V . ™ PAGE TWELVE SATURDAY, APRIL 18,19881f illanriirBtnr Sttming U m lii AVERAGE DAAT 0nu;tJLAT10N for Um Month of ateroh, 1986 John JaiUidd, H n . John PentlanA, THE WEATHER Jamea MeSberry, Plato Paganl, A. We do goneral machine and Forocaot of U. 8. Weather Bareoa. ABOUT TOWN KENNETH F.WIGREN O’Hearn, Mrs. UUIan McFarland. ASnUDALLWYN 5,848 Hartford Special prizes were woh by James experimental work, also make MemlMr of tho AoOt special machines. Jigs, tools. \ 12 — CHICKENS FREE! 1 — 12 o —■ -- • Members of all groups of the Wes- MCSherry, A. Markham, Jack Mc­ “PATSY” B unao of Otranlatlooa. le3ran Oulld at tbelr meeting Mon­ HEADS LEGION SONS Carty, Ann MeVey, Mrs. George 2-Act Gimedy 2 Each To Six Lucky Families To Be Drawn Saturday, aoQdy Tonight; ToMday obowen day evening at the South Methodist Willlaroa, Mrs. Emma Dowd. Mrs. RETURNS HOME Fred H. Norton ^ April I8th. and colder at night. church will listen to a program Charles Bossier, Charles Cooley. ISO Main 8L, Hanehester, Conn. MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE (’HARM given by the Hartford School for the The IS order of groceries at the Mon., April 20, 8:15 NO STRINGS ATTACHED — NOTHING TO BUYl VOL. LV„ NO. 172. (UaaaUled AdverUalBg on Pago 10. j J. W. Hale Corp. was won by Mrs, Blind, under the direction of Gordon Odd Fellows Hall Just sign your name and address on this coupon and MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1936. Hicks. Mrs. A. R. Holman will Is Fonrth Meiiiber of Family Fred McCaughey. Movie Adress, Native of (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTJ|v have charge of the devotions. .Innnal Spring Entertainment nf leave at our store or mail to . ' lo Assume Command of a Manchester, Came East at Sunset Rebekah Lodge; Benefit Highland Park residents, and CHURCH BOWLERS HOLD Odd Fellowa* Home- GOING POPULAR MARKET Violence Rages In Tennessee Strike those outside of that section of the Home Made Candy Sale. 855 Main Street Rubinow Building MUSSOUNI ASKS town, are reminded of the amateur Unit of Legionnaires. Death of Her Brother. Special Maalo. OUT OF BUSINESS night program at the clubhouse, fol­ END-OF-SEASON PARH AdmlssioD M cento. The Selwttz Shoe Repair Shop N a m e ........................................A ddress................................ lowed by dancing and a general good will dtsoonttnue shoo repair serv­ RESCUE OF 2 TRAPPB time, with Rev. Elmer Thlcncs in the Kenneth F. WIjrren, 14. non of Miss Astrid Allwyn, the vformer ice Saturday, April 18. role of Major Bowes, putting the Astrid Christofferson of this town, A U OF ETHIOPIA Commander Charles Wigren of DU- South Methodist Men, Their pnegram acro.ss in proper style as who is now a featured player with Store For RenL master of ceremonies. worth-Comell Post, American Le­ Wives and Friend^ Hold the 20th Century-Fox Company In gion, was elected last night Captain Banquet Last Evening:,- For Sale: Shoe repair machinery, of the Dllworth-Comell Squadron, Hollywood, returned to the movie two amall cash registers, two Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beckwith, of .Sons of the I,jCglon. Kenneth Is the colony this week by airplane after A FP171« chairs, shoo shine stand. AS PEACE PRICE MEN NEAR; THIRD DEAl 12 Trotter street, recently married, spending the past month visiting fourth member of the WIgren fnm* The Men’s Bowling team of the F rigidaire Commerical' are spending their honeymoon in relatives anchfriendn In this vicinity. New York City. While In the city lly to a.*<snme leadcrslilp of Legion South M. E. church together with Miss Allwyn was called home by the SELWITZ they were guests of the National Units. their wives and friends enjoyed a sudden death of her 18-year-old ENLARGEMENT Main and Pearl Streets Britab’s Envoy at Leagne Toronto Lawyer Suc( Broadcasting Compan.v on an offi­ Other officers elected laat night were: First Lieutenant, Charles Rob­ fine turkey banquet at the Y. M. C. brother, Norman Chrlatofferson, on WITH EVERY BOLL OF FILM PUBUSHERS SEE State*s Age Assistance cially guided tour of the company's A. last evening at 7 o'clock. The March 26, at Springfield, Maas., DEVELOPED AND PRINTED R efrigeration studios In Radio City. Mr, Bcck- inson; 2nd Lieutenant. John Mori- tables were beautifully decorated where the family now resides. She Parley Launches Another to Eiposure During wdth is a clerk employed by the arty: Adjutant, William Knapp; with yellow crepe paper streamerH, flnanre officer, Richard Peterson; made the trip here by plane and All Types of Installations, Including Public Utilities Coinmis.slon, daffodils and favors and a dinner since then spent considerable time 40e BEHERMENT IN Act Now in Operation hcrgrant*at*arms. Frnest Linders; was served under the direction of MADAME EDITH Ktter Attack On Italy for 140 Feel Under Gn chaplain. Victor Bronke. Jr.; histor­ In Manchester and Rockville until Bascom Lodge, located on the Miss Lcora Hibbard, associate, direc­ she returned to Hollywood this Psycholo ist and Psychic Reader New London Turnpike, will he open ian, Roger Thomas. tor of the "Y". 441 Aan Street Hartford. Coaa. Twenty-four members of the 38 week. Elite Studio, MILK COOLERS Usbg Poison Gas. 1936 M ESS —Con-:wcek’s disbursement under this Others Are Bei „ tonight for the first dance of the During the evening there was 988 Main Street — Upstairs She wae born with remarkable Fe season. James Carlnl of .South who signed the Squadron charter choriu) singing led by Roger Wlnton power—power not meant to grati­ (New Aerating System — No Bulky Brine Tank) weirt^nro ^ arrangement, Mr. Reeves said, were present last night. Victor fy Idle curiosity, but to t. rect. ad­ wetrt Into operation today with Col. Reeves expects to rilstrihuin Glastonbury Is in charge of the with Buddy Borst at the piano. In vise and help men and women Through Tube from dance and has made all the ar­ Bronke, district commander gave the his usual witty manner Otto Nelson who are In trouble or suspense Geneva, April 20.—-(AP)—-An­ Newspaper Heads, b New wom'^^”' ln'“47 "tolms ««0.000 fo^the first quarter ,.1. V i .. ®U<UUR June 30, Half of rangements Art McKay's orches­ boy.s a short talk after which games acted as toastmaster for the occa­ concern ng the everyday arTnirs of WALK-IN BOXES — DISPLAY CASES thony Eden, British foreign secre­ The ch^k.s that loft the desk of i this amount will arrive from Wasli- tra will play. were played. The next meeting of sion calling his talk "Highlights of life. Has helped thousands to ob­ Surface. Bridge—Whist tain happiness and succeBs—-w hy tary. bluntly attacked Italy's use of Stat^rAnn'T”” tho ilngton soon as Connecticut’s quar- the Squadron will be held May 1. the Team". Talks were given by York for Convention, Re­ State Capitol average 35.71, and tho ' ............ *• - . Mrs. W. G. Crawford, president of TOWN ADVERTISEMENT not YOU? Sees and tells you all. WATER COOLING — ICE MAKING poison gas today after Premier Mus­ tcrly grant under the FerlernI Social the following: Roger Wlnton, Ray not only your difficulties and number going out dally will be from Security Act. the hospital linen auxiliary. In be­ Mercer, David Dickson, Mark Setback Croubles. but also plans a solution solini had Informed the League of 800 to BOO. half of its members expresses the Hewitt, Jr., Albert Holman, Archie for them. Do not h^Lltato to call AIR-CONDITIONING Nations (Council that the Fascist na­ port an Improvement b By tho end of the year. Col. Reeves ! Moose River. N. S„ April 20/> Mon., April 20,8 P. M. upon me If vou are In trouble. The first day’s payments went to said, from 12,000 to 15,000 men and thanks of hcraflrganixatlon for con­ “BINGO” PRIZE WINNERS Hangh, Charles Gill, Dr. Story, and • NOTICE OF THE tion demanded virtually ai: of Ethi­ communities In an alphabetical ar­ (A P )-w im mree trapped me tributions to the recent rummage Walter Harrison. Today is tl.e day—tomorrow may women of 66 or over will probably two living and one dead- only a fi( St. Bridget’s Hall be loo late. Estimates Furnished opia as the price for peace. Various Parts of Country. rangement for every day of the get old age aasistance with pay­ sale. Mrs. Crawford especially Anthony O’Bright entertained Ilo u ra 1 p. IB. to 9 p. m. E v e ry D ay week, today’s awards going to towns feet away, tired rescue workere,,.) thanks W. W. Robertson. Mr. Ostrln- IN TINKER HALL GAMES with several selections on the xylo­ Excellent Playing Prizes. In an emphatic speech, Eden de­ ments: totaling 34,000,000. TAX COLLECTOR Andover to Ellington. Tho Old Ago Assistance Act, ported this afternoon mat aky and the Manchester Electric phone, one of the selections being clared the question of the use of Tomorrow awards will go to towns company for the use of their trucks. "The William Tell Overture". Jokes Card Table for Door Prize. gas "cannot be passed over In si­ New York, April 20.—(AP)— adopted by mo 1935 r :neral Aseem- feared mey had mlecaloulatefl lence.” In m<3 alphabetical range from En­ bly. Imposes a 33 poll tax to be paid A good sum was realized from the Prize wlnncrx In the A.O H. wore given to the several captain.s Cake and Coffee Served. All persons liable by law to pay Newspaper publishers, arriving to­ field to Marlborough; Wednesday, position of me gold mine chami sale. l.^ndlM Auxiliary bingo gnmcn la.st of the teams.
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