Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 6-12-1997 The Daily Egyptian, June 12, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1997 Volume 82, Issue 150 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Tomorrow: At Sunset: The DE premieres its 'Whiskeytq,~ opens new weekend edition. concert· · series .. Package goods: Change in liquor license caps may affect competition. Jmgc 3 page6 Vol. 82, No. 150, 12 pages http://\~'lvw.dailyegyptian.com ar .s hike increased funding. some students told the Paul LeBlanc. a graduate student and last said; ''Academics should be more important. GOING UP: BOT raises SIU Board ofTrustccs at Wednesday·s meet­ year's Graduate and Professional Student and that should be demons.rared in any deci­ fee by $20 for fall 1998; ing. Council vice president, participated in the sion made (Wednesday night). However, some students and the arhleric Illinois Bc,ard of Higher Education's review "We should not have cuts made to acade­ administration plans director say a lack of funding could jeopardize of graduate education that led to the February mic.~ while at the same time talking about the University's Division I-AA athletic status. elimination or merger of four graduate pro­ increasing athletics:• to study future increases. At the meeting. the board approved a S20 · grams. Charlotte· West, associate director· of WIWAM HATFIELD increase in the uthleric fee from the annual He said academics are the priority at SIU. Intercollegiate Athletics, said athletics aids in DAlLY EGYl'llAN REroRTIR rateofS116forfull 1997toS!36forfall 1998, and that the University should not e!iminale student recruitment and ~rovides scholarships However. before the board voted, it academic programs while increasing athletic SIUC's academic programs should not be allowed people to speak for or against the funding. cut at the same time athletics receives increase. "I came to SIU for academic.~;· LeBJanc SEE BOT, PAGE 7 law may bo st peflsion plans GOLDEN YEARS: cent to 80 percent. Sa •The optional retirement.pro­ Legislation bases gram, a privately funded plan, would be available to all current benefits on flat rate, and new workers. · · •The number of · years years of. servlce. · . ¥- J'C{jUired for retir:-m~nt before KIRK MOTTRAM· the age of 60 .without penalty DAILY EGYl'llAN REl'ORTER would be reduced from 35 io 30 over a five-year period. Legislation· awaiting Gov. •Retirees would pay 5 per­ Jim Edgar's approval. will offer ccnr of their health benefit cost SIUC employees increased pen­ for each year of serviceJess than sion benefits. 20years. ,. lllinois' monthly pension •Employees no longer would benefits are ranked 49th in the be able to cash in on accumulat­ natiQn, according to a survey by ed sick days. ANYWAY Workplace Economics Inc. of Wilson · and SIU President THE WIND Washington, D.C. Ted Sanders testified earlier this BLOWS: The pension bill was ratified year before three legislative SIUC Sailing Club: by the General Assembly on May 31 and. would take effect " ___ _ members Jason Jan. l if signed. ____ Bartell (right), a State university employees• graduate student benefits will be increased based lt's.[the pension in law from on their years of service. Thomasboro; and A 2.2-percent flat rate would · bill] revenue become the formula used to Chuck Beasley, a determine the percentage of. neutral and it's graduate student salary received. for each year of in geography from service. rather than the sliding very beneficial to" Metropolis, hoist scale now in place. - the the jib of the For example. university employees .. Flying Scott workers with 30 years of experi­ ence would see a 9.3-pcrcent SWE Rs>. MIKE Bosr. Wednesday ct increa~e in their monthly pen­ R-MllRPHYssoRo Crab Orchard sion, pladng their earnings at Lake. the national ::werage. committees. They hoped the PATMAHoH/ The proposed changes. pension package would raise D.ulrl:i:i'J'li31l · according to Donald Wilson. the benefit~ to the national average, vice president · for University would not be detrimental to the OFF SHORE: Club members Collegiate Sailing Club. Members Ira• services and· board .treasurer, University's operating budg~t ~:+J;:@~-li/)j ditionally can•e their names onto the would constitute a "'win-win­ and would not increase unfund• •The Southern. find themselves not wanting oar after minor, -,- and usually laugh­ win situation." ed liability, which is the amount able - mishaps on the water. · "1llere are three winners of debt the state owes to . its Illinois to rerum to port. here: our faculty and· staff, the Collegiate And as president of the group, workers. university and the state's a win- Wilson also stated: that uni­ Sailing dub is MIKAL J. HARRIS Dierks ,is about to get out his carving knife. ner," Wilson said. versity employees were handed offering free DE FEAlURES EDITOR . George Garoian, an · SIUC sailing lessons "'I thought_ I could get in between the best deal because thev will some things on the water while sailing emeritus professor, said· he. is not have to forgo a 3-percent from noon to 5 frustrated with the current pen- salary increase, a condition to p.m. Saturday Dierks laughs as he holds the other day and I couldn't," he said. -dl/(~n "You get awarded with this (oar] when . s,ion system.. · · which other, state employees ct Crab a -weathered black oar, which is "So many retired so lo;ig ago you do something stupid on the water. must adhere to obtain the bene­ Orchard Lake. inscribed with so· many names and· and their retirement is really fits. Contact Myron dates that its original sandy wood We have a Jot of fun like that." low," Garoian said. ••If it is The Southern · Illinois · Collegiate . In a• prepared statement, Dierks ct 351- shows on much of its surface. raised, it sounds good. Wilson explained· how the new Sailing Club, also kno.wn as the SIUC 0007 for more Dierks, a senior in industrial tech­ "'They [retirees} need it." benefits .would be funded. infonTI:Jtion. nology from Carbondaie, says the aged These nre olhcr changes in " ••• the new benefits;;.wilr'cost oar is a tangible piece of history of the the un_iv~rsity · employee. pack­ apj:iro.umately 2.4 percent of the 31-year-old Southern. lllinois SEE_SAIUNG! PAGE 6 age. .•The benefit maximum would be increased from 75 per: -. SEE PENSION, PAGE 7. NEWS 2821 b- dclo~s. Murdolo .Boptet Churdt for rogi~ lion, 529·5800. · .· . • Catholic Charismatic Pra)ier C~eud~r .. Meeting • )3.~:=!~.J- 6: 9:30p.m.;Jun, 14 lo 15, U £wry T~ from 7:30-9 • SIUC Library Affairs • Free a.m. ~. 6 p.m. at SIUC. Conlad Slcip p.m. at the Newmon Calholic Sludcnt Nehcopo Seminar, lntrocluction lo Center. Con1act Tom« Jan at 549- CALENDAR POLICY s~ 1or n,gis1ra1ion at 1-800642· WWW using Netscopo, June 23, 2·3 11,c, daJii.., Ice · 9589. .4266 for details. p.m. of the Morris u'brary Room I03· Cund.r lrnns h two D. Conlod Undergroduiile Desk for ruN,arlon d.,ya l,cfon: '•. Southcm ltll!Jis 'Colegiato Sating • sue Lcniry Affairs. deta1s, 453-2818. rhc .....1. Thoknn looming Seminar, · · Cub • Free sailing lessons at Ciab Asyrdiranous June mult lnclu.k limo, .late. 18, 9-10 a.m. of Moms Lil:rory, rutt, aJmlu,on ,..,., Orchard, Juie 14, noon lo 5 b-m. • SIUC Librory Affairs • Free lnfctroc Room 103·0. Conlod Search Bonk Seminar, June 23, 3·4 anJ •ron- cl th•~~• ·anJrhc....,,.anJr!,oc,o ~r~at351«1Jl Undergraduate Dcslc for details, 453· p.m. of Morris u'brary, Room 103-D. olrhcrmonsubroltt"'!II 2818. Conlod Undergroduote Desk for rho lrrm.. lrrm, r.houlJ • Wrnd 5"fing ~ • lnlrcduction details, 453-2818. t.. Jc:Uwt<J or mailed to • suc lcr0ry Affoin • Free Home lo wind surfing, June 14, 1 p.m. at rhclloilrE,:n,tiatl Pogo SemiNlr, lntrocluction lo • SIUC Librory Affairs • Free N.,..room, Evergreen lole boot ra,,..,. Conlod Con$1ruding HTMi., June 18, 2·4 p.m. Communication• Art at 985-4981 Silverplotler Dotob:M Seminar, June SATURDAY: « . of Morris l.ibrary 103·0. · lluilJini:,Rrom 12·47. www.siu.edu/windsurf for dcloils. r.oom 24, 9· 10 a.m. of Morris Library Room AD cakrJ.ar irnru alto Conlod lh:lergroduote Dcslc fur I03·0. Conlod Undergroduote Desk Partly cloudy -onrhcDEWd, Free 1o oU mcmbcn. · · details, 453-2818. High: 84 l"E'•NonlmJ.,lnfor• for~ils,435-2818, motlonwillt..tum • Campaign flMMI ReForm f01"'.m • Low: 65 owrtherl,.-.· UnMnity 1.'cO, .,,jorent 1o Garfield's. American Red Cross/ S1UC Bloocl ~=~~~S 'I:,~- • 25 16 June 14, 10:15a.m. • noon;Video 4 p.m. at Morris lho:y room 103-D. Orr,e, June , year olds and tl..1----1 ,Lt. L older; 2•7 p.m, at rho RecCeniet,ond and Dialogue Groups, 1·3 p.m. Conlod Contac:t Fraik Sehnert b- dclails, 457· "'"""ll' uuuole .,,.,... rcr 1:30 lo 6:30 p.m. of SI. Francis 2487•. details, 453·2818. Xavier Church, 303 S. Poplar SI. • Mon:; .. Prohibilion cu, Corrections •. Old f me 8cm Dance· Friends cf ~ 19, 2 p:ni: of the · , · · .• American Red Cross/ SIUC Bloocl Trodi~onol Music and Dona,, June 14, Student Center Activity Room D. · Drive: AD who ore 16 and a,er ore ~ p.m. at Coibonclale's Evugeen.
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