Morehead gunnery at Cookeville. The next four games were to be the highli,ght of the Eagle season as Western, Murray, Eastern, and Jacksonville University were steamrollered in suc-cessive encounters. The flattening of 1:lhe three in-state rivals by bi,g margins skyrocketed Morehead into first place in the battle for the league crown. In early February, the conference race appeared to be over as the Ea,gles laced E'ast Tennessee in Morehead. and swept the Western series by down­ ing the Toppers in Bowling Green, 81-71. A 68-64 loss to Tennessee Teoh jolted Eagle rooters, but victories over Murray, 90-88, and an im­ proved Middle Tennessee quint boasted hopes for another Morehead trip to the NCAA. A season-ending road t r i p saw unsuccessful Eagle forays into three enemy camps. On February 20, the Ohio University Bobcats registered their customary conquest of a listless Morehead, 81-54.
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