m ^_^_B W|I"P" ~~ " mtc£ VOL. VI. PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0., TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1010. Trice 5 Cents. No. 169. PORT ESSINuf ON SUFFERED FROM DISASTROUS FIRE NEW ENGLAND FISH COMPANY WAS BURNED OUT The Public Accounts Report Shows Satisfactory State Port Essington Was ANOTHER MILL TO CITY CEMETRY TO New England Fish RECEIVE ATTENTION Visited By Conflagration START ON ISLANDS Company Burned Out DEMAND FOR SPRUCE LUMBER THE QUESTION MUST BE GONE Which Wiped Out Homes IS WORKING TO ADVANTAGE INTO AXD POLICY DECIDED In Vancouver OF QUEEN CHARLOTTES UPON Port Essington, May 29.—A seri­ • I The New England Fish Company TWO GOOD SIZED CATCHES Massett Inlet Will Have New Plant Character Of Soil Here Offers Serious ous lire occurred here this afternoon in connection with the construction I has suffered a severe loss in V'aucou- OF HALIBUT BROUGHT IN Capable Of 40,000 Feet Troubles To All in the southwest end of the town. of the buildings without the certifl- ver, according to the Information re- A Day. Concerned. The Salvation Army barracks; the cate of the supervising architect. The i ceive,i here- 0n Sunday night the The Skugaid Had 50,000 And The Government boat shed; T. M .Orwig's I wharf and sheds of Brown & Harvey, Seymour 48,000. The increasing demand for spruce The question of how best to deal architect, Mr. F. Ratenbury, swore residence and boatshed; and the resi­ wiiich contained quantities of fodder with the city cemetery came up be­ that it had never been suggested to dences of .1. McPherson, Jack Larsen, lumber abroad is, having a decided caught Are. These ad'o'n the New There was quite a quantity ot hali­ fore the council last evening, some­ him that he should give a preference Geo Church, Tom Hanson, Geo Hues- effect in stirring up the sawmill oper­ England's wharf. The fire spread to but brought' into port on Sunday. H. to any particular person or firm, It ton and Andrew Spalding were wiped ations in this part of the Province., what in an informal way. Aid. Mc­ that company's works and worked O. Roberts, ot the San Juan Com­ was shown that the new wings were out. Nowhere is this being brought more Rae made a verbal report for that havoc with them. pany, bought about a carload, the built as cheaply as other large struc­ The steamer Inlander, which has in evidence than on the Queen Char­ committee stating that a little later remainder going to the Cold Storage. tures built at that time; that the in­ The wharf was burned to thi heen lying on the ways, was in great lotte Islands, where now a fifth mill there would be a full report. He Last evening the Skugaid. of the spection of all contractors' work was waters edge. The offices were largely- danger for a time, but the wind for­ is to be started up. The new mill explained that on the report of the Cold Storage, brought in 50,000 rigid and exacting; that the new destroyed, the papers and records go­ tunately changed carrying the Are will be ou Massett Inlet and will have Medical Health Officer the committee pounds, while the Seymour uauie iu buildings cost. Including boiler house ing up iu smoke. into the timber which is still burning. a capacity of 40,000 feet a day. It will had been working along lines look­ with 48,000. The price has been and library, about $1,100,000, com- The cold storage was also damaged The residents responded promptly employ about thirty or thirty-five ing to devising the best means of from 7 1-2 to 7 5-8 for the last tew dealing with the questions Involved. pared with $800,000 for the original very seriously, but the outfit was and put up a hard fight to check the j men. days. building. The floor space in each flames, but owing to the continued! saved to a large extent. This will The mill will be installed at once He said that the Medical Officer was practically the same. The type dry weather it was impossible to i be i ipable of being used again. by Mr. Sparks and will be operated insisted upon some action being of construction in the new building o — A WEEK OF FIRST CLASS make any headway. Fortunately the | PICTURE ATTRACTIONS (Continued on Page Two.) ! (Continued on Page Two.I was very much superior to that In Ben Self has Lad a satisfactory wind was blowing down river, other- f ___ the old, being of modern fire-proof. i adjustment made of his insurance. wise the whole town might have been i ~~ Lust Evening Charlie Oluiplin Girls type, and considering the cost of1 He received within about $400 or' the Held The Stage. labor and material, the new build­ amount insured, which is considered 'tr.«..,.«,. *. —»|The Public Accounts ing did not cost more than the old. a fair disposition of the mutter, lie s residence about 3:45 p. m. in the The Westholme Theatre was pack­ No irregularity whatever was shown will start up again, but is waiting to afternoon, The cause of the fire is ed to the doors last night to see the Committee Reports in the DepSVtmeftt of Public Work!.hear from the owner of the pro irty unknown. local Charlie Chaplins. This time they in connection with the matter. before deciding whether to start, up were not the boys of the city, but In the old stand or not. OMINECA WILL PASS Findings To House "Renfrew lands: An investigation the girls were given the opportunity UNDER AMERICAN REGISTER into the purchase of certain lauds in to interpret the great comedian. They (Special Correspondence.) "Report dealing with order-in- the Renfrew districl was made. It (i ivernor Black, of the Yukon, wa* were introduced by the winners of Lieut. Locke, Of Alaskan Railway I Legislative Press Gallery, Victoria, council, dated May 15, 1915, direct­ was disclosed that some 5,760 acres, a passenger north yesterday cfter- the boys' competition. Masters Mar­ Commission, Is Here To j May 26.—Approval of the report ing the registrar of titles In Victoria being lots 72, 73, 92, 93, 101, 113, noon by the Princess Sophia. V i tin and Smith. The winners last Take Vessel. j which it will make to the Legisla- and Xew Westminster to make cer­ 114, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533. 564. taken his training as an offic night were May Thompson, with ' ture upon the result of its findings in tain registrations on payment of re- 565, 568, 509, 570, 571, 571A, 572, enthusiastic as a soldier. He will Mabel Adams as second. The third The stern-wheeler Omineca will, in a number of matters which have been | duced fees: This matter concerned 572A, 573, 573A, 574. 574A. 575 and recruit a company In the Yukon for place was not assigned, the money before it during the present session the registration fees paid in connec- 725, which had been reported to the active service and expects to bring for third prize being diviiled among the course of a few days, change her wae 'given by the Public Accounts . tion with the Canada Western Lum- department under oath by five differ­ them oul with him ln the course of a the remaining seven contestants. The register from that of a Canadian bot­ 'I ent firms of surveyors as second-'1 short time, exhibition put on by the girls was tom to an American. She has been Committee of the Legislature, at its ber Company, Limited. On April 13, class agricultural land and Crown | excellent. all overhauled under the eye of Capt. twenty-eighth meeting held last eve- 1910, this company gave a mortgage Morning .lournal delivered lo S. B. Johnson and Hal Peck, of this ning prior to the session of the to the British Empire Trust Com­ granted at various times between The remainder of the programme, mine al 50 cents a month city, and is now at the Government House. The enquiries into the varl- pany to cover a three million pounds, June 21, is:i4, and December 31, with "Graft" as the top liner, was wuarf awaiting the orders to sail fori ous matters, were made largely upon five per cent, issue of debenture 1912, wr-re disposed of at $2.50 i-er of a high order. Alaska, where she will be used by the request of the members of the stock, which mortgage was duly acre, with the exception of one pre­ The management this week is put­ Assignee's Sale the United States Government in | Opposition. In but one case, that of' registered In Victoria and in New emption, lot 74. This property came ting on n splendid programme. To­ connection with the construction of! the enquiry into the purchase of the Westminster, and fees amounting to Into the hands of the Puget Sound night George Ade's comedy classic. of Furniture Stod t.he Alaskan Railway. site for the new court house, In con- $7,507.50 were duly paid. After Lumber Company, whose »rospectus "Father and the Boys" will be the Lieut. Locke, of the commission, i nection with which it was shown Mr. I war was declared the Canada West- claims the laud to be timber land, Closing nut tlie Hendrlcksen -•' ilk head liner. The war will be repre­ is here. He is looking after the I H. C. Hannlngton, Inspector of Legal ,eru Lumber Company found it impos- containing approximately 60,000 sented by the Eclair Gazette.
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