The Badger Pause Volume 14, Issue 2 14510 N. Cheshire Street, Burton Ohio November 2017 WW A lot on our Little Women By Hannah Keough, BP Asst. Editor This past weekend, Berkshire repetition of lines, and constant thespians presented the play Little criticism. It is what inspires those Women. For weeks leading up actors and actresses to completely to the production, the cast, crew, step out of their own skin and into director and some loyal Berkshire the costume of their character. It alumni worked tirelessly to per- is how to deal with/undermine the fect the production for the stage. pressures of being on stage, be- In order to prepare for the cause, as stated by senior Dayna show, the thespians spend time in Rackozy, who plays the eldest sis- rehearsal, working on delivery of ter, “Meg”, in the play, “You have their lines and blocking on stage, to make sure that you don’t… and when school is let out early mess up, because everyone’s and after-school activities are you must practice to be perfect thought I could handle. Being the riding on you.” And seeing that cancelled, the cast gets together through both mistakes and flaw- focus of a story I really adore… perfection is nearly impossible, as a group to run through as many less practice. It is really the best thing that has when a mistake does occur, it has scenes as possible. Each aspect Acting as the lead, “Jo”, senior happened to me, for sure.” Above to be integrated into the motion of of practice can prove to have it’s Aiden Burkley must spent extra all, Burkley says the most crucial things on stage as though it were challenges. Junior Josiah Cheung, time and effort to train herself aspect of the performing arts is intentional, so to the unknow- who played the role of “Laurie” for the stage. Burkley has been to respect others working on and ing eye, the performance appears in the play, says the most difficult in virtually every Berkshire behind stage, because no matter seamless. part of preparation is “getting production since her freshman their position, every member is Also playing into the appearance comfortable when all eyes are on year, from The Suessical through crucial to the finality of the pro- of the performance is, of course, you... Practicing your lines and Cinderella, and upon being cast duction and shares a passion for the set, constructed and perfected messing up because its practice; as the lead, Burkley discloses, the performing arts. by the stage crew. that’s the hardest thing for me “It’s something I have always Passion is the driving force personally, but it trains you for dreamt of doing, but never really behind the hard work, relentless Continued on insert the stage,” because in theatre Thanksgiving? What you need to know By Nick Misconin, BP Staff Writer With the school year blazing by most have lead to some confusion of how the first students look forward to the holidays and Thanksgiving went down. holiday breaks. Thanksgiving break, being the Thanksgiving was always a holiday in first holiday break of the year, is highly antici- America, right? Well not quite, Thanksgiv- pated. The holiday itself is wonderful: lots of ing was actually declared an official holiday food, family and much more. What if I were by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. He did this to to tell you that everything you thought you ease tensions during the Civil War and used knew about Thanksgiving is a lie? Well, I’m the holiday as an example of unity. Holi- sorry to do this, but in the name of historical days are seen as a symbol of unity because it facts I must give you a history lesson on our brings people together to celebrate a common turkey-chomping holiday. cause. Originally Thanksgiving was the fourth The first Thanksgiving is typically Thursday of November. Later, Theodore referenced as a feast between the colonists Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving back to the and Native Americans, right? Yeah, that never third Thursday of November. This was done and potentially peppers), and Indian corn. Po- exactly happened. This feast actually was to prolong the Christmas shopping season tatoes and sweet potatoes were not introduced celebrated as the start of the harvest season, by a week. The general public disliked this to the colonists yet at this time. They were which was already a holiday celebrated as action and Roosevelt moved it back to the later introduced throughout the 19th century. early as a hundred years prior. Also, the only fourth Thursday of the month two years later. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time reason some of the Wampanoag tribe arrived Okay, so the pilgrims probably had to to catch up with family members and enjoy at the pilgrim’s village is because the pilgrims have eaten some turkey, right? great food. Maybe this year you now will be were firing off their rifles in celebration of Unfortunately, no, they did not have any tur- able to educate those about what Thanksgiv- the harvest. Due to the fact that the Natives key at the first Thanksgiving. They did how- ing was really like. Of course, the Thanksgiv- outnumbered the pilgrims 2:1 they allowed ever have fowl, venison, pumpkin, succotash ing of then and now is much different, but the Natives to celebrate with them. This could ( a dish containing corn and various beans things do evolve and change over time. 2 Sports November 2017 Behind the scenes of injuries by Rachel Breckenridge, BP Staff Writer Injuries, what athletes (and coaches) fear most, are an It can be intimidating, but it is important to be strong and unexpected part of any sport, and the severity of it can rise to the occasion. depend. Athletes train all year to compete in the sport they Being involved with your team and supporting them is love, or worse yet, get hurt playing a sport that isn’t their one of the best things to help the healing process. It can number one priority. There is a significant mental battle lift spirits and motivate you to work even harder to get that accompanies an injury, and is far more challenging back on the court/field with them when you are healthy. than the physical aspect (which is often not realized). By sitting and watching the game, you learn more about The most common severe injuries among athletes are a your sport from another perspective that will help you torn labrum in the shoulder, severe ankle sprains, any tear- when you return. By sitting out, it makes an athlete men- ing of significant ligaments/tendons in the knee, and con- tally strong by having to watch the team; when the athlete cussions. These injures keep athletes at the high school, returns, they become a better and more positive teammate. collegiate, and professional level out for a significant pe- It is important to find small things to make you happy riod of time, depending on the severity. Most injuries, like and lift your spirits during your injury, because it is easy some of the ones listed, can involve intense physical ther- to get down quickly. Watch the sport you love on TV, or apy, and the word athletes dread to hear, “rest.” The most simply just hang out with your team. Associate yourself challenging part of any injury is attempting to keep a posi- with people that are supportive and understanding during tive attitude, even though everything at the moment seems this time; you will realize these kind of people are essen- to be going wrong. It is easy to be negative and take the tial. There is plenty of fear that comes along with an inju- easy way out by doing so, but negative thoughts will only ry, the fear of the extent of time needed to sit out, surgery, slow down your progression and add to the already rough and the rehabilitation process. Focusing on what you can mental battle. There are so many thoughts to balance dur- control in order to help yourself during this time is essen- ing the healing process; however, it is proven that positive tial to the healing process. The mental process for any ath- thoughts and energy are one of the best sources of heal- lete from the highest to lowest level of sports remains the ing. When positivity is on your mind, it begins to help you same. The same feelings of helplessness, disappointment, heal physically and give you more energy to improve your and fear remain similar. During your recovery, you realize focus toward your goals. many things about yourself you have never known, main- A few ideas that can help you get on the right track to ly because they had never been discovered. An athlete having a more positive attitude can be seeing a sports can discover inner strength, courage, and new attitudes. psychologist, practicing meditation, or simply writing Your motivation is more powerful than ever, and the love yourself positive reminders every day. Focusing on what for the game is increased beyond comprehension. It is you can control you will realize will keep your mind the best feeling in the world reaching your ultimate goal, focused on moving forward. After all, you cannot change getting cleared back to full activities. The excitement to the result of the injury, but you can control your attitude in return to practice and the first game back is almost un- respect to the impediment. manageable. Not only do others see a difference in your personality, you become more confident in yourself.
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