Statement and Return Report by Election District General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 New York County - All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court 1st Judicial District Vote for 3 Page 1 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 001/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 429 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 25 FEDERAL 6 AFFIDAVIT 14 Total Ballots 474 474 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (6) Total Applicable Ballots 468 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 350 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 325 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 336 ANGELA MARY PAPPALARDO (WRITE-IN) 1 COLE TIMOTHY DOLAN (WRITE-IN) 1 DAVID MURRAY (WRITE-IN) 1 DEIDRE ANNA PAPPALARDO (WRITE-IN) 1 DONALD TRUMP JR. (WRITE-IN) 1 JAMES CASTLE (WRITE-IN) 1 MICHAEL BLOOMBERG (WRITE-IN) 1 MICHAEL MARTINEZ (WRITE-IN) 1 PATRICK CASEY (WRITE-IN) 1 PHIL CONNER (WRITE-IN) 1 STEVER WOODS (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 6 Total Votes 1,028 1,028 Unrecorded 376 002/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 579 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 22 FEDERAL 9 AFFIDAVIT 17 Total Ballots 627 627 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (9) Total Applicable Ballots 618 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 430 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 403 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 421 JON CRUILC (WRITE-IN) 1 LARRY SHARPE (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 11 Total Votes 1,267 1,267 Unrecorded 587 Page 2 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 003/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 586 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 28 FEDERAL 7 AFFIDAVIT 8 Total Ballots 629 629 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (7) Total Applicable Ballots 622 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 460 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 434 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 450 ALEXANDER HAMILTON (WRITE-IN) 1 GEORGE WASHINGTON (WRITE-IN) 1 JENNIFER MALANDRA (WRITE-IN) 1 KENNETH VANDEKRAFT (WRITE-IN) 1 MARTIN SHKRELI (WRITE-IN) 1 PAUL STAPLES (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT B. WYNNIS (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT J. MALANDRA (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT J. STEVENS (WRITE-IN) 1 THOMAS JEFFERSON (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 6 Total Votes 1,360 1,360 Unrecorded 506 004/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 478 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 23 FEDERAL 7 AFFIDAVIT 25 Total Ballots 533 533 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (7) Total Applicable Ballots 526 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 374 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 343 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 348 HILLARY CLINTON (WRITE-IN) 1 ILYA LITCHEN STEIN (WRITE-IN) 1 MATTHEW GRIECO (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 10 Total Votes 1,078 1,078 Unrecorded 500 Page 3 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 005/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 276 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 13 FEDERAL 5 AFFIDAVIT 3 Total Ballots 297 297 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (5) Total Applicable Ballots 292 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 208 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 201 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 196 BOB MARLEY (WRITE-IN) 1 MITCH BUCHANAN (WRITE-IN) 1 SALLY FIELD (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 609 609 Unrecorded 267 006/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 473 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 23 FEDERAL 5 AFFIDAVIT 5 Total Ballots 506 506 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (5) Total Applicable Ballots 501 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 335 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 296 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 315 ADAM DISILVESTRO (WRITE-IN) 1 BRETT KAVANAUGH (WRITE-IN) 1 FLORINA YEZRIL (WRITE-IN) 1 GREGORY T. DEROSSO (WRITE-IN) 1 HEATHER TRAZINO (WRITE-IN) 1 JAIME MONCAYO (WRITE-IN) 1 JAMES F. REITZ (WRITE-IN) 1 JEREMY SCHIFFRES (WRITE-IN) 1 JILL TRAZINO (WRITE-IN) 1 JON MINMAN (WRITE-IN) 1 PHILLIP A. GRIMALDI JR. (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 4 Total Votes 961 961 Unrecorded 542 Page 4 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 007/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 438 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 13 FEDERAL 1 AFFIDAVIT 8 Total Ballots 460 460 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (1) Total Applicable Ballots 459 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 264 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 229 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 241 MERRICK CARLANO (WRITE-IN) 1 RALPH NADER (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 737 737 Unrecorded 640 008/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 534 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 22 FEDERAL 11 AFFIDAVIT 6 Total Ballots 573 573 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (11) Total Applicable Ballots 562 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 313 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 300 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 316 GREG KELLY (WRITE-IN) 1 JOHN MCAFEE (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT DOLE (WRITE-IN) 1 SYLVESTER STALLONE (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 5 Total Votes 938 938 Unrecorded 748 Page 5 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 009/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 364 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 6 FEDERAL 8 AFFIDAVIT 23 Total Ballots 401 401 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (8) Total Applicable Ballots 393 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 286 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 248 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 256 AIZLING KARIMI (WRITE-IN) 1 ALEX PINILLA (WRITE-IN) 1 ALI KARIMI (WRITE-IN) 1 BEN SHAPIRO (WRITE-IN) 1 BERNARD MASON (WRITE-IN) 1 BRETT KAVANAUGH (WRITE-IN) 1 DONALD TRUMP (WRITE-IN) 1 GARY JOHNSON (WRITE-IN) 1 JEANINE PIRRO (WRITE-IN) 1 JEN RUTSKY (WRITE-IN) 1 MARK BUTLER (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 4 ZOE RUTSKY (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 806 806 Unrecorded 373 010/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 428 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 12 FEDERAL 5 AFFIDAVIT 10 Total Ballots 455 455 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (5) Total Applicable Ballots 450 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 341 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 303 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 304 CHRIS WIGHT (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 2 Total Votes 951 951 Unrecorded 399 Page 6 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 011/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 436 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 13 FEDERAL 13 AFFIDAVIT 13 Total Ballots 475 475 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (13) Total Applicable Ballots 462 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 331 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 309 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 327 CHRISTOPHER HOFMANN (WRITE-IN) 1 COLLIN SCHWATZ (WRITE-IN) 1 GREG MONTAGNA (WRITE-IN) 1 GREGORY KOTZAS (WRITE-IN) 1 JARED STONE (WRITE-IN) 1 MICHAEL MECHAN (WRITE-IN) 1 RAUL DAMAS (WRITE-IN) 1 RYAN TOLBOOM (WRITE-IN) 1 UNATTRIBUTABLE WRITE-IN (WRITE-IN) 1 VINCENT LI (WRITE-IN) 1 WILLIAM DE WOLFF (WRITE-IN) 1 YOGI BERRA (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 979 979 Unrecorded 407 Page 7 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 012/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 422 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 18 FEDERAL 4 AFFIDAVIT 8 Total Ballots 452 452 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (4) Total Applicable Ballots 448 ALEXANDER M. TISCH (DEMOCRATIC) 322 LYNN R. KOTLER (DEMOCRATIC) 292 MARY V. ROSADO (DEMOCRATIC) 307 AMANDA PAPPOSARDO (WRITE-IN) 1 ANDREW SMITH (WRITE-IN) 1 JEANINE PIRRO (WRITE-IN) 2 JED RAKOFF (WRITE-IN) 1 NAOMI LEVIN (WRITE-IN) 1 PUBOLINO CIVILANI (WRITE-IN) 1 RAYMOND KELLY (WRITE-IN) 1 ROY KELLY (WRITE-IN) 1 RUDOLPH GIULIANI (WRITE-IN) 1 STEPHEN PRICE (WRITE-IN) 1 STEVEN NIDITCH (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 933 933 Unrecorded 411 Page 8 of 607 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report by ED/AD IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2018 - 11/06/2018 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 12/3/2018 3:01:07PM All Parties and Independent Bodies Justice of the Supreme Court (1st Judicial District), vote for 3 013/65 PUBLIC COUNTER 474 MANUALLY COUNTED EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE / MILITARY 8 FEDERAL 12 AFFIDAVIT 4 Total Ballots 498 498 Less - Inapplicable Federal/Special Presidential Ballots (12) Total Applicable Ballots 486 ALEXANDER M.
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