Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1958-1959 Student Newspapers 2-12-1959 ConnCensus Vol. 44 No. 11 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1958_1959 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "ConnCensus Vol. 44 No. 11" (1959). 1958-1959. 11. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1958_1959/11 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1958-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. CONN ENSVS Vol.44-No.11 New London, Connecticut, Thursday, February 12,1959 lOe per cop, Annual Competition to Begin Miss EthelA. Kuhn Adele Merrill Heads Weekend: With i-; Frosh Productions To Speak Tuesday Pogo Star of Midwinter Gala . IAdam and Hezdral will be played The theme of the Midwinter .nterset '>y Marion F'ltz-Randolph, and At Government Tea Formal weekend, February 13·15, W Inga-Gun Bjaler will be seen as Is Pogo Party. The Class of 1962, under the di- Eve. The part of Noah will be Miss Ethel A. Kuhn, a train- A full concert by the Dartmouth rection of Elise Kauffmann, will played by Linda Stallinan; the ing officer at USIA in Washing- College Glee Club at 8:00 p.m. offer Act I, Scene 3 of Maxwell role of Abraham by Sue Hillman; ton since 1957, will visit the cam- Friday evening in Palmer Audi- Anderson's Winterset as they and Isaac will be played by Sue pus on Tuesday, February 17th, torium will be the fiTst event of make their bid for honors in the Biddle. Lenore Fiskio will be seen to speak to the Government rna- the busy weekend. Fifty of the annual competition which gets in the role of Jacob, Nancy Dono- . eighty members of the Dart- • underway Friday evening, Febru- hue will portray Moses, and jors abo,ut her work. A tea will mouth Glee Club, including the ary 20. The play, written as a pro- Penny Silver will be seen as the .be held In the Faculty Lounge at "Injunaires, will travel to New test against slum life in New Pharaoh. There will be a choir 4 :20 p.m. Miss Kuhn is a foreign London' from Hanover, New York during the Depression years, to provide a musical setting be- service officer and has been servo Hampshire, accompanied by Di- is base? 0!1 the Sacco-V.ansetti tween the scenes. ing in the foreign service of the rector Paul R. Zeller and his wife. case WhICh Involved the trial and. Late permission has been given subsequent conviction of two Pntcha~d D.rrects .. State Department for many years. for students attending the concert Italian immigrants accused of . LaGune ppntchturard,whho l Sdirect- OUf government department is mg reen as es. asb een ap- . until 1:00 Friday night. All dorms murd er. Th e scene c h osenb y th e . ted Pdf H d f J utilizing a grant from the Citizen will be open houses that night. Freshmen for presentation takes pOIn ro uc IOn ea or un-. place amid the squalor of tene- lor Sho~. A member of the Play Clearing House, established by, Saturday afternoon win feature ment buildings and features an Production Class, she was chair- Justice Vanderbilt of New Jersey, the traditional jazz concert, this I Iyear with internationally-known interesting mixture of nattonali- man of Scenery for the Sopho- in order to give a privileged group J Dave Brubeck and his quartet. Be- ties. The atmosphere is enlivened ~ore ~ompet Pl~Y la~t ~~r, an~ of students and facurty members ~ ing held at the Norwich Inn, the by occasional touches of comedy. c~~ad7e i: 1~~~ ~~u~e a~gea~~d the opportunity of hearing Miss concert will last from 2:00 to 4:30. Cast Listing in Wig and Candle's fall produc- Kuhn. This. same pr.ogram was Ken Reeves and his orchestra Seen as Mio, the son of the con- tion of The Enchanted as one of ~edl1aStt ~nng tti~bnng Chester ill provide music for the dance victed murderer, will be Julie the children. wes 0 onnec cut. Saturday evening in Knowlton Thayer, Miramne will be played Production Heads Miss Kuhn received her B.S. at Adele Merrill '50, Social Chair- Salon. The semi-formal dance, by Sandy. Farinola, and Sandy Nancy Waddell will assist Lau- Milwaukee . Stat~ College, Mil man of S e r vic e League, is "Blunk Go the Strings of My Loving will assume the role of rie in the capacity of Stage Man- waukee: WI~consm; her M.A. at head of Midwinter Formal week- Heart," will last from 8:30 to Carr. Others in the cast are: first ager. Pam Van Nostrand is chair- the Unlverstty of Denver, Colo- end. A resident of Cambridge, midnight. During the intermission girl, Sally Gunn; second girl, P?m man of lighting. Mary Anne Con- rado. She. was principal wei- Mass., "Del" attended Beaver a group of' modern dance stu- Poppe; Judge Gaunt, Marian forte has charge of production fare officer In UNRRA from 1945- Country Day SChool in Chestnut dents, led by Debbie Stern, will Stafford; Hobo, Sue Kelly: 'E~- and sound will be supervised 1946, .and was stationed in .Stutt- Hill. She participated in sports perform a series of short, amus- dras, Sue Shepherd;. LUCIa, Chns by Harriet Kaufman. Betsy Fro- gart In Germany. From 1951-1956 and acted as captain of the tennis ing acts. Brendel; ~iny,. M 1d g e Shaw. ment is in charge of publicity and she ser,,:,ed as ~ cultural offic.er ?t and badminton teams there. She Tickets for the weekend will Nancy Nevitt will be seen as Her- Sue Oliver is head of costumes. USIA In Mun~ch and Berlin In was vice president of her Junior continue to be on sale in Fanning man, Penny Walholm as a sailor, Tove Martin and Bunny Miller Germany. Dur-ing her work in class, vice president of the Glee until 5:00 Friday afternoon. They and Barbara Stone as ":polic~man. are co-~hairmen of make.up, and ~ermany .as cultUf?1 Qffi.cer s~e Club, representative for United will also be sold in the dormi- The part of a RadlCa~ WIll. be Carolyn McGonigle is in charge as. particularly mterested In Nations Day, and a member of tories and at the door of each of played by Dolly Manzom; Garth, of props. Nancy Donohue is su- hel~mg the German.wom~~ to 01'- Glee Club, Drama Club, and dance the events. by Pam Rosenfeld, and Doren pervising the set designs and g~mze and to wo.rk In polItical af- committees. Swahn will b~ se~n ~s a child. Ruth Yaffe. is in charge ~f the falrs as responSIble citize~s. She At Connecticut, "Del" was vice Corky Mam IS In charge of music for the performance. h.el~ed them to develop theIr work president of Knowlton House in Boston Orchestra scenery. Acting as co-chairman of SimIlar to our League of Women her Freshman year, residence lighting will be Su Feldman and Voters.' 'chairman of Plant House last Appears as Third Sue James. Carol Williams is Tryouts for Wig and Can· Miss Holborn of the govern· year, and a member of Conn- In Concert Series handling the costumes. fo~ t~e dIe spring play, Under :Milk- ment department was an ex- Chords and Choir, in addition to play, and Ann MorrIS . IS I.n wood, by Dylan Thomas, will changee in Germany in 1953, and her duties this year as Service _The Boston Symphony Orches- cha~ge of props. Bo Bo PIper IS be held on Wednesday, Feb- visited Miss Kuhn's groups in League's Social Chairman. tra, under the direction of chaIrman of makeup. ruary 18, in Fanning III at Munich and later visited her again As a history major, her possi- Charles .....Munch, will appear on Directors 4:45-6:00 p.m. and 7:00·10:00 in Berlin, where she did similar ble future interests include 'Ours· campus as the third presentation jn the concert series on Febru- Elise, elected Compet Play Dl- p.m. Many, many parts, ~ork. An.yone who is interested ing, and intelligence work, al- ary 17, at 8:30 p.m., in Palmer rector by her class earlier in the mostly small ones. In atte!1dlllg the tea should con- though marriage is in her imme- Auditorium. year, is a graduate of Westover' tact MISS Holborn. diate plans after grad.uation. Charles Munch was born in School in Middlebury, Connecti- Strasbourg, and comes from a cut. While at Westover, she was Assistant Head of Dramat, the school's active dramatic organiza- ~;i~!t,!::~e~rne~U~~~lanf~~: l1l·f.adelDl-ej Ilonor~~ LI-~t~ 1st, strlllg musician, cholrmaster tion. Last summer she worked as In the Strasbourg Cathedral, pro- an apprentice at the University Strassenmeyer, and Pat ric i aI fessor in the conservatory there, Theater, Catholic University, in On Wednesday mormng, Febru- thews, Carlene Newberg, Sheila Weinstem. land his son's first viohn teacher. Washington, D. C., where she ary 4, at the Convocation assem- K. O'Neill, Martha A. Palmer, Minam Moulton of the class of At the age of twenty·one, the lives. bly, Dean Noyes announced the Elizabeth S. Peck, Cynthia J. Pe· names of those students who had terson, Barbara L.
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