“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. .” Margaret Mead (1901-1978) Published by the City of Takoma Park www.cityoftakomapark.org February 2006 Skateboard Park Location Remains Up in the Air You see them rolling down sidewalks, In our own back yard hopping up and down curbs, haunting The Takoma Park option, first dis- loading docks and searching out stairs cussed in 2001, seemed a sure thing and rails, the gritty grind of their wheels four years ago. Skaters and their par- on pavement announcing their pres- ents, along with community members ence in the streets and neighborhoods and the City Council, crowded Coun- of Takoma Park. They are the local skate- cil chambers to embrace the idea of a boarders, always in search of new tricks neighborhood skate park built on the - and a place to try them. two dilapidated tennis courts behind Now they have two possibilities, Piney Branch Elementary School, at though each is proving to be as slippery the Takoma-Piney Branch Neighbor- as the waxed concrete ledges they ride hood Park. Those concerned with los- all over town. One, right in Takoma ing the tennis courts got newly sur- Park, presents questions regarding op- faced courts at the Takoma Park Middle erational costs; the other, in Silver Spring, School. Then the grant meant to fund is still casting about for a suitable loca- the project was discontinued and the PHOTO BY SAM RICCI Ele Rubenstein kick flips off the loading dock at CVS, a popular spot for local tion. City Council discussed the matter project was put on hold. skateboarders. The community is considering a skate park for the city. at its January 17 work session. Today, funding for a complete reno- vation of the Takoma-Piney park is in- goes up, some suspect the city facility cluded in the county's Capital Improve- would become more regional and may ment Program (CIP) budget and, if ap- even prompt the county to abandon Braithwaite selected to proved by the County Council in May, the Silver Spring project. "If this is the is slated for construction in 2008. Mary- only game in town, I think it's going to direct public works land National Capital Park and Plan- be different," says Haiduven, who You may have seen her out raking ager and Solid ning Commission, which owns the park, wants to re-introduce the skatepark leaves with the pick-up crews, muscling Waste Man- requested an additional $75,000 from proposal to the community in light of the truck’s giant leaf vacuum into the ager as well. the County Planning Board to purchase the new circumstances. piles collected in the street. Or perhaps As Recycling skateboard equipment for the park. Although Silver Spring's commercial you’ve heard her voice on the Public Coordinator, "We're ready to help out with the equip- business district plan (CBD) specifically Works line, advising you about free she made a ment and we're asking [the city] to do calls for a skate park, "There's been this mulch, or watched her testify before city particularly the supervision," says Ellen Masciocchi, uncertainty about where and when we council about energy efficiency in city indelible mark who is guiding the project through Park will get it," says Glenn Kreger, team buildings or trash truck purchases. creating a pio- Daryl Braithwaite and Planning. leader for Silver Spring at Park and Now Daryl Braithwaite, who has been neering recy- Supervision would not be the only Planning. Some neighbors have op- with the Department of Public Works cling program for the city. responsibility for the city, however, and posed the possible acquisition of a pri- for 16 years, has been selected as the “I have thoroughly enjoyed my years City Council and staff are wrestling vate lot at the corner of Fenton Street department’s director. She took on the with the City and feel honored to have with the park's annual operating costs, and East West Highway, known as position January 9, after serving as act- had so many opportunities to work with estimated by Debra Haiduven, the Fenton Gateway, for a skatepark, so ing director since Al Lott left last year to residents, Council, and fellow staff to city's Recreation Department direc- planners are searching for alternatives become city manager of Albany, Geor- establish responsive, progressive, and tor, to be $50,000 plus funds to pay on land already publicly owned. So far, gia. Braithwaite was chosen as most environmentally proactive programs,” management staff. Other unresolved they have found none suitable, and with qualified for her new position after a says Braithwaite. “I am looking forward issues include utilities, entrance fees, land in this area among the most expen- nationwide search. to continuing that work as director.” equipment leasing, storage, shed con- sive in the county, Fenton Gateway be- Braithwaite has been Deputy Public City Manager Barbara Matthews struction, policing and safety, and por- comes a financial challenge as well. The Works Director since February 2002, praises Braithwaite’s administrative, table toilets. overseeing the day-to-day operations management and customer service Tony Hawk Foundation has voiced of the five divisions of the Public Works skills, calling her an “asset to the support for a park and could be a source Meanwhile, right next door of funding, but favors unsupervised, Department: administration, building community.” Add to the funding dilemma the maintenance, equipment mainte- Before coming to Takoma Park, fee-free facilities which may not meet news that Silver Spring is committed nance, sanitation, and stormwater Braithwaite was an environmental con- approval at the county level. to building a skate park, but cannot management. She also coordinated the sultant and worked for Clean Water Ac- With such a state of flux, a park in find a site for it. If Takoma Park builds City’s Capital Improvement Program, tion. She holds a degree in environmen- a park before a facility in Silver Spring and has served as Public Works Man- tal science from Gannon University. Continued on page 10 20912 Takoma Park, MD Park, Takoma 7500 Maple Ave. Maple 7500 Mayor & Council Mayor POSTALCUSTOMER Inside this Issue City of Takoma Park offices will be closed on ECRWSS Noisy Neighbors y Page 3 Friday, January 27 PRE-SORT STANDARD from noon to 2 p.m. TAKOMA PARK, MD Sligo fish return to the home creek Page 4 PERMIT NO. U.S. POSTAGE Garden Network launched Page 5 for an Employee PAID Recognition event. 4422 Underage Drinking is illegal Page 9 Page 2 February 2 0 0 6 Takoma Park Newsletter CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR Monday, January 23, 2006 - Presen- City Council, 7:30 p.m. (Community tation, Regular Meeting and Center Auditorium) Worksession of the City Council, 7:30 Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - Meeting For further information, or to receive a p.m. (Community Center Auditorium) of the Facade Advisory Board, 7 p.m. copy of the legislation, contact the City (Community Center Atrium Meeting Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - Meet- Clerk’s office, 301-891-7267 ing of the Montgomery College Neigh- Room) bors Advisory Committee, 6 p.m. Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - Meeting or e-mail [email protected]. (Provost’s Conference Room, Mont- of the Tree Commission, 6 p.m. (Commu- gomery College, Takoma and New nity Center Atrium Meeting Room) Regular Meeting - Porter, Austin-Lane, Barry, Clay, York Avenues) Wednesday, February 15, 2006 - Meet- November 28, 2005 Elrich, Williams; ABSENT: Seamens). Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - ing of the Committee on the Environ- Meeting of the Public Safety Citi- ment, 7:30 p.m. (Community Center Ordinance 2005-40, authorizing a con- Ordinance 2005-41 was adopted by roll- zens Advisory Committee, 6:30 p.m. Azalea Room) tract for installation of a pavilion and call vote, authorizing FY06 Budget (Heffner Community Center) Monday, February 20, 2006 - City pathway at Toatley Fraser Park, was Amendment No. 3 (VOTING FOR: Por- Thursday, January 26, 2006 - Meet- Offices Closed for the Presidents’ Day adopted by roll-call vote (VOTING ter, Austin-Lane, Barry, Clay, Elrich, ing of the Emergency Preparedness Holiday FOR: Porter, Clay, Seamens, Williams; Williams; ABSENT: Seamens). Committee, 8:30 a.m. (Community Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - Presenta- ABSENT: Austin Lane, Barry, Erlich). Center Atrium Meeting Room) Ordinance 2005-42 was adopted by roll- tion, Regular Meeting and Worksession Ordinance 2005-41, authorizing FY06 Monday, January 30, 2006 - Presen- of the City Council, 7:30 p.m. (Commu- call vote, authorizing the purchase of tation, Regular Meeting and Work– nity Center Auditorium) Budget Amendment No. 3, was ac- the Granicus web streaming applica- cepted at first reading (VOTING FOR: session of the City Council, 7:30 Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - Meeting of tion (VOTING FOR: Porter, Austin- p.m. (Community Center Auditorium) the Commission on Landlord-Tenant Af- Porter, Clay, Seamens, Williams; AB- Lane, Barry, Clay, Elrich, Williams; Monday, February 6, 2006 - Pre- fairs, 7 p.m. (Community Center Room SENT: Austin-Lane, Barry, Elrich). ABSENT: Seamens). sentation and Worksession of the TBA) Special Session - December 5, 2005 The Consent Agenda was adopted as City Council, 7:30 p.m. (Community Tuesday, February 21, 2006 - Meeting Center Auditorium) of the Arts and Humanities Commis- Resolution 2005-86 was adopted, au- follows (VOTING FOR: Porter, Aus- Tuesday February 7, 2006 - Meeting of sion, 7:30 p.m. (Community Center thorizing execution of the National tin-Lane, Barry, Clay, Elrich, Williams; the Commission on Landlord-Tenant Atrium Meeting Room) Capital Region Mutual Aid Agree- ABSENT: Seamens). Affairs, 7 p.m. (Municipal Building) Thursday, February 23, 2006 - Meeting ment (VOTING FOR: Porter, Austin- A.
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