FM 100-17 GLOSSARY A/DACG arrival/departure airfield AMC United States Air Force Air control group Mobility Command AA assembly area AO area of operations AAFES Army/Air Force Exchange Service AOC army operations center AALPS Automated Air Load Planning AOR area of responsibility System APC accounting processing codes ABL ammunition basic load APOD aerial port of debarkation above the line JSCP-prescribed major combat APOE aerial port of embarkation forces of brigade or larger in size and certain unique, intensively APORTS aerial ports capabilities file managed units. apportionment the determination and assignment of active component the total expected effort by percent- AC age and/or by priority that should be ACIFS Automated Central Issue Facility devoted to the various air operations System and/or geographic areas for a ACIIP Army automated clothing initial issue given period of time. point ARCOM Army Reserve command ACPERS Army Civilian Personnel System ARFOR Army forces AD active duty ARLANT Army Forces, US Atlantic Command ADANS Airlift Deployment Analysis System ARNG Army National Guard ADP automatic data processing ARPERCEN Army Reserve Personnel Center ADSW active duty for special work ARPRINT Army Program for Individual Training ADT active duty for training ARSTAF army staff AEC area equipment compound ASCC army service component commander AER Army Emergency Relief ASIMS Army Standard Information Manage- AF appropriated fund ment System AFRES Air Force Reserve ASL authorized stockage list AGR active guard/reserve ASMP Army Strategic Mobility Plan ALCE airlift control element ASSETS transportation assets file ALD available-to-load date AT annual training allocation resources provided the ATRRS Army Training Requirements and commander-in-chief for execution Resources System planning or actual execution. AUEL automated unit equipment list ALO authorized level of organization AUGTDA augmentation table of distribution AMEDD Army Medical Department and allowances AMERS Army Mobilization and Equipment AUTODIN automatic digital network Redistribution System availability date the date after notification or AMOPES Army Mobilization and Operations mobilization which forces will be Planning and Execution System marshaled at their home station or mobilization station and available AMP Army Mobilization Plan for deployment. AMSA area maintenance support activities Glossary-0 FM 100-17 available to the planning date a unit would be CMMC corps materiel management center load date available to out-load at a port of embarkation. CNGB Chief, National Guard Bureau AWIS Army Worldwide Military Command CNO Chief, Naval Operations and Control System Information COA course of action System COB command operating budget B COCOM combatant command BAQ basic allowance for quarters CODES computerized deployment system BAS basic allowance for subsistence COE Corps of Engineers; Chief BASOPS base operations of Engineers BBPBES Biennial Planning, Programming, COMMZ communications zone Budgeting, and Execution System COMPASS Computerized Movement Planning BBPCT blocking, bracing, packaging, and Status System crating, and tiedown COMPES Contingency Operations/Mobility BCT basic combat training Planning Execution System below the line combat service and combat service COMPO component support units and all other units not COMPO-1 active component on the troop program sequence number of above-the-line units. COMPO-2 Army National Guard component BIP budget increment package COMPO-3 United States Army Reserve component C 2 COMPO-4 unresourced force structure C command and control Computerized an information system and data CA civil affairs Movement base providing accurate and timely CAP crisis-action procedures Planning and unit movement data to DOD, JCS, Status System HQDA, and Army installations and CAR Chief, Army Reserve units in support of employment, CAS crisis-action system deployment, mobilization planning, CAT crisis-action team and execution for a wide range of military operations. CBRS Concept Based Requirements System CONPLAN operation plan in concept format/concept plan CBS-X Continued Balance System-Expanded contingency established in 1979 to assist the response MTMC commander in obtaining CCP container consolidation point commercial transportation resources C-Day the unnamed day deployment for deploying military forces. In 1991 operations commence the scope of contingency response was expanded to include coordinat- CDC continental United States ing domestic transportation demobilization centers resources when civil emergencies CESP Civil Engineering Support Plan affect defense readiness. Represent- CFM Continental United States atives of federal and regional trans- Freight Management System portation agencies and the commercial transportation industry CFSC Community Family Support Center organizations comprise CHSTR characteristics of transportation the contingency response team. resource file When activated, the team assists the Department of Defense in acquiring CI coordinating installation; command or coordinating domestic commercial information transportation. CINC commander-in-chief CONUS continental United States CINCFOR Commander-in-Chief, Forces CONUS a portion of the war-lime Army Command replacement replacement system used for CJCS Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff center marshaling nonunit personnel in preparation for deployment. CMCC corps movement control center CONUSA the numbered armies in the continental United States Glossary-1 FM 100-17 coordinating an installation assigned to coordinate deliberate operation planning tasks installation specified types of intraservice sup- planning assigned by the Joint Strategic port within a prescribed geographical Capabilities Plan or other directive area. and performed using procedures outlined in Joint Publications CORE contingency response 5-02.1, .2, and .3.1 COSCOM corps support command DEMSTAT Deployment, Employment, CPA chairman’s program assessment Mobilization Status System CPX command post exercise DEP delayed entry program CRAF civil reserve aircraft fleet deployment the relocation of forces to the CRC continental United States area of operation replacement center direct deployer a reserve component unit that moves CRD commander’s required date directly from home station to a port of embarkation and deploys without cross-level relocation or reassignment of person- postmobilization training. A modified nel or the act of effecting transfer in deploying unit is a reserve com- control, use, or location of materiel ponent unit that moves its equipment at an installation, regardless of to a sea port of embarkation and unit MACOM, as directed by the personnel to an MS with a subse- installation. quent move to an aerial port CS combat support of embarkation. CSA Chief of Staff, Army DLA Defense Logistics Agency CSS combat service support DMC defense movement coordinator CTA common table of allowances DMS demobilization station CVS commercial vendor services DOD Department of Defense D DODAAC Department of Defense activity DA Department of the Army address code domestic emergencies affecting public welfare DAF Department of the Air Force emergencies and occurring within the 50 states as DAMMS-R Department of the Army Movement a result of an enemy attack, insurrec- Management System-Redesign tion, or a civil disturbance which DAMPL Department of the Army Master endangers life and property or dis- Priority List rupts the usual process of government. DARMS Developmental Army Readiness and Mobilization System DOT Department of Transportation DARNG Director, Army National Guard DRL date required to load DASPS-E Department of the Army Standard E Port Systems-Enhanced EAC echelons above corps DCSLOG Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics EAD Earliest arrival date at the sea port DCSOPS Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations of embarkation. and Plans earliest arrival a day specified by a planner as the DCSPER Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel date earliest date when a unit can be accepted at a port of debarkation DCU deployment control unit during a deployment. Used with the D-Day The unnamed day on which a latest arrival date, it defines a particular operation commences or delivery window for transportation is to commence. planning. DEERS Defense Eligibility Enrollment early deploying units deploying within the first 44 Reporting System units days in support of a specific OPLAN. DEL deployment equipment list 1 Joint Operation Planning System, Volume I (Deliberate Planning Procedures), 6 July 1988; Volume II (Supplementary Planning Guidance), 30 March 1990; and Volume III (Automatic Data Processing Support). Glossary-2 FM 100-17 echeloning organizing units for movement. Like FMS force module subsystem task-organizing, echeloning is a FOA field operating agency predeployment standard operation procedure that establishes a priority FORMDEPS Forces Command Mobilization and for movement within the task force Deployment Planning System to accommodate available lift. Echel- FORSCOM US Army Forces Command ons may be divided, for example, into advanced parties, main body, FORSCOM a ten-volume set of documents that follow-on forces, and closure forces. Mobilization and provides guidance and procedures Within each echelon, there must be Deployment and assigns responsibilities for appropriate combat, combat support, Planing System planning within Forces Command, and combat service support other major Army commands, elements. Planning for each echelon subordinate commands, mobilization must include numbers
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