SARDAR PATEL UNIVERSITY VALLABH VIDYANAGAR – 388 120 GUJARAT THE RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT 4. EVALUATIVE REPORTS OF THE DEPARTMENTS MAY 2016 PART-B EVALUATIVE REPORTS OF THE DEPARTMENTS INDEX Sr. No. Name of the Department Page No. Faculty of Science 1. Biosciences 251 2. Chemistry 274 3. Computer Science 290 4. Electronics 303 5. Materials Science 314 6. Mathematics 329 7. Physics 343 8. Statistics 370 Faculty of Home Science 9. Home Science 385 Faculty of Engineering and Technology Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in 401 10. Science and Technology (CISST) Faculty of Pharmacy 11. Pharmaceutical Sciences 416 Faculty of Business Studies 12. Business Studies 425 Faculty of Business Management 13. Business Management 438 Faculty of Education 14. Education 450 Faculty of Arts 15. English 460 16. Economics 470 17. Gujarati 481 18. Hindi 495 19. History 505 20. Library and Information Science 515 21. Political Science 526 22. Psychology 536 23. Sanskrit 551 24. Social Work 564 25. Sociology 581 NAAC – Reaccreditation Report 1. Name of the Department: Biosciences 2. Year of the Establishment: 1958 3. Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the university? Yes. Faculty of Science. 4. Names of programmes offered: MSc in Botany, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Microbiology, Zoology; PhD in Botany, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology, and Zoology. 5. Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved MSc Bioinformatics (Department of Computer Science, Department of Biosciences, Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics, CISST); MSc Industrial Biotechnology (Department of Biosciences, Faculty for Chemical Engineering based courses is invited as visiting faculty from GCET Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar). 6. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc: Nil 7. Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons. Nil 8. Examination System: Continuous Evaluation System (30% internal and 70% external). Internal marks are pooled from various means normally quiz, seminars, assignments and presentation etc. The semester end examination covers the entire syllabus and consists of multiple choice questions, short answers and long answers based questions. The semester end examinations are taken in both centralised and decentralised mode. The practical examination and comprehensive viva are decentralised. Some departments are given full autonomy for exam related functions. 9. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: MSc Bioinformatics and MSc in Biomedical Science and Technology currently being offered at CISST. 10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/Associate Professors/Asst. Professors/others) Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS) Professor 03 01 08 Associate Professor 08 05 05 Assistant Professor 09 08 01 Others - - - 251 Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat NAAC – Reaccreditation Report 11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance: the Name of the Years years MPhil Qualification Designation Specialization of / faculty 4 No. of No. of students Experience last PhD No. of guided for Prof AVRLN PhD Professor Physiology 29 03 Acharya and Head Prof Datta PhD Professor Bioremediation, Non- 37 11 Madamwar aqueous biocatalysis, Genomics, Cyano- bacterial biotechnology Prof Kiran PhD Professor Proteomic and 29 04 Kalia Genomic bio- markers for diabetes and cancer Prof K C PhD Professor Microbial enzymes, 27 02 Patel Bioremediation and Biopolymers Prof TV PhD Professor Pre and Post-harvest 30 02 Ramana Rao biology and technology of fruits and vegetables Prof JSS PhD Professor Plant Biotechnology 30 05 Mohan Prof RB PhD Professor Molecular Biology 29 08 Subramanian Prof VR PhD Professor Plant Biochemistry 18 07 Thakkar Dr AS Reddy PhD Associate Plant Taxonomy, 25 02 Professor Biodiversity Dr UB Trivedi PhD Associate Enzymes and 25 06 Professor Fermentation Technology Dr Amita PhD Associate Microbial enzyme 26 06 Shah Professor technology Dr H R PhD Associate Bioremediation, 20 04 Keharia Professor Microbial Ecology and Microbial enzymes Dr Sujata PhD Associate Aquaculture and 20 03 Bhatt Professor Nutrition Dr M Nataraj PhD Assistant Plant Tissue Culture 10 Professor 12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct faculty, emeritus professors: Nil 252 Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat NAAC – Reaccreditation Report 13. Percentage of classes taken by temporary faculty-programme-wise information: MSc Botany : 6.25% MSc Zoology : 6.25% MSc Microbiology : 6.25% MSc Biotechnology : 6.25% MSc Industrial Biotechnology : 18.75% MSc Biochemistry : 6.25% 14. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio (256 students /14 Teachers) = 18:1 15. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff: sanctioned, filled and actual. Sanctioned Filled Actual Technical 12 07 06+01 (contractual) Administration 08 06 06+04 (contractual) 16. Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies: Bio-resource Technology, Environmental Biotechnology. 17. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) national b) international funding agencies and c) Total grants received. Give the names of the funding agencies, project title and grants received project-wise: Faculty members with ongoing projects from (a) National funding agencies: 05 (b) International funding agencies: NIL (c) Total grants received: `3,90,60,968 Name of the Title Funding Amount of Research Grant Principal Agency sanctioned with Letter No. & Investigator/Co- Date investigator Prof Datta Molecular UGC, `13,80,000 Madamwar assessment of New 42-167/2013(SR) bacterial community Delhi 22nd Mar, 2013 structures of long term oil Duration : 3 Years contaminated soil and screening of lipase producers for lipase production and their application in ester synthesis in organic solvents 253 Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat NAAC – Reaccreditation Report Name of the Title Funding Amount of Research Grant Principal Agency sanctioned with Letter No. & Investigator/Co- Date investigator Prof Datta Molecular and DBT `3,36,57,000 Madamwar ‘omics’ technologies New No. BT/1/CEIB/09/V/05 Coordinator / to gauge microbial Delhi 3rd Sep, 2011 Dr RB communities and Subramanian bioremediation of Duration: 6 Years & Dr xenobiotic Hareshkumar contaminated sites. Keharia Prof Datta Folding and stability DST `3,60,000 Madamwar of naturally New SR/SO/BB-0124/2010/B truncated Delhi 13th Aug 2012 photosynthetic pigment C- Duration: 3 Years phycoerythrin from cyanobacteria Phormidium tenue Dr RB Phenotyping and GSBTM `7,43,968 Subramanian molecular screening of Tomato Duration: 3 Years germplasm for resistance to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus from agroclimatic regions of Gujarat Dr Mrs Amita An integrated DBT, `23,70,000 R Shah approach for the New Sanctioned letter No Co- development of Delhi BT/PR7333/PBD/26/373/2012 investigator: microwave system 26/05/2014 Prof Datta for pretreatment of Madamwar lignocellulosic Duration: 3 Years biomass for cellulolytic enzyme and bioethanol production Prof RB An Investigation on BASF `2,75,000 Subramanian the effect of Xcelora G/1-BASF/JSS/3601 50% FS and Standak Top 500 g/L FS in Duration: 1 Year combination with Opera 18.3% SE on physiology and growth of maize (Zea Mays L.) 254 Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat NAAC – Reaccreditation Report Name of the Title Funding Amount of Research Grant Principal Agency sanctioned with Letter No. & Investigator/Co- Date investigator Prof JSS Evaluating the BASF BASF `2,75,000 Mohan fungicide package of practices: Seed Duration : 1 year treatment and foliar spray in groundnut for physiological effects and yield 18. Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received a) National collaboration b) International collaboration: Name of the Title of project Funding Total Duration Principal Agency amount of Investigator/ Research Co-investigator Grant received (`) Dr TV Ramana Development and MOFPI - 17,12,800 2012-15 Rao optimization of edible SERB, Dr Anil coating formulations to DST, Nandane of improve the postharvest New ADIT, New quality and shelf-life of Delhi Vallabh underutilized short lived Vidyanagar fresh fruits by using RSM (In collaboration with Dr Anil Nandane, Dept. of Food Processing Technology, ADIT, New Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat). Prof Datta Metagenome analysis for DBT, 64,08,000 Jan 2010 Madamwar in metabolic pathways New to Collaboration present in activated Delhi May 2013 with Dr biomass at common Hemant effluent treatment plant Purohit (CETP) NEERI, Nagpur. Prof Datta Application of periodic DBT 49,96,546 Oct 2010 Madamwar in discontinuous batch New to Collaboration operation to enhance Delhi Sep 2013 with Dr treatment efficiency of dye Venkata Mohan containing waste-water IICT, Hyderabad. 255 Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat NAAC – Reaccreditation Report Name of the Title of project Funding Total Duration Principal Agency amount of Investigator/ Research Co-investigator Grant received (`) Prof Datta Molecular assessment of DST 26,20,435 Sep 2010 Madamwar in bacterial community New to Aug Collaboration structure of long term Delhi 2013 with Dr Yogesh polluted sea coast near Shouche NCCS, Alang ship breaking yard Pune. and exploitation of the bacterial wealth for PAH bioremediation Prof Datta Folding and stability of DST 2,83,871 Aug 2012 Madamwar in naturally truncated
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