The Archive CD Books Project exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to provide money to renovate old books in their collection. Trinity College Dublin Library Collection Bassett’s Wexford County Guide and Directory 1885 George Henry Bassett, Wexford county guide and directory: a book for manufacturers, merchants, traders, land-owners, farmers, tourists, anglers, and sportsmen generally (1885) Ref. IET0026 Bassett’s Wexford is both a directory and a guide to the entire county in 1885. It is one of the most important sources published for late nineteenth century Wexford, recording details (addresses and occupations) for over 11,000 people in the county. It contains 406 pages of detailed information, as well as an excellent full colour map. The book begins with the history, economy, geology and social life of the county. This is followed by a full directory for every town and village, giving the names and details for all office- holders, professionals, merchants and tradesmen, as well as a full alphabetical directory of farmers and other residents not listed by trade. There is a detailed introduction to each town and village, with information about the economy, history, religion, railways, post, and general character of the place. It includes an extended treatment for the borough of Wexford, and the towns of New Ross, Enniscorthy and Gorey. The book finishes with an index of places, a list of fairs and markets, and includes many commercial advertisements. To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons, and to navigate using bookmarks, click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5). To navigate the Directory, use the bookmarks to search for a specific topic and then use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons or slide bar to go to the relevant page number. This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. For more books about Ireland visit http://www.archivecdbooks.ie/ Copyright © 2006 Archive CD Books Ireland Ltd. All Rights Reserved. For more books on CD from Archive CD Books, see the web pages at http://www.archivecdbooks.org/ ESTABLISH ED 1795. JOHN EYRE, PROPRIETOR. This Hotel is situated in the principal thoroughfare of the town. It affords excellent accommodation for Tourists. The Bedrooms are well ventilated and well furnished. In addition to the Coffee Room, there are several Private Sitting Rooms for Ladies and Family Parties. As a Commercial Hotel, WHITE'S has few superiors in Ireland. There is a first-rate Billiard Room. The sanitary arrangements are in accordance with the latest scientific improvements. €1° An Omnibus from the Hotel attends the arrival cf every Train and Steamer. Cars, Carriages, Waggonettes, Omnibuses, <Sc, sup- plied on the shortest notice. 4 P. W. O'DWYER, General Drapery Warehouse, 67 NORTH MAIN STREET (BULL RING), WEXFORD. LIST OP DEPARTMENTS. Straws, Millinery, Caps, Mantles, Shawls, Costumes, Dresses, French Merinos, Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Perfumery, Haberdashery, Gloves, Under- clothing, Corsets, Baby Linen, Prints, Linens, Calicoes, Blankets, Flannels, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces, Scarfs, Furs, Umbrellas, &c, &c. In our Millinery Department we copy after the leading Parisian modistes. &T Direct Purchaser of Louis Velveteens. The goods are procured for this house from the best manufacturers, in the cheapest markets, and upon such terms as to warrant their sale at the lowest possible prices. fcT Special Terms to Wholesale Customers. P. W. O'D. has had a varied experience in the trade, having during ten years held the position of buyer for Amott and Co., Limited, Belfast Previously he was in the employment of Amott and Co., Dublin, Cannock, Tait and Co., Limerick, and for two years before opening business for himself, was Irish representative for Munt, Brown and Co., London. Wedding and Mourning Orders Promptly Executed. frr NO SECOND PRICE. THOMPSON BROTHERS, 6[njjmeer0 nnh C WEXFORD. Builders in Concrete and Manufacturers of Moulded Concrete Flooring Flags and Sets, Window Sils, Tomb, Wall and other Coping. Rick Stand Pillars; Garden, Tennis Ground and Field Rollers, dc./dc.. in fine Cement Concrete. Inventors and Sole Patentees of y^p/""" FRUIT GARDEN & BOUNDARY WALLS Also Patent Economic Apparatus/or Building Concrete Houses, Watts, Silos, d-c. FARM OFFICES & LABOURERS' COTTAGES. Particular attention is paid to designing and erecting these substantially, and at moderate prices, especially in connection with GOVERNMENT LOANS TO TENANT FARMERS & OTHERS. The preliminaries of which are negotiated and the reports, maps, plans, specifications, and estimates prepared on most favorable terms. IRON HAY BARNS WITH ROLLED GIRDER IBON DPRIGHTS, And improved lattice arched iron principals are made a speciality, and cannot be surpassed for shelter, strength, durability, and price. THOMPSON'S PATENT STRAINED WIRE FENCING. The uprights of which are fixed with concrete blocks, continues to be the cheapest and best wire fence in the market, either for Farm, Pleasure ground, or Railway fencing. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS & MACHINERY Of the most approved make supplied and erected. Manufacturers of the widely-known superior " Leinster " Harrows, &c, &c. DRINAGH PORTLAND CEMENT. WEXFORD COUNTY mntk A -BOO& FOR MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS, TRADERS, LAND-OWNERS, FARMERS, TOURISTS, ANGLERS, AND SPORTSMEN GENERALLY. BY GEORGE HENRY BASSETT. DUBLIN : SJttnuD anS ©ubliefjeti for tin Proprietor b? SEALY, BRYERS AND WALKER, 94> 95 AND 96.MJCDLE ABBEY STREET. 1885. Entered at Stationers' Hal).] " fAJi rights reserved. W. WALKER & SON, Wholesale and Family Grocers, STta, TOite attir Spirit 78 MAIN STREET, WEXFORD. Gash Price List post -free on Agents)b&tofflj$POotd Medal Table Wafers. CSee Pa9e 2°J WEXFORD COUNTY. jEXFORD County is represented on the map of Ireland as occupying the most extreme South- easterly position. It is in the Province of Leinster. Wicklow is its Northern boundary. It is bounded on the South by the Atlantic ^j,, _ „ _„ Ocean; on the East by St. George's Channel. •^ and on the West by Carlow, Kilkenny, and Waterford, The greatest length of the County, North and South is 55 miles ; the greatest breadth is 34 miles ; and the area in acres is 575,700. In remote times Wexford was inhabited by tribes known as Fir-bolgs, who were subdued by the Gaels. The Danes con- trived to secure a foothold in it, and many traces of them still remain, including the name Weisford, or Wexford. The British connexion with Ireland began at Wexford in May, 1169. At Bag-an-bun promontory, on the Southern Coast, 400 men landed tinder command of Robert Fitzstephen and Maurice Fitzgerald. The invasion was invited by Dermod M'Murrough, King of Leinster, who, by severity and oppressive rule, made himself so unpopular with his own subjects that he was com- pelled to fly his kingdom to escape the wrath of O'Rourke, Prince of Breffny, whose wife he had carried away. O'Rourke's cause was espoused by Roderic O'Connor, King of Connaught. M'Murrough, with the concurrence of Heniy II., entered into a contract with Richard, Earl Strongbow, the terms of which were that the latter should receive all the land of Leinster and M'Murrough's only daughter, Eva, in marriage. Strongbow not having immediately busied himself with preparation for the expedition, M'Murrough became impatient, and secured the aid of Fitzstephen and his Lieutenant. The price arranged upon was a grant of the town of Wexford and two cantreds of land. According to tradition, the promontory of Bag-an-bun received its name from the two ships, the Bagg and the Bunn, in which Fitzstephen made the voyage across the Channel. Strongbow, having heard news of Fitzstephen's expedition, followed him to Wexford in 1171, with a force which included many Flemings, who had been driven from their own country 78 MAIN STREET, WEXFORD. WM. WALKER & SONS meet the inquiry for NET CASH PAYMENTS, WM. WALKER & SON have revised their General List, offering to the Public the best value that can possibly be obtained, for articles of superior quality. Prices alone are deceptive; in most articles there are various degrees of quality. WM. WALKER and SON will in this respect maintain their name for Excellence of Quality, Goods are delivered in Town and Suburbs at List Prices; also Orders amounting to £$ and upwards delivered free at any Station on the Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Railway, but it is necessary that all Goods should be paid for at the time of Purchase. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS, Families in Town or Country who wish to avail themselves of our Cash List, but find it inconvenient to prepay every order, are recom- mended to open a DEPOSIT ACCOUNT. This Account will be debited with each order as sent out, and the balance shown. Deposit Accounts will be opened from £$ and upwards, and the balance due returned at any time upon application. CASH PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. (For other Advertisements see Index.) by an inburst of the sea. Strongbow fulfilled his contract with M'Murrough, and received his daughter in marriage. At the death of M'Murrough, his title to the lands of Leinster was confirmed by Henry II. In six years from the time of his accession Strongbow died, leaving, as the fruit of the marriage with Eva, a daughter, Isabella, who, during fourteen years, remained as the ward of Henry II., and was, by him, given in marriage to William, Earl Marshall, who succeeded to the Leinster inheritance. Of this marriage there were five daughters, amongst whom, lacking a male heir, the lands were divided. In the war of the Catholic Confederation, beginning in 1641,. the people of the county took an active part, and spent a large amount of money in fortifying their principal strongholds.
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