The Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published W eekl11 Glenville, West Virginia, Tuesday, April 1, 1947 Single Copy 5 Ceata Aprill Evokes "The First of April Some Do Say' Is Set Apart for All Fools' Day" Paul H. Kidd Stop! Don't fall for t.hat.l Watch your steP! u.·s AprU Fools day! Library Receives Speaks Here Today Is Aprll 1. Today one dares not beUevc nnyone or accept. any· Several New Books thing les1. be should becOme: an Students rnay Und the toUo~tng On ~New Law' "~:':~~ can be boLh amusing and new books In Robert F . Kldd U­ 19 Educational Bills nnnoy.Ing. For ex:unple., It's been b~:J~rmo SUr~eon Returns," G . s . Are Passed by Recent said t.1:nt :he Aquarium and the Seag:r~ves: "T.hc Roosevelt. 1 K new.;: Action or Legislature 7JOOtogica1 Ga-den Ul New York Frnn~es Per't-bts: ''Autobiograph y, city have t.herr telephones discon- Wlllln.m All~n Wh!t.e: ''Thank You, By Kat b.lcr.n Saunders nected ou AprU 1 to solve Lhe prob· Mr. PresldenL ... A. M. SmJth; "As "Men or ch.lracter and intellect•· tcm of answ..:rlng t.he queries for Be S n\\ I t ... Elllou Roosevel.t: "1 who met In the recent ses.slon of the Mr Fish or Mr. Camel. OD the otber Choose f'l'e~dom. .. Victor K.Tavch­ state legis.la ~ ure gave some Indica ­ Marpr-eL Daum. rt.ytng sololst and slde, o;..ho doesn't enjoy rooUng some enko· "The W Estward Crossings ... Lion o! deserving those words of st.ar In the radio program "Thr Am­ one? Jean~ette Mirsky; ''Tbe cossacks,'' praise Judging 1:-y the recent action. <:rlc:tn AlhU!r! of Familiar r\luslc" T,.accs Orlgln of CuRom M-aurice Hln•Jus; "Fund l ruent.ats ot ·was averre<i Ul assembly last Thurs· "ho wiU Kfve a reeelt.11.l ln the a udi­ \Vbcn an\1 where did such o Cool~ Dress... Marietta Kettunen: and day in a llalk on "New Laws •· by De· torium bere April tt. a.t 8: 15 p. m . ish custom hegln? This can best be ··n ecoratlns ror You... Florence legate Paul Kldd. local member of answered by quoting from "Poor Terhune. the bar and delegnte to the 1egt.s- I'UIJ. 1ature. It voas mmtioned once be· !:;!::~ir~~~~:~~ . some do say. ------ Of 184 bills plS.sed from the 650 tb.ls ~Alwnn t.hal anyon.e Is set ap.lrL for All Fools' do.y; Miss Daum Is I submitted, 19 dealt with education. &u Mite such n lener could But. why the people call tt. so Gruelling Tests Of most wterest was t.he m uch-pub­ &a.me printed U be Wl.sht!d. Nor r nor t.hey themscl ves, do­ Uclzcd House Bill No. 71. known as go!!S for anr other snon know:· Plague Students Air Traveler Apparently It was not until the the Salary Bl!l, "h.ich goes into ef­ work: cr art. You ~ rlte iL Semi Semestrf.ally f c. July 1. Kldd declared. the editors lll1nk It good beginning of lhe 18th century tbat Soloist To Appear Here the mak.lng of Ap. il fools was a This bill st:lles Ul..aL the salaries &o J)n.ot. tt goes to LhP pnnt- B Esther llarri.~on In 22 common pn.u.Uce. Howr \·er. April 1, or t.eacners 1n Wt>st. Vlrg.inb shall Redtal on April ·rC5t3. like rhe poor are alwnys nppeai'S t.o h.-. ve been anele.ntly ob­ then be ra.lsed as fo1lo""5 : When Mn.rg:uet Dawn, lyric wllh u!, but. seml·semestrial, they so­ aervcd in Oreal Brft.atn as a cenc.rnl l.hAt there prck.a.bly are prano, a ppocsrs ut Oleuvtlle St-u.t.e assume epl:l.c.mJ.: proportions. En­ Short oour.;e c~rtllicate, !rom the testi\'o.l oompla.lnts abOut college. Tu~.sd.iy , AprU 23, a t 8. 15 aenliC ln nn:~re. they can be as a presenL $120 to $150 a month. In t.ud\a nt the feast ot Hull, end~ ua we would Uke. to lu.ve. p. rn.. she brtngs t.o Glenville a re­ plague tha;. d e..o;ca::. nds and devours Standard Nor.nal, !rom $135 to ing on Mln:!l 31. the chle! a mu!te­ out to us. bu\. wnnc cord of tlle ,n05\. 111r miles tro.\•cJI?d nll In Lhelr P::t Lh $165. menL Is t.1le befooling or people by em (IUL aLso ga-e J solll- b y anr Am cr~o n woman, Wlln the To meu.:>ure achte\·ement Is t:he RDd.ing th!!m on fruitless o.nd tool­ Three-y~r coUPg1ate, $140 to remedytng Lbe the s1tua- exception or ~irs. Eleanor Roose- gotU or te.5rlng, p_a:ordtng to some $170. ish errand~ . lsn t thH tnlr enough? velt. educ~ tors . Dr. Johnson says the sole Any vlcllm of the duy's custom College degr~e . SlSO to $200. .hear lly Lhe grapevine thr..: Wb1le ~so oaum molte& uo c.1 im pu~*" o! all testlng is LO measure may note :.h~~ he's a poisson d"avrll M . A. degru , $170 Lo $230 shan on m.J.les ot LnstrucUon. H it l5 a check 'o.n t.be. wW be 10 l:!.me n.s sopnno. the result In Fra.n:r, a.n Anrll-ga'.\k i.n Scot ~ three-a.cL plny ·Jn.nuan ttlr nules UO'A'll . nonetheless thls profe.,.-...or. w~y lntlfCL 1t on innocent Grants SlO lncrea~ land l.nd JU:tt t1 pl!lln April fOOl ln b}'SLandeTs, oomeiy, tnhabJtrurts of that. u to be presented later air-minded soloist flnds tra\·e.lln.g the On.llcd St.)tes and England Thls shows an lncre~e ol $30 a .spring. Sn:e OC"t'eT sald so \lul •·Just. part ol .1er Job. " , this !.o.tr inetUutton of learning? montb on balo.rtes ot U'aehers v;:no ot you v;ouJd ll.U 1.0 tn• out Miss Daurn Jlnd.s IL necessary to Oornj>artson of results of tne pro· do not have n degree, $50 a month &he \\Ouldn't mtnd too much t.ruel by pl.\.ne from be.r Su.oday gTa rn v. lth tne menu.l agony accom­ ror t hose w!to hold an A. B.. and the r:a.st.. ls supposed to bto night brosdClsL 01 "T oe Ame.rtean ptlnled hy Io~ of ~Ieep and appetite, SGO a month !~r holders o! nn A. M. fl't41 tht two tbeatdcal Album of Po~.mlliar Mu.sJC •• 10 N ew 3-Act Drama swcly ca.o.n?t 1=bow t.ha.t. a gr de on or PhD dl'gree. '4£'here is !ln .!ddl­ it .York. in .,rd~r to reach Detroit ror work achfcved 1s worth all. .. tlonal increo.sc. o~ 100 per t"nt. 1n ppearance v., lh Lbe .. Stroh Broad- the amount paid tor ex'"J)e:J·!ence. cut .. o·n TUesday lllghts. Is Announced Civil Service Test This lnr1eu'! ls !rom three dollars R6J"ed In Musical SWToundlnp to six dollil;s a month on salaries ugb.te.r o!" a o! a D J vloUnist a.nd Tryouts for 14 Member Will Be Given Soon o1 Jll teae:1ers, who ba,1e a short mothe:r whose lovel,y lullabies ar Cast Starts This Week ... A Clvtl s~rv1('e e:c.amlnatlon Cor couru c~:rti ncat.c or bett!r, L.P to one of the clearest or her chlldhood !even T he same ln· t..;1e position r.r Field assistant illld ye-ars' sen •ice. memories, ::.he grew up In a..n at.­ " J anu.ury 'r h11w," n Lhre-e-acl Clulrm, aMist.l:lt. \\iUt the SOCial se­ cuuse Is good ror ~1.ose "'ho hav~ mosphe:re musJc. M.1s.s Dnwn play, will b~ pre~nLcd by or GlenVllle eurtt;.• tu;imlnl..il.nltlon has just been a s ta nda:d normal or better up to made her Ur ·~ pubUc appearl nce at State college stUdecnt.s Lhts spring announced by a field board ot t.he 8 years' ...;e:rvL:e, ror holders of the agl' at :Juee when she 6tmg a T hls pb)' ran .on B roadway !or ap­ Unn.<.'<l Sh";eB ch•U service exam- ''Th.ree-yea1·" certitlc3tes to 10 ~lo in church, and sloce that muslc proximat:ely four yen:rs. tners years, for c:>llege degrees to 13 years, h.n.s b!e-n part or her life. It \to'U presented at the Golden Tlt.l$ exnmtnawon Ls being held tor and for M ~"- deg·rees or above to 16 Tbe!ltre tn 19-16 by EZra Stone Rob­ After a t ndlng Wlttenbe:rg col~ appo.lntmcn:.S under Lhe Ch tll Ser­ years service. ert Keit.h :..lUI Lula Mae Hubbard. lege, or" Sprl:tgfteld, O.O.lo, she went vlce rcgut ~~ lo!lS ;.a pc~ttions n Ifeld Brondvny !lcton . plt.yed th e- leads. State Bo:u-d Rc-Orz-anb.ed to t.he I Lh.acJ. college o! Fine Arts oftlces of Lhe Bureau of Old-Age.: This play ts by Wilham RoDs.
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