PUBLIC DOCUMENT . N o . 44. FIFTEENTH REPORT OP THE F ree P ublic Library Commission op MASSACHUSETTS. 1905. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 P ost Offic e Sq u a b e. 1905. UISSURY "U IM E S 8 U R Y M E R R ! MAC N / W ß U R Y RADFORD^ HÈ W BURYPOST Íc r o v e m x d ' METHUEN ROWLEY GEORGETOWN -CLARKSBURG MONROE /¡OXFORD IP S W IC H / PV/HCHEHÛON /D U N S T A B LE MORT H ANDOVER‘ RO/ALSTON ORACUT W a r w i c k EEYÛEN ¿ A N R E HU , TORS FIELD TYNGSBORO, / E F F E R EL L W/U/AAfSTOWN F tO W { A S H d f GLOUCESTER Ì. TEWKSBURY .ESSEX ^ srñaroStóaL- H B U R H H A M T O W N S E N DAS HEATH CÖERA/N NORTH FIELD LOWELL ~NORTH ADAMS ANDOVER- LMIDDLETON. R L OR IDA LUNENBURG CROTON W /OH/NCTON W E N HAM CHARLEMONT CREENEIELD e r v i n c MAGNOLIA ORANCE BEVERLY. AÈAN CHESTER piZss^jKBjm w iS T E O R D CHELMSFORD .s n e l E u r S e N . READING READING NEW ASHEORD *% & ***!£ $ SHIRLEY C AR ON ER ' ¿ANVERS A D A M S '"' HAWLEY ATHOL E IT C H BU R O s a v o r j P H / U I P S m ^ S/ÍLERICA- BUCNLAND MONTAGUE *.TEMPLETON $M £LBI/Pftr . 'BURLINGTON' T\\ CARLISLE HANCOCN LITTLETON. -WESTMINSTER , WAKE fTe l ò P eabôûÿ^ SALEM j y E N DE L L ''B Ò A BORO N E W S A L E M *¿Z HARVARD LANESBORO /OBURn m e Ch o s e m a r b l W e a d WINDSOR PLAIN FIELD Ú D ÍO R L ACTON LANCASTER LYNN. s n u t e s b u r y ASHF/ELD HUBBAROSTOWN_ Aw in c h e s t e r B E T E R S HA M [1 MALDEN ¿ONCORD CONWA Y .MAYNARD ® K - ’p * * * * * * JJ DALTON BR/NCETON LEXINGTON. S T E R LIN G BOLTON .NAHAU L COSNEN ¿ARLINGTON s u Ñ d e r ÍA h d ' .STO W EVE NETT WHAT ELY LINCOLN . ^ A LTH A M Te r v il è e . c v r /Kin c tOa RUTLAND I YLAUD / B E tM O U r ¿PERÉTI .GREENWICH BARRE y /NSDALE M B R ID G E ¿VIN T H R P R '■CA tyORTH/NC TON SUDBURY chesterfield W.BOYLSTÔN /ate rto w h A L O T C R AM MARLBORTfCA CHELSEA y i * T H PERU WILLIAMSBURG __ g | g LENOX HOLDEN . u a TELÉLÜ WASHINGTON MIDDLE FIELD SOUTHBORO.: HARDWICK RICHMOND e n f j e d ¿ROOKUNE/ HEWTÖJCf V \ MW BRA IHTR.e C FRAMINGHAM VEFOHAM \W.S70CKBRIDIE '< % **. / À WESTBORO H A D L t I A M H E R ST'' PAXTON W E LIES LEY- ASHLAND /ORBES LIBRARY -SOUTH HADLEY SHREWSBURY HUNT/NGTON^ î WORCESTER DOVER QUINCY LILY LIBRARY EAST HAMPTON ''P ÌDC PARK SOUTH NATICK; h /N c h a m ■ïmk M i t ! WARE Fil 'WBkOOKMLjT CRAFTON 'O HAM "ij bflchertown h o l u s t o n CRAHBY s FENCER -NORTH SCOVATE ^ ... r ijioFKiucrou TYR/NCNAM LEICESTER ^ÑÚUJfTRjE. BECKET AUBURN M/LLBURY N O R W E Ll m e d f i e l d NORTH HAM ETON MILUS ALFORD '-¿fORYLOpU -JAO/nCOMCRY B R 0 0 K F IE Í, HOLBROOK\ CAHTOH^ s o u t h ': r ft/ M d o iH PALMER W ARREN^ UPTON LUDLOW ■MILFORD AVON Á B IN C T O M \ j ? DCKLA>t!h V MONTEREY rC H IC O P E E H O LY0HE’’ CHARLTON MEDWAY ' '-^WALPOLE ¿MARSHFIELD CREAT BARR/NCTON NORFOLK \ m u s s i l i P R A N K U N SNA ROH m ÁÑÓVER. yC R E M O M T w / l b r a h a m f/lLIHCMAM TSTOUGHZDR SUTTON W HITMAN BLANDTORD 9 OXFORD HANSON' 'w e s t SFRINCE/ELÛ • HOPTMLE ßR/M FIELD' HORT H BRIDGE SAND/SF/ELD ''STURBR/DCE tY E S T F / E L O MOHSOH MEMDON S H E F F IE LD MOLLANO SOUTHBRIDCE DOUGLAS N E W MARLBORO TOLLAND SPRINCFIEU/ WEBSTER fOXBORC •EAS TON 'PPDCKTON- DUXBURY TRURO ■ E. LONCMEADO Wy‘ AGAWAM d u o l e y W.BP/ÓC£WATlK¿\ HALIFAX UXBRIDGE M Â H S F IE LD ' w r e h t h Am ¡VALES '£ . BRIDGE.WA TER‘ LONCMCADOt HAMPDEN BLACKSTONE ~-M T WASHINGTON GRAN YULE SOUTNWICN -’F l y m p t o n J d N C S fÖ H NÓr T ÌK ' ATTLEBORO NORTON ßRJDCEhXTEft: R A YN H A HI ATTLEBORO CARVER M /Û D LEBO R O ^ é é B é / 1 V N T 0 H . BERKLEY s s s s p ^ p j l e a S t n à m L A K E N ) LL E REY Al O UT H REHÖßOT/t m M W M m ï ê SE £K O R K P ublic Library EVERY Fl/AREHAM J R LEAHS IT^- Ü III i l i f e 1 Bra SWANSEA FREETOWN ROCHESTER T S ? ™ BREWsrERltyj. B A #* STABLE A cO S H N E T b o u r n e ^ H A R W IC H : MARION MAN WOMAN AND CHILD .SANDWICH*- C H A T H A M -': FAJL RJHER'. IMATTAPOISETI YARMOUTH W H V "B EDFORD MASHPÍE W. FALMOUTH. nnual circulation three A FALMOUTH PAIRHAVEN D A R T A TO EVERY INHABITANT M - \i^¿/VÍYÁ¿Cr=^ C .OS M O ÍD 'll C D C /U tT O W N >y . r / S S M r S. CAY H[»o CHUM a RK m a a j u c k i t PEN AND INK DRAWING”) ARLINGTON MASS. DESIGNED AND DRAWN WITH PEN INK BY GEORGE HARTNELL BARTLETT (AUTHOR OF COPYRIGHT BY GEORGE HARTNELL BARTLETT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ETCHED ON ZINC BY SIGFRID N MELLIN BOSTON MASS, PUBLIC DOCUMENT . No. 44. FIFTEENTH REPORT O P T H E F ree P ublic Library Commission MASSACHUSETTS.-. 1905. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 Post Office S q u a r e. 1905. & C REPORT OF THE COMMISSION. 1o the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives. In accordance with the provisions of chapter 347 of the Acts of the year 1890, under which the Free Public Library Com­ mission was organized, the commission herewith presents its fifteenth report, covering the calendar year 1904. T ile C ommission. Mr. Samuel Swett Green and Mrs. Mabel Simpkins Agassiz have been reappointed for the full term of five years. B ooks su ppl ie d d uring th e Y e a r . The town of Southampton has been supplied with $100 worth of books, under the provisions of chapter 347 of the Acts of 1890, the administration of the library having been so changed as to comply with the statute. The town of New Marlborough has been supplied with a first installment of books, under the provisions of chapter 233 of the Acts of 1900. The second installment, completing in each case the $100 worth allowed by lav, has been supplied to the following towns : — Blandford, Gosnold, New Salem, Bolton, Hampden, Oakham, Boxborough, Leverett, Orleans, Brimfield, Mashpee, Sandisfleld. — 14. Chester, Monroe, T owns still en titled to B e n e f it under t h e L aw . The full allowance of $100 worth : — Alford, Egremont, Savoy, Auburn, Gill, Shutesbury, Boylston, Lanesborough, Southampton, Clarksburg, Middleton, Washington. — 12. 6 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. [Jan. The second allowance is due to the following towns : — Berlin, Holland, Peru, Charlemont, Huntington, Phillipston, Chilmark, Lakeville, Plainfield, Dana, Leyden, Plympton, Dunstable, Middlefield, Prescott, East Longmeadow, Monterey, Royalston, Gay Head, Montgomery, Southwick, Goshen, Mount Washington, Sunderland, Granby, New Ashford, Tolland, Granville, New Braintree, Tyngsborough, Greenwich, New Marlborough, Tyringham, Halifax, North Reading, Warwick, Hancock, Otis, Whately. — 43. Hawley, Paxton, Heath, Pelham, T owns classified as to L ib r a r ies. The following classification of the towns, revised to date, shows the free library facilities they now enjoy : — Class 1. Towns which have, libraries owned and controlled by the town and free for circulation to all the people. Abington, Bolton, Chilmark, Acushnet, Boston, Clarksburg, Adams, Bourne, Clinton, Agawam, Boxborough, Cohasset, Alford, Boylston, Colrain, Amesbury, Bridgewater, Conway, Andover, Brimfield, Dalton, Arlington, Brockton, Dana, Ashburnham, Brookfield, Dartmouth, Ashby, Brookline, Dedham, Ashland, Burlington, Deerfield, Athol, Cambridge, Dennis, Attleborough, Canton, Dighton, Auburn, Carlisle, Douglas, Avon, Carver, Dover, Bellingham, Charlemont, Dracut, Belmont, Charlton, Dudley, Berkley, Chelmsford, Dunstable, Berlin, Chelsea, East Bridgewater, Beverly, Chester, Eastham, Blackstone, Chesterfield, East Longmeadow, Blandford, Chicopee, Edgartown, 1905.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 44. 7 Egremont, Leverett, Northborough, Erving, Leyden, North Brookfield, Essex, Longmeadow, Northfield, Everett, Lowell, North Reading, Fall River, Ludlow, Norwood, Falmouth, Lunenburg, Oakham, Fitchburg, Lynn, Orange, Florida, Lynnfield, Orleans, Foxborough, Manchester, Otis, Framingham, Mansfield, Oxford, Freetown, Marblehead, Paxton, Gay Head, Marlborough, Peabody, Gill, Marshfield, Pelham, Goshen, Mashpee, Pepperell, Gosnold, Mattapoisett, Peru, Granby, Maynard, Phillipston, Granville, Medfield, Plainfield, Greenfield, Medford, Plympton, Greenwich, Medway, Prescott, Groton, Melrose, Provincetown, Groveland, Mendon, Quincy, Hadley, Merrimac, Reading, Halifax, Middleborough, Revere, Hamilton, Middlefield, Richmond, Hampden, Middleton, Rochester, Hancock, Milford, Rockland, Hanover, Millbury, Rockport, Hanson, Millis, Rowe, Hardwick, Milton, Rowley, Harvard, Monroe, Royalston, Hatfield, Montague, Russell, Hawley, Monterey, Rutland, Heath, Montgomery, Salisbury, Holbrook, Mount Washington, Sandisfield, Holden, Nahant, Sandwich, Holland, Natick, Saugus, Ilolliston, Needham, Savoy, Hopedale, New Ashford, Seekonk, Hubbardston, New Bedford, Sharon, Hudson, New Braintree, Sheffield, Hull, Newburyport, Shelburne, Huntington, New Marlborough, Sherborn, Hyde Park, New Salem, Shirley, Kingston, Newton, Shrewsbury, Lakeville, Norfolk, Shutesbury, Lancaster, North Adams, Somerset, Lanesborough, Northampton, Somerville, Leicester, North Andover, Southampton, Leominster, North Attleborough, Southborough, 8 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES.
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