Clark University Clark Digital Commons Archives and Special Collections Finding Aids Special Collections The onJ as G. Clark Rare Book Collection Louis N. Wilson Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.clarku.edu/goddard_library_finding_aids Recommended Citation Wilson, Louis N., "The onJ as G. Clark Rare Book Collection" (2015). Archives and Special Collections Finding Aids. 12. https://commons.clarku.edu/goddard_library_finding_aids/12 This Finding Aid is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Clark Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Archives and Special Collections Finding Aids by an authorized administrator of Clark Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. 1 Jonas Clark Book Collection MANUSCRIPT BOOKS…………………………………………………………………2 EARLY PRINTED BOOKS - INCUNABULA……………………………...…………..3 XVI CENTURY…………………………………………………….. ………………….12 XVII CENTURY…………………………………………………………………...…...18 XVIII CENTURY…………………………………………………………...………….29 XIX CENTURY…………………………………………………..…………………….35 MODERN BOOKS………………………………………………………..……………35 ADDITIONAL JONAS CLARK BOOKS……………………………………………..95 NOTABLE BOOKS NOT FROM JONAS CLARK …………………………………..96 2 MANUSCRIPT BOOKS. (NJC) A-1-1-1 Holy Bible On vellum Manuscript book said to be from ca. 1275 Printed on vellum in Northern France or southern England 1. A-1-1-2 Illuminated Syriac Breviary, with Arabic notes or commentary in margin. An original and early oriental manuscript, written in black and red, with specimens of Eastern Illumination, in colors (yellow, red and black), scattered throughout the volume. 570 pages thick vellum 8 1/16 x 6 ¼ in. 4to. Bound in original binding. 2. A-1-1-3 Manuscript of the XIII Century on 129 leaves, vellum, with illuminated capitals written in 2 columns. I. Incipiunt excerpta naturalia, etc. A book on the different reigns of nature. 55 leaves. II. Sermon on St. Denys. 6 leaves. (leaf 6 blank). III. Opus quadragesimum, etc. A work compiled by Brother Jacob of Parma of the Preacher's Order. 68 leaves. The three parts are written by three different hands, the third a little more modern than the first and second. 3. A-1-1-4 Cursus de beata virgine ad matutinum… Illuminated Manuscript of the XV Century, on 352 leaves of delicate vellum, with 42 large initials, ornamented in colors, and 138 small letters in red or blue; besides an exquisitely painted full-page miniature, Flagellation. 16mo. Bound in calf. 4. Filing Cabinet Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, cum Calendariis… Manuscript on vellum, with 9 large initials, painted in colors, heightened with gold, and 1161 small letters in gold; 9 pages surrounded with borders of flowers. 12mo. black cloth with brass corners. Interesting as an example of the workmanship of the period. Written on 256 leaves by monks about 1420-1435. 5. A-1-2-1 S. Gregorius. Incipit prefacio bn. gregorij pape i exposicionem ezechielis prophete, etc…. f. 147a. Explicuit omelie sa. Gregorij pape in extrema pte. ezechielis prophetae numero decem feliciter. f. 147b and f. 148 blank. f. 149a. Incipit pfacio. beati gregorij pape. Finis. f189bm. Explicit beati gregorij pape urbis rome anno dm. mcccclxi (1461) folio in oak boards, covered with leather, in the original binding. Commentary upon the prophet Ezekiel. Latin Manuscript written in double columns on thick paper with large rubricated capitals. Neatly written in early Gothic characters. 6. A-1-2-2 Commentary upon Job; usually known by the name of "S. Gregory's Morals on Job." Latin Manuscript of the XV Century written on thick paper. Bound together with the “Consolation of Theology, by John Gerson" 2 vols. in 1 folio. Original calf binding. Both Manuscripts 130 ff. + 36 ff. written in 2 columns: rubricated and illuminated. 3 7. A-1-1-5 Evangelium secundum Johannem. Manuscript of the XVI Century written on vellum, contains a large number of initials painted in different colors. Old calf (size 3 7/8 x 3). A good specimen of early calligraphy, written on 165 leaves. 8. A-1-2-3 Recueil de Chirurgie tire des plusieurs excellents autheurs qui en ont escrit traitant des tumeurs, fractures, luxations, bandages, plaies, ulceres, des choses naturelles, non naturelles, et contre nature. En faveur des etudiants en cette art. Escrit par Meurisse. 330 leaves 4to. calf (about 1600). Beautiful specimen of early penmanship, with engraved plates inserted of eminent medical worthies, and anatomical plates. 9. A-1-2-4 Jami,.Yusuf va Zuleikha. The celebrated poetical Romance of Joseph and Zuleikha. 8vo. Manuscript in Persian, elegantly written in the Talik character, the text surrounded by gold lines, headings done in white letters on gold grounds, bound in morocco extra, native style, with overlap. [XVII Century.] 10. A-1-1-6 Dalail-u 'L-Khairat. Arabico-Indian Manuscript. The Guide to Good Works: an ancient and famous Prayer Book much used in Africa. 12mo. in native morocco binding, enclosed in a green silk bag worked with gold thread, a fine specimen of Indian work. Beautifully written within gold and colored lines, with illuminated ‘Anwan and illuminated headings to each part. 11. A-1-1-7 Heurs et Priers. [Catholic Prayer Book] French Manuscript on heavy paper, ruled throughout with red and black lines, rubricated capitals; small 4to. full red calf, extra, with silver clasps, gilt edges, and back richly gilt. A fine specimen of calligraphy, and of contemporary binding, contains 235 pages but only 194 pages filled out, the rest ruled throughout; 5 neatly executed vignettes. EARLY PRINTED BOOKS - INCUNABULA. 12. A-1-1-8 Henricus [Hembuche] de Hassia. [De Langenstein prope Mar- burg] canon Wormat., Prof. Viennens. Austr. Exposico, etc., 1. 1a Exposico venerabi1.’ Mgri He~rici de Hassia / super / orationem dnicam / . 1. 13a Incipit Exposicio eiusdam sup. Ave Maria. 1. 19a Incipit speculu. anime . 1. 32c Explicit hic Anime specu1u quo te videt in se / Qui facis ut p. te sistat Reg. (ui) escat i. te Amen. / Without signature, catchwords, printer’s place, printer or date [Cologne, p. Ulrick Fell de Hanan 1470] 4to. full mor, richly gilt. Hain 8389. Hennen 16 (has only 31 leaves) Proctor 842. Voullieme 783. Panzer 1. p. 329, Denis Suppl. p. 548, v. Seemiller 1 p. 548. Beautiful copy with 27 lines to a page, initials in red and blue rubricated throughout. [by Jacobus de Reymbach.] 4 13. A-1-2-5 Justinus. In Trogi Pompei historias libri XLIII. 1. 1. [C] um multi ex Romani's. 1. 140a . barbarum ac ferum . Finis Historias ueteres peregrinaqy gesta reuoluo / Justinus . lege me: sum trogus ipse breuis / Me gallus ueneta Jenson Nicolaus in urbe / Formauit: Mauro principe Christophoro . MCCCCLXX. Small folio. Brunet III, p. 619. Editio Princeps. 140 leaves unnumbered, 30 lines to a page. This copy belonged to the Duc de Noailles. Dibdin says: “The collector of the early pieces of the celebrated printer of this edition need not lament the want of any other specimen of his press, if he be fortunate enough to possess the present rare and very beautiful production of it. This copy was presented to Mr. Clark, for the University Library, by Mr. Samuel H. Putnam, of Worcester, Mass. 14. A-1-2-6 Aristoteles. Problemata, Latine ex interpretatione Theo. Gazes. Without place or date (ca 1471) 1/2 calf. Rain 1720. A specimen of early printing (302 pages), broad margins, without pagination, catchwords or signatures. On margins of first three pages is an English translation of the preface. 15. A-1-1-9 Datus Augustinus. 1. 1 Augustini. Dati. Scribae. Se/ nensis. Ele- gantio1ae foeli / citer. Incipiunt. 30 leaves, 1. 30b Et sic est finis. Deo gratias. Small 4to. calf. Without signature or catchwords, printer’s place, printer or date. [Bologna or Mantua, 1472.] Hain 5976, Brunet p. 526, 30 leaves of 25 lines. Specimen of early printing in Roman characters which appear to be those used by Azzoguidus, the first printer of Bologna who commenced there in 1471. Attributed by Brunet to Bologne. 16. A-1-3-1 Durandus Guil. (episc. Mimatens.)-1.1. Incipit Racionale divinorum officiorum [Basileae, Bernh. Richel and Michael Wenssler, 1474-75]. folio. Hain-Copinger 6463. Heckethorn p. 18, No. 5. Like most of the books printed about 1470 it was issued without title page, catchword, printer’s name or date. Pri.nted on 206 leaves, double columns, 60 lines to a page. The first letter of the text being illuminated in gold and colors and initial letters in colors, capitals, in red. Burger, p.l08 says, The book is printed with the types of Sachsenspiegel, 1474. Bernh. Richel, it is stated, carried on his printing business in 1475 at Basle; Michael Wenssler, who was printing at Basle; 1474-1476, left that place, and in 1493 introduced the typography at Clugny, which was famous for its Benedictine Abbey, and where he printed the “Missale Cluniacensis" in folio. 17. A-1-2-7 S. Augustinus. Aurelij Augustini epi. de ciuitate dei liber primus [libri XXII.] feliciter incipit./[at the end] Confectus. Uene/tijs ab egregio e di1igeti magistro Nico1ao ienson: Petro mozenicho principe: Anno a na- tiuitate domini mile / simo quadringentesimo septuagesimo / quinto sexto nonas octobres. (1475.) Small folio, leather. Hain 2051. Proctor 4096. Pellechet 1550. Gardini, III. From the celebrated Venetian press of Nicolas Jenson. Printed in Gothic letter, double columns, 304 leaves of 46 lines, with ample margins, and in excellent condition. It is the first book printed in Gothic letter. 5 18. A-1-2-8 S. Bernhardus. 1. la Incipit Speculu. bti. bernhardi ab /batis. de honestate vite . 1. 4a Incipiunt octo / pucta. mediate, quibz. puitur. ad pfe. / ctionem. vite spiritualibus . 1- 8b Amen. small 410. Calf. Both Hain 2901 and Pellechet 2145 attribute this book to Fust and Schreffer; Proctor 885 attributes it to Zell at Cologne. [See Burger, pl. 74.] An impression of the utmost rarity, and in excellent condition, having 26 lines to a page, rubricated throughout.
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