DISTRICT SURVEY REPORT NAMAKKAL DISTRICT, TAMIL NADU JULY, 2017 Revised on March 2019 G EOL OG IC A L S URV EY OF INDIA G OV ERNMENT OF TA MIL NA DU SU: TA MIL NA DU & PUDUCHERRY D EPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINING, NAMAKKA L CONTENT SL. DETAILS PAGE NO No 1 Chapter-I: Introduction 01-02 2 Chapter-II: Mining in the district-An overview 03 3 Chapter-III: List of mining leases with location, area and period of validity 04-47 4 Chapter-IV: Details of royalty or revenue received in last three years 48 5 Chapter-V: Details of production of sand or bajari or minor minerals for the 48 last three years 6 Chapter-VI: Process of deposition of sediments in the river of the district 49-51 7 Chapter-VII: General profile of the district 52-53 8 Chapter-VIII: Land utilisation pattern of the district 53-56 9 Chapter-IX: Physiography of the district 56-58 10 Chapter-X: Rainfall data 58-59 11 Chapter:- XI: Geology and mineral wealth of the district 59-100 12 Chapter-XII: Conclusion and recommendation 101 LIST OF FIGURE SL. DETAILS PAGE NO No Fig-1 Location map of Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu 02 Fig-2 Road Map of Namakkal District 02 Fig-3 River Map of Namakkal District 51 Fig-4 Satellite image of the Cauvery River and leases for sand quarry 51 in Namakkal District Fig-5 Soil Map of Namakkal District 54 Fig-6 Geomorphology Map of Namakkal District (PWD). 57 Fig-7 Slope map of Namakkal District 58 Fig-8 Geological Map of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry 60 Fig-9 Geological Map of the Namakkal District 62 LIST OF TABLE SL. No DETAILS PAGE NO Table-1 Type of soil 54 Table-2 Area of different type of geomorphology (CGWB, 2008) 56 Table-3 Different type of rock with area (PWD-2001) 61 Fig-1: Location map of Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu Fig-2: Road Map of Namakkal District. 2 CHAPTER-II MINING IN THE DISTRICT-AN OVERVIEW Mineral of Economic importance found in Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu are mainly, limestone, magnesite, bauxite and quartz-feldspar. Limestone quarries are mainly located in Kumarapalayam and Paramathivelur taluk while few leases for Bauxite are seen in and around Kolli Hill. Besides, the district is endowed with sizeable reserves of rough stone mainly in Senthamanglam, Tiruchengode, Namakkal and Rasipuram taluks.. High quality granite (both leuco and multicoloured granite) is available in Paramathivelur taluk. Occurrence of good quality of Quartz and feldspar mining is situated Tiruchengode Taluk. Occurrence of PGE (Platinum Group of Elements) is reported in Sittampundi area, Paramathivelur taluk. Brief details of mining activities in the district are tabulated below: The Department of Geology and Mining (DGM) is functioning in Namakkal district under the control of District Collector, Namakkal. The DGM is looking after the work of granting leases for minor minerals. QUARRY LIST-PATTA LAND NAME OF THE MINERAL: ROUGH STONE Taluk : KUMARAPALAYAM Sl. Name and address of the Taluk Village S.F.Nos. Extent (in.Hects.) Proceedings No and Lease Period Remarks No lessee date Patta Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. T.C.Chandrasekar, Kumarapalayam Kumarapalayam- 430/2 1.52.0 1.52.0 Proc. ROC. NO: 72 / 5 Years Working S/o.Chinnusamy, Ammanni Mines / 2012 dated: 06.11.2014 Thattankuttai, 06.11.2014 to Kumarapalayam-Ammanni 05.11.2019 Kallankattuvalasu (Po), Tiruchengode Taluk, Namakkal District. 2. K.Palanisamy, Kumarapalayam Pallakapalayam 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 4.07.5 4.07.5 Proc. ROC. NO: 429 5 Years Working S/o. Kandasamy, & 4/1 / Mines / 2014 18.02.2017 New D.No. 5/267, dated: 18.02.2017 to Old D.No. 141, Mathakali 17.02.2022 Thottam, Kadayampatti (Po), Bhavani (Tk), Erode. 3. S.Murugesan, Kumarapalayam, Elanthakuttai 465/3B(P) 2.02.0 2.02.0 Proc. ROC. NO: 1135 Years Working S/o. Sengoda gounder, 467/2 & / Mines / 2015 16.08.2018 467/3A Patharai, Southapuram (Po), dated: 16.08.2018 to Tiruchengode Taluk, 15.08.2023 Namakkal District. 4. C.Samyappan, Kumarapalayam, Sowdhapuram 89/2B 0.81.0 0.81.0 Proc. ROC. NO: 6345 Years Working S/o. Chinnappan, / Mines / 201828.12.2018 Parani Bump Care, dated: 28.12.2018 to No.9, N.G.G.O. Colony, 27.12.2023 Main Road ,Erode – 638009, 5. P.Ravi, Kumarapalayam, Sowdhapuram 102/1(P) & 1.07.20 1.07.20 Proc. ROC. NO: 6235 Years - S/o. Palanisamy (Late), 102/2(P) / Mines / 201828.12.2018 9/147, Ciyankadu, dated: 28.12.2018 to Valrasampalayam, 27.12.2023 Sanniyasaipatti Post, Padaveedu. QUARRY LIST-PATTA LAND NAME OF THE MINERAL:- ROUGH STONE TALUK : PARAMATHI-VELUR. Sl. Name and address of the lessee Taluk Village S.F.Nos. Extent (in.Hects.) Proceedings No and date Lease Period Remarks No Patta Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. D.Rangasamy, Paramathi-Velur Sithampoondi 9/2A 0.62.5 0.62.5 Proc.ROC.NO: 164 / 2012 / 5 Years Working S/o.Devarajan, (Tk) Mines-A dated: 15.09.2014 15.09.2014 1/112, North Street, to Pillur Post, 14.09.2019 Paramathi-Velur (Tk), Namakkal (Dt) 2. S.Chitra, Paramathi-Velur Kolaram 542/6 0.66.5 1.25.5 Proc.ROC.NO: 167 / 2013 / 5 Years Working W/o/Sundarraju, (Tk) 542/7 0.59.0 Mines-A dated: 16.06.2015 16.06.2015 5/19, to West Thottam, 15.06.2020 Puthur, Velagoundampatti, Tiruchengode, Namakkal. 3. R.Kolandaivel, Paramathi-Velur Irrukkur 28/1A 1.20.5 1.20.5 Proc.ROC.NO: 166/ Mines / 5 Years Working S/o. Ramasamy Gounder, (Tk) 2017 dated: 04.04.2018 04.04.2018 R.Pudupalayam, to Ramadevam (Po), 03.04.2023 Paramathi-Velur (Tk), Namakkal (Dt) QUARRY LIST-PORAMBOKE LAND NAME OF THE MINERAL:- ROUGH STONE TALUK : PARAMATHI-VELUR. Sl. Name and address of the Taluk Village S.F.Nos. Extent (in.Hects.) G.O. / Proceedings No and Lease Period Remarks No lessee date Poramboke Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. A.Sakthivel, Paramathi-Velur Kutlamparai 219(P) (Bit-2) 0.50.0 0.50.0 Proc. ROC. NO: 179 / 5 Years Working S/o. Arunachalam, (Western Side) Mines / 2016 dated: 30.08.2016 17, Dr. Sankaran Road, 30.08.2016. to Gandhi Nagar Extension, 29.08.2021 Namakkal. 7 QUARRY LIST-PATTA LAND NAME OF THE MINERAL:- ROUGH STONE TALUK:RASIPURAM. Sl. Name and address of the lessee Taluk Village S.F.Nos. Extent (in.Hects.) G.O. / Proceedings No Lease Period Remarks No and date Patta Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 6. Tmt.K.Madeswari, Rasipuram R.Pudupatti 25/2G1 0.69.0 0.69.0 Proc.ROC.NO: 136 / Mines 5 Years Working W/o. Kandasamy, / 2010 /dated: 05.03.2017 05.03.2017 465/1, Kallavalikadu, to R.Pudupatti Village, 04.03.2022 Rasipuram Tk, Namakkal Dt. 7. 4.48.0 QUARRY LIST-PORAMBOK LAND NAME OF THE MINERAL:- ROUGH STONE TALUK: RASIPURAM Sl. Name and address of the lessee Taluk Village S.F.Nos. Extent (in.Hects.) G.O. / Proceedings No Lease Period Remarks No and date Porambok Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 1. M.Murugan, Rasipuram Kattanachampatti 93/1 1.68.0 1.68.0 Proc.Roc.No.219 / Mines 5 Years - S/o. Muthu Gounder, / 2017 / dt.26.12.2017 (26.12.2017 to 6-A, Building Society Road, 25.12.2022) Rasipuram Taluk, Namakkal District. 2. K.K.Perumal, Rasipuram R.Pudupatti 26/1 1.49.0 1.49.0 Proc.Roc.No.220 / Mines 5 Years - S/o. Kuppusamy, / 2017 / dt.08.03.2018. (08.03.2018 to No. 25/11U, Malivalmakkal Colony, 07.03.2023) R.Pudupatti (Po), Rasipuram (Tk), Namakkal (Dt). QUARRY LIST-PORAMBOK LAND IN SGSY NAME OF THE MINERAL:- ROUGH STONE TALUK: RASIPURAM. Sl. Name and address of the lessee Taluk Village S.F.Nos. Extent (in.Hects.) G.O. / Proceedings No and Lease Period Remarks No date Porambok Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 1. S.Amutha, Rasipuram Gunavelampatti 35 (P) 2.00.0 2.00.0 Proc.Roc.No. 155 / Mines / 5 Years Working President: Boyar Mahalir Suya (Bit-2) 2014 dt. 07.01.2016 (07.01.2016 Udavi Gulu, TO 8/143, Permali, 06.01.2021 Kunavelampatty, Rasipuram Taluk Namakkal District. QUARRY LIST-PATTA LAND NAME OF THE MINERAL: ROUGH STONE & GRAVEL Taluk : TIRUCHENGODE Sl. Name and address of the lessee Taluk Village S.F.Nos. Extent (in.Hects.) Proceedings No and date Lease Period Remarks No Patta Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. S.Nandhakumar, Tiruchengode Marapparai 22/2 1.16.0 1.16.0 Proc. ROC. NO: 156 / 5 Years Working S/o.Sellappan, Mines / 2013 dated: 28.07.2014 Kattipalayam, 28.07.2014 to Karungalpatty (Po), 27.07.2019 Tiruchengode Taluk, Namakkal District. 2. G.Velmurugan, Tiruchengode Marapparai 191/1C 0.48.0 1.53.0 Proc. ROC. NO: 129 / 5 Years Working S/o.Gurunathan, 191/2 0.26.0 Mines / 2013 dated: 28.07.2014 L-199/3, Kottapalli Village, 198/1 0.79.0 28.07.2014 to Tiruchengode Taluk, 27.07.2019 Namakkal District. 3. M.Krishnan, Tiruchengode Marapparai 176/1B 0.81.5 3.07.5 Proc. ROC. NO: 81 / Mines 5 Years Working No. 47/B, Periyamanali Road, 176/2 0.18.0 / 2013 dated: 12.08.2014 12.08.2014 Vaiyappamalai (Po), 176/6B 0.12.5 to Tiruchengode Taluk, 176/11 0.71.0 11.08.2019 Namakkal District.
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