■ m 0mtrltr0tnr £ttfttbto tnralli ... A v rau tn OAXLY CBSODLATlOIk nmwEATBxat ~ T b « usual mldweak prasw meet- Mias Eleanor Schieldga of Main tar the Moxtli • ( JUM. I$M FoMOMt of U. E..WwtiM* Bu iOK wUl b« held tomorrow evening street and Mlsa Louise Anderson r«- BnitforU store CIoMs A t Moon ABOUT TOWN at 7:80 at the Cburcb o f the Naaa- tumed .Saturday evening from a Wednesday— Dial 4151 tan-day tour of upper New Elngland 5 , 8 6 8 - A new oak Boor la being laid to­ and New Tork state during which MMBiMr Ut Urn Audit fW r and eooler tonight IHURST night In the meeting hall of the V. Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Johnson and they covered more than 1,000 mUes. Bonua of CIreuluttoao. Thundny. F. W. Home at Mancheater Green. daughter Betty Ann of Pearl street They' visited Old Orchard beach fCaataloapes .2for 25c PINEHURST MEAT With the installation of lighting fix­ are spending toe week at Columbia Mains, Lake Winnepasaukee, Mount MANCHESTER— A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM tures and seats It la expected that Lake. Freeh Frloaaaee WasUngton, rranconia Notch and Blaeberries ......q t 33c the haU will ba used for the first I A dvartiting on tU g a 14,). (Medlnin Stae) other places o f interest In the White VOL.l v , NO. 256. MANCHESTER, b O N N , WEDNESDAY, JU LY 29,1986 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS time Tuesday evening, August S. Contractor Gaorgs Foibea la add­ Mountains, Saratoga, N. Y., Albany Painting of the aix_rooma on tha ing tha Interior wood finish to the and followed the Hudson River drive 25c Vegetable Sale FOWL first floor wUl be begun following new Henry street cottage home of to New York and New Jersey where .the completion of.the.nlteratlons on Mr. and Mrs. Oarenca Wilson ot thqy vlalted relatives. G-i THRIH UNIT ' ' ‘Ihe second floor this week. COMBINATION SPEOAL: lb. Strant street, who plan to move the' In Flight From Terrors of Spanish Revolt latter part of August. A well-baby clinic will be held at Mr. and Mrs. George Ramsdell re­ SMALL SILK MILLS Carrots— 1 bun......... A L L Freehly SUoed the TJd.CA.. tomorrow afternoon at turned to their home In Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Quinn have Pa., today after spending two weeks FIFTEEN MEN DROWNE Beets— 1 ban......... FOR 3:30. Dried Beef, returned from their two weeks va­ with Mr. and Mrs. WUUam RamadeU Squash— 1 ................ Q C ^ W lb............. 2 5 c Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Goalee of cation. I of Main street. Native Tomatoes, lib . ^ O C Huntington street will spend the IN JERSEY‘STRIKE’ GROUND O e ^ next two weeks touring upper New BEEF. lb. .. ^ D C England, and wrlU also visit Mr, AS UKE BARGE SINK! Cauliflower___.ea. 25c Goalee's sister, Mrs. E. M. Dunbar of Torrlngton. 4,000 Family Looms m Pat­ Bacon Wrapped Refrigeration LEFT1S1SRAKE LAMB PATTIES 1 Lb. Tomatoes .... A month's mind high mass o f re­ Seven Resided When Vc 4 for 29c quiem will be said at S t James's Thd J W H 4 U CORK erson Stop Operations in 1 Cucumber......... church tomorrow morning at 8 .^ANCMSSTIB COMH- OUT SUSPEOS Survivors Tell Story Head L e ttu c e ....... o'clock for the repose of the aoul of An Attempt to Raise the Laden With Gravel 2 5 c Ripe, Sweet Thomas Keegan. ACTUAL METER TESTS Freahly Picked Yellow Elberta Mrs. Mary E. Seastrand of South HENRY CROSS Prices. IN OWN CIRCLE O f Sinking of Barge denly Disappears Undef;: YELLOW CORN ....... doz. 25c Main street and her daughter, Miss WEDNESDAY MORNING PEACHES Inez Seastrand of Washington, D. 245 Highland Street C. are spending their vacation on Waters of Lahe Michipu^l GREEN BEANS . .4 qts. 25c 2 quarts 25c 5.3 Cn. Ft. Box. Family of 4. Paterson, N. J., July 29.— (A P )~ July Thexholding onto It I made my way to Cape C<m1. SPECIALS 9 to 12 stories of survivors of the Material' ' some rocks to the right ot the NEW POTATOES... Vi pk. 25c 4-qt basket 49c 18 K . W. Hrs. in 30 Days ' A atrlke among so-called family silk Service, sand barge which sank In Hghthouae." Cause o f Accident N(>^^ John E. Tierney, a clerk at Clif­ weaving plants today closed approx­ in Office; Seize Chorch Lake Michigan early today with a Asleep at Tima ford's, la on a week's vacation at imately half the looms in the dty. probable loss of 15 lives, agreed on Joseph Change, 35, Chicago, said Shop Ptneimret Wednesday morning tor (heae tSc Spedala—It Narragansett Pier. Self Serve and Health Market COST FOR will pay you. Free Delivery on all $1.00 orders. D IA L 41B1. 30 D AYS Abraham Breninan, counsel to the one point— It happened so quickly he was asleep when the sharp list Known to Officials. Pure Silk Commission Manufacturers’ Property; Churn $ Victory no one a)>oard knew what was tak­ of the boat awakened him, association, predicted 1,500 more ing place. “I rushed to the deck," be said. looms would be Idle by tonight and "It all happened too quickly to "Bverytblng was In confusion. The 'Chicago, July 39.—(A P)—Ftftaw . that by tomorrow night vlrtuedly the in the Mountains. say what caused it," First Mate next thing 1 knew I was In the LARD Special 2 2 5 « John. M. Johnson, 44 of Chicago, water. I swam around for a while, members of a crew of 33 men w en Waller N. Leclerc entire commission weaving Industry in the city would be at a standstill. told officials of the company leasing then grabbed hold of a hatch cover. believed drowned early today whan Quart Jar Sunbeam Fine A price schedule demand adopted Madrid, July 29.—The Leftist the boat. Weber (Joseph Weber, 26, ot Stur­ tbe lake-river barge “Material 801$^.' -tS Funeral Director ‘T was in the pilot houae,” John­ geon Bay, Wls.), and Washburne al­ called for an increase of one ang Spanish republic pressed a desper­ Ice” , carrying 3,600 tons 859 No. ftfain St. Phone 5169 one-half cents per yard. son told Interviewers. '1 suddenly ready were on the batch cover. ate purge of Its enemies from within Oh duty at the time was Walger ran into choppy water as Suspension of the looms today was felt the boat swerve to the left. It SALAD DRESSING 2 4 « today while Its troops smashed two port Hated, then suddenly straight­ Hansen,, 28,38, of- Lockpoi■ for Calumet barbor, listed suddeBS accomplished quietly and with an ab­ "A ll ot a sudden thi sence of picketing. Four flying insurgent garrisons in the south­ ened out with a jerk and then flop- le ship ^P^**** and sank in Lake Michigan, ■ BeguUr Oau libbyls er AmMar*s ed. I ran to the deck where all over portside," he related, SALE!! squadrons, however, toured the op­ west and rushed reinforcements to Seven ot the crew were rsseui ell was breaking loose. Water was seconds before It sank to tbe bot­ erating plants seeking to Induce the the siege of others. gpouring over the deck and I saw tom, I leaped over the side and but Capt. Charles D. Brown of Save Your Money At operators to close down. Huron, Mich., was presumed to Suspected Faaclst functionaries By truck, auto, buggy and afoot refugees from strife-torn Spain flock to safety In France, Gathered at the men thrown Into the water as the swam clear ot the ship. I grasped MISSES'and BOYS* ABEL’S CORNED REEF 16e For th* dirifUMC ra£Hg«tudoa,sMM a G*B The “family plant" operators who boat began to flop. the cover of one of the life boats died ^ t h tha 14 others. 0ns ' do the weaving on a commission and officers were wrenched 'from international bridge at Hendaye, France, on the Spanish border, some of them are seen as they awaited at first reported missing was with the hunona ■ealed-ia-sted T H R IF T state departments and the army. Inspection before passing through the customs barrier. “I grabbed Captain (Charles D.) which was floating nearby. Melby Cut Rate Auto and Truck basis for converters and brokers con- Brown by the arm just as the boat (Alf Melby, 33, of Chicago) was later to have missed the ' 2 tor $lc . UNIT. This it the only refrigerator .'tend that prevailing market prices Special civil boards, given a five-day Tha tragedy struck the REPAIRS deadline, hastened to seize all was going down. 1 told him to hold hanging to the same object, and we are insufficient to ^eld a li-vlng to were together when we were res­ 1:30 a. m. (eastern staadaMri Rear 26 Cooper S t Eat 1921 Good Loch mechaniiffi with forced-feed labricadon church teaching property “ to satis, onto my hand as long as he could. the operators. A ll be said was ‘O. R Jack.’ Then cued by the tug." fy the legitimate desire of the peo­ as it was southbound after tra' K>XFQBDSl and oil cooling, exclusive features that A small proportion of the plants we were separated when we both Hansen and Melby, who had been from Lockport, through the employ outside help. ple." LEE IS VICTORIOUS ROSY BUSINESS REPORTS fell into the water. I started to asleep, were picked up by OoMt go river and Into tha choppy JAR RINGS 6c«2 for J ]|c mean longer life and lower operating cott.
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