INDEX TO THE VIRGINIA CAVALCADE compiled by Rachel Marks and Lois Raymond 1992-2008 Introduction Compiled by two John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library volunteers over a number of years, this index includes articles and illustrations published in volumes 1-51 of the Virginia Cavalcade a quarterly published by the Library of Virginia, 1951-2002. Volume numbers are underlined, followed by the quarterly number, in parentheses, followed by pages. Beginning with Volume 24, pages were numbered consecutively throughout each volume, so quarterly numbers have been omitted. Here are examples: 16 (2):13-34 indicates Volume 16, Autumn number, and page numbers. 27 :154-157 indicates Volume and page numbers. The following symbols have been used: (M) for map within the pages given. (D) copy of document within pages given. * artistic production or photograph of person, place, or thing within pages given. Almost all articles have illustrations of some type, but not all are indexed. Unfortunately, Volume 18 includes a Number 5, which should be Volume 19, No. 1. This index includes material for that number under 18 (5) and there is no reference to 19 (1). (In the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library that number may be found in either Vol. 18 or Vol. 19.) Items about Virginia government appear under two headings: "Virginia , Colony," and Virginia, Commonwealth." Information about entries indicated with ========== may be found in the card file in Special Collections. 2 A Aaron, Hank, baseball player, 48 :109 Abbey, R.A., artist "The singing seats of an old-time country church," 6(2):16* Abbot, Henry L., Capt., mapmaker, 48 :30 Jacob, educator, "The Teacher," 49 :136,137 William Richardson, educator, 1(3):17 Abb's Valley massacre, Tazewell Co., 1786, 2(1):16,19* Abercromby, Robert, Continental officer, 31 :65 Aberdeem Academy, 29 :102,104,106 Abingdon, town, 25 :80,85* Barter Theater, 10 (1):4,10* Highlands Festival, 10 (1):10 Abingdon Episcopal Church, 19 (3):1,6*; 20 (2):19*; 32 :171 Abingdon House, antiques store, 45 :107 Abingdon Monument, 12 (2):10* Abraham, Samuel F., Va. disabled soldier, 47 :15,20 Abrams, Joseph, Richmond free black, 46 :120,124 Abshire, Rev. Herschell B., V-E Day celebrant, 45 :88 Abutment Dam, Petersburg, 27 :148,158* Academy Hill, cemetery site, 46 :118,119 Academy of Sciences & Fine Arts of the U.S.A., 46 :198 a cappella, harmony singing quartet tradition, 51 :100-111 unidentified a cappella quartet, Portsmouth, 51 :101* See also quartets. Accomac (Accomack) County agriculture in, 28 :14,19* Battle of Cagey's Straits, 1782, 4(2):33-37 courthouses, 14 (1):20,27* debtor's prison, 14 (1):26* jailor's house, 5(1):29* opposition to Stamp Act, 6(3):4-7 Accomac Club, 46 :273 Accomacs, Eastern Shore Indians, 46 :269 Acuff, Roy, Grand Ole Opry, 51 :115 Accum, Friedrich Christian, auth. "A Practical Treatise on Gas-Light," 46 :180,183,182* Ackermann, Rudolph, art publisher, 46 :180 Acklin, Christopher, tavern keeper, 25 :83 Acosta, Joseph, priest, 11 (1):20 The naturall and morall historie of the East and West , titlepage (D), 11 (1):19 Vagabond gazette , titlepage (D), 2(4):17 Adams, Abigail, w. of President John, 38 :86; 48 :171; 51 :53,57 Andrew G., railroad brakeman, 34 :59,60 Betsy, Washington Cty., 49 :28 Dicy Roberts, w. of James T., 21 (4):13 Edward Forstall, son of Pauline, 49 :86,91*,92 James C. "Grizzly", Barnum celebrity, 45 :25 James F., Union soldier, 37 :30,31 James Taylor, editor/scholar, 21 (4):12,17* Death in the dark , titlepage (D), 21 (4):16 3 Vagabond gazette , titlepage (D), 21 (4):17 John, physician, 9(3):16; 14 (1):8,9 John, president, 1(1):44,46,47; 2(4):8,9*; 4(1):44,47; 13 (1):35*; 32 :143*; 50 :4-6; 51 :53 plans for Houdon statue of Washington, 2(2):38 Thoughts on government , titlepage (D), 1(1):47 John, Richmond free black, 46 :124 John H., Senator, Lexington Library patron, 49 :37 John Quincy, president, 11 (2):33,34*; 33 :34* Pauline Forstall Colclough, suffragette, Norfolk, 49 :84- 93,84*,90*, family portrait,91* Richard, businessman, Richmond, 14 (1):8 Richard, Chesterfield Co., 1(2):20 Richard, f. of Samuel, 9(3):16 Richard, mem. House of Delegates, 14 (1):7,8 Robert, Continental officer, 15 (3):26 Samuel G., glassmaker, 9(3):15,16 Samuel L., Halifax Cty. Senator, 50 :45 Silas, master armorer, 12 (2):30 Thomas, clerk, Henrico Co., 34 :180 Walter Jones, h. of Pauline, 49 :86,91* Walter Paul, son of Pauline, 49 :86,91*,92 William H., Richmond alderman, 49 :7 Adams Express, package service co., 48 :87,90,91 Adair, Douglass, professor, 29 :56,57* Elizabeth. See Posey, Elizabeth Adair. J.McD., land developer, 20 (3):12 William, secretary of the colony, 38 :56 Adelson, Bruce, author “Percy Miller and the Danville Leafs, 1951,” The Integration of Minor-League Baseball in the South, 48 :108-117 Adkins, O.B., Radford miner, 46 :266 Adlum, viticulturist/writer, 39 :113,114 "Adventure," ship of Blackbeard, 2(2):12-16 Advertisements, tobacco companies, 36 :66,73* Virginia products, 36 :116,118, 120,121* See also Baseball, Medicine, and other subjects. Advertiser & Commercial Intelligencer , Alexandria, Va., 51 :59 AEF Bandmasters & Musicians School, Chaumont, France, 50 :111 AEF, “The Big Red One,” 50 :142 Aetna Furnace, Botetourt Co., 7(2):32 African Americans beneficial societies, Richmond, 39 :151-154 burial "garden," Norfolk, 51 :70* Church, Lawrenceville, Va., 47 :34* family life, Richmond, 39 :130-143 food, 39 :70-83 free, in 17th century, 32 :10-19 homes of, Richmond, 39 :78,83* music, 1(4):36-40 naming patterns, 39 :142 painting of, 38 :4-13 4 political activity, Richmond, 39 :154,155 religion, 4(3):18-22 secret societies, 39 :134,148-157 See also names of societies. Segregation, Jim Crow, 48 :108-110 See also baseball Streetcars, 48 :111* social life, Richmond, 39 :130-143,148-157 trade-based societies, 39:153-155 See also names of African American individuals,slavery and slaves. African Baptist Missionary Society, 29 :36 African Repository , title page (D), 23 (2):7 Agecroft Hall, 8(4):45* Agnew, Ella, home demonstration agent, 33 :16*; 50 :38 Agriculture apples, 10 (2):1,23-33,48* Blandfield plantation, 11 (4):23,26,27* Custis interest in, 22 (3):44,46 daffodils, 9(4):42,47* diversification, 16 (1):15 effects of Civil War on, 16 (2):23 Fairfax County, 26 :100-109 Galt brothers, 29 :27-31 laws, 1619, 7(1):7,8 marketing, 25 :14-27 Mount Vernon, 13(4):4-9 peanuts, 8(1):16,23* pork, processing on farm, 7(3):41,47* reaper, invention of, 4(1):20,27* Rosegill, 16 (1):11 Richardson, Wm. H., work of, 20 (3):14,20* Ruffin, work of, 17 (1):32-38 sheep-raising, 38 :126-132 societies, 38 :128,130 Tyler plantation, 13 (1):5-10 vegetables, storage of, 28 :14-19 wine industry, 39 :106-117 See also Tobacco; Cotton; etc. Agriculture Adjustment Act, 46 :227 Ah Sam, cook on Arctic expedition, 36 :18,27,28 Ahern, John, Irish immigrant, 47 :42 Aiken, Archie, child, 10 (2):46 W.E.A., assistant to Wm. Barton Rogers, 24 :15 Aiken's landing, James River, 14 (4):17* Ainslee, George, major of Richmond, 3(4):20,21*; 51 :151 5 Ainsworth, Henry, dissenting pastor, Amsterdam, 2(2):10,11 Annotations upon the book of Psalmes , titlepage (D), 2(2):ll Aitcheson, Cpl. John Kenneth, WWI, Alexandria, 50 :129 Aitcheson and Parker, letter about supplying food to British ships, 1775 (D), 15 :60,63 Akin, James, engraver animal bones, 35 :78* "Alabama," CSA ship, 19 :27* Aladdin Records label, 51 :110,111 Albany, Treaty of, 1722, 9(1):22 Albany Journal , N.Y., article re J.Davis children, 50 :23 Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Co., 24 :70,79*; 39 :175 stock certificate, 1857 (D), 24 :71 Albemarle County, 17 (4):32; 18 (2):5 Blue Ridge tunnel, 1(1):22,27* courthouse, 17 (4):6,11* ironworks, 1770's, 35 :186 school life in, 10 (2):4-11 Albemarle Club, Richmond gambling club, 46 :44 Albemarle County Hunt Club, 1841, 10 (3):15 Albemarle Rifles, 13 (3):26 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, visit, 1860, 6(2):38,41*; 30 :134,143* Alberti, Harry, Lynchburg, 31 :207* Albin & Brother, Winchester, stonecutters, 51 :69 Album of Virginia , by Edward Beyer, 22 (4):36,47* Alcohol, allegations against, leaflet (D), 22 (3):30 use of, in colony, 9(3):36 See also Prohibition. Alcott, Louisa May, author, "Hospital Sketches," 46:221 Alderman, Edwin Anderson, educator, 5(3):16 Aldred, John, ship captain, 32 :174,176,177 Aldrich, Winthrop, N.Y. banker, 47 :11 Aldridge, Ira, actor, 38 :16* Alexander, ______, neighbor of G. Washington, 48 :186 Andrew, Rockbridge Co., 25 :122 Archibald, educator, 22 (3):17* Charles A., Alexandria militia officer, 16 (3):12 David, Russell Co., 22 (4):16 E. Porter, CSA officer, 6(3):29,31; 23 (2):17 J.H., engineer, 16 (3):32 John H., ranger, 34 :105 Mark, attorney, Congressman, 36 :151* Robert, founder of Augusta Academy, 24 :155 "Alexander McAllister," tugboat, 11 (1):1,37,44* Alexandria, 14 (1):34-39; 19 (4):27*; 25 :27,126,135*; (M) 27 :89*; 31 :32,37*; 35 :145,192* Battery Rodgers, 11 (3):37* British occupation of, 18 (1):14-18 capital of Unionist Virginia, 1863, 35 :160,161 celebration of Jefferson election, 8(1):8,9 6 Confederate monument, 16 (4):22,23,48* free school, 14 :(1):39 glassworks, 1787, 9(3):15 legal status of, 15 (2):4,8* manse, 14 (1):36* Marshall House, 11 (3):35* Mason as town trustee, 1(1):5 oath of allegiance required of citizens (D), 11 (3):38 occupation of, 1861, 11 (3):33-39 provost marshal office, 11 (3):38* roundhouse, 11 (3):39* view of, ca 1855, 49 :39* voluntary militia, 1842-1861, 16 (3):12,21* Webster visit to, 1(3):41 Alexandria Academy, 14 (1):37; 48 :174,176,175* Alexandria Canal Co., 25 :129,131 Alexandria Gazette , 49 :182,187 Alexandria Gazette & Virginia Advertiser , 48 :182 Alexandria Library Co., 49 :32-39 bookplates, 49 :31*,34* "The Lyceum," photo of door, 49 :30* Alexandria Light Infantry, militia, 49 :180-186,186* Alexandria, Loudoun, and Hampshire Railroad, 14 (1):40,47* Alexandria Riflemen, 16 (3):13-21 Alexandria Steam Ferry, 31 :35 Alfriend, Frank H., editor, 21 (1):20 Thomas L., officer, Va.
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