Music and Poetry of the German Lied instructor Dr. Blake Howe [email protected] M&DA 274 meetings Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30‐11:50 M&DA 249 office hour Thursdays, 1:00‐2:00 or by appointment January 11 Introductionto the Analysis of Song Music Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach,"An Lyda'I (Klopstock) (1775) o Ursula Fledler, soprano, and LorenzoGhielmi,fortepiano Wolfgang Mozart,"Abendempfindung" (unknown)(1787) o Elly Ameling, soprano, and Dalton Baldwin, piano HistoricallAnalytical Studies Edward T. Cone,"Words into Music: The Composer's Approach to the Text," in SoundandPoetry, ed. Northrop Frye, 3‐15 (NewYork: Columbia University Press, 1956). Raymond Monelle,"Word Setting in the Strophic Lied," Music&Letters65 (1984): 229-36. Yonatan Malin, Songsin Motion:RhythmandMeterin the GermanLied (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 3-34. January 16 Music Corona Schréter, 'DerErlkénig‘ (Goethe)(1782) 1. Andrea Melath, mezzo soprano, and Ermese Virag, piano J.A. P. Schulz, Liederim Voikston (1782) Johann Friedrich Reichardt,"Erlkénig" (Goethe) (1794) 0 Gerald Finley, baritone, and Grahamjohnson, piano Carl Friedrich Zelter, “Erlkénig” (Goethe)(1808) 0 Gerald Finley, baritone, and GrahamJohnson, piano Bernhard Klein, “Der Erlkénig” (Goethe)(pub. 1827) Historical/Analytical Studies Matthew Head, Sovereign Feminine:MusicandGenderin Eighteenth‑ CentwyGermany(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013), 123-57. January 18 Music Johann Friedrich Reichardt,'Néhe des Geliebten' (Goethe)(1796) Carl Friedrich Zelter, “lch denke dein” (Brun)(1795) Ludwigvan Beethoven,"Andenken" (Matthison) (1809) o Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone, and Gerald Moore, piano Franz Schubert,"Nahe des Geliebten" (Goethe)(1815) I Christoph Prégardien,tenor, and Andreas Staier, piano HistoricallAnalytical Studies Walter Frisch,"Schubert's 'Nahe des Geliebten' (D. 162):Transformation of the Volkston,” in Schubert: CriticalandAnaMicaIStudies, ed. Walter Frisch, 175-99(Lincoln and London: Universityof Nebraska Press, 1986). January 23 Music Ludwigvan Beethoven,An die ferne Geliebte (leitteles)(1816) o Gerhard Hiisch, baritone, and Hanns Udo Miiller, piano Historical/Analytical Studies Joseph Kerman,"An die ferne Geliebte," in Wn'te AllThese Down:Essays on MusidBerkeley, LosAngeles, London: University of California Press, 1994), 1 73-206. January 25 Music Franz Schubert,'Ganymed' (Goethe) (1817) o Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, soprano,and Edwin Fischer, piano Franz Schubert,"Prometheus” (Goethe)(1819) o Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone, and Benjamin Britten,piano Franz Schubert,"Wandrers Nachtlied ll”(Goethe)(1822) o Hans Hotter, bass-baritone, and Gerald Moore, piano Historical/Analytical Studies jfirgen Thym and Ann C.Fehn, “Schubert’s Strategies in Setting FreeVerse," in OfPoetryandSong:Approaches to the Nineteenth-CenturyLied, ed. jurgen Thym, 261-80 (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2010). January 30 Music Franz Schubert, 'DerZwerg' (Collin)(1823) o Jessye Norman,soprano, and Phillip Moore,piano Franz Schubert,"Nacht undTraume" (Collin)(1823) e Leo Slezak, tenor, and Michael Raucheisen, piano 0 Ann Murray, mezzo soprano, and GrahamJohnson, piano Franz Schubert,"Wehmut" (Collin)(1823) o Christa Ludwig, mezzo soprano, and IrwinGage, piano HistoricallAnalytical Studies Susan Youens, Schubert’s LateLieder:Beyondthe Song-Cycles (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 1-92. February 1 Music Franz Schubert,"Trockne Blumen'(Muller)(1823) 0 Michael Schade, tenor, and Malcolm Martineau,piano Ludwig Berger, "Mfillers trockne Blumen” (Mfiller) (1818) 0 Mark Padmore, tenor, and GrahamJohnson, piano Franz Schubert, Dieschéne Mullerin(MOIIer) (1823) 0 PeterSchreier, tenor, and Walter Olbertz, piano Franz Schubert, Variations on "Trockne Blumen" for Flute and Piano (1824) o Barthold Kuijken,transverse flute, and Luc Devos, pianoforte Historical/Analytical Studies Susan Youens, Schubert:”Dieschdne Mullen'nflCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 1-30. February 6 Music Franz Schubert. 'IhrBild'(Heine) (1828) o Brigitte Fassbaender, mezzo soprano, and Aribert Reimann, piano Franz Schubert,"Am Meer"(Heine) (1828) o Brigitte Fassbaender, mezzo soprano, and Aribert Reimann, piano Franz Schubert,"Die Stadt" (Heine)(1828) o Brigitte Fassbaender, mezzo soprano, and Aribert Reimann, piano Franz Schubert, "Der Doppelgénger" (Heine) (1828) o Brigitte Fassbaender, mezzo soprano, and Aribert Reimann, piano Historical/Analytical Studies joseph Kerman,"A Romantic Detail in Schubert's Schwanengesang," in Schubert: Critical andAnalytical Studies, ed. Walter Frisch,48-64 (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1986). February 8 Music Carl Loewe,'Erlkénig'(Goethe)(1818) - Hermann Prey, baritone, and GiintherWeissenborn, piano Franz Schubert,"Erlkénig" (Goethe) (1815) 0 Alexander Kipnis, bass-baritone, and Gerald Moore, piano 0 MarianAnderson, contralto, and Franz Rupp, piano 0 Christine Schafer, soprano;John Mark Ainsley, tenor; Michael George, bass-baritone; and Grahamjohnson, piano Carl Loewe,"Edward"(Herder)(1818) o Hans Hotter, bass-baritone, and Gerald Moore, piano Carl Loewe,"Herr OluF' (Herder)(1818) o Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone, andJorg Demus, piano Historical/Analytical Studies Christopher Gibbs,"‘Kommgeh' mit mir': Schubert's Uncanny Erlkénig" 19th-CenturyMusic19 (1995): 115-35. February 15 Music Felix Mendelssohn, Lied ohne Worte, Op- 30, No-2 (1833) o Annette Seller, fortepiano Wilhelm Taubert, An die Geliebte:AchtMinne‐lieder, No.S(Goethe)(1834) Fanny Hensel,"Lied," Op. 8, No.3 (Lenau)(1840) o Elzbieta Sternlicht, piano Historical/Analytical Studies Elfriede Glusman, ”l'aubert and Mendelssohn: OpposingAttitudes toward Poetry and Music," The MusicalQuarterly57 (1971): 628-35. February 20 Music Fanny Hensel,'ImHerbste'(Geibel)(1846) o Lauralyn Kolb, soprano, and Arlene Shrut, piano Fanny Hensel,"Verlust" (Heine) (1827) 0 Barbara Bonney, soprano, and Geoffrey Parsons,piano Fanny Hensel,"Die friihen Graber"(Klopstock) (1828) o Susana Gaspar, soprano, and Malcolm Martineau,piano Fanny Hensel,"Uber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh” (Goethe)(1835) o Tobias Berndt, baritone, andAlexander Fleischer, piano Historical/Analytical Studies Stephen Rodgers, "Fanny Hensel's Lied Aesthetic,"journalof Musicological Research30 (2011): 175-201. February 22 Music Josephine Lang,'Obich manchmal dein gedenke?’ (Kostlin)(1841) o Heike Hallaschka, soprano, and Heidi Kommerell, piano Josephine Lang,“0 sehntest du dich so nach mir"(Kostlin)(1840) o Heike Hallaschka, soprano, and Heidi Kommerell, piano Josephine Lang,“Aufdem See in tausend Sterne” (Kostlin) (1841) o Heike Hallaschka, soprano, and Heidi Kommerell, piano Historical/Analytical Studies Harald Krebs and Sharon Krebs,josephine Lang:HerLifeandSongs (Oxford and NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2007), 73-114. February 27 Music Robert Schumann, 'Mondnacht'(Eichendorfi)(1840) o Elisabeth Schumann, soprano, and KarlAlwin, piano 0 Elly Ameling, soprano, andJérg Demus, piano Robert Schumann, Liederkreis, Op. 39 (Eichendorff)(1840) o Matthias Goerne, piano, and Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano Historical/Analytical Studies Jilrgen Thym, "A Cycle in Flux: Schumann's Eichendorff Liederkreis," in Of PoetryandSong:Approaches to the Nineteenth-CenturyLied, ed.jfirgen Thym (Rochester: University of Rochester Press,2010), 375-89. March 1 Music Robert Schumann, 'SfiBer Freund'(Chamisso) (1840) o Lotte Lehmann, soprano, and BrunoWalter, piano 0 Lucia Popp, soprano, and Geoffrey Parsons, piano 0 Anne Sofie von Otter, mezzo soprano, and Bengt Forsberg, piano Carl Loewe,”SGBer Freund" (Chamisso)(1836) o Brigitte Fassbaender, mezzo soprano, and Cord Garben, piano Robert Schumann, Frauenliebe und‐Ieben(Chamisso) (1840) o Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, mezzo soprano, andjulius Drake, piano Historical/Analytical Studies Kristina Muxfeldt,"Frauenfiebe und‐Ieben Nowand Then," 19th-Century Music25 (2001)227‐48. March 6 Music Robert Schumann, 'lmRhein, im heil'gen Strome'(Heine)(1840) 0 Fritz Wunderlich, tenor, and Hubert Giesen, piano Robert Schumann, Dichterliebe(Heine)(1840) o Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone, and Christoph Eschenbach, piano Robert Franz, “Aus meinen grol3en Schmerzen" (Heine)(1846) o Elisabeth Schumann, soprano, and George Schick, piano Robert Franz,“Im Rhein im heil'gen Strome"(Heine)(1860) 0 Robin Tritschler, tenor, and GrahamJohnson, piano Historical/Analytical Studies BeateJulia Perry, Schumann's ”Dichterliebe”andEarlyRomanticPoets: Fragmentation of Desire(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002). March 8 Music Clara Schumann, 'Lorelei'(Heine)(1843) 0 Barbara Bonney, soprano, andVladimir Ashkenazy, piano Friedrich Silcher,"Lorelei" (Heine)(1838) Franz Liszt, "Die Loreley" (Heine)(1856) 0 Margaret Price, soprano, andJames Lockhart, piano Ingeborg Bronsartvon Schellendorf, “Die LoreleY' (Heine) (1865) Historical/Analytical Studies Annegret Fauser,”Rheinsirenen: Loreley and Other Rhine Maidens,"in Musicof the Sirens, ed. Linda Phyllis Austern and Inna Naroditskaya, 250‑ 72 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006). March 13 Music Clara Schumann, 'Eristgekommen' (Rfickert)(1841) 0 Barbara Bonney, soprano, andVladimir Ashkenazy, piano Clara Schumann, ”Liebst du um Schonheit" (Rackert)(1841) 0 Wolfgang Holzmair, baritone, and Imogen Cooper, piano Clara Schumann, "Warumwillst du Andre fragen" (Rfickert)(1841) 0 Anne Sofie von Otter, mezzo soprano, and Héléne Grimaud, piano Robert Schumann, "Rose, Meer und Sonne” (Ruckert)(1841) o Olaf Bar, baritone, and Helmut Deutsch, piano HistoricallAnalytical Studies Rufus Hallmark,"The Ruckert Lieder of Robert
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