RECLAIMING CULTURAL HERITAGE A PLAN FOR THE HARLEM AFRICAN BURIAL GROUND HUNTER COLLEGE | DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AFFAIRS & PLANNING FALL 2011 Created for the Harlem African Burial Ground Task Force East Harlem HABG/126th Street Bus Depot TABLE OF CONTENTS “The development of a A Note from the Fall 2011 Hunter College Urban Planning Studio 1 Execu ve Summary 2 memorial district will not Client Vision 6 only enhance community Process 7 History 11 recogniƟ on of their rich Chronology 14 history, but those who know Defi ning Community 16 of the village of Harlem, and Public Visioning Workshop 33 come from afar, will become Memorial Statement 41 familiar with this porƟ on Six Planning Elements 43 Planning Recommenda on Phases 44 of the village and its fi rst Phasing Tables 45 Planning Recommenda ons 49 church, which happens to Community 50 Harlem African Burial Ground Task Force Development 50 be the genesis of Harlem.” Community Educa on Campaign 53 Public Arts Program 55 Commemora ve Program Ac vi es 58 Community Safety and Security 60 -Reverend Patricia A. Singletary Poli cal 61 Poli cal Ac on 61 Elmendorf Reformed Church Historic District Designa on 64 Subway and Street Co-Naming 69 Legal Support 70 Synergy with Exis ng Area Plans 70 TABLE OF CONTENTS Economic 72 Economic Development and Zoning 72 Market Network 80 Physical 81 Bus Depot Reloca on 81 Archaeological Explora on 83 Pedestrian Safety 84 Waterfront Access 84 Memorial District Walking Tour 88 Walking Tour Guidelines 91 District Design Recommenda ons 96 Cohesive Signage and Ligh ng 96 Ligh ng Recommenda ons 97 Street Beau fi ca on 98 Sustainability 100 Design Concept Overview 101 Memorial Design Recommenda ons 102 Design Alterna ve One 102 Design Alterna ve Two 108 Design Alterna ve Three 116 Conclusion 121 Acknowledgements 123 Endnotes 127 [cover photos] Photos: Harlem African Burial Ground Task Force. h p://harlemafricanburialground.wordpress.com/; Jonathan Joseph [preceding pages] Elmendorf Reformed Church. Photo: h p://www.fl ickr.com/photos/59816658@N00/4005164712/ Context Map. Map: Jonathan Joseph and Erin Congdon [page immediately following Table of Contents] The corner of 1st Avenue and 126th Street Photo: Jillian Puszykowski A NOTE FROM THE FALL 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY HUNTER COLLEGE URBAN PLANNING STUDIO The Fall 2011 Hunter College Urban Planning Studio developed RECLAIMING This report has been developed by students in the conducted a community visioning workshop to CULTURAL HERITAGE: A PLAN FOR THE HARLEM AFRICAN BURIAL GROUND for the Fall 2011 Hunter College Urban Planning Studio for inform the studio’s fi nal recommenda ons. Six purpose of establishing a conceptual vision for the commemora on of the Harlem the Harlem African Burial Ground Task Force. The main themes emerged from these inves ga ons: African Burial Ground. The plan outlines design guidelines, recommenda ons, studio is comprised of 15 candidates for a Master memorializa on; visibility; connec vity; economic strategies and future policies that will assist the studio’s client, the Harlem African of Urban Planning Degree, under the direc on of development; urban design; and quality of life. Burial Ground Task Force, with memorializing the burial ground and educa ng the Hunter Urban Aff airs and Planning faculty member These themes served as guiding principals as studio public about its historical and cultural signifi cance. Pablo Vengoechea and teaching assistant Ma hew members developed the fi nal recommenda ons. Bissen. The studio is a semester-long project The Task Force has already done considerable work toward educa ng the public las ng from late August through December. The The recommenda ons contained in this plan off er and crea ng strategic ini a ves around the memorializa on of the burial ground. Task Force asked the studio to develop a plan and methods for crea ng a defi ned historic, memorial recommenda ons for a memorial and district for and cultural district, celebra ng the cultural The studio was asked to create a plan to assist the Task Force in furthering these the Harlem African Burial Ground, located between history of East Harlem, enhancing the visibility and objec ves. The studio, accordingly, engaged in a four-month-long planning process East 126th and 127th Streets at 1st Avenue in East awareness of the burial ground site, developing aimed at providing the Task Force with a cohesive plan for the memorializa on of Harlem. connec ons to community assets, implemen ng the Harlem African Burial Ground. This document details the planning and design measures to improve the quality of life, and recommenda ons that developed from our fi ndings. Therefore, it is with great The Harlem African Burial Ground (HABG) genera ng economic investment that will benefi t the pleasure that we present the following report. site is currently occupied by a Metropolitan East Harlem community. These recommenda ons Transporta on Authority (MTA) bus depot. In incorporate both planning and design principles in Sincerely, addi on, the Department of Transporta on (DOT) order to assist the Task Force in developing a vision Members of the Fall 2011 Hunter College Urban Planning Studio is engaged in a project on the Willis Avenue Bridge for the memorializa on of the Harlem African Burial in an area that may also have been used as part Ground. The recommenda ons are divided into four Steven Belkin Jonathan Joseph of the burial ground. The current use of the site areas: community; poli cal; economic; and physical. Zachary Campbell Rachel Levin does not provide any acknowledgement of its Daniel Compitello William Long signifi cance to East Harlem’s cultural history. In Community Erin Congdon Marc Pearce addi on to memorializing the site, the Task Force Task Force Capacity Development: The Task Force Nathaniel Diego Samuël Poisson also recognizes the need to increase community should engage in a strategic planning process to Alexandra Hanson Jillian Puszykowski awareness about the burial ground and the history develop consensus regarding short, medium, and Kay Hart Sara Romanoski of the Village of Harlem. In light of these requests, long term goals and the best strategy for achieving Eric Herman the studio created recommenda ons for both a site these goals. This includes determining the future specifi c memorial and a memorial district. structure of the Task Force itself. Professor Pablo Vengoechea Teaching Assistant Ma hew Bissen Over the course of four months, the studio Community Educa on Campaign: The studio conducted extensive research, engaged in mul ple recommends that the Task Force con nue to raise site visits, met with the Task Force members, and the profi le of the HABG and educate community 1 Reclaiming Cultural Heritage A Plan for the Harlem African Burial Ground 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Community (conƟ nued) that the Task Force engage with the CB11 Public stakeholders about the burial ground’s importance Safety and Transporta on Commi ee, community- by organizing ongoing events, developing a based organiza ons, and local service providers to educa onal network of local churches, and enhance safety and security in the neighborhood. collabora ng with local schools and ins tu ons of higher educa on. PoliƟ cal Poli cal Ac on: The Task Force should develop and Public Art Program: East Harlem has a vibrant execute a coordinated poli cal ac on campaign arts community that can contribute to the focused on crea ng a level of public and poli cal memorializa on of the Harlem African Burial support for the memorializa on of the burial Ground. The Task Force should work with community ground such that it becomes untenable for the MTA stakeholders to develop a community-based arts to con nue opera ons on the site without regard to program to engage local ar sts and youth in the its history as an African burial ground. crea on of public art commemora ng the HABG and East Harlem’s history. Historic District Designa on: A new Preserva on Commi ee within the Task Force responsible In addi on to crea ng new works of public art, the for coordina ng research, community outreach program will reinforce and integrate exis ng public and advocacy could lead to the iden fi ca on of art projects and ar sts in the neighborhood into the proposed district boundaries. This commi ee would public art plans for the district. also be responsible for pursing the various historic designa ons and funding opportuni es outlined in Commemora ve Program Ac vi es: Commemora ve this sec on of the plan. program ac vi es off er the opportunity for the Task Force to crea vely showcase the signifi cance Subway and Street Co-naming: The studio of the Harlem African Burial Ground and aid recommends that the subway sta on at East the memorializa on of those buried there. 125th Street and Lexington Avenue and East 126th Commemora ve program ac vity collabora on Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenues be co-named opportuni es include the “Pinkster” Celebra on, to represent the presence of the burial ground. Harlem Week, Black History Month, and the African- The co-names could be selected though a public American Day Parade par cipa on process that includes the East Harlem community, the Task Force, and Community Board Community Safety and Security: In order to 11. [opposite page] address safety and quality of life issues within the Buses idling in front of the 126th Street Bus Depot East Harlem community, the studio recommends Photo: Jillian Puszykowski 3 Reclaiming Cultural Heritage A Plan for the Harlem African Burial Ground 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PoliƟ cal (conƟ nued) Physical Physical (conƟ nued) Design Alterna ve 2: An Adap ve Reuse alterna ve Legal Support: The studio recommends that the Bus Depot Reloca on: To provide space for the Walking Tour: The Task Force should design that removes the use as a bus depot and provides Task Force procure legal representa on to explore proper memorializa on of the burial ground, the and implement a walking tour to highlight the a memorial of the burial ground in the exis ng the ques on of ownership and land rights.
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