THE BALLINCOLLIG PARISHIONER Sunday 10-November-2019 Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Chrisan hope overcomes the fear of death. God is faithful: not only does he strengthen us against evil St. Mary & St. John in this life, but will give eternal life to all who try to Christ Our Light Sta%on Road imitate his faithfulness. Innishmore Bishop Fintan Gavin PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Priest ,ishop Fintan Gavin was appointed ,ishop of Cork and Ross on . April Let us now open our hearts in prayer to the Lord; 2012 by Pope Francis. 3is episcopal ordina%on took place in the may we sincerely seek God’s strength for the living Cathedral of St Mary and St Anne on 30th 5une out of our faith. 2012. Reader Fintan Gavin was born in Dublin on 1 5anuary 1277 May God bless the Church’s ministry to the most and educated at Scoil Mhuire C,S ,oys 8a%onal vulnerable; may she offer them the Gospel, in the School and Ardscoil R9s C,S in Marino. 3e studied wisdom of her preaching. for the priesthood at 3oly Cross College Clonliffe Lord, Hear us, and :niversity College Dublin. Lord, graciously hear us. During his priestly forma%on Gavin trained at SIPT: Liberty 3all On this Prisoner’s Sunday, let us pray for the Dublin at the 8orthlands addic%on treatment-counselling centre and criminal jus%ce system. May it protect the at Saint Patrick's 3ospital Mental 3ealth Services 5ames Street vulnerable in our society offer $us%ce to those Dublin. who suffer crime. Lord, Hear us, Lord, graciously hear us. Following ordina%on in 1221 and gradua%on while working as a priest in the Diocese of Dublin Gavin was a schoolteacher in ,ray County For the families of prisoners that they may remain )icklow. united in the face of the challenges they Gavin earned a licen%ate and a doctorate in canon law at the experience and that they may (nd the support Pon%(cal Gregorian :niversity and is >uent in Italian and Spanish. and the pastoral care they need. Lord, Hear us, ,ishop Fintan is priori%sing mee%ngs and ge?ng to know the people Lord, graciously hear us. of the diocese. 3e plans to make a pastoral visit to ,allincollig next weekend the 15th 17th A 17th 8ovember. ,ishop Fenton will visit )e pray for those who are in mourning. May they primary schools on Friday 15th meet with Parishioners at 2pm on (nd real hope in the convic%on that God is the Saturday 17th in the community hall will celebrate the 7pm vigil Mass God of the living. in St. Mary A St 5ohn and conclude with the 11am A 12C30 pm Masses Lord hear us on Sunday 17th in Christ Our Light. Lord, Hear us, Lord, graciously hear us. Fr. George O'Mahony Taize Prayer Group May our faithful departed (nd a merciful $udge and cleansing of all their sins. TaiHe will meet in St. Mary A St. 5ohn’s Church Sta%on Road on Friday Lord, Hear us, 15th 8ovember at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Lord, graciously hear us. Reflec$on for Parents For a moment we remember in silence our own 3ow many countless sentences from our children par%cular needs. Lord, Hear us, begin, D)hat ifED Indeed, the Sadducees were trying to Lord, graciously hear us. trick 5esus, but in the case of our children, they are ea- ger to learn. Their minds and imagina%ons work rapidly Priest Father in your mercy help us to love you with and it oFen reGuires the wisdom and pa%ence of 5esus generous hearts and to serve you with willing to keep pace with these inGuisi%ve and curious giFs. hands. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. I shall be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O Lord. .isit Our /ebsite0 111.ba inco igparish.ie or Faceboo3 111.faceboo3.com56a inco igParish Sunday 10-November-2019 THE 6ALLINCOLLI8 PARISHIONER D IN SYMPATHY D REA7IN8S FOR THE /EE9 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FAMILY AN7 FRIEN7S OF THE Thirty Second /ee3 In Ordinary Time RECENTLY 7ECEASE7 0 10 Sunday 2 Macc. 7C1-2 2-14. Ps. 17. 2 Thess. 2C17-3C5. Lk. 20C27-3.. Lect lC 5erry Forde Alysbury. 230 ,rendan Meane Carrigdene. Tim Lyons InniscarraOLimerick. 11 Monday )is. 1C1-7. Ps. 13.. Lk. 17C1-7. Lect llC 412 Denis Lynch ,allydehobO,antry. 12 Tuesday )is. 2C23-3C2. Ps. 33. Lk. 17C7-10. Lect llC 414 Ger O’Farrell Dunmanway. 13 )ednesday )is 7C1-11. Ps .1. Lk 17C11-12. Lect llC 417 Sheila )alsh ,larney 14 Thursday )is. 7C22-.C1. Ps. 11.. Lk. 17C20-25. Lect llC 41.. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF THE 15 Friday )is. 13C1-2. Ps. 1.. Lk. 17C27-37. Lect llC 420 FOLLO/IN8 /HOSE ANNI.ERSARY OCCURS OR OTHER/ISE REMEM6ERE70 17 Saturday )is. 1.C14-17 12C7-2. Ps. 104. Lk. 1.C1.. Lect llC 422 Michael 3ickey Green(elds. Ne:t Sunday’s Readings 17-8ovember-2012 5eremiah 3olland ,allinhassig. Mal. 3C12-20. Ps. 27. 2 Thess. 3C7-12. Lk. 21C5-12. Lect lC 234 5ulia 3olland ,allinhassig. Finbar 3olland ,allinhassig. 6APTISMS Catherine O’Connor Farran. /E /ELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY ALL 5im ,utler Inniscarra Post OPce. Rita Minsella Carrigrohane. THOSE /HO /ERE 6APTISE7 RECENTLY 0 Theresa Goulding ,allyshoneen. Kabha Therese Murphy Old Luarter. Val O’,rien ,allincollig. Ada Catherine Sheehan Carrigaline. Mary Dempsey Inniscarra. ,ridie SeRn A )illie Forde Model Farm Road. Fionn 5ohn Miely Classes Lake.. Michael Peggy McCarthy A their daughter 3annie Dripsey. Ryan 5ames Spring Old Luarter Secretary Miriam Horgan. Danny A 5osie GriPn Roscrea. 8oah Michael Duggan Muskerry Estate. Tim Murphy The Luadrants. ,ridget Murphy Carrigaline. Chara Lisa Cronin London. - /ed from 1 pm9 - am 2 pm& 3 pm.- Michael Murphy )icklow. )illiam A Catherine Murphy The Mills. THE ,-.D01 RE0DI.G, Maudie Crowley ,eech Park. First ReadingC 2 Maccabees 7C1-2 2-14 5ohn 5ulia A SeRn Dunne Muskerry Estate. The Maccabees were 5ewish young men who died for Dec. Mem. of the O’Sullivan Family Sta%on Road. their faith. They knew there would be a resurrec%on 5ohn Creed 3ealy’s ,ridgeOInniscarra View. and they were not afraid to die. Mary McSwiney Avoncourt. Carmel Philips Innishmore Lawn. Second ReadingC 2 Thessalonians 2C17 - 3C5 Connie O’Sullivan ,allingeary. In the second reading we remember that Christ's 8ed Mc8amara Carrigrohane. return is near. God will give strength and so for us Cliona Thuillier DouglasOMinsale. the future holds no fear. Daniel Duran% Milan. Maureen O’Connell ,allingully. ThSrTse A 3ilary ,rowne Frank(eld. GospelC Luke 20-27-3. Edwin McDermoU Poulavone. At the %me 5esus lived not everyone believed in 5ohn A 3anna O’Connor Dingle. resurrec%on. The Sadducees especially resisted the Sat 10030 am 12 Noon.- Phone No. (021) 4A7120C, O<ce idea and tried to make 5esus look foolish when they Paddy A Fergal O’Regan Carrigrohane Parish O<ce, The Presbytery,inco 6al ig openis Mon asked who would be the man's wife in heaven. They posed a situa%on where a woman's husband died. As CRO/LEY was the custom of the %me the brother of a FUNERAL DIRECTORS deceased man married the widow in order to insure Bthar Saclay, Ballincollig, Co. Cor heirs. They predicted that hypothe%cally if enough Tel: 021-4874777 Mobile: 087-2759254 husbands died she could meet seven husbands at Email: crowleyfuneralsIgmail.com her own resurrec%on. )hich one would be her www.crowleyfuneraldirectors.ie husband in heaven they wonderedE 8either we nor Complete ,uneral Arrangements the Sadducees can fully understand life aFer death 24 .our Service Embalming Service but 5esus asks us to trust that something much Member 0.A.,.1. greater than our understanding awaits us at the Golden Charter ,uneral resurrec%on. 2re-2lanning Available Sunday 10-November-2019 THE 6ALLINCOLLI8 PARISHIONER ,coil Barra 4 Enrolment 5eek Bulle$n Board 8ovember 11th to 15th 2012 2oeliac Hosts Any parents wishing to enrol their child in Scoil ,arra for the Low gluten hosts are available that are suitable for Coeliac. school year 2020 Y 2021 are invited to complete an Please inform the priest prior to Mass if possible if you ZApplica%on for Admission Form’ available each day from reGuire it. 2.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. during Enrolment )eek. Applica%ons will be processed in accordance with Scoil ,arra’s Enrol- 0utumn Dues mentOAdmission Policy. The priests of the Parish would like to thank you for Please note that in line with this Policy all applica%ons for returning the Autumn Dues Envelopes. Vour con%nued admission must be received at the school onObefore Friday support is much appreciated. 15th of 8ovember 2012. In addi%on to Enrolment )eek ,pecial Remembrance ass parents are welcome to enrol their child at any other %me There will be a Special Mass to remember all our loved ones before this date. Children who wish to be enrolled in Scoil who died during the past year on Monday 8ovember 11th at ,arra as 5unior Infants in September 2020 must be at least 4 ..00pm in St Mary A St 5ohn. All those who died from the years of age onObefore 31st of May 2020. Parish will be remembered at this Mass. Families who wish Prospec%ve parentsOchildren are invited to visit our school to have deceased family members (who died during the past for an twelve months) included in this Mass are invited to hand in ZOpen AFernoon’ on Thursday 14th of 8ovember between their names to the Sacristy or Parish OPce during the week 1.00 p.m.
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