原創客房 Original Bedroom 坪數 AREA (M 2) 8坪 27M 2 房型價格 RACK RATE NT$12,800 兩小床:100cm x 200cm Twin Bed:100cm x 200cm 一大床:200cm x 200cm King Bed:200cm x 200cm 以上價格需另加10%服務費與5%稅金 All above rate are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. King Bed 用家的元素作為原創理念所打造出的簡約空間,明亮的視覺與間接投射光線交會,細細享受臺北的魅力或是喧鬧市區中的片刻寂靜,感受無 比的放鬆與自在。 客房設施: CHIMEI 37吋電視、YAMAHA iPod/iPhone Station、保險箱、Mini Bar、小茶栽堂臺灣精品茶、鶯歌新太源藝術工坊茶杯、MRKT環保設計 傢 Twin Bed 產品、BRUT CAKE創意商品、有情門臺灣設計 俱、免費有線/無線上網、TOTO衛浴設備、O’Right歐萊德環保沐浴組。 Room Amenities: Chimei 37 inch TV, YAMAHA iPod/iPhone station, Electronic Safety Box, Free High Speed Wired and Wireless Internet, Zenique Tea, BRUT CAKE Creative Handicraft, STY Art Tea Cups, MRKT Design Living Goods, STRAUSS Furniture, TOTO Rain Shower, O’right Bath Amenities. 純淨原創客房 Pure Original Bedroom 坪數 AREA (M 2) 8坪 27M 2 房型價格 RACK RATE NT$13,800 兩小床:100cm x 200cm Twin Bed:100cm x 200cm 一大床:200cm x 200cm King Bed:200cm x 200cm 以上價格需另加10%服務費與5%稅金 All above rate are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. King Bed 純淨客房是用最先進的清潔過程,清潔客房內所有表面以及提供最乾淨的室內空氣。提供給容易對室內空氣敏感的顧客一個舒 適的住宿體驗。本清潔過程經知名氣喘及過敏醫生認同,對特別重視空氣品質以及預防過敏或傳染病的您 ,純淨客房能給您 帶來 身心上不一樣的平靜,是您 的最佳選擇。 PURE Rooms are treated with a cutting-edge process which cleans the indoor air and all surfaces, providing the ultimate comfort level to those sensitive to airborne particulates. Leading asthma and allergy doctors recognize this process as an effective solution for those who require excellent indoor air quality, as a respite from potential allergies or illness-causing pathogens, especially away from home. PURE Rooms give you Peace of Mind. 客房設施: CHIMEI 37吋電視、YAMAHA iPod/iPhone Station、保險箱、Mini Bar、小茶栽堂臺灣精品茶、鶯歌新太源藝術工坊茶杯、MRKT環保設計 Twin Bed 產品、BRUT CAKE創意商品、有情門臺灣設計傢俱、免費有線/無線上網、TOTO衛浴設備、免治馬桶、O’Right歐萊德環保沐浴組。 Room Amenities: Chimei 37 inch TV, YAMAHA iPod/iPhone station, Electronic Safety Box, Free High Speed Wired and Wireless Internet, Zenique Tea, BRUT CAKE Creative Handicraft, STY Art Tea Cups, MRKT Design Living Goods, STRAUSS Furniture, TOTO Rain Shower, Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat, O’right Bath Amenities, Air Purifiers. 驚豔套房 Marvelous Bedroom 坪數 AREA (M 2) 16坪 53M 2 房型價格 RACK RATE NT$17,800 兩小床:100cm x 200cm Twin Bed:100cm x 200cm 一大床:200cm x 200cm King Bed:200cm x 200cm 以上價格需另加10%服務費與5%稅金 All above rate are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. King Bed 敞開明亮的寬廣視角,臺北的魅力或城市都會的風貌盡入眼簾,房內時尚的空間融入舒適溫馨的氛圍,穿透的設計為心靈提供最完美的解放。 客房設施: CHIMEI 42吋電視、CHIMEI 37吋電視、YAMAHA iPod/iPhone Station、保險箱、Mini Bar、小茶栽堂臺灣精品茶、鶯歌新太源藝術工坊 Twin Bed 茶杯、BRUT CAKE創意商品、MRKT環保設計產品、有情門臺灣設計傢俱、獨立式浴缸、TOTO衛浴設備、免治馬桶、免費有線/無線上網、 O’Right歐萊德環保沐浴組 Room Amenities: CHIMEI 42 inch TV, CHIMEI 37 inch TV, YAMAHA iPod/iPhone station, Electronic Safety Box, Free High Speed Wired and Wireless internet, Zenique Tea, BRUT CAKE Creative Handicraft, STY Art Tea Cups, MRKT Design Living Goods, STRAUSS Furniture, Freestanding Bathtub, TOTO Rain Shower, Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat, O’right Bath Amenities. 逸寬套房 Extraordinary Bedroom 坪數 AREA (M 2) 18坪 60M 2 房型價格 RACK RATE NT$18,800 兩小床:100cm x 200cm Twin Bed:100cm x 200cm 一大床:200cm x 200cm King Bed:200cm x 200cm 以上價格需另加10%服務費與5%稅金 All above rate are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tax. Twin Bed King Bed 在繁忙的都會中發現另一個角度,用雙眼深深感受並完整擁有臺北璀璨夜景,找到屬於自己的時尚靈魂,靜靜體會一種令人沉醉的美麗。 客房設施: CHIMEI 55吋電視、CHIMEI 50吋電視、YAMAHA iPod/iPhone Station、保險箱、Mini Bar、小茶栽堂臺灣精品茶、鶯歌新太源藝術工坊茶 杯、BRUT CAKE創意商品、MRKT環保設計產品、有情門臺灣設計傢俱、獨立式浴缸、TOTO衛浴設備、免費有線/無線上網、O’Right歐萊德環 保沐浴組 Room Amenities: CHIMEI 55 inch TV, CHIMEI 50 inch TV, YAMAHA iPod/iPhone station, Electronic Safety Box, Free High Speed Wired and Wireless Internet, Zenique Tea, BRUT CAKE Creative Handicraft, STY Art Tea Cups, MRKT Design Living Goods, STRAUSS Furniture, Bathtub, TOTO Rain Shower, Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat, O’right Bath Amenities. 早餐吧 One Of The Purest Pleasures Of The Hotel Experience. 由主廚挑選新鮮的當季食材,融合多年的料理經驗,創造多樣化的無國界自助早餐,旅客在木質調性的溫暖爵士氛 Breakfast 圍中,自由搭配喜愛的餐點選項,享受一份舒適寧靜的美好早晨。 Our gratifying buffet breakfast is inspired by our Chef's years of culinary experiences. We select seasonal ingredi- ents and turn them into fresh dishes with our heart. Our home guests will be able to enjoy an energetic morning with their favorite dishes in a jazz-like atmosphere. A great authentic hotel experience starts with a serene morning ambience. TV 位於飯店3樓,可容納10-12人的寬 敞空間,有專業的服務人員為您 安排所有需求,會議室配有投影機和電動布幕,55吋的電 會議室 視與高速網路,HDMI及無線傳輸多媒體設備,免費提供咖啡 、茶及礦泉水。HOME HOTEL提供住客每天2小時免費使用,歡 迎與我們服務人員聯絡預約會議室時間。 Study Room Located on the 3rd floor, the Study Room is a spacious and comfortable meeting room for 10 to 12 people. The Study Room is equipped with projector with electric screen, CHIMEI 55 inch monitor, free high speed wired and wireless internet, wireless HDMI multimedia connector and free coffee, tea and water. The Study Room is free of charge for guests at HOME HOTEL, 2 hours of free usage per room per day, first come first serve basis. Please contact the Front Desk for further information and reservation. QAFE Room 時尚藝術 x 台灣味 Fashion&Art x Taiwan Flavors 將熟悉的在地口味融入西方概念, 把懷念的口味引領到繁華的信義區 在這裡… …每一個概念詮釋 用設計的角度出發 …每一口滋味感受 都充滿藝術的想像 …誕生的力量,是一個執著的夢想 …帶給人們的,是一種時尚的態度 在退去喧擾擺設的咖啡 房 暫時放慢工作的腳 步 把這份空間發酵出的幸福 留給朋友們一起分享 人生每一秒鐘的精采片段 Infusing local flavors with modern concepts, QAFE Room brings the taste of nostalgia into the heart of Taipei. Here we interpret... ...every concept with design... ...every flavor with imagination... ...every dream with determination. QAFE Room... ...is where you slow down and breathe... ...is where you share, create, and reflect! 威士忌酒館 MARSALIS HOME x Whisky Gallery BALCONY VIP ROOM BAR CASHIER 位於飯店3樓,是以自然厚實與溫暖戀家的感覺為基調,混合時尚與品味的威士忌酒館,搭配著Grand piano與Sonor鼓組,用 STAGE AREA 懷舊的客廳、樂師與Bartender專業組合建構出來的舒適空間,數十款用爵士名曲或經典樂手綽號命名的特調Cocktail,創造 出一種品酩著好酒的悠閒態度。這裡可以一個人來,兩個人來,甚至是一群人來,更可以整場包下來舉辦活動及Party。Marsa- RECEPTION lis Home x Whisky Gallery將會有定期的Live Jazz表演,集合來自國內外最頂尖的專業Jazz樂手,在熱鬧喧嘩的台北市信 義區,Marsalis Home x Whisky Gallery將打造Jazz Fan心中的夢想樂園。 Located on the 3rd floor, Marsalis Home x Whisky Gallery is a jazz bar designed with retro style and home comfort. The grand piano and sonor drum set decorates the space, and cocktails inspired by legendary musicians will impress your palates. With live performances, comfortable environment, and great drinks, Marsalis Home is your refuge from the hectic XinYi District! 位於NEO 19 4F的健身工廠,700坪大的健身空間,共分為3個區域:複合式心肺訓練區(50台美國進口品牌Life 健身工廠 Fitness系列心肺訓練器材)、重量訓練專區(有不同角度及訓練模式的訓練機台、世界最頂級品牌IRON GRIP的啞 鈴、鐵片及槓鈴)、多功能有氧 教室,另有男女更衣室及烤 箱、蒸氣室、淋浴間等設備。 Fitness Factory Fitness Factory is located on the 4th floor of Neo19. With its 2,300 square meter space, no matter if you're looking for cardio workout, weight training or aerobic classes, Fitness Factory has it all! 交通資訊 Traffic Information 臺北市信義區唯一MIT設計旅館 座落於臺北市信義區的HOME HOTEL,擁有絕佳地理位置與便利的 交通網路, 步行約5分鐘即可抵達捷運象山站,步行約10分鐘即可抵 達捷運市政府站,距離桃園國際機場僅需45分鐘的車程。周圍緊鄰 Taipei 101、各大百貨商圈、大型連鎖影城、信義誠品,以及世貿展 場和著名夜店,探索臺北, 就從這裡出發。 The only MIT design hotel in Taipei's Xinyi district Located at the heart of Taipei, Xin-Yi District, Home Hotel is smacked right into the trendiest area in Taipei! Home Hotel is right next to Taipei 101, Mitsukoshi Shopping Complexes, Vieshow 微風南山 臺北南山廣場 南山廣場藝文中心 Cinemas, Eslite bookstore, Taipei World Trade Center and not to Taipei Nan Shan Plaza mention the hottest night clubs and lounges in Taipei! Only 5 Nan Shan Plaza Cultural Center minutes walk to XiangShan MRT Station, 10 minutes walk to Taipei City Hall MRT Station and 45 minutes drive to Taoyuan International Airport, your journey to explore Taipei starts from Home Hotel!.
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