AUTUMN 2018 ISLES ISLES BRITISH BRITISH − − 105 105 DISTRICT DISTRICT TIPLE TIPLE MUL MUL TIONAL TIONAL INTERNA INTERNA ON CLUBS CLUBS LIONS LIONS OF OF MAGAZINE MAGAZINE MEETOUR NEW THE THE INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT, GUDRUN YNGVADOTTIR SEE PAGE 7 LI SEVERN DEAN LIONS BRACKNELL FOREST RAISE £1,500 FOR THE LIONS CLUB ARE MEASLES VACCINATION THE PRIDE OF APPEAL BRACKNELL! SEE PAGE 41 SEE PAGE 46 Lions Clubs International WE SERVE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Reaching for new horizons Hello, Lions! Iamincredibly honoured to be beginning this year as your International President. My theme is We Serve, and Iamexcited about what we can achievetogetherthroughservice. We have alot to do,and I’m ready to help youtakeafew steps out of your comfort zone. Being aLion isn’tabout doing the same thing year after year in the name of tradition. Being aLion means looking for how youcan best be of service. Sometimes, that requires creativeproblem solving. If you’re not sure what that means or how to do it, I’m going to help you. “Being daring is part of our Lion DNA Here are afew things Iwant us to focus on this year: ” Membership.It’soneveryone’smind. How can we not only recruit new members, but keep our current members and build leaders who can takeour work into this next century of service? One waywecan do this is through balanced membership,including both genders and people from all walks of life, who can bringtheir life experiences to bear on the service work we do. Friendship.Comradery has alwaysbeen apart of the experience of being aLion. We don’twant to lose sight of the importance of building friendships through service. There is nothing that can bond people more closely than working together to help others. Yes, we have alot of work to do to reach our goal of serving 200 million people per year.Wemust organise better,account for our work better,bemore creativeinhow we approach problems. But we do not have to do it withoutasense of humour,asense of fun. Lastly,Iwant to revivealost art. And that’s the art of storytelling. After your Club completesaservice project, takeamoment to write down the story of your work. Who did youhelp? Why? What circumstances led youtoreach out in that particular way? It’s through stories that we connect and learn. And if we share those stories with otherslooking to serve, we can multiply our capacityfor change. Lions, Iamexcited to be your new President.Iamready to makethis ayear in which we all reachnew horizons when We Servetogether. Yours, ›› Gudrun Yngvadottir PICTURED: International President, Lions Clubs International Gudrun Yngvadottir WE SERVE MISSION STATEMENT OF LIONS ON THE WEB: CLUBS INTERNATIONAL: MULTIPLE DISTRICT 105: www.lionsclubs.co To empower volunteers to Serve their communities, E-MAIL: [email protected] “meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL: www.lionsclubs.org/ international understanding through Lions Clubs.” JOIN US ON FACEBOOK: LionsClubsBritishIslesandIreland www.lionsclubs.co AUTUMN 2018 0003 LION WE SERVE CoMMITTee of ManageMenT 2017 –2018: Chairman: John Hall 28 Beacon Road, Bridlington YO16 6UX • Tel: 01262679 475 • Email: [email protected] Vice-chairman: fredMassey 21 CranfordAvenue,ChurchCookham, Fleet GU526QU • Tel: 01252 616653 • Email: [email protected] eDIToR: Warners Group Publications Plc Editor:nicky Rogers Tel: 01778 391128 • Email: [email protected] • Email: [email protected] The Maltings, West Street, Bourne,Lincs PE109PH aDveRTISIng: Warners Group Publications Plc AdvertisingManager: Jayne notley Tel: 01778 391189 • Email: [email protected] • The Maltings,West Street, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9PH Sales Executive: anna-Marie Brown Tel: 01778392048 • Email: [email protected] • The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9PH Production Co-ordinator: SueWoodgates Tel: 01778392062 • Email: [email protected] • The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9PH Patron of the Lions Clubs of the British Isles Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex LION British edition is published by MD 105 British Isles and printed by Warners(Midlands) plc,onbehalf of Lions Clubs International, 300 22nd Street,Oak Brook, Illinois 60570, USA OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The LION Magazine, official publication of Lions Clubs International, is published by authority of the board of directors in 18 languages −English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Swedish, Italian, German, Finnish, Korean, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Chinese, Greek, Norwegian, Turkish, Thai and Hindi. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President Gudrun Yngvadottir,Iceland; ImmediatePast President Naresh Aggarwal, India;First Vice President Dr Jung-YulChoi, Korea; Second Vice President JudgeHaynes H. Townsend, United States; Third Vice President Brian E. Sheehan, United States. DIRECTORS Second Year Directors Doo-Hoon Ahn, SouthKorea; Sandro Castellana, Italy; Hastings E. Chiti, Zambia; WilliamGalligani,France; Thomas Gordon, Canada; Nicolás Jara Orellana, Ecuador; Ardie Klemish, United States; Alice Chitning Lau, China; Connie LeCleir-Meyer, United States; Virinder Kumar Luthra,India; Dr.Datuk K. Nagaratnam, Malaysia; Don Noland, United States; Regina Risken,Germany; Yoshio Satoh, Japan; Patricia Vannet, United States; Gwen White, United States; Nicolas Xinopoulos, UnitedStates. First Year Directors Muhammad Adrees, Pakistan; Qazi Akram UddinAhmed, Bangladesh; ShoichiAnzawa, Japan; Billy J. (B.J.) Blankenship, United States; Gary F. Brown, United States; Rodolfo Espinal, Dominican Republic; Liao-Chuan Huang, MD 300 Taiwan; Jongseok Kim, Korea; Dr.NawalJugalkishor Malu, India; Geoffrey Leeder,England; Mark S. Lyon, United States; Heimo Potinkara, Finland;JP Singh, India; Steve Thornton, UnitedStates; Juswan Tjoe, Indonesia; A. Geoffrey Wade, UnitedStates; Dr.Walter Zemrosser,Austria. MULTIPLe DISTRICT SeCReTaRIaT • 257AlcesterRoad South,Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 6DT Tel: 0121 441 4544 • Email: [email protected] 04 AUTUMN 2018 www.lionsclubs.co COVER STORY PURSUING NEW HORIZONS WITH INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT,GUDRUN YNGVADOTTIR SEE PAGE 07 Editorial Contents HELLOTHERE Youmay have noticed that there’s been abit of a 03 The International President gap betweenour last issue(Spring 2018) and this one. Well, that’s because we now publish four issues ayear,instead of the six that we have all been accustomed to. 06 Welcoming our new members Lion magazine has playedakey role in keeping Lions informed and 07 COVER STORY −Pursuing new horizons with connected for nearly acentury but technology is changing the way International President, Gudrun Yngvadottir the worldisreading and finding information,that’s whythe LCI International Board of Directors voted to change the Lion magazine 24 Your incoming Governors publishingmodel by reducing the numberofprint issues and adding adigital magazine counterpart. 26 News While it’s lovely to sit on the sofa and read your Lion magazine with acup of tea sometimes, the digital version: 31 LCIF –eliminating river blindness (http://lionsclubs.co/MemberArea/)gives youlots of extras. All the web and email addresses yousee in the magazine have been 32 Lifeskills −LifeChanges ‘Loss, change activated so that youcan click though on your digital version to have and bereavement’ direct access to advertisers’websites, and where they appear in stories, they’lltakeyou to where youcan findmore information (for 34 Health reports example, the story on page 48 of this issuehas alink to ashort YouTube video). 39 Lions Sightsavers Printedversion will stAy 40 Sports reports The printed version of Lion isn’t goingaway, but we realise that the digital version offers anew magazine experience that just isn’t 42 LIBRA possible in print. Videosbring storiestolife and youcan share stories on socialmediasothat your communitycan see the 2843 Lifeskills −HealthySchools London programme incredible servicethat we’reproviding. Youcan access Lion magazine anywhere, at anytime on your mobile 44 Convention reports device and links help youfindmore of the contentthat interests you 29 –including an extensivearchiveofback issues. 46 Awards Some officialdocuments that we have to publish (such as Convention Calls and officialnotices etc) takeupalot of room in the 48 LCIF –how Lion Saipadma Murthymakes sure printedversion,soinfuture,where we can, we will publish these other children thrive online only –leaving us more room to publishyour stories. 50 Centennial reports Youcan readyour magazine online at: http://lionsclubs.co/MemberArea/ 52 Community reports Youcan also read your magazine on the go by downloading the Lion magazine mobile app from the App StoreonAppledevices or Google 57 Letters PlayStore on Android devices(search‘LION Magazine British Isles’). Do remember that the digital version of Lion magazine uses a 59 International BoardofDirectors Meeting proprietary screenreader software to makethe content in the magazine accessible to readers with avisual impairment. 5862 In memoriam nicky rogers lion editor Disclaimer: Lion Magazine has been carefully prepared, but articles are published without responsibility on the part of the publishers or authors for loss occasioned to any interested in becoMing Alions MeMber? person acting or refraining from action as aresult of any view,information or advice included therein. Articles published in the Lion Magazine do not Find out More At: necessarily reflect the opinions of Lions Clubs International nor can Lions Clubs www.lionsclub.co 08458 339 502 International,
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