[ Published by Autliority. ] This Gazette is published for Police information only, and the Police throughout the Colony are instructed to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents. M. 8. SMITH, Superintendent of Police. No. 17.] WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. [1877. Stealing in Dwellings, from the On the 24th ult., from the hut of Alexander Carey, about 7 miles from Jarrahdale,—about 20 or 301bs. Person, &c. of flour in a sack, Slbs. sugar, |lb. tea, and 5 sticks \ About two months ago, from the homestead of of tobacco. Also from the hut of Jacob Jacobson, Henry Martin, of Chittering Brook,—6 black barrow same date, between Jarrahdale and Rockingham,—• pigs, about 3 years old, one had a little white across v 41bs. sugar, 41bs. bacon, -^Ib. tea, one opossum skin breast, tips of right ears cut ofi'; one had a small \ rug, untanned, the third skin from one corner torn, sized sheep bell fastened on with a strap.—C.I. 142. ^ and a piece cut out of another corner, about 4in. in diameter. Thos. Smith, exp., alias Brocky Tom, Vide C.I. 129, page 59. suspected, as he was seen about the huts that morning.—CI. 149. The dog therein described has been recovered, and . warrant issued for arrest of George Williams, exp., \ late 8615. Vide Warrants Issued. On evening of 28th ult., in High Street, Fre­ mantle, the property of George Thompson,—a basket and six bottles of ale. Description of basket—cane On night of 22nd ult., from the premises of Amos \ Bradshaw, York,—about 301bs. of salt pork.—C.I. \ gallon basket, has handle, and six partitions for 143. bottles; bottles labelled with Arnold's brand.—C.L 150. On night of 23rd ult., from the premises of H. L. Davis, York,—full grown turkey cock.—C.L \ Between the 23rd and 26th ult., from the house of 144. William Harrison alias Strawberry, of Newcastle,—• two £1 notes—one W.A. Bank, No. or date not On 27th ult., from the stable of Samuel Martiu, known, one N.B. Australasia, No. not known, date \ of Cole Harbor, York District,—one winker bridle, V 1st June, 1866; these nutes were in a small cotton one pair of shaft hames, pair of plough traces; the \ bag, and hung on the wall of the bedroom, with buckle of hames strap sewn with twine.—C.I. 145. other papers, all enclosed in a small account book. Alfred Wells, free, suspected.—C.L 151. Between the 16th and 19th ult., from the dwelling house of David Forrest, of Youndegin,—about Slbs.. sugar and one tin tea canister. Ab. native Jiaher \ committed this robbery.—C.I. 146. Vide Appre­ Warrants Issued. hensions. JOHN KELXT, exp., late 4878. Description—Stout, 45 years of age, 5ft. 9^in. high, dark brown hair,* On the 25th ult., from the hut of George Wright, dark hazel eyes, full visage, sallow complexion; J.K. shejiherd, at Tongering, Yoimdegin District, his and anchor, right arm; is charged on warrant issued propert^^—one grey cotton shirt with narrow white at Bunbury, on 24th ult., with using obscene and stripes ; also one week's rations of flour and sugar,\^ threatening language towards Joseph BusweU. Vide about 41bs. mutton, butcher's knife, quart pannican, Apprehensions. and two boxes of matches. Ab. natives Botiman, Babra, and Jilbiugut, suspected.—C.I. 147. ISAAC CLEMENTS, Reg. No. 8516; charged on warrant issued at Newcastle, on 10th April, 1877 On the 28th ult., from the residence of Mrs. with having obtained goods and cash to the amount Hayes, Murray Street, Perth,—a kangaroo or of 9s. 6d. under false pretences, on 31st March, 1877 opossum skin rug; no other description can be \ from Charles Monger, of Newcastle. This offender given. Michael Breen, c.p., late 6837, suspected.— is at present uhdergoing sentence at Fremantle Prison C.I. 148. Vide Police Gazette, 1877, page 61. 68 JOSEPH B. JOHNS, exp., late 5889 alias MOONDYNE ing to report his engagement and place of lodgings JOE ; is charged on warrant issued at Premantle, on since 25th ult. Sentenced, on 28th ult., to 1 month's 27th ult., with being on 31st March, 1877, in the imprisonment h.l. possession of an "iron knee" of a boat, value 15s., and does neglect or refuse to give a satisfactory PATRICK GOLDEN, exp., late 8274, at Perth, on account of how he became possessed of the same. 27th ult., by L.C. McCaffrey; charged with being Vide Apprehensions. drunk, disorderly, and violently resisting and assaulting the police in the execution of their duty. GEOEGE WILLIAMS, exp., late 8615, middling \ Sentenced, on the 28th ult., to 2 months' imprison­ stout, age 42 years, 5ft. 8|in. high, light brown hair, ment with hard labor. Also charged with damaging long visage, fair complexion. Marks—letter D left L.C. McCaffrey's coat. Ordered to pay IOs. or in side, S.B. right arm, woman left arm, ring 3rd finger default 21 days' imprisonment, cumulative. 4eft hand, 3rd finger right hand cut off; is charged on warrant issued at Perth, on 27th April, 1877, THOMAS RYAN, t.l., Reg. No. 9281, warned by with having on or about the 6th day of April, 1877, L.C. McCaffrey on the 28th ult., to attend Perth stolen, taken and carried away from Perth, a small Police Court; charged with being absent from his black scotch terrier bitch, valued at 30s., the property \ reported place of lodgings on the night of the 27th of Edward Connor, of Perth. This offender is now ult. Sentenced to 2 months' imprisonment h.l. about 90 miles eastward of York. WILLIAM WEST, t.l., Eeg. No. 10001, at Perth, on CHARLES MC GHEE, free. Description—Slight, 24th ult., by L.C. McCaffrey; charged with felon­ about 14 years old, about 4ft. high, light brown hair, iously stealing from the bush, near Dyson's swamp, long visage, fair complexion; is charged on warrant sometime since the 23rd September, 1876,—6 wedges, \ issued at Greenough, on 25th ult., with having on or 1 axe, and 2 maul rings, the property of William about 31st March, 1877, deserted from service of \ Henry Hewitt. Sentenced, on the 25th ult., to 3 James Donehar, of Greenough, being duly apprenticed months' imprisonment. to him. This lad is working on the Geraldton and Northampton Railway. WILLIAM GREY, exp., late 5158, at Perth, on 26th SIMEON, ab. nat. Description—Middling stout, ult., by Sergt. McLarty; charged with stealing from about 25 years of age, about 5ft. 5in. high, black the Horse & Groom Hotel, Perth, the property of William Brown,—one box containing three cotton \ hair, black eyes, oval visage, black complexion; is charged on warrant issued at Greenough, on the shirts, 3 pair cotton socks, 1 kerosene lamp, 2 lamp- 18th ult., with leaving the service of Lewis Leverman, \glasses, 1 lb. tobacco, about l|lb. cheese, 18 boxes on the 14th January, 1877. This offender is reported matches, 1 hair net, 4 boxes hair pins, 1 felt hat, and to be at Drummond's, White Peak, Geraldton district. 2 clay pipes ; property recovered. Sentenced, on the 27th ult., to 6 months' imprisonment h.l. JOHNNY, ab. nat.; is charged on warrant issued at \ Geraldton, the 24th ult., with deserting from the JOHN HACKETT, c.p., 5508, at Perth, on 25th ult., service of his master, John Hosken, on the 5th March, by D.C. Hansford; charged with violently assaulting 1877. Vide Apprehensions. him in the execution of his duty. Sentenced, on 26th ult., to 1 month's imprisonment with hard Vide Police Gazette, 1877, page 22. \ labor. Also charged with damaging a pair of \ The warrant for the arrest of BILLY, ab. nat., for trowsers, the property of D.C. Hansford. Fined IOs. leaving the service of J. E. Eichardson, has been or in default 21 days' imprisonment. cancelled. Vide Warrants Issued. WILLIAM KIECTTM, free. Description—Stout, about 18 years of age, about 5ft. 4in. high, light brown JOHNNY, ab. nat., at Geraldton, on the 24th ult., \ hair, blue eyes, long visage, fresh complexion; is \ by P.C. WaU. charged on warrant issued at Greenough, on the 6th March, 1877, with absconding from the service of HENRY MENAGE, t.L, Reg. No. 8354, at North­ Henry Adams. Vide Apprehensions. ampton, the 21st ult., by P.C. CarroU; charged with stealing one tweed vest, tooth brush, pair worsted socks, and bundle of cigars, the property of John Apprehensions. Hosken ; property recovered. Sentenced, at Gerald­ JOSEPH B. JOHNS alias MOONDYNE JOE, exp., late Nton Police Court, on the 24th ult., to 6 months' 5889, at Rockingham, by P.C. McKenna, on 27th imprisonment with hard labor. Also charged by \ ult. Vide Warrants Issued. P.C. Carroll with being out after hours the night of the 20th March, 1877. Sentenced to 1 month hard GILFEEAD RHODES, exp., late 7527, at Premantle, labor. by P.C. McGregor, the 25th ult.; charged with \ , being a rogue and vagabond. Sentenced to 3 Vide Warrants Issued. months' imprisonment, on 26th ult. WILLIAM KIECUM, free, at Greenough, on 7th \ March, 1877, by P.C. Cable. JACK MUCK, ab. nat., at Albany, by P.Cs. Hayman and Pearson, on 21st ult.; charged with being a \ loose, idle, and disorderly person; also violently Vide Police Gazette, 1877^ page 26. assaulting and resisting the police. Sentenced to 2 PORT HARBOR TOMMY, ab. nat., at Eushey Gully, months' imprisonment, at Rottnest, on 24th ult. ^Northampton district, on 15th ult., by P.Cs. Doran and CarroU. JOHN KELLY, exp., late 4878, at Bunbury, on 24th \ ult., by P.Cs. Veale and Sutton. Vide Warrants Issued.
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