Index Index terms Links A Abbott bearing area curve 9/121 Abbreviations, unit 19/16 Abrasion 9/71 Abrasive friction/wear 9/4 ABS (Acrilonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) 7/117 Absolute system (units) 19/3 Absorbers, sound 15/148 Acceleration 1/5 angular 1/5 constant 1/6 Coriolis 1/7 in mechanisms 1/7 variable 1/6 Accelerometer 15/133 Access time, disk 4/20 Accumulator: pulsation reduction 15/8 steam-storage 15/86 Accuracy, of measurement 3/21 Acetal resins 7/122 ACGIH, capture systems 15/104 Acoustic enclosures 15/149 Acoustic sound 15/138 Acoustic testing 7/176 Acrylic adhesives 16/72 Acrylics 7/120 ADA language 4/44 Adaptive control 3/54 I/1 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/2 Index terms Links ADC (Analogue-to-Digital Converter) 3/12 ADCCP protocol 4/29 Addressing modes, computer 4/8 Adhesion 9/71 joint design 16/77 principles 16/73 production processes 16/83 surface pretreatment 16/76 Adhesive friction/wear 9/4 Adhesives 6/20 16/70 types 16/72 Adiabatic processes 1/31 1/36 Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors (AGR) 13/4 13/8 Air change rate 15/110 Air cleaners 15/102 Air conditioning: controls 15/109 plant 15/107 sizing 15/110 terms 15/106 Air gauging, see Pneumatic surface-measurement methods Air traffic noise 15/142 Air washers 15/114 Air-handling plant/unit 15/97 15/108 AISI/SAE number (steel references) 7/11 7/31 7/39 Aliasing 5/34 Alkyds 7/128 All-metal membrane couplings 10/40 Alloying elements, steel 7/30 Allylics 7/128 Alpha-particles 13/3 13/11 Alternating current, rectification 2/14 2/41 Alternating current (a.c.) 2/10 computerized power control 3/11 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/3 Index terms Links Alternating current (a.c.) (Continued) motor speed control 3/64 recification 2/14 2/41 Alternating quantities electrical 2/9 Alternative energy sources 12/3 Alternator 2/15 three-phase 2/24 Alumina ceramics 7/148 15/62 Aluminium casting 7/63 16/91 16/92 Aluminium and its alloys 7/62 bronzes 7/58 Aluminizing 9/75 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Threshold Limit Value 15/99 15/104 American Electronics Industry Association (EIA) standards 3/7 systems specifications 4/27 American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) standards, gear oils 9/47 American Hydraulics Institute Standards 15/5 American National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) 9/6 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 4/29 4/31 American Petroleum Industry (API), standards 15/13 American Petroleum Institute (API), oil service classifications 9/9 American Society for Non-Destructive testing (ASNT) 13/6 Aminos 7/128 Ampere (unit) 2/5 Amplifiers 2/37 3/18 differential 2/41 effect of feedback 2/38 frequency response 2/38 instrumentation 2/41 noise and distortion 2/38 operational, see Operational amplifiers vibration 15/134 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/4 Index terms Links Amplitude distribution, moments of 9/120 Analogue input/output 4/23 Analogue interfacing 3/12 Anemometer, hot wire 1/33 Aneroid barometer 1/20 Angular displacement measurement 3/26 Aniline Point 9/12 Annealing 7/29 Anodizing 7/165 9/79 ANSI, see American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI Standard X3T9.5 4/31 Anthropometric data 6/23 Anti-corrosion additives 9/6 9/48 Anti-foam additives 9/6 9/20 9/48 Anti-oxidant additives 9/6 9/8 9/48 Anti-vibration mats 15/150 Anti-vibration mounts 15/150 Anti-wear additives 9/6 9/49 APL (A Programming Language) 4/44 Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) 2/55 Aquifers 12/28 Aramid fibres 7/120 other uses 7/99 as packing material 15/28 as reinforcement 7/93 Arc of control correction factor 10/20 Archibald's Equation (fluid flow) 9/36 Archiving 4/34 Argand diagram 17/5 Arithmetic hardware, computer 4/12 Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) 3/4 4/4 Arithmetic mean 17/23 Arithmetic series 17/11 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/5 Index terms Links Armature 2/15 alternator 2/25 coils 2/17 e.m.f. 2/17 winding 2/17 Armature reaction 2/18 Array processors 4/13 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 5/10 5/18 Asbestos: control of use of 18/6 health hazards 15/30 removal 15/32 ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 3/3 4/24 4/25 Assel cycle 16/24 Assembler/assembly language 4/41 Assembly stage, control at 7/168 ASTM standards 9/20 fatigue testing 8/19 8/31 8/37 oil 9/20 Astrel 7/123 Atmosphere 1/18 Atomic number 19/17 19/18 Atomic weights 19/17 19/18 Atria 12/10 Attenuation, sound 15/149 Attributes (for display devices) 5/34 Austempering 7/29 ductile iron 7/54 Austenite 7/21 7/22 7/25 Auto Forcast process 16/32 Auto-forge process 16/32 Auto-transformers 2/33 as starter 2/27 Autocorrelation function (ACF), random process 1/16 9/122 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/6 Index terms Links Autocovariance function 9/122 Automatically programmed tools (APT) 5/15 Availability function 1/37 Averages 17/23 B B-rep (Boundary representation) models 5/11 B-spline curve fitting 5/10 Babbitts, see Bearing metals Back e.m.f. 2/17 Background noise levels 15/145 Bainite 7/24 Balance of Systems (BOS) costs 12/15 Balancing: dynamic 1/8 rotating masses 1/8 static 1/8 Ball bearings, see Bearings, rolling element Bandpass filters 3/21 Bandwidth 2/13 video 5/30 Bar code readers 3/39 Base, transistor 2/33 BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language 3/61 4/43 Basic flux covering 16/57 Batch processing 4/37 Baud (unit) 3/3 4/24 Baudot code 4/24 Bayes theorem (probability) 17/26 Bazin formula (flow velocity) 1/28 Beams, transverse vibration 1/9 Bearing loads 10/34 Bearing metals 7/90 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/7 Index terms Links Bearing ratio 9/120 Bearings 9/14 9/27 continuous motion 9/27 failure of 9/59 friction limits 9/54 hydrodynamic 9/30 principles 9/30 journal, see Journal bearings, design life of 9/52 lubrication of 9/14 9/35 materials for 9/37 as noise source 15/147 rolling element 9/49 applications 9/55 lubrication 9/56 maintenance 9/59 mounting 9/58 types 9/50 selection of 9/28 self-contained 9/39 speed limits 9/55 thrust 9/39 tilted pad 9/40 vibration 15/126 15/127 Bearsafe (analysis program) 8/26 Behavioural science 6/5 Belfast Buoy 12/34 Belgium, health and safety standards 18/3 Bell (unit) 15/139 Belt drives 10/15 flat 10/15 manufacturers 10/25 miscellaneous 10/25 synchronous 10/22 V- 10/18 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/8 Index terms Links Bending equation 1/3 Bending moment 1/3 Bending operation, sheet metal 16/44 Bernoulli equation 1/35 1/23 1/24 1/25 Beryllia ceramics 7/149 Beryllium 7/92 Bessel's equation 17/18 Beta-particles 13/3 13/11 Betz limit 12/24 Bevel gears 10/30 Binary notation 3/3 Binomial distribution 17/26 Binomial series 17/11 Bio-engineering, and surface topography 9/107 Biodeterioration 7/163 Biogas systems 12/38 12/40 Biological effects, nuclear 13/11 Biomass 12/3 12/36 conversion processes 12/36 12/40 Bisection method 17/7 Bisync protocol 4/29 Bit stuffing 4/29 Bits (BInary digiTs) 3/3 Black-body radiating surface 15/80 Blowdown, boiler 15/89 Blowers 9/19 Bode plots 2/38 3/47 Boiler house, automatic 15/87 Boiler scale 15/82 Boiler tube, heat transfer 15/81 Boilers: automatic control 15/87 15/90 blowdown 15/89 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/9 Index terms Links Boilers: (Continued) heat transfer 15/80 priming 15/83 selection 15/78 starting 15/87 terminology 15/83 types of 15/75 15/83 15/84 Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) 13/5 Bolts: load-sensing 6/17 threadlocking 6/19 Boolean algebra 2/43 logical function application 4/10 minimization principle 2/50 Bootstrapping/booting 4/7 Boriding 9/75 Boring processes, metal 16/6 Boron carbide 7/150 Boron fibres 7/93 7/99 Boron nitrides 7/150 Boundary layer flow 1/28 laminar 1/29 turbulent 1/30 Bourdon tube 1/19 3/29 Bourneville Solar Village 12/9 BPCL (computer language) 4/44 Brakes 10/49 Brasses 7/56 Brazing 16/67 Breeder reactors 13/4 13/7 Bresenham line drawing algorithm 5/32 5/33 5/43 Bridge measurements (instrumentation) 3/22 Brinell hardness 7/3 7/4 British Gear Association 10/26 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation. I/10 Index terms Links British Hydrodynamics Research Association (BHRA), Fluid Engineering Centre 15/40 British Industrial Fasteners Federation (BIFF) 6/17 British Standards (BS) 6/3 BS 4500 (limits and fits) 6/7 6/13 6/14 BS 5750 (quality assessment) 6/30 6/33 Brittle-coating technique 8/19 Broaching processes, metal 16/4 Bronzes 7/57 for sliding bearings 9/69 Brown coal, see Lignite Bubble memory 4/8 Buffer (register) 4/24 Building Automation System (energy management) 15/124 Building regulations, heating requirements 15/91 Buildings: insulation 15/149 vibration effects on 15/136 15/138 Bulk deformation operations 16/13 Bulk Modulus 7/3 table 19/20 Buoyancy 1/20 Bussing (bus) systems 3/4 4/5 4/13 Buying specifications 15/13 Bytes 3/3 C C (language) 3/61 4/44 5/9 Cache memory 4/11 CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) 5/3 6/6 applications 5/12 command languages 5/9 future for 5/18 This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
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