NEWSLETTER OF THE NEVADA ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION S UMMER 2009 InInIn-In---SituSituSituSitu V OLUME 13, NUMBER 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Eva Jensen, NAA President President’s Corner President’s Corner, 2 I guess I am part of the troop movements ologists that day. Articles this issue. I am working at Great Basin Awards • Lovelock Cave, 2 National Park in east central Nevada, about as close as you can get to Utah The Ting Perkins Award was presented • NAA Auction Results, 3 without falling in. Spring and archaeology to Donna Murphy of the Elko county • Eva Jensen Moves, 4 in the Great Basin and Mojave Desert chapter. Donna has been a guiding • Mine Closures, 5 doesn’t get much better than this! I hope force for preservation and interpreta- you are all enjoying the ‘slightly cooler’ tion and a long time supporter of ar- Mini-Reports chaeology and one season in the south and • Macrofaunal Remains archaeologist in par- the pre-fire season in the in Southern NV, 6 north. It has been a great ticular. Donald Fowler • Using GPS to Walk spring for NAA as well. and Catherine Fowler were each presented Transects, 12 Lovelock with the NAA Lifetime Chapter & Affiliate Reports “Lock your Love in Love- Achievement Award SHPO, 18 lock” How could we go for their significant • wrong? 2009 is the 85th contributions to Ne- • Rock Art Foundation, 18 anniversary of the original vada archaeology. Our fearless leader, President Eva Jensen. • Elko County, 19 Lovelock Cave archae- The Board ology publication. The • Site Stewardship Pro- 38th Annual Meeting of the Nevada Ar- Three new board gram, 19 members were elected during the gen- chaeological Association held in Lovelock • Archaeo-Nevada Soci- eral membership meeting. New to the to commemorate the history of Nevada ety, 20 archaeology was a big success. Over 100 board this year are Laurie Perry, Jeff • Lincoln County, 20 people registered for the conference. (I Wedding, and Lynn Furnis. Laurie was don’t know how many registered to lock on the board previously but had taken their love.) Mark Giambastiani did an some time away from the board or outstanding job with the program fitting maybe it was boredom. Laurie will be secretary this in 29 presentations in a day and a half. year. Jeff Wedding has been helping the last few David Hurst Thomas of the American Mu- years with the auction. He will be a member at seum of Natural History gave the keynote large and continue to coordinate the auction as address discussing the history of archae- chair of the Committee for Auction Affairs. Lynn ology of caves in Nevada and his work at Furnis is starting her first term this year as a mem- Alta Toquima “Alta Toquima Archae- ber at large (she agreed and we voted while she ology: The Higher you Get, the Higher you was gone). Continuing board members are Eva Jen- Get”. As a side note, Dr. Thomas gra- sen, president; George Phillips, treasurer; Daron ciously donated his time and travel to Duke, membership; Hal Rager, web master, Eliza- support the NAA. The field trip on Sunday beth Russell, site steward liaison; and Greg Sey- included a guided tour to Lovelock Cave mour, member at large, will coordinate the news- and Leonard Rockshelter with BLM Ar- letter. Elizabeth Dickey has volunteered to act as chaeologist Peggy McGuckian. This was a editor in chief for the newsletter although she is not pilgrimage for about 45 Nevada archae- (President’s Note, Continued on page 2) P AGE 2 S UMMER 2009 (President’s Note, Continued from cover) Board Again The next board meeting will be held at the Great Basin a formal member of the board….yet. If you have any National Park visitor center education facility in Baker, NV comments or suggestions for the board please con- on July 18th at 2:00 p.m. (Happy Birthday to me). There tact them through the NAA web site will be a field trip to archaeological and historic sites of www.nvarch.org . Special thanks to departing Great Basin NP on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Meet at board members, Suzan Slaughter, Mark Giambasti- the Lehman Cave Visitor Center in the Park. Bring a lunch ani, and Greg Haynes. or plan to have lunch at the café. All NAA members are Money Matters welcome to attend board meetings and field trips. If you The Committee for Auction Affairs, Jeff Wedding would like to schedule a regular cave tour on your own and Diane Winslow, did an excellent job and coaxed contact the park at 775-234-7331. $$$$$$ (much money) from your most prolific We have reserved the Graycliffs group camp area purses to support NAA programs. THANK YOU ALL Loop B-1 for Friday and Saturday night if you would like to for your donations! Thanks again to Peggy and Mark camp with the group for free. Other camp areas are avail- for the arrangements and especially the beautiful able for the regular park fee of $12.00 per site. There is no weather. Peggy has friends in high places! park entry fee. Looking Forward FYI - National Register Sites of Great Basin National Park Next year’s annual meeting will be a southern Great Basin National Park has five historic sites listed on venue, either Las Vegas or Boulder City next spring. the National Register of Historic Places: Lehman Orchard We will keep you informed. The 2008 Journal should and Aqueduct, Rhodes Cabin, Baker Ranger Station, John- be off the presses and in your hands in June and the son Lake Mine and Historic District, and the Osceola (East) 2009 edition will be ready in late 2009. The next Ditch. We will visit some of these on the field trip (not Three Corners Conference proceedings volume will Johnson Lake). Other things to visit while you are here are be printed this month and available for purchase Wheeler Peak and the scenic drive, the Bristlecone Forest, through the NAA. Look for ordering information and and Lehman Visitor Center Café with terrific homemade details on the NAA web site. ice cream sandwiches….not that I am partial but, choco- late chip cookies with Huckleberry ice cream are the best! See you soon! Peggy McGuckian, Bureau of Land Management 350 CHILDREN FOUND IN LOVELOCK CAVE tage houses, and how people lived in earlier times. When the fourth- Nearly 350 fourth-graders from graders arrived at Lovelock Cave Winnemucca, Lovelock and Imlay they participated in interactive sta- descended on the Marzen House tions focused on the Paiutes, ethno- Museum in Lovelock and Lovelock botany, emigrants, and the archeol- Cave for a day of fun-filled educa- ogy and geology of the cave. Other tional activities on May 6, 7, and 8 popular activities included a simu- for the fourth annual Lovelock Cave lated atlatl throwing game and a fieldtrip. The event was sponsored flint knapping demonstration. In by the Bureau of Land Management the cave, a mock excavation unit Winnemucca District Office and the 4th Graders at Lovelock Cave. Photo was set up and the tools and tech- Nevada Outdoor School as part of courtesy Nevada Outdoor School. niques of archeology explained. The Nevada Archeology and Historic students received Lovelock Cave Preservation Month. This event was Junior Ranger Badges for their suc- first held in 2006 in honor of the At the Marzen House Mu- cessful completion of the day’s ac- 1906 Antiquities Act Centennial and seum in Lovelock, the children saw tivities. has since become an annual event artifacts from Lovelock Cave as well which has grown in popularity with as learned about local history, vin- each passing year. I N-S ITU P AGE 3 Jeffrey R. Wedding, Harry Reid Center FROM THE AUCTION BLOCK For the third consecutive year I and a number of homemade Thirty-two different had the pleasure of playing auc- items including an afghan, ba- auction bidders registered for tioneer, this time at the 2009 nana bread, and pomegranate the event, and 23 went home annual meeting in Lovelock. As I jelly. The highest priced item winners. All of the registered travelled north for the meetings that sold was a copy of bidders contributed by partici- I was unsure how the auction "Ceramics for the Archaeolo- pating, and the winners gra- would fair given the current re- gist" by A. Sheppard. After a ciously contributed via their cession. Economic conditions fierce bidding war, Greg Sey- purchases as 100% of the pro- can affect fundraising results in ceeds go directly to the NAA. specific ways, and do not always This year’s winning bidders in- impact on all aspects equally. cluded: Alice Baldrica, Lizzie As the NAA auction is really a Bennett, Steve Daron, Lou Ann grassroots effort of volunteers, Speulda-Drews, Daron Duke, a successful auction is excep- Susan Edwards, Mark Estes, tionally dependent on the gen- Jerry Fuller, Lynn Furnis. Joe erosity of all NAA members. Griffin, Eva Jensen, Bob Leavitt, NAA members both donate the Spencer Lodge, Manetta Lytle, auction items and give from Laureen Perry, George Phillips, their wallets to purchase the Kevin Rafferty, Jackie Raley, auction items. This year’s auc- Paula Reynosa, Heidi Roberts, tion is a testament to the com- Liz Russell, Paul Scott, Greg Sey- mitment that NAA members mour, David Valentine, and Jef- have towards the organization. mour won the book, donated by frey Wedding. Again, on behalf In total, the 2009 NAA auction Margaret Lyneis, for a cool of the NAA, I offer deepest and raised $1,138.00 (for those who $120.00. sincerest thanks for your partici- know me, coincidently, this Item donors included: pation, and congratulations to amount total is a Star Wars ref- Lizzie Bennett, James and Liz the auction winners.
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