1278 July 3 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 measures to protect consumers against un- was embargoed for release until 10:06 a.m. on July safe imported foods. Indeed, there are cur- 3. An original was not available for verification rently bills before the Congress that would of the content of this memorandum. grant explicit authority to improve the safety of imported foods. I applaud these legislative Joint Statement With Prime Minister efforts and will continue to work with the Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan Congress to improve our authority and re- sources. July 4, 1999 Nevertheless, consistent with our inter- President Clinton and Prime Minister national obligations, we must take whatever Sharif share the view that the current fighting scientifically based steps we can to protect in the Kargil region of Kashmir is dangerous the public health in this area and provide the and contains the seeds of a wider conflict. necessary tools to ensure the safety of im- They also agreed that it was vital for the ported food. Specifically, I direct you to take peace of South Asia that the Line of Control all actions available to: in Kashmir be respected by both parties, in (1) Prevent distribution of imported unsafe accordance with their 1972 Simla Accord. It food by means such as requiring food to be was agreed between the President and the held until reviewed by FDA; Prime Minister that concrete steps will be (2) Destroy imported food that poses a se- taken for the restoration of the line of control rious public health threat; in accordance with the Simla Agreement. (3) Prohibit the reimportation of food that The President urged an immediate cessation has been previously refused admission and of the hostilities once these steps are taken. has not been brought into compliance with The Prime Minister and President agreed United States laws and regulations (so called that the bilateral dialogue begun in Lahore ``port shopping''), and require the marking in February provides the best forum for re- of shipping containers and/or papers of im- solving all issues dividing India and Pakistan, ported food that is refused admission for including Kashmir. The President said he safety reasons; would take a personal interest in encouraging (4) Set standards for private laboratories an expeditious resumption and intensifica- for the collection and analysis of samples of tion of those bilateral efforts, once the sanc- imported food for the purpose of gaining tity of the Line of Control has been fully re- entry into the United States; stored. The President reaffirmed his intent (5) Increase the amount of the bond post- to pay an early visit to South Asia. ed for imported foods when necessary to deter premature and illegal entry into the NOTE: An original was not available for United States; and verification of the content of this joint statement. (6) Enhance enforcement against viola- tions of United States laws related to the im- portation of foods, including through the im- Remarks to the Community in position of civil monetary penalties. Hazard, Kentucky Accordingly, I direct you, in consultation July 5, 1999 with my Food Safety Council and relevant Federal agencies, particularly the Depart- Thank you very much. Well, the Governor ment of Agriculture and the United States always told me if I would only come to Appa- Trade Representative, to report back to me lachia, I would get a very warm welcome. within 90 days on the steps you will take in I want to thank the good people of Hazard these areas to protect consumers from unsafe and Perry County for giving me that warm imported foods. We must do all that we can welcome. I want to thank all the people of to protect Americans from unsafe food. eastern Kentucky who have made me and William J. Clinton my party feel so welcome todayÐPaul and Judy Patton. I thank Mayor Gorman and NOTE: This memorandum was made available by Judge Noble. I thank those who have come the Office of the Press Secretary on July 2 but with me todayÐour Agriculture SecretaryÐ VerDate 18-JUN-99 09:58 Jul 14, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P27JY4.007 txed02 PsN: txed02 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / July 5 1279 you heard from Secretary GlickmanÐour ships, whether they landed on Ellis Island HUD Secretary, Secretary Cuomo; SBA Ad- in the 1890's or came to Los Angeles Airport ministrator Alvarez. We have two Congress- in the 1990's, around the Fourth of July we're men hereÐJim Clyburn from South Carolina supposed to celebrate what we have in com- and Paul Kanjorski, who came all the way mon as Americans, to reaffirm that what from Pennsylvania, because they have places unites us is more important than what divides like Appalachia there, and they wanted to us. Well, if we believe that, we have a shared come down here to be with you. stake in one another's success. I want to thank Duane Ackerman and the I came here to say to you, I believe at this other CEO's who are here, including Dick time of prosperity, if we can't find a way to Huber of Aetna; the One Central Bank Ken- give every single hard-working American tucky CEO, Kit Stolen; Sara Gould from the family the chance to participate in the future Ms. Foundation; John Sykes from Sykes En- we're trying to build for our country, we'll terprisesÐI'll mention him in a moment. never get around to do it. Now is the time I want to thank the Reverend Jesse Jack- to move forward. son, who keeps hope alive; and the others Our country is the world's leading force in our group, including Al From, the leader for peace and freedom and human rights. We of the Democratic Leadership Council; and have the lowest crime rate in 25 years, the David Wilhelm, who is from nearby in Ohio lowest welfare rolls in 30 years; 90 percent and was my first Democratic National Com- of our little children are immunized against mittee chairman. I'd like to thank the young serious childhood diseases for the first time people here in AmeriCorps, and I would like in history. We have the longest peacetime to say a special word of thanks to Cawood expansion we've ever had, almost 19 million Ledford. Boy, he isÐI was thinking that if new jobs. Wages are rising for the first time old Cawood had been a political announcer instead of a basketball announcer and I could in 20 years for ordinary people. We have a have kept him with me these last 25 years, million kids lifted out of poverty, the lowest I'd have never lost an election. minority unemployment rate ever recorded. You know, Kentucky has been good to me And yet, even though this is a blessed time and Hillary and to the Vice President. It has for America, not all Americans have been been brought to my attention that, in addi- blessed by it. And you know that as well as tion to the economy, we've been pretty good I do. for Kentucky. Since I've been in office, UK So I came here to show America who you basketball has had the most successful 6 years are. And when I leave here, I'm going on since Adolph Rupp was the coach. And Tim to the Mississippi Delta, to my home country. Couch hasn't done badly, either. Then I'm going up into the middle West, and You know, yesterday we celebrated the last then over to Phoenix, Arizona, and up to the Fourth of July of this centuryÐthe last Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Da- Fourth of July of this century. Think of itÐ kota, and then ending this tour in east Los 223 Independence Days. I want you all to Angeles to make a simple pointÐthat this drink plenty of water and I'll make this quick, is a time to bring more jobs and investment but you need to know why we came here. and hope to the areas of our country that I wanted to come to the heart of America have not fully participated in this economic and Appalachia to talk about whether we're recovery. We have an obligation to do it. all going forward into the 21st century, I started out the morning in the town of whether we really can build a bridge over Tyner, a little village, with a wonderful which we can all walk together. woman who took me to see her 69-year-old I'll bet you some of you here are actually father that just lost his wife after 51 years the descendants of those people Governor of marriage. And I saw four generations of Patton talked about, the Revolutionary War that family. And I walked in the neighbor- heroes who helped to settle this State. But hoods, and I listened to the people tell me you know, whether our parents and their par- they needed better housing and better trans- ents came here on the Mayflower or slave portation. VerDate 18-JUN-99 09:58 Jul 14, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P27JY4.007 txed02 PsN: txed02 1280 July 5 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 And then I went on to Mid-South Elec- to make the most of your God-given ability. tronics, a place that had 40 employees 10 That is what we are trying to do.
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