VILLAGE OF BURR RIDGE W MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor, Trustees, Village Attorneys, and Village Clerk FROM: Village Administrator Doug Pollock and Staff DATE: June 8, 2018 SUBJECT: Administration Weekly Memo Calendar and Meetinq Hiqhliqhts o Sunday, June 10: Car Show - 10 AM to 2 PM; Burr Ridge Village Center . Monday, June 11: Board of Trustees - 7 PM; Village Hall Board Room o Wednesday, June 13: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - 7 PM; Village Hall Conference Room o Thursday, June 14: Local School Committee - 7 PM; Village Hall Board Room . Friday, June 15: Concert on the Green - 7 PM to 8:30 PM; Village Green o Monday, June 18: Plan Commission - 7 PM; Village Hall Board Room . Wednesday, June 20: Bike Committee - 6:30 PM; Village Hall Conference Room o Monday, June 25: Board of Trustees - 7 PM; Village Hall Board Room . Wednesday, July 4: lndependence Day - Village Hall Closed Staff Hiqhliqhts and Updates Businesses Meet with Com Ed and Village: On Friday, June 8, Mayor Straub, Village staff and local business representatives met with Com Ed officials to discuss outages that occurred over the Memorial Day weekend as well as ongoing problems with the reliability of local electric service. There were several hours-long outages that weekend that had a significant impact on businesses. Represented at the meeting were the Village Center, Hampton Social, Topaz, Two Bostons, Kohlers Spa, LifeTime Fitness, Marriott Hotel, and Crowne Plaza Hotel. Com Ed will provide a summary report next week that will detail the issues and action steps to be taken. Residents File Complaintwith USDOE OCR: On Friday, June l,local residents filed the complaint regarding Hinsdale High School District 86 with the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. There were over 800 signatures collected for the complaint. A copy of the complaint is on the Village's web site. lvliscellaneous Memo 6t8t2018 Page 1 of 3 Legal Notice for Buege Lane/Ruzicka Annexation Agreement: The legal notice for the public hearing for this Annexation Agreement was published last week. The hearing is scheduled for the June 25 Board ofTrustees meeting. Also on that agenda will be consideration of the petition to rezone the Malek property on the east side of Buege Lane. Wolf Road Pedestrian Crossing Update: Cook County returned its review comments for the Wolf Road Pedestrian Signal Project to our engineering consultant on NIay 10th. This is the third review by Cook County. The latest plan review comments include the addition of items into the scope of work that will increase the cost of the pOect. The revised cost estimate is $40,200 which is still within the range of the Village's previous estimates and will be shared by the Village, the Pleasant Dale Park District, and the Pleasantview School District (with $9,369 paid by Com Ed through the Powering Safe Communities program). We anticipate advertising for bids this month, with a bid opening and contract award in mid-July. Construction would be expected to start in mid- August. Road Program Work on Burr Ridge Streets: The Village's Road Program is well undeMay. Milling and paving was completed this week on Bucktrail Drive and Deerview Court. Next week, weather permitting, work may include paving on Shore Drive and Shore Ct, curb installation and pavement milling on Peppermill Court, and patching on Greenbriar Court. All roads remain open with brief interruptions while paving. We would like to thank those residents and businesses in advance for their patience while crews are working in their neighborhood on projects that are vital to our Village's infrastructure. Tollway to Meet with Residents on June 13: Residents of The Heatherfields requested that staff and Tollway officials attend their June 13 homeowners meeting at the Village Hall (7pm) and that we invite Tollway officials to attend as well. The Tollway will be represented at the meeting and we have inviled several interested residents from north of Plainfield Road to attend as well. Latex Paint Recycling Program: DuPage County has set up Latex Paint Recycling Program at the Woodridge Greene Valley Wastewater Treatment Facility, 7900 S. Route 53, Woodridge. The Program will run Monday through Saturday, 8:00 ANI - 2:00 PM, between June 25 and August 4, 20'18. Attached isaflyerwith more details. Annual Scavenger Service Rate lncrease: As per the Village's contract with Groot lndustries, effective for all service provided after August 1, 2018 there will be a 2.5% increase in the monthly service rate for garbage pickup. The standard monthly rate will increase from $16.85 to $'17.27 per month. Services provided and pick up days remain the same. For further information, please refer to thiiltk on the Villaqe web site. Reports and Briefinqs IML Spring Legislative Session Summary:Attached is the lllinois l\4unicipal League 2018 Spring Legislative Session Summary dated June 4, 2018. I\,fiscellaneous Memo 6t4t2018 Page 2 of 3 o DMMC Legislative Update: Attached is the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference Legislative Update dated April 13, 2018. DP:bp Encl ec: Department Heads Assistant to the Village Administrator lvliscellaneous Memo 6t8t2018 Page 3 of 3 APPENDIXA Groot lndustries Elk Grove Village, IL Scave Services P osal PRICE ITEM YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 (8/L/t7- (8/t/78- (8/t/te- (B/t/20- (8/t/21- 7 /31/tAl 7 /31/r9l 7 /31/2O'l 7 /3t/2tl 7 /31/221 Unlimited collection of refuse $16.85 $77.27 st7 .7 0 $18.14 $18.s9 using either 95-gallon or 65- Per month Per month Per month Per month Per month gallon cafts and recycling [2.50lo Increase) [2.570Increase) (2.5% Increase) [2.5% IncreaseJ using 65-gallon carts with 95- gallon carts available upon requesL Groot will provide additional cart rental for those residents who have additional waste for $5.00/month. Landscape waste using Kraft No additional charge paper bags or containers not exceeding 50 lbs. Optional 9S-gallon or 65-gallon containers will be provided by the hauler at a price of $5/cartlmonth Senior discount (65 years and $ 16.10 $16.50/ $16.91 $ 17.3 3 $77 .7 6 olderl Per month Per month Per month Per month Per month (4.5% Discount) [4.50/o Discount] [4.5% DiscountJ [4.50lo Discountl (4.50/o Discountl Cost for Top ofDrive empty $24.85 $25.47 $26.L1- $26.7 6 $27.43 cart return option Per month Per month Per month Per month Per month (2.5%o Increasel [2.50lo Increase) [2.5%o Increase) (2.50lo Increasel Cost for backdoor refuse $3 3.70 $34.54 $35.40 $36.29 $37.20 service option (recycling and Per month Per month Per month Per month Per month landscape waste at the curb) [2.5% Increase) (2.50lo lncrease) [2.5% Increase) (2.5% Increasel Residents will be permitted No additional charge to place unlimited bulk items which are not banned from Illinois landfills out for weekly collection Collection of white goods $2 5.00 $25.63 $26.27 $26.93 $27.60 [refrigerator, freezer, oven, (2.5% Increase) (2.50lo Increase) [2.570Increase) (2.570 IncreaseJ stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc.) Emergency Collection upon request ofthe Villaqe Truck (x1) $175.00 $179.38 $183.87 $188.47 $ 193.18 ($175lhour) [2.5% IncreaseJ (2.50lo IncreaseJ (2.5%o Increase) (2.5%o lncreasel Labor (x1) $45.00 $46.13 $47.28 s4A.46 $49.67 [$45/hourl [2.50lo Increase) (2.5% Increase) (2.50/o Increase) [2.5% Increase) Disposal $58.50 $59.96 $61.46 $63.00 $64.58 (2.570Increase) [$58.50/tonl (2.50/o IncreaseJ (2.570Increase) (2.5% lncrease) 19 20r8 ffi I Spring a I I 'T: s U June 4, 2018 Message to Our Members from IML Executive Director Brad Cole Being the formal voice for lllinois municipalities at the Sfafehouse is a primary responsibility of the lllinois Municipal League (lML). IML was founded in 1913, and throughout those 105 years has continuously worked for the benefit of municipalities at both the state and federal levels. Our legislative advocacy allows us to provide a tangible return on your investment in lML. We appreciate your membership and are pleased to provide the following summary of the 2018 spring legislative sesslon. Throughout fhrs sesslon of the lllinois General Assembly, IML reviewed over 3,000 new bills, constitutional amendments and resolutions on behalf of our membership. Further, IML pursued an aggressive legislative agenda intended fo asslsf municipal officials, protect local authority and prevent harmful legislation from becoming law. This summary will be supplemented by future documents detailing what happened during this legislative sesslon. Watch for our "Bills Approved by Both Chambers" document, an updated "Repoft on Preemption Legislation" and other documents in future rssues of the weekly Statehouse Briefing. Once again, thank you for your membership in the lllinois Municipal League. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel welcome to contact me either by phone at (217) 525-1220 or email at [email protected]. Thanks. - BC GeneralAssemb Passes n Fiscal Year 2019 Budget One of the last actions the General Assembly took was to approve a state budget for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2019, which starts on July 1 , 2018. The budget legislation (available via this link) was signed into law today by Governor Bruce Rauner. State Budget Legislation Partially Restores LGDF Cut The General Assembly approved a state budget that partially restores the 10% cut to the Local Government Distributive Fund (LGDF) adopted in the SFY 2018 budget.
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