Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. / AMDG May 2004 Albany newsletter AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM Agony In Albany Revisited Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. Spring 2004 Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. / AMDG May 2004 Albany newsletter Our Mission Statement Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. (RCF) is a lay organization, with many religious members, dedicated to promoting orthodox Catholic teaching and fighting het- erodoxy and corruption within the Catholic hierarchy. Our Philosophy While we accept the authority of the Holy Father and all bishops in union with him, we will not sit idly by, nor blindly follow, while many in the hierarchy allow the Holy Catholic Church to be torn apart and assaulted by the forces of Modernism, Syncretism, Heresy, and the gross immorality of some of its clergy. As parents and teachers, we will not allow our Catholic youth to be robbed of their faith or have their innocence destroyed in the name of “tolerance”, “ecumenism”, “diversity” or any other politically correct ideology of the day. We object to individuals or groups of individuals being given access to Catho- lic schools, churches, and Church property to promote any belief, teaching, or idea contrary to Catholic teaching as defined by two thousand years of Tradi- tion and Church teaching. We expect every Catholic priest to follow the disci- plines of the Catholic Church as he promised. We expect every bishop to do all he can to safeguard the souls of our children by exercising his authority to ensure proper teaching within Catholic schools and parish religion programs. We insist that Catholic colleges and universities either teach the True Faith or cease calling themselves Catholic. We object to any priest treating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as his per- sonal possession by adding, changing, or removing any part of the Mass on his own authority. Furthermore, we assert that the right of every Catholic priest to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass must be recognized, and we consider it a grave scandal that such a right is not recognized while at the same time countless liturgical and theological novelties are promoted by many in the hi- erarchy. We will do everything within our power to undo the last thirty-plus years of watered-down Catholicism that has been foisted upon us. We will not separate ourselves from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church; we will stand and fight and demand what is rightfully ours. In that regard, we insist at this time in history that those in positions of authority in the Church proclaim loudly the infallibly defined dogma that “outside the Church there is no sal- vation”, as that dogma has been taught and explained by the Church for centu- ries. We insist that the Catholic media, especially diocesan newspapers, present au- thentically Catholic perspectives on social issues and current events and cease being used as forums for heresy and blasphemy. We express our love for the clergy, and refuse to be silent while holy priests and nuns are persecuted by the modernist establishment holding power within the layers of bureaucracy existing in chancery offices throughout much of the world. At the same time, we refuse to be blind to the fact that a pattern of gross immorality exists among many religious, and that among their victims have been children, and that the hierarchy has for years covered up and en- abled these predators to attack God’s children. For this we cry out to heaven for justice, and pledge to our last breath to seek out and expose these preda- tors. We acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and King, and will fight for His so- cial reign in society. We adopt as our slogan the words of Blessed Miguel Pro just before his murder by the Masonic revolutionaries of his land: VIVA CRISTO REY! 2 Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. / AMDG May 2004 Albany newsletter AMDG is the newsletter of Roman Catholic Faithful SPECIAL ISSUE and is sent out to our supporters free of charge. This special issue of The Roman Your contributions make RCF’s work possible. Catholic Faithful's newsletter, Ad Ma- joriem Dei Gloriam (AMDG) was Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. brought about by the tragic and mysteri- P.O. Box 109, Petersburg, IL 62675-0109 ous circumstances surrounding the death of Fr. John Minkler of Watervliet, New Phone: (217) 632-5920 / Fax: (217) 632-7054 York, in the diocese of Albany. Web site: http://www.rcf.org In January of 2001, Fr. Minkler Board Members provided RCF with a copy of a 1995 re- Stephen Brady, President, James Bendell, Esq. port he prepared at the request of Cardi- nal O'Connor of the Archdiocese of New J. Brady, P. Bultmann, M. McGrath York. The report detailed, among other things, the alleged homosexual activity of We need your financial help to continue our work. Albany Bishop Howard Hubbard as well Please send a generous contribution. as some of his clergy. Please send your tax-exempt donation today. In this issue of AMDG you will find two reports regarding Father's death as well as a reprint of a 1991 report titled Front Cover: Albany Cathedral pictured with Bishop Mat- "Agony in Albany". This detailed study thew Clark of Rochester and Bishop Howard Hubbard of documented the deplorable condition of Albany seated in lawn chairs on a beach while vacationing the Albany Diocese under the rule of together at a beach-front home in Cape Cod area. Bishop Hubbard. The report was written by Paul Likoudis with the help of Fr. Minkler. It was published March 7, 1991 by The Wanderer, a Catholic weekly Heavenly Father, we ask Thy blessing on our newspaper based in St. Paul, Minnesota. efforts. Show us the way to spread the Truth of RCF holds strongly to the position the Catholic faith in the midst of error and infi- that Howard Hubbard is not fit to serve as Bishop of Albany. In fact, the Bishop's delity. Fill our hearts with authentic love for our actions (as well as his omissions) suggest priests, bishops, pope and all the clergy, a love that he may not even be Catholic. Any that moves us to unceasing prayer for their honest reader who studies the facts con- tained in this publication will be hard souls and to constant exhortation to faithfully pressed to reach any other conclusion. fulfill their sacred task of preaching the whole RCF encourages anyone with in- truth of the Catholic faith without compromise. formation regarding clergy misconduct or Grant us wisdom in our deliberations, courage abuse of authority to contact us. in exposing error and corruption, and humility For more information regarding our work, please visit our website at and charity in all the things we do. Bless our www.rcf.org or write and request past Holy Father with the wisdom and holiness to issues of AMDG. We are in the process discern and carry out Thy Will, and the loyalty of archiving all of our past newsletters on a CD and hope to make it available soon and fidelity of bishops, priests and all religious to the public. in helping him carry out this task. May Thy will Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. be done in all things. We ask this through the PO Box 109 intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Petersburg, Illinois 62675 Ph. 217-632-5920 / Fax 217-632-7054 www.rcf.org / [email protected] 3 Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc. / AMDG May 2004 Albany newsletter The Death of Catholicism in Albany By Stephen Brady Warning: It is assumed that individuals reading this report are true Catholics. Those who reject even one of the truths of the Catholic faith are, by definition, not Catholic and therefore could not possibly comprehend the depravity of Bishop Howard Hubbard’s actions. Saturday, February 14, 2004, Father John Minkler left a message on my voice mail asking me to help him with Bishop Howard Hubbard. Unfortunately, I did not check my voice mail until Monday morning and Fr. Minkler was already dead. My first trip to Albany was November 24, 1996. I was invited by a group of Catholics from Oneonta New York. The group was headed by Mrs. Rita Armstrong. Rita and her friends were concerned about the condition of the Church in Albany and wanted RCF’s help. After meeting with local Catholics, who provided me with a list of abuses too long to mention here, I at- tended an evening “college Mass” at St. Mary’s in Oneonta. Bishop Howard Hubbard celebrated Mass with Fr. Brian Raiche present. The first thing that caught my attention once I arrived at the parish for Mass was a sign posted on the inside door of St. Mary’s. The sign on the door stated: “if you want to be an extraordinary minister, show up 15 minutes before Mass.” The sign made it clear that anyone who wished to do so could distribute the Eucharist, and those priests about to celebrate Mass , at the very least, had little if any respect for and possibly no belief in the Real Pres- ence. During Mass six women dressed in white gowns danced around the Altar and through the sanctuary *. It was a scandal. Prior to Mass I had spoken to parishioners and was informed that the bread used at Mass was made by the parishioners and included sugar and honey as well as other ingredients that, according to Church law, rendered the Mass invalid.* The bread was of such a texture that Bishop Hubbard struggled to tear it apart at this pretend Mass. The parish was packed with impressionable college kids who witnessed this disgrace perpetrated by their bishop.
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