PACIFIC CITIZEN VOL. 17; NO. 7. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1943. Price: Five Cents War Department Announces It's "Go forBroke",Say Japanese Ameri cans Japanese American Sergeant Wounded i n Southwest Pacific Sgt. Komoto's Family Five San Diegans Is at Gila River, Casualty Report Discloses Organize Group, "No Japs, Inc." WASHINGTON Th e War Department announced— on Aug- SACRAMENTO Seeki ng to ust 15 that a Japanese American prevent the return—of American V soldier, Sgt. Kazuo Komoto, h ad citizens of Japanese ancestry bwn wounded i n action i n the to California, five San Diego southwest Pacific. men filed i ncorporation papers According to the War De- on August 16 with Secretary partment announcement, Sgt. of State Frank M. Jordan for Komoto's nearest of k i n i s h i s "No Japs, Inc." moth«r, Mrs. Hisano Komoto, Directors i ncluded Joh n R. 9-8-A, Gila River relocation cen- Curry, president and general ter. Rivers, Arizona. manager; S. J. Curry, Earl Dee Sgt. Komoto's family was eva- Duncan, Walter G. Morris and cuated to Gila River from Cal- Frank W. Brock, all of San i fornia. Diego. He i s the first JapaneseAmer- i can to be reported as a casualty i n recent months i n action i n the southwest Pacific. WACs Start A "substantial number" of Japanese American soldiers of Recruiting of the United States army are be- lieved to be participating i n Nisei Women front-line action i n the Pacific area at the present time. Six Japanese American Girls Volunteer For Expect Substantial Service at Salt Lake Number May Receive Wi th a goal of 500 Japanese War Work Approval American girls set as i ts first quota, the Women's Army Corps RIVERS, Ariz. Certification (WAC) i ndicated that a general by the Joint Japanese— American recruiting program will be under- two shortly i n the war Wi th "Go for Broke" ai their Board of h undred to three taken relo- motto, Japanese Americans from h undred applications for work i n cation centers. the and Hawaii Meanwh i le, Mary mainland are vital war plants may be expected Captain training duty at Five Nisei Servicemen Given during August, September and House, -r*eruitk-.g< for combat Louise officer Camp Sh oH», i liss. Th e "Go October, according to Wi lliam Hu- i n the Salt Lake office of the for Broke" slogan, signifying Soldier's Medals for Heroism so, employment h ead at the Gila WACs, reported that six Japanese "shoot the works" and "all or River relocation center, according American girls h ad applied for i n- nothi ng," was brough t to Camp to the Newß-Courier. duction i nto the service i n the Sh elby by the nisei volunteers At Camp Sh elby Presentation first few days since enlistent i n from Hawaii . In thi s Army Gila Initiates the WACs was opened to the ni- Signal Corps ph oto Company E 100th Infantry Panes sei. Th e majority of the enlist- of the First Battalion of the Officers of Ch i nese, Co-op Education ments, h owever, are expected to Infantry a In Review Before centers 442nd marches down come from the relocation road at Camp Sh elby. Ancestry Decorated Soldier* Program i n Center wh ere a large number of girls i n- Japanese dicated their willingness to volun- the during the Train i n Georgia CAMP SHELBY, Miss. Five RIVERS, Ariz. —An education teer for service of the —Infan- general registrations last Kenny Creates nisei soldiers 100th program to acquaint Gila River of Feb- try were uary and March. LOS ANGELES A Ch i nese Battalion last week residents with the Gila Co-op and awarded Soldier's Medals for h ero- began last week un- Th e new WAC regulation fo* Ali en Land Unit American officer and—one of Japa- "»J(M>peratives recruiting Japanese Ameri- i sm beyond the call of duty i n "**(ftter the Gila News-Courier. the of nese descent are training together saving. Cpl. Torn cans became effective i n the Salt Cali fornia Orik asa from aix rection leaders h ave been In i n "foreign legion" company drowning last March 12. chosen from Butte. Th ey are Joe Lake area on August 9. the are expected to at Fort Benning, Georgia, to figh t Th e soldiers, all from Hawaii , Sh i ezune, Ben Tsudama, Ak i ra WAC officers Wi ll Ch eck Alleged are Sgt. Sada&h i Higashi , Sgt. Kurih ara, George Aratani and visit WRA centers shortly to car- together against the Axis, the Los Yoji the recruiting progam. Evasions of State's Yasui, Cpl. Ch arles K. Mizo- Tosh Kawai. ry on An,geles Times reported on Aug- guah i , Cpl. Sumio Ito and Pvt. Laws by Evacuees ust 12. Nobuyoshi Furukawa. Th e Times published an Army Th e medals were awarded by Legion, Poli ce Block Portland SACRAMENTO Calif.—Declar- ph otograph of First Lieutenant Col. H. McE. Pendleton, command- i ng that h e believes many Japan- Sam G. Lew of Los Angeles, a i ng officer, first h eadquarters, Group Cleaning Cemetery ese i n the relocation centers are graduate of UCLA, shaki ng h ands special troops of the thi rd army. from transferring title <of California with First Lieutenant Th eodore T. Th e 100th Infantry passed i n re- agricultural land "to evade the Sueoka, a JapaneseAmerican from view before the five decorated Sh eriff Orders Japanese i t was only after they h ad h eard state anti-alien land law, Atty.- Honolulu and a graduate of the soldiers, Col. Pendleton and Lt. Graveyard "Closed For the order of the sheriff h i mself Gen. Robert W. Kenny announced University of Hawaii . Col. Turner. Th e 442nd Combat that the members, h eaded by How- last week the creation of an alien Team band led the parade. unit i n Both officers received their or- Duration" After Incident ard D. Wi llits, described as "an land h i s office. i ginal military training i n employee of the national, but not It was reported that since the the i ssuance of by Gen. DeWi tt ROTC units of their respective Relocation Center PORTLAND, Ore.--Plans of the local, YMCA," decided to retire. orders schools. For nearly three h ours h e and h i s relaxing restrictions on Japanese Portland Fellowshi p of Reconcilia- Lieut. Sueoka i s one of eigh teen Co-op Officials May tion to beautify the Japanese Budd- supporters argued with the i rate Americans to the extent of per- Legion veterans, veh e- mitting soldiers to return to the Japanese American officers from Hold Conference h i st Cemetery h ere met opposition, American Camp Press Sat- mently denying their project (or evacuated area, several h ave visit- h e 442nd Infantry at Sh el- according to the United Valley. >y, Miss., wh o are receiving addi- urday, as Martin T. Pratt their organization) was pro-Japa- ed the Salinas RIVERS, Ariz. — A conference Sh eriff nese, pro-Buddh i st or pro-appease- It was reported that the state tional training at Fort Benning. of co-cp officials i n the ten re- ordered the graveyard "closed for i neligible the duratidh " to any group or i n- ment. law proh i bits aliens to location centers may be h eld i n dividual. Th ough tempers often flared citizenshi pfrom owning or leasing Segregation Wi ll September i f all the centers ap- deputies city and voices rose, only once did vio- agricultural land. Th e act permits prove the proposal, i t was report- Sh eriff's and po- guardians to supervise properties following lice patrolled the area all after- lence materialize wh en a Le- Start September 10, ed h ere thi s week a vis- American gionnaire seized —Wi llits by the of their "wards" but does not i t to Gila River by Gerald Rich- noon. Together with allow them to share i n prof- Legionnaires, wearing overseas arm and ordered h i m to "Co the Says WRA Director ardson, WRA national chi ef of caps, they completely outnum- downthe road!" He was stop- i ts. business enterprises. bered the h andful of Fellowshi p ped by deputies and fellow vet- . Th e moves made at the Sacra- A proposal, made h ere recently erans, i t was reported. mento meeting last week were CHICAGO Work of segre- buyers of Reconciliation members wh o . gating 15,000—to 18,000 that from the relocation associates, the taken i n conformity with a recent- evacuees showed up for the announced af- Wi llits and h i s ancestry i n center co-ops be sent on purchas- United said, finally conceded ly enacted statute giving District of Japanese the reloca- i ng York City ternoon of grass cutting and Press tion camp at Tule Lake, Calif., missions to New trimming. that, wh i le their project was only Attorneys and the Attorney Gen- would be considered i f such a con- shrubbery power to gather i nfor- will be i nitiated on September 10, meant as "a gesture of good will eral more Myer, ference i s h eld. Initial opposition was voiced last and fellowshi p" to fellow Ameri- mation on such guardianshi ps. Dillon S. director of the week by James R. Young i n Port- Japanese ancestry War Relocation Authority, an- cans of i t Tuesday land to the FOR group's plan for migh t h ave been better carried—out nounced wh en h e paused State Representative "Negroes and wh i tes, Jews, Cath- by them as i ndividuals.
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