s l o v e N n a i t s a b e S y b y h p a r g o t o h a n ew p lay b y Y aël F arber P Running time: about 2 hours and 5 minutes. Ther e is no interval. Synopsi s : Fr o m he r p r iso n b ene at h the wal ls of he r city , Na meless reco un ts wh at le d h er to call for th e behea d ing of Io kan aan (John Coming next the Ba p tist) in her you th. H er story s hows ho w Rome’ s su ppr ession of the people a nd r e ligion of Jud ea acte d a s a ca talyst in her transformation fr om subjugated young girl to the woman who Pete r Pa n cam e to be known as Salom é. In cine ma s from 2 D ecem b er by J M B arrie Cast devised by the C ompani es Caiap h us, San hedri n H igh P r i est PHILIP A RD I TTI P a co-p roduc tio n wit h Bris tol O ld Vic Herod, C li ent K in g PRAUL C HAHI DI Iok anaan, t he Z e alot RAMZI CH OU KAIR Giora, He b r ew G uard URIEL E MIL Nameless OLL WE N F OUÉRÉ Pilat e , Ro m an P refec t LLOYDS H UT CH INSO N Bar G iora, Ze al ot -to -be SHA AH A R IS AAC Abad do n, the E x e cutioner AYI DAN K E LLY Woma n o f S ong YA SMIN L EVY Yes hu a, the M ad man THEO T J L OWE Fol lies I Sal omé s o-cal led IS AB ELLA N EFAR In c inemas from 17 February L Woman o f S ong LUBAN A AL Q UNTAR N Step h en So ndhe im ’ s leg e nd ary Anna s, Sa n hedri n E lder KRA AD R AWI YA musical is s tag ed for the first time Directo r SYAOË L F A R BER SU at the N ation al Theatr e and Designe r SUS AN H ILFERTY T broadca st liv e to cin em as . Ligh tin g D esign e r TADAMI M L U TK IN Music & S ound ADAMAM C OR K Mo vem e nt D irector PAMI S H UL MAN KA Fight D irector KAT E W AT ERS DREW Dramat urg ELLADREWNAT LI CHTENBE RG Compa ny V oi ce W ork NATI ONAL TH EATR E C NVOICE D EPAR TM ENT Staff D irector JBRYONY S HAN A H AN Young Marx In c i nem as fr o m 1 7 Ma r ch Directed by Nicholas Hytner Give u s your Tell u s w hat y Sou t hin k i n o ur s hor t o nlin e s urvey and b e e ntered i nto a p rize d raw f or £ 100. and s ta r r ing R or y Kinn ear, feedback Visit surveymonkey .co.uk/r/ntlivesurvey ASSA Young M a rx w ill be bro adc ast T live in Dece mber fro m the RYAN Bridge Theatre in London. NICKI Digita l P rog r am m e Include s Y aël Farber and Isab ella Nefar discussin g the character of Salomé and Ingrid Rowland on Salomé as a ‘Myth Rooted in History .’ With evoca tive qu ote s, bio gr a ph ies fo r th e com p any and J ohan Persson’ s images of them in r ehe arsal. Fin d you r n earest ve nue an d book at ntlive.com Turn over for details of more upcoming broadcasts Connect with us Subscribe to our email updates Like us on Facebook Follow us on T witter n tlive .com/ signup faceb ook.com/ntlive @ntlive Join in the conversation about tonight’ s scr eening #Y erma Upcoming br oadcasts bPy eJ Mt Bearrr ie Pan devised by the Companies a co- production wit h Bristol Old Vic In c ine ma s f rom 2 December Caaptured l ive at the National T heatre, a recorded per formanc e of JM Barrie’s muI ch-loved family classic screens in Fcinem as this summer. When Peter Pan, leader of the Lost Boys, loses his shadow, headstrong Wendy helps him to reattac h it. In r eturn, s he is inv ited to N eve rland, where Tink er Bel l the fa iry, Ti ger Lily and the v en geful Ca ptain Hook awa it. A delight for chil dren an d adult s ali ke, Sall y Coo ks on (N T Liv e: Jan e Eyr e) directs this wondrously inventive production. Follies Young Marx Julius Caesar book by Ja mes Goldman, by Richard Bean and Clive Coleman by William Sh ake speare m usic and ly rics by Stephen Sondheim a Brid ge T he atre p roduct ion a Brid ge Thea tre producti on In cinemas from 17 February In cinemas from 17 March In cinemas from 14 April Stephen Sondheim’s legendary musical is Rory Kinnear (The Threepenny Opera, Penny Ben Whisha w (The Danish Girl, Sk yfal l, Hamlet) staged for the first time at the Dreadful, Othello) is Marx and Oliver Chris (Twelfth is Brutus, Michelle Fairley (Fortitude, Game of National Theatre and broadcast live to cinemas. Ni ght, Green Wing ) is Eng el s. Capt ured live from Throne s) is C assius, Dav id Cal der (T he Lost City Tracie Bennett, Janie Dee and Imelda Staunton the Bridge The at re, Lond on, the p rod uction is of Z, Th e Hatt on G a rden Job) is Caesar a nd David play t he ma gni c ent Fo llie s in this dazzli ng new directed by Nicho las Hytner a nd reunite s t h e Morrissey (Th e Mis sing, Ha ngmen , The Wa lkin g pro duction. Featuring a cast o f 37 an d a n cre ative team behind Broadway and West End hit Dead ) is M ark Anto ny. Broa dca st liv e from the orchest ra of 21, it’s dire cte d by D om inic Cooke comedy One Man, Two Guvnors. Bridge Theatre, London. (Ma R ainey’ s Bla ck Botto m). 1850, and Europe’s most feared terrorist is hiding Cae sar re turns i n trium ph t o Rom e and the people New York, 1971. There’s a party on the stage of in De an Stre et , S oho. His m arriage dying, his pour out of their homes to celebrate. Alarmed the Weissman Theatre. friend Engels in despair at his wasted genius, his by the autoc rat’s popularity, the edu cated Tomorro w th e icon ic bu ilding will be dem olished. only h op e is a job on the ra ilw ay. Bu t the re’s sti ll no élite conspire to bring him down. After his Thirty years after their nal one in the capital who can show you a better night assa ssina tion, c ivil war e rup ts on the streets of the performance, the Follies girls gather to have a on the piss than Karl Heinrich Marx. cap ital with chaos fo llo win g in i ts wak e. few drinks, sing a few songs and lie about themselves. BOOK NOW AT NTLIVE.COM.
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