VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBERSEPTEMBER 12 17,- 18, 2015 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO 8 $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax“For Over “For EightyOver Eighty Years Years The Voice The Voice of Our of OurCommunity Community Speaking Speaking for for Itself Itself” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2018 PHOTO BY LEANDRE DANIELS/ L.A. SENTINEL NBA All-Stars, Los Angeles Police Department, members of the Brotherhood Crusade and community leaders pose at the NBA Voices Community Conversation during All-Star Weekend at John Muir Middle School in South Los Angeles on Feb. 15, 2018. BY LAUREN A. JONES did conversation between nounced that the Brother- 67th NBA All-Star Game. ganization based in Los no losers when it comes to Contributing Writer NBA All-Stars, Los Angeles hood Crusade was selected “I still have chills, it’s Angeles will receive a NBA All-Star Weekend. I Police Department, mem- by Golden State Warriors’ bigger than Christmas,” donation in the amount was so excited that Steph NBA Voices, a year- bers of the Brotherhood point guard Stephen Curry, President and CEO of the of $150,000 with Team Curry chose Brotherhood long initiative curated by Crusade and community captain of “Team Steph,” Brotherhood Crusade, Steph’s loss to Team LeB- Crusade and I just didn’t the league’s commissioner leaders at John Muir Middle as the community-based Charisse Bremond said. ron on Sunday, Feb. 18 want to see them lose out. Adam Silver to address so- School in Los Angeles on organization that his team Brotherhood Crusade, (148-145) during the All- cial injustice, hosted a can- Thursday, Feb. 15. It was an- would play for during the a non-profit grassroots- orStar game. “But, there are {See ALL-STAR A-8} Korryn Gaines and son, Kodi COURTESY PHOTO Chadwick Boseman in Black Panther (2018) (Marvel) BY ASSOCIATED PRESS lawsuit this week. gal experts told the news- Hurricane Irma hits Florida Maryland has a cap on paper that it's unlikely BY DANNY J. BAKEWELL, JR. hero on the big screen film in the Marvel Cin- The family of a Maryland local governments' liabilities the young son of Korryn Executive Editor was enough to get old and ematic Universe with an woman who was fatally shot in such cases, and judges Gaines and other relatives young movie goers alike African-American lead by police two years ago may have a tendency to lower will see all the money For African Americans to rush out and buy tick- never receive the entire $37 large awards on appeal, The {See $37M A-8} the idea of seeing the first ets. But the power of the {See SUPER HERO A-8} million it was awarded in a Baltimore Sun reported . Le- African American super “Black Panther”, the first COURTESY PHOTO William Allen Young, Mordena Moore, Lula & Erwin Washington, Charmaine NAACP Jefferson, Ivan J. Houston, Pat Harvey & Ken Lombard. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., the president and CEO of the NNPA, signs a historic agreement with the NAACP, BY SABRA MARIE COURTNEY American Life and His- History on Saturday, Febru- designed to help mobilize voters for mid-term elections and Contributing Writer tory, Inc., better known ary 17, 2018 at the Marina to increase membership for the 109-year-old organization, in Los Angeles as Our Del Rey Marriott Hotel in as NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson (left) and The Los Angeles Authors Study Club, Inc. Marina del Rey, Califor- Dorothy Leavell, the chairman of the NNPA, look on. Branch of the Association (OASC), celebrated 73 www.lasentinel.net {See CLUB A-10} {See FULL STORY A-10} for the Study of African years of African American A-6 A-2 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWSNEWS THURSDAY,THURSDAY,JANUARY FEBRUARY 22, 9, 2018 2014 Robertson BY JENNIFER BIHM African-Americans could cialhealthmentor.weebly. Staff Writer secure loans to purchase com has six principles of fi- homes and start businesses. nancial health for individu- In 1865, Freedman’s After Freedman’s, African- als and families. Financial Bank began the history of Americans began to find health among individuals African-American banking success at owning their own and families help to build in America and its principle banks. community wealth and of keeping money among its Some of the notable well-being. They are, Cor- patrons continues to be rel- ones include Mechan- tez says: evant to financial health in ics and Farmers Bank in “ENTREPRENEUR- the Black community today. North Carolina and St. SHIP - America is business Since their inception, Black Luke Penny Savings in Vir- and if you don't have a busi- banks have served as a sym- ginia. From 1888 to 1934, ness in America you may as bol of hope to its custom- African-Americans owned well be a foreigner in your ers. They have served as an more than 130 banks in the own country. We teach the opening to home ownership U.S. The Great Depression true power of entrepreneur- and business ownership, as hit Black Banks hard how- ship and why every wealth well as to help build finan- ever, and by the early 1940s building portfolio should cially sustainable neighbor- only 11 were opened in the have a private equity busi- hoods and cities. country. ness and in particular, a Following is a brief his- They began to rise again home-based business, espe- tory of Black banking in during the 1960s and own- cially in the early stages of America, the significanceership remained steady un- COURTESY PHOTO one’s wealth building jour- of the Bank Black move- til the late 1980s. By then, Black banks have served as an opening to home ownership and business ney. ment and six principles of problems had begun to arise ownership, as well as to help build finan cially sustainable neighbor hoods and cities. “TAX MINIMIZATION financial health for families in the banking industry in - If you're like most Ameri- within the community. general. cans, you're earning 100% When Congress made “Today, Black banks to utilize our $1.2 trillion communities and, equally, Black-owned banks in the of your income through la- Freedman’s Savings and are suffering like the rest in annual spending power low income communities,” entire country, according bor and because of the way Trust Company a legal en- of the banking industry to create jobs and build Moore said. “And banking to BankBlackUSA.org, you choose to earn income, tity, the law stated that the due to huge losses suffered wealth in our commu- is a relationship as much they do make a difference. by default you've chosen to bank’s purpose was to serve from securities related in- nity," said Teri Williams, as it is a number. Deciding “These banks represent pay the most in taxes. We “persons heretofore held in vestments,” wrote blogger president and COO of One whether or not to lend you about 16% of the country’s teach legal and ethical tax slavery in the United States, Calvin R. Evans in “Black United Bank, in an inter- money for a house, there’s minority-owned deposi- minimization strategies that or their descendants.” Even- Banks: Segregation’s Gift view with CNBC. an equation for that but tory institutions (MDIs). anyone can apply to reduce tually the bank opened 37 to the Black Community.” Justin Moore, co- there’s also discretion to MDIs support minorities their tax liability. branches across the South “In addition, according founder of Bank Black that. That there’s a human and populations that live in “DEBT ELIMINA- with the bank in DC as to a March 2010 Federal USA agrees. In a 2015 being somewhere… [mak- low-to-moderate income TION - It's EXTREMELY headquarters, including a Reserve Board report, there interview with CNBC, he ing] a choice whether or census tracts, people who difficult to build wealth branch in Richmond cre- are only thirty Black-owned told reporters that his or- not there’s gonna be that are underserved by main- when you're drowning in ated less than a year after banks in the United States. ganization provides cus- access of financial ser- stream financial institu- debt. Most working Ameri- the passage of the law. The Economic power is the root tomers with important vices to people. And that’s tions. These banks largely cans are living paycheck- bank ran into several prob- to gaining political power, information like ATM something that there’s a lot rely on core deposits to to-paycheck and therefore lems including embezzle- and Black banks can help and online banking us- of importance in the role fund real estate loans. Only only make enough money to ment by white members of facilitate income growth ability ratings and ratings these institutions play.” 2.6% of the country’s 6,800 service their debt, but never the board and was eventu- and stability in the Black for money management. “Black-owned banks FDIC-insured banks are pay down the principle. ally forced to shut down in community by creating Moore said that is impor- made about 67% of their MDIs. Further, only 1.1% Well, if you learn to reduce 1874. loans for businesses which tant, so that people can see mortgage loans to Black of FDIC-insured banks are your tax liability, those sav- But Black banks contin- would create jobs for resi- the real value of Black- borrowers in 2011,” wrote community development ings can be used to apply to ued to be important to the dents.’’ owned banks in their com- Amy Fontinelle in “Top financial institutions -(CDdebt.
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