Publish~d bg the order of His Highnes.~ tlLe Maltaraja Gaekwar. CENSUS OF INDIA, 1901. VOL. XVIII-C. BARODA PART IV. ADMINISTRATION BY JAMSHEDJI ARDESHIR DALAL M. A·, LI.J·B· SUPERINTENDENT OF CENSUS OPERATIONS. PRINTED A l' THE "GOVERNMENT PRESS" BARODA. 1903. , . fJONTEIVTS. CHAPTER I.-Preliminary 1- S OHAPTER II.• -Administrative DiVisions, Sub-divisions and Machinery of the State'­ A.- Revenuc; B.-Judicial; C.-Police; D.-Education, Gramya­ Shahs. E.-Public works; F.-Municipalities, Baroda City. 4- 6 CHAPTER III.-Central and District offices 7 CHAPTER IV.-First batch of Circulars 7-19 OHAPTER V.-The Schedule. Gcneral Schedule; Instructions to Enumerators. I Rules (o'}" filling up tlte sclwdule. II. Procedure A.-The first round. ( Preliminary Enumeration); n.-The second round (Final Enu. meration); III Supplementary. -10-36 OHAPTER VI.-House defined. 86-41 CHAPTER VII.-Experirnental Abstraction according to tIle method proposed by the Census Commissioner. 41-407 CHAPTER VIlI.-Census Commissioner's visit t.o Baroda. Note on Census of Baroda State, ... ... 47-114 CHAPTER IX.-Thil'd batch of circulars and House.numbering. 54-63 OHAPTER X.-Scheme of Ethnography. 68- 96 CHAPTER XI.-Fourth batch of Circulars. 96-104 CHAPTER XII.-Tours of Inspection. 105-101 CHAPTER XII I.-Fifth batch of Circulars. Instructions to Supervisorsj-A. General; B,-Preliminary Enumeration; C.-Final Enumeration. Enumeror's Abstract and Circle Summaries. Instructions to Charge Superinten­ dents:-A Geneml; B;-Prcliminary Enumeration;-C Final Enumera- tioD .... 108-126 OHAPTER XIV.-Preliminary and Final Enumerations. 12S-Uo OHAPTER :XV.-Abstraction and Instructions to Record-Keepers, Supervisors and Posters;-(l ) Record-Keepers ;-(2) Supervisorsj-(3) Posters (a) A Branch, (b) B Brunch, (c) Commen to both branches; General. .. 130-137 CHAPTER XVI.-Tabulation and Compilation.: : _•• 188-142 OHAPTER XVlI.-Miscellaneous. 143-149 APPENDIX I.-Results of the Inquiries as regards Tatooing and Dias. I-XXXIII. INDEX TO THE AD~llNI;3TgATIVE VOLUME OF THE CENSUS REPORT. CHAPTEl{ I. ~ Prelimitwl'Y' PAI:A. 1 Orllel' of tLe Government of India. 1 2 Residency Jetter. 2 S Minister's reply. 4 Thin]' Regular Census. () Census Officers rtppointed. CHA,P'fEIl II. Administrative Divisions, Sub-divisio1!s (lnd Macl!inery of tfte State. J. 6 Divisions 0f the Baroda State. 4- 7 Stib_dlvisions-Taluka. 8 Numbers of sub-divisions aml Talnkas. 4 Administrative J.ll acTtilw1'Y' A. Revenue. 9 Revenue Officers. 10 Talatis. B. Judicial. 11 J ndicial officers. 5 12 Criminal Court~. () C. Poliee. 13 police officers. 5 D. BducaUon. 14 Edncational officers. Gramya-Shct!cts. 15 Grumya-S1mhs and otller.schools. 6 _E. Public ~Vorks. 6 16 Estaulishmtlnt ullller tIlt) Chief Engineer. 17 Constitution ... Bm'oda City. 6 lB A Divisiou by itself. ii P,IRA. CHAPTER III. Central and District Census Offices. J ~ Commencement of the Census wod,. ... 7 2(1 New methods aud enquiries. 7 :ll Orrlers and CircnllU'3 sent direct to the Vahivntdal',o. C CH.-\PTEH IV. First batch (~f' Circulars. 22 I ;irlmlars. 7 23 Names of the KasLas or towns. 24 A lienated villages. 25 Ports and landing places, Dharmn:,;halas &0. 10 26 Mistakes pointed out. l() 27 Inaccuraeies explained. 11. 28 CircUlal' No.8.' ':.\Iarking of blocks and llOnses. 11 Census Register . A. 16 Do. ,B. 16 Do. C. 17 CHAPTER V. The Sclted7tle. 2!J Schedule received from the Census Commissioner. 20 30 New schedulo different from the old oue. 20 31 Hindu and 1IIusaInmn sects to be entered. 20 :12 All hnguages known Ly the literates. 21 33 Form of.tiw. Schedule. 22 I-Rules for filling up the schedule ... 23 A-The first round.-( Preliminary enumeration. ) fl-Thc second rounu-( Finni enllOlerntion ) ••• 34 Modifications l'l'oposed in the instrll()ti'ons In enumeralo]'~. 26 35 Reply. 27 :)G Tnstrnctions amplifiCll. 28 :n Printing of the schcdnles ... 28 3S Schedule ( form) and Instrnction" to enulIlerators. 28 1. HltlfS for filling up the ~dwdnlt~. 30 IT. Procedure, 32 [II. Snpplell1ental'Y. 33 CHAPTER VI. /Jouse defined. 39 FUl·ther Cil'cnIRl'~. 36 ·10 Honse uefined. 36 ,11 Census designation'> of officials alltl definitions. 36(a} CHAPTER VII. Experimental alNtraction according to tlte method 'P"oposed by the Census Commissioner. 41 a ?lfr. Risley's leiter. 39 iii CHAPTEn V[U. CenSIts Commissioner's visit to Baroda. 1 Intimation of 1\It-. H. H. Hisley's arriYlll here. ~7 2 List of papers to be submitted to the Ccn81B COlllmissioner. 4& 3 Questions for discussion... 48 4 Meeting at the Residency... 51 5 Experimontal Abstraction ( discusse 1 ). !il 6 :Meeting on the s',~cond day'. 51 7 Census Oommis~ioner memo on the discnc5iOll.-Note on lh') CCl1ms of)3arndtt Eltaj(,s •.. 51 Acknowledgment by the Census COlIlmissioner i),l CHAPTER IX. 1 New cil'euJ~rs. 54 2 Cunsus of Ibilway E!Dploye~. 54 3 Numbering of Houses. 55 4 The City llOllse-llumbering. ··1" 62 [} Proclamations. ... 68 G Puras recognised as Yilll1ge~. 63 OllPTER X. ScTlCme of Etlma,11·aph.y. 1 Etrlllogl'aplJicaI Enquiry... G3 2 The Scheme... G4 3 Constitution of the Cvmmittees. 66 4 Yaeli to the Member3 of the Comrnittcc$... 66 ;J Letter of illyitntiO"l. (;7 6 List; of the members o[ Ethno_;raphic COl1lmittees and of the castes [0 blJ iU(lllil"Ccl into. 58 A list of the Erahm~n Castes. A list of the cn"te" of Vanias. Other Hindu Castes hlS:dcs Brahmans ann. Vanias. 80 7 The result of the Enql.1ir:cs by the Committecs, S!) S The qnestions prO[OlcJ ... 8!) Special interrogatories for Brahmin~ ... {) Circular til the CommitteN'. 10 Arranging the J'csnlts of the Ethno<:)mphic Committee::. 11 !llr. Resly's remarks on the 0:131(,. CHAPTER XI. Fourth batd of Oirc1Ilars. I Inspection by higher officers. 96 2 An),] Karkuns lohclptlteYahivat(L,rs. 99 3 EJlllmeration of: Boating pi)pulati()l1 ... 99 4 Enumeration of persons living within 1\1 ilitary limit". 10H CIL\PTER XU. Tow's of Inspection. 1 Illspection \l"ork dor.e by the Assistant Superir.tenLlcnL. 105 2 Letter to the Census Commissioner about F~}I"e8t tracts Enumeration. 105 3 Songhad llnd Dlntri ,md, f,mnd unsalisfac'ory. 106 IV 4 l:<:rrol's mo~t Oommon. 106 f) EthtwgraFhical work takf'n IIp. 106 6 Enumcmtion hooks inspected. 106 FiflA batch of Oiroulars. 1 Uireular on the General System of Euumeral ill 11 , 108 2 Circ;uIar on (he Seds fOl' Christinlls.... 109 3 CireuInl'8 No. 2il and 25 ... 4 Circular Nv. 24 on rreliminury and Final Ennmerations. 110 5 Oircnlar No. 2G for the Enumeration of those Suffering from Plague find F:.mine. It! Additional instructions for the Gui,lance of the Snper,isors:- (A) Genera); (rq Preliminary Euumerati(m; Ie) Final Enumcmtion. (Kh) .b:llumerators Abstrncls anu Circle SumUlarie~ 116-122 J l13trnctions to Charge Superintendents:- Gcnm·al. Preliminary Enumeration. Final Ellllmeratioll; Chnrge Summary. 122-1i6 CHAPTER XIV. pJ'climinar!J and FiiWl EnU1nerations. 1 Prelirnillury totals recei,eu. 126 2 Censns taken everywhere synchronously. 130 3 Final el1l1meration iotals telegraphed ... 130 4 Appointment of Record-keepers. 130 CHAPTEr:. XV. AbSiI'ClCtio1Z and instructions to Rec01'd·!.:eepe1's, Supervtso;'s and PoStC1·S. 1 TIle slip system introduced. 130 ~ Pig-can-hole box"s for the po-tel's. 131 e Instrnctions to the l'oster ... 132 4 G l','c!cs of wOl'kc:'s. 132 f. (I) Record-keepersj-(.'J) f!tepel'l':s,-,I'.<; (3) Pc~tet's-(a) A TIrtluclJ, (I.) B Rnmch, Cc) Common to both UrflnClll'3-GenC'l"n). 133-13S CUAPTER, XVI, Tabulation awl Compilution. 1 The Posting of Slips. 138 .2 Pn'p!lrillg'the [roperjal Table. 139 CHAPTER XVH. illi;;ccl! (lIZeOU8. niagl"llllS and Maps p1'81'arc,I and l~cport writ in!; C0lUllll'llecd-Achlitiollal wod;: dOllC- Sects--Taltooing--Dais.. ' 143 2 CUll"ns Coc1c--C"rJons ExpcmJiLllt'C -Slatclltcnlo:--l SIJO'(rillg the distribution of Sche­ dnIes Etc., ill dia,'rent 1\[(1111);,-2 Showing nnmber of Enumerators and Supel'yisors. and EXP'lllditure ill j\Iah.. ls--3 8holl"i112-' fJin·lEs, Blocks and Houses in Each 1'alo kn ( Churgp ) 143-149 APPENDTX. .. I-XXXIII CENSUS OF TIlE BARODA STATE. 1901 ADMINISTRATION. OHAPTER I· Preliminar!J . 1. The Government of India decided as longlago us 13th October 1899 to take a synchronous Census of the whole Indian Empire Order of the Gm-ernment of Indirt. in March 1901. YiTith a view to have the work done in as complete a manner as possible, they invited the cooper­ ation of all the Loeal and Native Govcrnments in that important work. 2. Accordingly, the Government of His Highness the Maharaja Gaekwar, Residellcy letter. Sir Sayaji Rao nT, "as also requested by Residency letter No. 2113], dated 6th December 1899 to lend its- aid in the said work. "No. 211',310], 1890. FROIlf LIEUTENANT COLONRL C. ,Yo RA VEN:::iHA W, Officiating Resiclen t, at Baroda. To, THE :MINISTER OF THE BARODA STATE. Baroda. Dated Baroda, 6th Decmbe1' 1899. Sm, I have the honour to refer yon to this office letter noted in the margin regarding the Census of 189-1 and to state that No. 1722, duted llLll the Government of India have decided that the Fcbrnsl'Y 1890. same territories should be included in the Census· of 1901. 2. Thc Government of India hayc communicated the following sugges tions in respect: to preliminary meaSurers which they consider de'sir able for Native States to undertake during the present cold weather. 2 3. The basis of all Census operations is the st[1temcnt or register show­ ing the villages actually in existence in any given area, pargana' prant, chauki, or whatever the local administrative unit may be.
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