The Dynamic Daily Newspaper of Navi Mumbai 21 January VOL. 13 • ISSUE 221 PAGES 12 • PRICE ` 1 2020 TUESDAY RNI No. MAHEN/2007/21778 POSTAL REGN. NO. NMB/154/2020-22/VASHI MDG POST OFFICE NEWS IN FIR against Uran civic City cops urge citizens BRIEF body for choking to exercise caution MCA Inter School while browsing social Girls U – 16 T20 Cricket Tournament mangroves with garbage networking sites Nerul Gymkhana in its en- deavour to develop and By Crime Reporter follow certain rules motivate citizens to pursue Environmentalists feel that this may NAVI MUMBAI: which include logging sports as a way of life in Alarmed by the rising out after using email Navi Mumbai will be orga- end the 12-year-old menace as district incidents of hacking of accounts either from nising an Inter School Girls photos and videos of the laptop, computer or U – 16 T20 Cricket Tour- admin told to halt further dumping users, the Navi Mum- mobile phone,” said nament for Navi Mumbai bai Cyber Cell team crime branch Deputy Zone. To be held from Jan- By Varda Sharma have urged the citizens Commissioner of Po- uary 22nd to 25th, 2020 in NAVI MUMBAI: In a to exercise caution lice, Pravin Kumar coordination with the first such case against while browsing net- Patil. NMMC, the Mumbai Crick- a civic body, the State working sites or using The victim, a college et Tournament (MCA) will revenue administration witness seven teams vying filed an FIR against for glory in the knock-out Uran Municipal Coun- tournament at the Nerul cil (UMC) on 19th Jan- Gymkhana Ground. Cur- uary, 2020 at Uran po- rent District Sports Office lice station for choking Champions IES Navi mangroves by dumping Mumbai High School, Vashi city garbage and sewer along with St. Xavier High water on the vital sea School, Airoli , Anjuman-I- plants. Revenue officer Islam Mustafa Fakih Urdu (Talathi), Vinay Chin- High School, Turbhe, SBOA School, Nerul, Ryan taman Patil blamed International School, San- unidentified UMC for mobile apps. girl, used a laptop of pada and St Lawrence High Contd. on pg. 2 In a recent inci- her acquaintance a few School, Vashi. dent, a young girl’s months ago for her Navi Mumbai Arts, Snap Chat was hacked work. The girl had Sports Festival 2020 through her Gmail ac- logged in her Gmail ac- kick starts NMMC Commissioner inspects count and her personal count from this per- The inauguration ceremo- photos and videos were son's laptop. However, ny of Navi Mumbai Cultural beautification works downloaded. The the young woman did Arts Sports Festival-2020 in prompt action by the not log out after com- association with Shri Go- Navi Mumbai Cyber pleting her work on the vardhani Public Service In- Cell team saved these laptop. The person re- stitute and the City and In- pictures and videos of logged the victim's dustrial Development Cor- the girl from being cir- Gmail account and poration (CIDCO) was held culated on social me- then changed the pass- on Saturday at Sunil dia. word of the girl's snap Gavaskar Maidan, CBD Belapur. The event was in- “There is an alarm- chat account. He then augurated by Navi Mum- ing rise in the number got access to the girl's of hacking cases and bai Municipal Commission- Contd. on pg. 8 er Annasaheb Misal. (More the users are advised to on page 3) NAVI MUMBAI: The ious nodes in the city to Survey 2020, NMMC Commissioner of the inspect the cleanliness has been taking various Navi Mumbai Munici- work and beautification steps like creating wall pal Corporation work being undertaken graffiti with social mes- (NMMC), Annasaheb under the Swacch sage, installing murals Misal carried out a sur- Bharat Abhiyan -2020. vey and visited the var- As part of the Clean Contd. on pg. 8 www.newsband.in | [email protected] 2 Tuesday, 21 January 2020 FIR against falling sick continuous- would be sprayed on the ly due to the filth in garbage. “This is fur- Uran... their backyards, said ther more outrageous Contd. from pg. 1 Nishant Gharat of as the poison from the the damage under En- Yuva Uran forum. undisclosed pesticides vironment Acts sections Pointing out that could cause much more 15 and 19. the UMC recently harm,” said Tukaram Speaking with closed all complaints Koli of Hanuman Koli- Newsband SPI Jagdish assuring that pesticides wada, Uran. Kulkarni of Uran police station said, “The FIR PUBLIC NOTICE was lodged on 19th Jan- NOTICE is hereby given that M/s. KJUMBO EXIMP Private Limited, uary, 2020. We will now having its registered office at: Hari Kanchan, Plot No. 176, Sector – 21, Nerul ( E ) Navi Mumbai - 400706 are proposing to assign to our investigate the matter clients, their leasehold rights in respect of its factory property being at and take action accord- : Unit No. W – 64/A, on the Ground floor of the building standing on the ingly.” piece of land bearing Plot no. N – 8, Trans Thane Creek Industrial Acting on a series of Area, MIDC Area, within the village limits of Tetavali, Rabale, Navi Mumbai – 400 701. The description of factory property more particularly complaints by local res- described in the Schedule hereunder written. idents and environmen- Uran residents at Tehsil office pressing for FIR against civic body for garbage dump- All persons having any claim against, to, or in respect of the aforesaid tal groups in the 12- ing on mangroves immovable property by way of inheritance, mortgage, possession, year-old case, the High shifted. But there has action, the residents, Nandakmar Pawar, assignment, sale, gift, lease, charge, trust, tenancy, maintenance easement or any attachment/charge under any statutory laws or Court-appointed Man- been no action and the including scores of head of Shri Ekvira Aai otherwise howsoever are requested to make the same known in grove Protection and dumping continued women, filed a series of Pratishtan. writing alongwith the supporting documentary evidence to us at the Conservation Commit- with the UMC contrac- identical complaints The residents had address given below within a period of fourteen days from the date tee chairman Shivaji tors spreading the against the civic offi- even complained to the of the publication hereof, failing which the assignment of the lease will be completed, without reference to any such claims and the same, Daund ordered a fresh muck on the man- cials on Saturday at the Prime Minister but the if any, will be deemed to have been waived. inspection of the dump- groves much to the an- end of a protest march PMO closed the case on THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO ing ground at Bori Pa- noyance of the resi- to the Tehsildar office the UMC’s assurance Firstly: khadi on Sunday. dents,” said Nandaku- under the leadership that proper care would All that piece or parcel of land known as Plot No. N – 8, in the T.T.C. Industrial Estate, situated within the village limits of Tetavali “Sub-divisional offic- mar Pawar, head of Uran Yuva platform. be taken while dispos- & Rabale and within the limits of Navi Mumbai Municipal Council, er Dattatyreya Navale Shri Ekvira Aai Prat- As the Tehsildar ing of the garbage, said Taluka and Registration Sub-District – Thane District and Registration confirmed to us after ishthan. sought an unspecified Samir Ashrit, a resi- District Thane containing by ad-measurements 1071 sq. meter or the inspection that an Two consecutive in- timeframe to cross- dent of Bori Pakhari. thereabouts and this is to say: On or towards North by : Estate Road R/W 15.0 mtr, FIR has been filed and spections by the reve- check, NGO NatCon- “This assurance was On or towards South by : Part of Plot no W - 54(D) & Part of the dumping will be nue-forest combine nect sought the inter- never meant to be fol- Plot no. W – 55(D), stopped forthwith,” said teams have confirmed vention of the Man- lowed and we the resi- On or towards East by : Plot No. 7 and B N Kumar, director of the death of mangroves grove Committee and dents continued to suf- On or towards West by : Estate Road R/W 18.0 mtr Secondly: NatConnect Founda- and the menace of the the district collector fer,” he said. Unit no. W – 64(A) admeasuring about 147 sq. mtrs. or tion. The dump is dan- stinking garbage faced who assured quick ac- Advocate Ratnadeep thereabouts on the Ground Floor of the building standing on the piece gerously close to an by the residents, yet tion. Patil, spearheading the of land bearing Plot No. N – 8 in the said T.T.C. Industrial Area and ONGC valve station the local administration "It is shocking that Uran Yuva forum, said, surrounded on, all sides as follows : On or towards North by : Marginal Space, and the oil company too did not budge. Apart the administration has “the law abiding resi- On or towards South by : Marginal Space, raised a red flag. from the garbage, even so far not taken any dents have been agitat- On or towards East by : Plot No. W – 63 (B) and The Mangrove Com- sewer water is being action to check the ing peacefully so far but On or towards West by : Plot No. W – 65 (A) mittee had on Decem- drained out on to the dumping despite orders their patience should Dated this 21st day of January 2020 Sd/- ber 9, 2019 directed the mangroves with utter from the High Court not be tested for long.” Adv. Shashank Choudhary, B.com, M.C.A, L.L.B, district collector and disregard for the man- appointed Mangrove The existing gar- Reg.: MAH/6653-A/2016 the City and Industrial groves and public Committee to stop the bage dump is less than Office No.
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