REPORT ON THE SITUATION OF MALARIA IN THE AMERICAS 2014 - 1 - REPORT ON THE SITUATION OF MALARIA IN THE AMERICAS 2014 Washington, D.C. 2016 PAHO HQ Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Pan American Health Organization Report on the situation of Malaria in the Americas, 2014. Washington, D.C. : PAHO, 2016. 1. Malaria – prevention & control. 2. Disease Eradication – statistics & numerical data. 3. Disease Eradication – history. 4. Antimalarials. 5. Vector Control. 6. Insecticide Resistance. 7. Health Public Policy. 8. Americas. I. Title. ISBN: 978-92-75-11928-0 (NLM Classification: WC 765) © Pan American Health Organization, 2016 All rights reserved. Publications of the Pan American Health Organization are available on the PAHO website (www.paho.org). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate PAHO publications should be addressed to the Publications Program through the PAHO website (www.paho.org/permissions). Publications of the Pan American Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights are reserved. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Pan American Health Organization concerning the status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the Pan American Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the Pan American Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the Pan American Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use Contents Abbreviations 1 Acknowledgments 3 Key Facts 4 Foreword 7 Section I: Region of the Americas 8 Section II: Sub-regions 17 Amazon 17 Hispaniola 18 Mesoamerica 20 Southern Cone 22 Non-endemic Countries 22 Section III: Cross-cutting Issues 25 Policies, Strategies, Goals, and Targets for Malaria 25 Elimination 26 Funding for Malaria 26 Diagnosis and Treatment 27 Antimalarial Resistance 29 Vector Control 31 Insecticide Resistance 31 Priority Groups 32 Malaria in Pregnancy 34 Section IV: Countries 37 Argentina 37 Belize 40 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 43 Brazil 46 Colombia 50 Costa Rica 53 Dominican Republic 56 Ecuador 59 El Salvador 62 French Guiana, France 65 Guatemala 68 Guyana 71 Haiti 74 Honduras 78 Mexico 81 Nicaragua 84 Panama 87 Paraguay 91 Peru 93 Suriname 96 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 98 References 101 Annex 104 Abbreviations ABER Annual Blood Examination Rate ACT Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy ADM1 First-level administrative division (i.e. state, province, department, etc.) ADM2 Second-level administrative division (i.e. district, municipality, canton, etc.) ADM3 Third-level administrative division (i.e. commune) AIM Action and Investment to Defeat Malaria AMI Amazon Malaria Initiative API Annual Parasite Index CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CHA/VT Communicable Diseases and Health Analysis Departmentt CHAI Clinton Health Access Initiative EMMIE Elimination of Malaria in Mesoamerica and the Island of Hispaniola Gates Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Foundation G6PD Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase Global Fund The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria GTS Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2030 HRP-2 Histidine-Rich Protein II IDSP Integrated Disease Surveillance Program IRSv Indoor Residual Spraying ITN Insecticide-Treated Net LLIN Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Net MDA Mass Drug Administration MDG Millennium Development Goal MDG 6C Millennium Development Goal Target 6C ORAS Andean Organization for Health (acronym in Spanish) PAHO Pan American Health Organization PAMAFRO Project for Malaria Control in Andean Border Areas (acronym in Spanish) PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction RACCN North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (acronym in Spanish) RACCS South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region (acronym in Spanish) RAVREDA Amazon Network for the Surveillance of Antimalarial Drug Resistance (acronym in Spanish) RBM Roll Back Malaria - 1 - RDT Rapid Diagnostic Test SENEPA National Service for Eradication of Malaria (acronym in Spanish) SNEM National Service for Control of Arthropod Vector-borne Diseases (acronym in Spanish) SPR Slide Positivity Rate T3 Test-Treat-Track UN United Nations USAID United States Agency for International Development USP United States Pharmacopeia WHA World Health Assembly WHO World Health Organization WOCBA Women of Child-Bearing Age - 2 - Acknowledgments We are very appreciative of all those that contributed to We would also like to thank the malaria team at Pan the production of this report. The collection of data was American Health Organization Headquarters for their facilitated by Ministries of Health and National Malaria contributions: Programs with the help of the following individuals: Maria Paz Ade, Keith Carter, Luis Gerardo Castellanos, Mario Zaidenberg (Argentina); Kim Bautista (Belize); Janina Chavez, Maria Marta Claure, Rainier Escalada, Omar Flores (Bolivia); Cassio3 Roberto Leonel Marcos Espinal, Job Joseph, Valerie Mize, Eric Ndofor, Peterka and Ana Carolina Santelli (Brazil); Martha Silvia Padilla, Monique Perret-Gentil, and Prabhjot Lucia Ospina Martinez (Colombia); Jose Luis F. Garces Singh. (Costa Rica); Juan Leonidas Castro Jimenez and Luz Mercedes Rivera (Dominican Republic); Enrique Castro This publication was made possible by the support Saavedra (Ecuador); Jaime Enrique Aleman Escobar and collaboration of the U.S. Agency for International and Eduardo Castro Chevez (El Salvador); Adolfo Development (USAID), under USAID/PAHO award No. Miranda (Guatemala); Rawle Jadunath (Guyana); AID-LAC-IO-11-00001. Darlie Antoine and Jean Frantz Lemoine (Haiti); Engels Ilich Banegas and Alex Rovelo (Honduras); Hector Olguin Bernal (Mexico); Julio César Rosales Caballero (Nicaragua); Raul Medina, Carlos Victoria, and Fernando Vizcaino (Panama); Cynthia Viveros and Monica Ozorio (Paraguay); Victor Alberto Laguna Torres (Peru); Beatrix Jubithana (Suriname); and Jesus Toro (Venezuela). As well as the PAHO/WHO in-country staff: Jose Moya (Argentina); Laure Garancher (CPC); Carlos Ayala (Belize); Mario Masana (Bolivia); Enrique Vazquez and Oscar Mesones Lapouble (Brazil); Wilmer Marquino Quezada and Gabriela Rey (Colombia); Enrique Perez-Flores (Costa Rica); Hans Salas (Dominican Republic); Roberto Montoya and Cesar Diaz (Ecuador); Miguel Aragon (El Salvador); Humberto Montiel and Ericka Gaitan (Guatemala); Jean Seme Fils Alexandre (Guyana); Jean Marie Rwangabwoba and Moussa Thior (Haiti); Romeo Montoya and Rosa Elena Mejia (Honduras); Tamara Mancero and Anita Bahena (Mexico); Guillermo Gonzalvez and Aida Mercedes Soto Bravo (Nicaragua); Adelina Barrantes and Nicolas Ceron (Panama); Angel Manuel Alvarez (Paraguay); Monica Guardo (Peru); Gustavo Bretas and Dennis Navarro (Suriname); and Washington Lum (Venezuela). - 3 - 2014 Key Facts of the Americas 2000-2014 Key Facts of the Americas 389,390 cases 67% 21 87 decline in cases countries deaths since 2000 are endemic for malaria 79% 92.5% decline in deaths of all cases occurred in the Amazon sub-region since 2000 Approximately 790,000 insecticide-treated nets were distributed, protecting an estimated 6.4 million people 69% of all cases in the Americas were Plasmodium vivax infections, 6.5 million cases and 3,500 deaths averted based on rates from 2000 24% were Plasmodium falciparum 108 million people are at risk for malaria in the Americas, ! 5.7 million of these are at high risk* 14 endemic countries have reduced malaria incidence by more than 75%, achieving Target 6C of the MDGs ‘to have halted and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria’ 60% of all cases occurred in men US$20 million of funding for malaria in the countries of the Americas came from external sources 2 countries with 0 local cases of malaria in 2014 6.7 million were tested by microscopic examination *High risk areas are those with an annual parasite index of 10 or more cases per 1,000 inhabitants. 2014 Key Facts of the Americas 2000-2014 Key Facts of the Americas 389,390 cases 67% 21 87 decline in cases countries deaths since 2000 are endemic for malaria 79% 92.5% decline in deaths of all cases occurred in the Amazon sub-region since 2000 Approximately 790,000 insecticide-treated nets were distributed, protecting an estimated 6.4 million people 69% of all cases in the Americas were Plasmodium vivax infections, 6.5 million cases and 3,500 deaths averted based on rates from 2000 24% were Plasmodium falciparum 108 million people are at risk for malaria in the Americas, ! 5.7 million of these are at high risk* 14 endemic countries have reduced malaria incidence by more than 75%, achieving Target 6C of the MDGs ‘to have halted and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria’ 60% of all cases occurred
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