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Turbografx-16 NTSC Digital Press GB I GB I GB I Japan Artist Tool/NEC R6 Beri Beri Densetsu/Taito R3 1552 Tenka Dairan/ASK Kodansha R4 #PIAS1 #TP01003 #AKCD3001 Arunama no Kiba/Right Stuff R3 Bikkuriman Daijikai/Hudson R3 1943 Kai/Naxat R4 #RSCD4006 #HCD8003 #NX91002 Asuka 120% Maxima Burning Fest/ R5 Bikkuriman World/Hudson R3 21 Emon/NEC R4 #NAPR1049 #HC62002 #HE93003 Atlas, The: Renaissance Voyager/A R5 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon/Banpr R3 3 x 3 Eyes Sanjiyan Hensei/NEC R4 #ADCD4002 #BACD4002 #HECD4010 Atomic Robo-Kid Special/UPL R3 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Collec R3 A III/Artdink R3 #UP01001 #BACD4004 #ADCD3001 Aurora Quest Otaku no Seiza/Pack- R5 Black Hole Assault/Micronet R4 Advanced VG/TGL R4 #PVCD3010 #MNCD3001 #GLCD4001 Auto Crusher Palladium/Pack-In Vi R4 Blodia/Hudson R3 Adventure Island/Hudson R4 #PVCD3009 #HC90027 #HC91035 AV Poker World Gambler/Hacker I R6 Blood Gear/Hudson R5 Adventure Quiz Capcom World/Hu R3 #T4955754200946 #HCD4048 #HCD2028 AV Tanjo/Games Express R6 Body Conquest II/Hacker Int R6 Aero Blasters+A68/Hudson R3 #GED1015 #T4955754200953 #HC90038 Avenger/Telenet R3 Bomberman/Hudson R3 After Burner II/NEC R3 #TJCD0011 #HC90036 #NAPH1011 Babel/Telenet R3 Bomberman '93/Hudson R4 Ai Cho Aniki/NCS R5 #TJCD2024 #HC92061 #NSCD5018 Baby Jo The Superhero/Micro Worl R3 Bomberman '93: Special Edition/H R9 Alice In Wonderdream/Face R4 #MWCD2004 # #FA02007 Bakuiden Unbalanced Zone/Sony R3 Bomberman '94/Hudson R4 Alien Crush/Naxat R3 #SRCD4001 #HC93065 #NX63001 Bakuretsu Hunter Duo Comic/Medi R4 Bomberman '94 Taikenban/Hudson R9 Alshark/Victor R5 #HMD0002 #HCD3054 #JCCD4014 Bakushou Yoshimoto no Shinkigeki R3 Bomberman's Panic Bomber/Hudso R4 Altered Beast/NEC R4 #HCD4045 #HCD4069 #H68G1006 Ballistix/Coconuts R3 Bonanza Brothers/NEC R7 Altered Beast (Jyuhouki)/NEC R4 #CJ0001 #NAPR2028 #HACD9001 Barunba/Namco R3 Bouken Danshaken Don San-Heart R5 Alzadick: Summer Carnival '92/Nax R6 #NC90003 #IM92001 #NXCD2012 Basted/NEC R5 Brandish/NEC R4 Anearth Fantasy Stories/Hudson R6 #NAPR1042 #HECD4007 #HCD5071 Batman/SunSoft R4 Break In/Naxat R3 Ane-San/NEC R6 #SS90003 #NX89002 #NAPR1045 Battle Lode Runner/Hudson R5 Browning/Telenet R4 Aoi Blink/Hudson R4 #HS93054 #TJCD1020 #HC90030 Battlefield '94 In Super Battle Drea R5 Bubblegum Crash/Naxat R6 Aoki Ookami To Shiroki Meshika/K R5 #FCCD4001 #NX91005 #KOCD3004 Bazaru Debizaru no Gumu Debizar R8 Builderland/Micro World R3 Appare! Gateball/Hudson R3 #HECD5025 #MWCD2003 #HC63013 Be Ball/Hudson R3 Bullfight Ring no Haja/Cream Corp R3 Armed F/Pack-In Video R3 #HC90028 #CC01001 #PV2004 Benkei Gaiden/SunSoft R3 Burai/Riverhill Soft R5 Art of Fighting/Hudson R3 #SS89002 #RHCD1001 #HCD4061 Collector List Lite http://www.digitpress.com Turbografx-16 NTSC Digital Press GB I GB I GB I Burai II/Riverhill Soft R3 Color Wars/Coconuts R4 De Ja/NEC R6 #RHCD2004 #CJCD2002 #NIPR1002 Burning Angel/Naxat R4 Columns/Telenet R6 Dead Moon Gessekai no Akumu/TS R3 #NX90008 #TJ03002 #TS91001 Cadash/Taito R4 Coryoon/Naxat R7 Dead of the Brain 1 & 2/NEC R7 #TP02015 #NX91004 #HECD5024 CAL II/NEC R4 Cosmic Fantasy/Telenet R4 Death Bringer: The Knight of Dark R4 #NAPR1034 #TJCD9003 #TJCD0007 CAL III/NEC R4 Cosmic Fantasy 2/Telenet R4 Deden no Den/Hudson R9 #NAPR1039 #TJCD1015 #HCD4064 Cardangels/Fujicom R7 Cosmic Fantasy 3/Telenet R4 Deep Blue Kaitei Shinwa/Pack-In V R4 #FCCD4002 #TJCD2029 #PV1002 CD Battle Hikari no Yuushatachi/Ki R7 Cosmic Fantasy 4: Chapter 1/Telen R4 Dekoboko Densetsu Hashiru Waga R4 #KICD3001 #TJCD4038 #TJCD0013 CD Bishojyo Jyanshi Idol Pai/Game R6 Cosmic Fantasy 4: Chapter 2/Telen R4 Dennou Tenshi: Digital Angel/Toku R5 #GED1013 #TJCD4040 #TICD4003 CD Bishojyo Pachinko 4 Sisters/Ga R6 Cosmic Fantasy Visual Collection V R7 Detana!! Twin Bee/Konami R4 #GECD1014 #TJCD3034 #KM92004 CD Hanafuda Bishojuo Gambler/Ga R6 Cotton/Hudson R6 Develo Magazine Volume 1/Tokum R8 #GED1016 #HCD3043 #TICD6008 CD Pashisuro Bishojuo Gambler/Ga R6 Crazy Hospital: Fushigi no Kuni no R7 Develo Starter Kit: Assembler/Toku R8 #GECD1012 # #TICD6004 CD PC Denjin Rockabilly/Hudson R5 Crest Of Wolf/Hudson R5 Develo Starter KitJ: BASIC/Tokuma R8 #HCD3049 #HCD3044 #TICD6007 Champion Wrestler/Taito R3 Cross Wiber (Weaver)/Face R4 Devil's Crash/Naxat R5 #TP02014 #FA02008 #NX90004 Championship Rally/Intec R3 Cyber City Oedo 808/NCS R4 Die Hard/Nichibutsu R5 #IGCD3006 #NSCD0003 #NB90003 Chase HQ/Taito R3 Cyber Cross/Face R4 Digital Champ/Naxat R3 #TP02006 #FA01002 #NX89003 Chibi Maruko-chan Quiz De Pihyara R3 Cyber Dodgeball/Tonkin House R5 Don Doko Don/Taito R4 #NC92001 #TON92005 #TP02010 Chiki Chiki Boys/NEC R5 Cyber Knight/Tonkin House R3 Doraemon Meikyu Daisakusen/Hud R2 #NAPR1033 #TON90003 #HC89023 Chikudenya Toubee/Naxat R2 Cybercore/IGS R4 Doraemon Nobita no Dorabian Nig R5 #NX89004 #AI02001 #HC91051 Cho Aniki/NCS R5 Daichikun Crisis: Do Natural/Salio R3 Doraemon Nobita no Dorabian Nig R5 #NSCD2013 #SL01001 #HCD2030 Chozetsu Rinjin Bravoman/Namco R6 Daisenpu/NEC R4 Double Dragon II: The Revenge/N R6 #NC90005 #NAPH1014 #NXCD2010 Circus Lido/Unipost R7 Daisenpu Custom/NEC R4 Double Dungeons/NCS R2 #PJ91001 #NAPR1019 #NCS89006 City Hunter/SunSoft R3 Daisenryaka II: Campaign Version/ R3 Double Ring/Naxat R5 #SS90001 #MCCD1003 #NX90005 Cobra/Hudson R3 Darius Alpha/NEC R9 Doukyuusei (Classmates)/NEC R3 #HCD8004 # #NAPR1051 Cobra II/Hudson R3 Davis Cup Tennis/Micro World R3 Download/NEC R4 #HCD1014 #MWCD2002 #NAPH1007 Collector List Lite http://www.digitpress.com Turbografx-16 NTSC Digital Press GB I GB I GB I Download 2/NEC R5 Eternal City Toshi Tenso Keikaku/N R4 Final Match Tennis/Human R3 #NAPR1018 #NX91003 #HM91004 Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari/N R7 Exile/Telenet R3 Final Soldier/Hudson R5 #NXCD3019 #TJCD1014 #HC91045 Downtown Nekketsu Soreyuke Dai R6 Exile II/Telenet R3 Final Soldier: Special Edition/Huds R9 #NXCD2015 #TJCD2028 # Dracula X: Rondo of the Blood/Kon R5 F1 Circus/Nichibutsu R3 Final Zone II/Telenet R4 #KMCD3005 #NB90002 #TJCD0006 Dragon Egg/NCS R5 F1 Circus '91/Nichibutsu R2 Fire Pro Female Wrestling (WOWO R5 #NCS91003 #NB91004 #HMCD4008 Dragon Half/Micro Cabin R4 F1 Circus '92/Nichibutsu R2 Fire Pro Wrestling/Human R4 #MCCD4006 #NB92007 #HM89001 Dragon Knight & Grafitti/NEC R7 F1 Circus Special/Nichibutsu R2 Fire Pro Wrestling 3: Legend Bout/ R3 #NAPR1046 #NBCD2002 #HM92006 Dragon Knight II/NEC R5 F1 Dream/NEC R2 Fire Pro Wrestling: Second Bout/H R3 #NAPR1029 #H54G1005 #HM91005 Dragon Knight III/NEC R5 F1 Pilot You're King of Kings/Pack- R2 Flash Hiders/Right Stuff R6 #NAPR1035 #PV1001 #RSCD3004 Dragon Saber/Namco R4 F1 Team Simulation Project F/Tele R3 Forgotten Worlds/NEC R5 #NC91005 #TJCD2026 #NAPR1025 Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Her R4 F1 Triple Battle/Human R4 Formation Soccer '95/Human R3 #HCD1020 #HM89002 #HMCD5009 Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Her R4 Faceball/Riverhill Soft R7 Formation Soccer Human Cup '90/ R3 #HCD2033 #RHCD3007 #HM90003 Dragon Spirit/Namco R3 Faceball, Sample Disc of/Riverhill S R6 Formation Soccer On J League/Hu R3 #NC63003 #RH3001 #HM94007 Dragonball Z/Bandai R4 Faerie Dust Story/Telenet R6 Fray CD Xak Gaiden/Micro Cabin R6 #BNCD4001 #TJCD0008 #MCCD4005 Drop Rock Hots Hora/Data East R5 Fantasy Zone/NEC R3 Future Boy Conan/Telenet R3 #DE90005 #H49G1001 #TJCD2022 Dungeon Explorer/Hudson R4 Farjius no Jakoutei: Neo Metal Fan R5 Gai Flame/NCS R3 #HC63015 #HMCD2003 #NCS90001 Dungeon Explorer II/Hudson R6 Fatal Fury 2/Hudson R3 Gai Shadow/NCS R3 #HCD3034 #HCD4060 #NCS90002 Dungeon Master: Theron's Quest/V R3 Fatal Fury Special/Hudson R3 Gaia no Monsho/NCS R3 #JCCD2010 #HCD4067 #NCS63001 Dynastic Hero/Hudson R3 Faussete Amour/Naxat R8 Gain Ground SX/NEC R6 #HCD4032 #NXCD2017 #NAPR1032 Efera & Jiliora: The Emblem From R5 Fiend Hunter/Right Stuff R5 Galaga '88/Namco R4 #BRCD1002 #RSCD3002 #NC63002 Eikan Wa Kimini/Artdink R3 Fighting Run/Nichibutsu R3 Galaxy Deka (detective) Gayvan/In R5 #ADCD4003 #NB91005 #IGCD3005 Eiyuu Sankokushi/Irem R5 Fighting Street/Hudson R4 Galaxy Fraulien Yuna/Hudson R3 #ICCD3003 #HCD8002 #HCD2031 Emerald Dragon/NEC R4 Final Blaster/Namco R4 Galaxy Fraulien Yuna 2/Hudson R3 #HECD3005 #NC90007 #HCD5075 Energy/NCS R3 Final Lap Twin/Namco R3 Galaxy Fraulien Yuna HuVideo CD/ R7 #NCS89005 #NC89003 #HCD5078 Collector List Lite http://www.digitpress.com Turbografx-16 NTSC Digital Press GB I GB I GB I Gambler Jikochuushinha/Hudson R3 GunBuster Volume 2/Riverhill Soft R3 Iga Ninden Gaiou/Nichibutsu R4 #HCD9008 #RHCD3005 #NBCD3003 Gambler Jikochuushinha Mahjong R4 Gunhed/Hudson R6 Image Fight/Irem R4 #TPCD1003 #HC89019 #IC02003 Ganbare! Golf Boys/NCS R2 Hana Taka Daka/Taito R3 Image Fight II: Operation Deepstri R6 #NCS89003 #TP03018 #ICCD2002 Gate of Thunder/Hudson R4 Hani In The Sky/Face R3 IQ Panic/IGS R3 #HCD2025 #FA640001 #AICD1002 Genji Tsushin Agedama/NEC R4 Hani On The Road/Face R3 J Thunder/Unknown R8 #HE91001 #FA02006 # Genocide/Brain Grey R4 Hatris/Micro Cabin R5 J. League Greatest Eleven/Nichibut R4 #BRCD2003 #MC91002 #NB93008 Genpei Toramaden/Namco R3 Hatsukoi Monogatari/Tokuma Shot R5 J. League Tremendous Soccer '94/ R4 #NC90001 #TICD4002 #HECD4017 Genpei Toramaden Volume 2/Nam R3 Hawk F-123/Pack-In Video R4 J.B. Harold Murder Club/Hudson R3 #NC92002 #PVCD2007 #HCD0013 Gensou Tairiku Auleria/Taito R5 Heavy Unit/Taito R5 Jack Nicklaus Champion Golf/Victor R3 #TPCD1002 #TP01004 #JC63003 Ghost Warrior Spriggan/Naxat

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