Twelfth Series, Vol. I, No. I .BSDI LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Twelfth Lok Sabha) I Gazettes & Debetes Unit ...... Parliament Library BulldlnO @Q~m ~o. FBr.026 .. ~-- -- (Vol. I contains Nos. I to 8) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI I'ri ce .· Rs. 50. ()() coaJgada to Lck 8IIII:Iha oe.t. (1DJ1 t ... Yen!cD) Col./line 2/16-18 The Minister of State in The Minister of state in Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Railways, Minister Minister of state in the of stat. in the Ministry of Ministry of parliamEntary Parliamentary Affairs and Affairs (Shri Ram Naik) Minister of state in the Miniatry of Planning and Progrlllllle ImplemEntatioo (Slri Ram Naik) ~ 17/30 Shri Naresh Kumar Chunalal Shri Naresh Puglia 60/11 Puglia 24/9 he nassated by citing en be narrated by citing an episode (fran below) episod 40/15 Shri Promothes HIlkherjee Shri Premothes fllkherjee (fran below) 41/22,31 42/24 57/2i) Secnd by Seccndly 60/18 Shri Prakash AlJDedkar Shri Prakash Yashwant AIIDedJcar 88/17 Shri Janardhana Reddy Shri N. J8Ilardlana Reddy (fran below) 119/14-15 The Minister of Law, The Minister of Law, Justice Justice and Company Affairs and Conpany Affairs and Minister (Slri M. ThaDDi rural) of SUrface Traneport (Dr. M. 'lhaDtli rurai) CONTENTS [Twelfth Series. Vol. I. First Session. 1998/1920 (Saka)} No.7, Monday, March 30,19981 Chait... 9,1920 (Saki!) SUBJECT CoLUMNS PAPER LAID ON THE TABLE 1-3 STATUTORY RESOLUTION RE; DISAPPROVAL OF INCOME ·TAX (AMENDMENT) SECOND ORDINANCE AND INCOME·TAX (AMENDMEND) BILL Motion to consider Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy 3-6 Shri Yashwanl Sinha 5--7 Shri Mohan Singh HI Maj'Jr General Bhuvan Chandra Khanduri AVSM 8-9 Clauses 2 10 4 and 1 10-12 Molion 10 pass 12 MOTION OF THANKS ON THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS Shri Shanla Kumar 18-31 Shri Vaiko 31-41 Shri Balram Jakhar 41-e5 Shri Jag Mohan 65-74 Shri Suresh Kurup 74-81 Major General Bhuvan Chandra Khanduri AVSM 81-a7 Shri N. Janardhana Reddy ... 87-«3 Kumari Kim Gangle ... 93-97 Shri Chinmayanand Swami ... 97-111 Shri K.Nalwar Singh .. 111-117 Shri C. Sreenivasan .. 117-124 Capt. Jai Narayan Prasad Nishad 124-128 Shri Bashisl Naryan Singh 12&-132 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (i) Need to provide financial assistance to the State Government of Kamataka to solve acute problem of potable water in kolar district 'Shri K.H. Muniyappa 101-102 (ii) Need to provide ration at subsidised rates under Public Distribution System 10 the people living below poverty line in U.P Shri Mitrasen Yadav 102 SUBJECT (iii) Need for free movement of Agriculture produce throughout the country Shri Amar Pal Singh (iv) Need to set up a commission for creation of a separate Mahakoshal State out of Madhya Pradesh Shri Dada Baburao Paranjpe ... 100 (v) Need to start work of broad gauge conversion between Agra and Bandikui Shri Girdhari Lal Bhargava 100 (vi) Need for separate authorities for Jammu, Sri nagar and Laddakh for Selection of candidates for Jammu and Kashmir Medical College and Dental College Vaidya Vishnu Datt 100 (VII) Need to enhance the quota of foodgrains to Uttaranchal under New Public Distribution System Shri Bachi Singh Rawat 'Bachda' 1CJ3.104 (viii) Need to provide financial assistance to State Government of Bihar for construction of bridges on Kiul river Shri Rajo Singh ... 104 (IX) Need to provide financial assistance to State Government of Andhra Pradesh to mitigate hardship being laced by farmers of the State Shri Konijeti Rosaiah 104 (x) Need to cancel Government order converting certain fine varieties of paddy into common Shri K.S. Rao 105 (XI) Need to clear proposal of State Government of Orissa for setting up Pipaipanka Reservoir Project on the river Rushikutya in Gunjam district Shrimati Jayanti Patnaik 1CJ5.1 06 (xii) Need to enhance financial assistance to States of West Bengal and Orissa for Providing relief to tornado hit people Shri Sudhir Giri ... 106 (xiii) Need to provide financial assistance to State Government of Uttar Pradesh to solve acute drinking water problem in eastern part of the State Shri Shailendra Kumar ... 106 (xiv) Need to provide speCial Central subsidy to the State of Tamil Nadu for selling up Effluent Treatment Plant for tanneries in Dindigul district. Shri C. Sreenivasan 1(&107 (xv) Need to declare Patna airport as International Airport to boost export of Agricultural products Prof· Ajit Kumar Mehta ... 107 (xvi) Need for a special package of financial assistance to tornado victims 0' Orissa Shri Braia Kishere Tripalhy 107 SlJBJfCT COLlNNS (xvii) Need to create more Employment opportunities for youths Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay 107-108 (xviii) Need to hamess the non-conventional energy sources of Sunderbans in West Bengal Shri Sanal Kumar Mandai (xix) Need to sel up a separate "Purvanchal" State out of U.P Shri Hari Kewal Prasad 108-109 (xx) Need to improve the lots 01 handloom weavers 01 Madurai, Tamil Nadu Dr. Subramanian Swamy LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA (b) (i) Review by the Government on the wocking of the Rural Electrification Monday, March 3D, 199B1Cha/trrt 9, 1920 (S.b) Corporation Limited, New Delhi, for the year 1996-97. (ii) Annual Report of the Rural Electrification The Lok Sabha met at one minute past Corporation Limited, New Delhi for the E/~ven of the Clock year 1996-97, alongwith Audited [MR. SPEAKER in th'J Chail1 Accounts and comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. [English] (4) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing MA. SPEAKER: Let us now take up papers to be laid reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned on the Table. at (b) of item (3) above. (Interruptions) [Placed in Library. See No LT 49\98J PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE A copy of the Leaders of opposition In Parliament Annual Report and Review by the Government of Amendment Rules, 1998 the Working of the Damodar Valley Corporation, Calcutta, etc. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS AND MINSTER OF STATE fN THE MINISTRY THE MINISTER OF POWER (SHRI P.R. OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI RAM NAIK): I beg KUMARAMANGALAM): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table. to lay on the Table a copy of the Leaders of Opposition (1) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and in parliament (Allowances, Medical and Other Facilities) English versions) of the Damodar Valley Amendment Rules, 1998 (Hindi and English versions) Corporation, Calcutta, for the year 1996- published in Notification No.G.S.A. 87(E) in Gazette of India 97, alongwith Audited Accounts under sub- dated the 24th February, 1998, under sub-section (3) of section (5) of section 45 of the Damodar Section 10 of the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Valley Corporation Act, 1948. Opposition in Parliament Act; 1977. (ii) A copy of the review (Hindi and English [Placed in Library. See No LT 50\98) versions) by the Government on the working of the Damodar Valley Corporation, Calcutta. for the year 1996-97. [Translation] (2) Statement (Hindi and English versions) showing SHRI BEN I PRASAD VERMA (Kaisarganj) : Mr. reasons for delay in laying the papers mentioned Speaker, Sir, I have given a notice under Rule 193 at (1) above. regarding law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh [Placed in Library. See No LT 47\98) (Interruptions) (3) A copy each of the following papers (Hindi and {English] English versions) under sub-section (1) of section 619A of the Companies Act, 1956:- MA. SPEAKER: The House will now take up items No.4 and 5. (a) (i) Review by the Government on the working of the power Finance (Interruptions) Corporation Limited, New Delhi for the year 1996-97. Dr. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY (Madural) : Sir, I am on a point of order. .(Interruptions) (Ii) Annual Report of the Power Finance Corporation Limited, New Delhi for the MR. SPEAKER : Please sit down. year 1996-97, alongwith Audited Dr. SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Sir, I want to raise a Accounts and comments of the matter of great seriousness. .(Interruptions) The hon. comptroller and Auditor General thereon. Minister of Home Affairs must make a statement. Every day, [Placed in Library. See No LT 48\98) RDX-type explosives are being diacovered In Tamil Nadu. Income-lilx MARCH 30. 1998 (Amendment) Bill 4 MR SPEAKER Please take your seat. 1997) promulgated by the President on December 26. 1997." [TranslatlOn/ Sir I nse to move the Statutory Resolution to (Interruptions) disapprove the Income-Tax (Amendment) Second Ordinance. MR SPEAKER Not now Raise This issue later on. 1997 promulgated by the President on the 26th December. 1997. As I propose to disapprove this ordinance. I would (Interruptions) like to make a few observations first. [Eng/;sh] The general principal underlying the Income-tax is to levy Income-tax on profits or income without making any SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN (Bahraich): The allowane or deduction on account of any capital which gets sllunlion in U P IS really senous. (Interruptions) exhausted while Yielding income. To thiS principal.there is MR SPEAKER: Hon. Members, please take your seats. an exception that the depreCiation caused by wear and tear Today. we have an Important item of business also. of assets. namely. building. plant, machinery and furniture is allowed by way of deduction under section 32 of the (Interruptions) Income-tax Act 1961. At present. the basis on which depreCiation IS to be claimed by an assessee is the wntten Dr SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY: Tamil Nadu is out of down value of the block of assets. Section 32 of the control Do you want Tamil Nadu to become another aforesaid Act.
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