jrioJe JYY. 740. Tarborough, ( Edgecombe County, JV 6TJ balurday, June 13 1840 To. ATI Xo 24. - -, i LuiLMfwaMmf'nTraifOTiiii1ntT Tjc Trti&orough Z9rcss, rung in the ears ofthe people of North Car- Three Solicitors were elected, and two of gum to strike out a censure which he had I BY fiBORiSK HOWAKI), 7?l 2& ? .Tj olina for more than five years. them whigs! gone out of his way and out of the Consti- - J Now suppose I Re- I do Is published weekly at Two llithtrs and Ff'; then, shew that the not overlook the fact that Gen. j Union, to affix to Jackson, when all the i CVW.v per year, if p.i'ul in a Ivaac r, 7"nv publican party of North Carolina have not Patterson resigne I his office of world knows,'h it Mr. Mangum was elected From the Treasurer thillttrs at the expiration of the subscription year. Raleigh Standard. seiz.-- upon the public offices thit they in 1S.33, and that Mr. Couits a R?pn!)Ii h the Senate as a JACKSON MAN, J 7 V- iVr period les? thm a year, liHve , anj not proscribed the whig tint in fact cit-- w a in ins piace. it is also What epithet should honest politicians ap- i 2-- th r.'z.s per month. Subscribers are at liberty to IS 10. office-holder- Raleigh, My, the Whigs ire the Then tell true, that Mr. Courts got a large ply to the "Rayncr Resolutions," discontinue at anytime, 0:1 giving notice thereof number which TO CA- me what epithet will of votes. ?.nd paying arrr'ars those residing at a THE PEOPLE OF NORTH properly characterize whig Candor however, com- were intended to force Mr. Brown, and Inust invariably pay in ;! v.iace,'or give a raspou- - ROLINA. these pirty accusations by modern whig? pels me to v ithold from that pirtv anv Mr..Vrr?(our two Senators) into direct vicinity. I will leave sille reference in this In November last I was cntlcl oit to ad- you to choose the language credit fortius instance of apparent liber- treachery against their own party against Advertisements not exceeding a square will he. for Demo.-rati- in Wake condemning such inconsistency, mine ality. Mr. Courts' republican friends, their own opinions and agiiust the inserted at One DuHur the first insertion, and 0") dress a meeting JliQ shall be the task to prove' its existence. were unwilling to see him quit his post in people i tor every continuance. - count', and from somii erne speech of he State, who, (light or wrong) rents advertise- Here are the Journ ils of Legislature, Ind merits in like proportion. Court Orders and .lu - I made Ins !)C m much spoken against in vour the Legislature, as it might destroy our thrice aporoved of the Course which dioial advertisements 25 per cent, higher. difieren' sections of the Stale. Mv neigh beginning with 1S34 (the year I was cho republican majority in the Commons, and the Rayner Resolutions" denounce and lYi.-n- ask bors and ds have tir v deman sen to represent you) and coming down therefore, many of them preferred to no our Senators to reveise? j serttons required, or they until I will he continued ded its publication. It is to to the present time. 1 here can be no mis- minate some other person. see hov men may differ about tho otherwise ordered and charged accordingly contrary take about the facts. Read! Hear! Decide Nobody distrusted him, all .vere willing Mangum Instructions, 1 Letters addressed to nuia be post! y habit to publish political speeches and underhand theditnr for to in how some paid or they may not bo attended to. i nave uccn some years engage;! m poli- yourselves! confide him, and he Was worthy ol men honestly approve and tics, and this is I that confidence. But I leave it with you others have honestly condemned them. the only time ever PROSCRIPTION ! I yielded to such a request, and it ii now to decide how far the whigs who suppor- do not mean to complain, of this. But, how Doctor Tm. EVA'' done reluctantly. The Republican pirty had a clear ma- ted him were inllueneed or not by the any man of ordinary intelligence can con- Mangum-Intruciion- s My apology to the public for this in- - jority in 1S3I. In the Assembly of that very same reasons which kept oil' his re- demn the in such SOOTHING SYRUP lrusio:i, will be found in the solicitation year the Whigs were in a minority. This publican associates. Take it however, that terms as I h ive alluded to, and then turn disin-terestelan- d round and For children Teething, of my friends and also in what, st ems to will not be denied, for it was the year they were, in this instance, advocate the Rayner Resolu- in which we Mr. I3aow. to free party-spirit- , tions," does indeed excite my won- PREPARED BY HIMSELF. me to have ben an extraordinary mis of and yet., special int.erpivtation of my remarks. I am not the ami ins Iruefed Mr. Mangum. it is no more than a solitary example! der. When a whole nartv do it. thev must Swilling to appear ad' cted by resisting the Yet thes Journals tell us that. Gov. Swain it those wh ) are accustomed to rely expect that public intelligence will put this " To .Mothers and Nursrs. ! ! , . !o:i-er- . I I. Whig) was not proscribed. He was re- upon general and that together and judge accordingly. h;st anv am mil. Willi 11 II I! Ml a (i thee denunciations of our elected! Is flllh passage ot Hie Uetti through the I.siMirt; member ofthe Wilis pa.lv of North whig opponents, ag un look at these Jour- the e no reason to apprehend that such arums produces troublesome and dan- - C),t mtino !i,mU l,f.li.v. iSvit I .- .den- - r Mr. Hill (a whig) Secretary of State nals of 1S3G! inconsistency would be practised only for - l wit!)-- was not proscribed. They begin with the sake of vacating places, so as to gerous symptoms It is known by moth- e him with biMiig an .ih:)!itioiisf, 1 whig proscription. make ers thai there is great irritation in the out shewing hnn wh'tt I (tut say. it The office of Treasurer was vacated by They continue, and end with it! Thev room for others to fill them? For you i. i .i.,-...- ... i ,,, ..........., Mr. Miioon's resignation, and the Re- begin Republican see that the last five o . v . v. bo made trom with liberality to oppo- our review of years 111 vi u ruiu ..... j j i ..v any such inference can the I i publican nvijority did not seize upon it as nents. They and end has already shown us, how, with I gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in-- i speech, on sincerely disavow it. It continue, with the our whig .i ..i.m.i : i r. wh.)sc I have spoils. On the contrary, Gen. Patte it- - same ! assembly men, in any scramble for office, . - i - - their PA inconsistency rrp:isi'n. h ii.iiii is sci.cu wim iicuI icin !TY I son (a wh g) was elected over good If there be one incredulous man amongst "Every whig does his ' and sudden lits nl crying, watchuigs start at tempted to expose, and although believe duy." Republican competitor! you after hearing the language of I in ilie sleen. nod oi oeen bai that they are deceiving themselves and the facts hutD I siiasms I The IVhig Convention. : I office of also like these, ask to Jour- .i i . i i . i. i. - .. i. : . South on an important matter, s;ill have The Comptroller was vacant him turn to the i pans, l He L in hi Miiirivs viih no interest, or letding that could prompt me by the death of Mr. Grant, and this same nals of 1S33. Here the whig party had But, I must hasten, to a review of the republic in rnaontv (iiu not seize upon a majority in both houses of the Assembly, political doings of a later assemblage of V to say lh.it they are doing this upon any ll'il.r..-- r nraiMircrirV l'inutilllK... :irp .....I .enpp. I UlCSt IM 1.1111 I .r ..v. "spoils." On the contrary, Mr and recollecting, if you please, how they whigs! I mean the whig Convention, i : I : 'J i ii ... i .. - worse impulses than the vory m ulness of i fv... v, n pv ; p ,. MJiiMiiiujii:, iihivuimiins in which in party spirit. Tint I do think, and i doubt Stcdman (a whig) was elected over a have professed to contemn the "spoils met and adjourned our City last t versallv supervene, and soon cause the no many of their own party must soon open sound republican opponent! of office," come and see their con- week. It may or may rot, be a CaucuSy their eyes to it. As the course of the As in these the chief offices, so also sistency. These Journals will answer but no matter about that, if it is only con- have their little babes aillicled with these whig party in North Carolina appears to was it in the humbler offices. The repub- whether they did not lake 'the Lion's ceded to me, (as must be,) that this was me alike ineomi.itcnl and injurious to my lican majority proscribed nobody, but gave share." Hear!! "The whig party ofNorth Carolina, by .
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