Eligibility List | IBMA Awards | International Bluegrass Music Association | IBMA.Org Page 1 of 8 <.ibma.org/site/ibma.awards/2005> Tuesday, May 5, 2009 ,QWHUQDWLRQDO%OXHJUDVV0XVLF$ZDUGV Awards Eligibility List 5()(5(1&(/,672)(/,*,%/(5(&25'('352'8&7 2009 Awards Show Hall of Fame Recipient History %OXHJUDVV5HFRUGLQJV5HSRUWHGDV5HOHDVHGEHWZHHQ Broadcast Affiliation $SULO±0DUFK* Awards: Criteria This list is solely for the informational needs of IBMA members when nominating recorded product for any of the related awards in the first round of balloting. Due to the limited nature of IBMA’s informational resources, this list does not necessarily contain 100% of the bluegrass recordings first released during the eligibility period, so members are not restricted to the entries on this list when making their first ballot write-in nominations. Albums re- issued and/or special compilations of previously released material are not listed here, but may contain individual songs eligible for certain awards. All recordings are listed in alphabetical order by artist or group name. &OLFNKHUHIRUPRUHLQIR 8SGDWH0D\ If you have recordings that should be included in this list - please email artist name, album title, label, website and first commercial release dateinfo to [email protected]. $57,67±5(&25',1*7,7/(±/$%(/±:(%6,7( Darin Aldridge & Brooke Justice, ,¶OO*R:LWK<RX, Pinecastle Records, www.pinecastle.com Allegheny Drifters, &DQ¶W:DLW, www.alleghenydrifters.com Balsam Range, /DVW7UDLQWR.LWW\+DZN, Mountain Home, www.balsamrange.com The Bankester Family, 6RPHZKHUH,Q%HWZHHQ, Covenant Hills Records, http://www.bankesterfamily.com Beatlegras, ,QD3HUIHFW:RUOG, GeMiDaCo Records LLC, www.beatlegras.com Kristin Scott Benson, 6HFRQG6HDVRQ, Pinecastle Records, www.pinecastle.com Heather Berry and Tony, %HIRUH%OXHJUDVV, Blue Circle Records, http://www.ibma.org/ibma.awards/currentpress/awardseligibilitylist.asp 05/05/2009 Eligibility List | IBMA Awards | International Bluegrass Music Association | IBMA.Org Page 2 of 8 www.heatherberrymusic.com Big Country Bluegrass, 2SHQ)RU%XVLQHVV, Mountain Roads Recordings Audie Blaylock & Redline, $XGLH%OD\ORFN 5HGOLQH, Rural Rhythm Records, www.ruralrhythm.com The Bluegrass Brothers, $V7LPH*RHV%\, www.thebluegrassbrothers.com Blue Moon Rising, 2QH/RQHO\6KDGRZ, Lonesome Day Records, www.LonesomeDay.com Cadillac Sky, *UDYLW\¶V2XU(QHP\, Skaggs Family Records, www.skaggsfamilyrecords.com Canaan’s Crossing, &DQDDQ¶V&URVVLQJ, Song Garden, www.canaanscrossing.com Melonie Cannon, $QG7KH:KHHOV7XUQ, Rural Rhythm Records, www.ruralrhythm.com Cats and The Fiddler, 5RDG7R1DVKYLOOH, catsandthefiddler.com Cherryholmes, &KHUU\KROPHV,,,'RQ¶W%HOLHYH, Skaggs Family Records, www.skaggsfamilyrecords.com The Chigger Hill Boys and Terri, +\PQVIURP&KLJJHU+LOO, Thoroughbred/Daywind Records The Churchmen, ,¶OO%H/RQJ*RQH, Pinecastle Records, www.pinecastle.com Bryan Clark, *RVVLS,QVSLUDWLRQ 6ODQGHU, Rainfeather Records, www.bryanclarkmusic.com Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper, /HDYLQ¶7RZQ, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Cockman Family, $OO$ERXW/RYH, CF Records, www.cockmanfamily.com Mary Z. Cox, )ORULGD%DQMR, maryzcox.com Vincent Cross & Good Company, +RPH$ZD\IURP+RPH, www.myspace.com/vincentcrossx The Crowe Brothers, %URWKHUV1+DUPRQ\, Rural Rhythm Records, www.ruralrhythm.com Dailey & Vincent, %URWKHUVIURP'LIIHUHQW0RWKHUV, Rounder, www.Rounder.com The Daughters of Bluegrass, %OXHJUDVV%RXTXHW, Blue Circle Records, www.daughtersofbluegrass.com Mark Delaney, 6LGH&DU, Patuxent Music, www.pxrec.com The Doerfels, :KDW,¶P/RRNLQJ)RU, Patuxent Music, www.pxrec.com Jerry Douglas, */,'(, Koch Records, www.jerrydouglas.com Downtown Ramblers, 'RZQWRZQ5DPEOHUV, www.downtownramblers.com http://www.ibma.org/ibma.awards/currentpress/awardseligibilitylist.asp 05/05/2009 Eligibility List | IBMA Awards | International Bluegrass Music Association | IBMA.Org Page 3 of 8 Dry Branch Fire Squad, (FKRHVRIWKH0RXQWDLQV, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Van Eaton and Friends, %ORRG2Q7KH*URXQG, Eyetune Music, http://myspace.com/vaneatonfriends Elkville String Band, 2YHU7KH0RXQWDLQ, Mountain Roads Recordings Drew Emmitt, /RQJ5RDG, Compass Records, http://www.drewemmitt.com Bill Evans & Megan Lynch, OHW¶VGRVRPHWKLQJ«Native and Fine Records, www.myspace.com/billevansandmeganlynch The Far City Boys, ,+DYH%HHQ%OHVVHG, Lamon Records, www.lamonrecords.com Anita Fisher Band with Ray Deaton, ,W¶V$PD]LQJ:KDW$3UD\HU &DQ'R, C and L Entertainment, www.candlentertainment.com Bela Fleck,7KURZ'RZQ<RXU+HDUW$IULFD6HVVLRQV, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Bela Fleck & the Flecktones, -LQJOH$OOWKH:D\, Rounder, www.Rounder.com The Foghorn Duo, /RQHVRPH6RQJ, www.myspace.com/foghornduo Randall Franks with Four Fold, Buddy Liles, The Marksmen Quartet, Barney Miller, The Smoky Mountain Boys, The Southern Sound Quartet, The Testimony Quartet, Voices Won, Walnut Grove Bluegrass Band, The Watkins Family, Garrett Arb, Brady Hughes, John Rice, Deborah Taylor, Calvary Strings, Mt. Peria Baptist Church Male Chorus, Ringgold United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, $Q$SSDODFKLDQ0XVLFDO5HYLYDO/LYHDWWKH5LQJJROG'HSRW Crimson/Share America Foundation, www.myspace.com/shareamerica Pam Gadd, %HQHILWRI'RXEW, Home Sweet Highway Productions, www.pamgadd.com Jeremy Garrett, ,$P$6WUDQJHU, Sugar Hill Records, www.sugarhillrecords.com Melvin Goins and Windy Mountain, 'DQFLQ¶,Q7KH'LUW, Blue Circle Records, www.myspace.com/melvingoins Gold Heart, 1HYHU/HW*R, www.goldheartbluegrass.com The Grascals, .HHSRQ:DONLQ¶, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Greensky Bluegrass, )LYH,QWHUVWDWHV, Big Blue Zoo, www.greenskybluegrass.com Angelica Grim, /RRN)RU0H, Patuxent Music, www.pxrec.com Hardline Drive, *RQQD%H$OULJKW, www.hardlinedrive.com Hard Ryde, 6WDJHV, Hapidawg, www.hardryde.ca Mickey Harris, 'RJ+RXVH%OXHV, MJH Records, www.mickeyharris.net http://www.ibma.org/ibma.awards/currentpress/awardseligibilitylist.asp 05/05/2009 Eligibility List | IBMA Awards | International Bluegrass Music Association | IBMA.Org Page 4 of 8 Carrie Hassler & Hard Rain, &&+5, Rural Rhythm Records, www.ruralrhythm.com Rick Hayes, )O\%\1LJKW, Kang Records, www.RickeyHayes.com High Windy, $*UHDWHU6WRUP, Mountain Home, www.highwindyband.com Kenny Ray Horton, $&DQDU\¶V6RQJ, Fader 4 Records, www.KennyRayHorton.com Sierra Hull, 6HFUHWV, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Hurley Ridge, +XUOH\ULJLQDOV, Hurley Ridge Label, www.hurleyridge.com Rob Ickes, 5RE,FNHV&RQWHPSRUDU\'REUR$UWLVWU\, Mel Bay, http://melbay.com Infamous Stringdusters, ,QIDPRXV6WULQJGXVWHUV, Sugar Hill Records, www.sugarhillrecords.com Jeni & Billy, -HZHOO5LGJH&RDO, Jewell Ridge Records, www.jeniandbilly.com Jett’s Creek, 6XSSRVHG7R%H, www.jetts-creek.com The Kickin Grass Band, 7KH.LFNLQ*UDVV%DQG, Superfan Records, LLC Dick Kimmel & Adam Granger, /LYHDWWKH5KHLQ, Jeep Records, www.granger-music.com James King, *DUGHQVLQWKH6N\, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver, 7R%H&RQWLQXHG, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Nate Leath, 5RFNYLOOH3LNH, Patuxent Music, www.pxrec.com Margot Leverett & the Klezmer Mt. Boys:Jorma Kaukonen, Hazel Dickens, Barry Mitterhoff, Kenny Kosek, Joe Selly, Marty Confurius, ¢¡ $YHQXH6TXDUH'DQFH, Traditional Crossroads, www.traditionalcrossroads.com Lonesome River Band, 1R7XUQLQJ%DFN, Rural Rhythm Records, www.ruralrhythm.com Lonesome Traveler, /LVWHQ7R7KDW6RXQG, www.lonesometravelerband.com Longview, 'HHSLQWKH0RXQWDLQV, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Lost & Found, /RYH/RVWDQG)RXQG, Rebel Records, www.lostandfoundbluegrass.com Steve Martin, 7KH&URZ, 40 Share Productions, www.stevemartin.com Mashville Brigade, %OXHJUDVV6PDVK+LWV9ROXPH, Rural Rhythm Records, www.ruralrhythm.com Kathy Mattea, &2$/, Captain Potato Records, www.mattea.com Bobby Maynard, /LYLQ /RYLQ /DXJKLQ , Lamon Records, www.lamonrecords.com http://www.ibma.org/ibma.awards/currentpress/awardseligibilitylist.asp 05/05/2009 Eligibility List | IBMA Awards | International Bluegrass Music Association | IBMA.Org Page 5 of 8 Patrick McAvinue, 5XWODQG¶V5HHO, Patuxent Music, www.pxrec.com Diane McKoy, 5HDG\2U1RW+HUH,&RPH, Deep South Productions, www.dianemckoyandasmallfew.com Mideando String Quintet, 7XWWH/H'LUH]LRQL, Velut Luna, www.mideando.it Alan Munde Gazette, 0DGHWR/DVW, Munde’s Child Records, www.myspace.com/alanmundegazette Michael Martin Murphey, %XFNDURR%OXH*UDVV, Rural Rhythm Records, www.ruralrhythm.com Northern Lights, 2QH'D\, Fifty Fifty Music, www.fiftyfiftymusic.com Nothin’ Fancy, /RUG%OHVV7KLV+RXVH, Pinecastle Records, www.pinecastle.com Tim O’Brien, &KDPHOHRQ, Proper American, www.timobrien.net Original Motion Picture Cast, 6WXFN,Q7KH3DVW6RXQGWUDFN Lamon Records, www.lamonrecords.com Bobby Osborne & the Rocky Top X-Press, %OXHJUDVV %H\RQG, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Danny Paisley & the Southern Grass, 7KH5RRP2YHU0LQH, Rounder, www.Rounder.com David Parmley, 6LOYHU'ROODUV, Pinecastle Records, www.pinecastle.com Kati Penn, 0\7XUQ7R&U\, www.katipenn.com The Persimmon Sisters, *UHHQ3HUVLPPRQ7UHHV, Green Persimmon Music, www.persimmonsisters.com Missy Raines & The New Hip, ,QVLGH2XW, Compass Records, www.compassrecords.com Marty Raybon and Full Circle, 7KLV7KDWDQGWKH2WKHU, Synchoro Records, www.martyraybon.com Red Molly, /RYHDQG2WKHU7UDJHGLHV, http://www.redmolly.com Tony Rice, 1LJKWIO\HU±7KH6LQJHU6RQJZULWHU&ROOHFWLRQ, Rounder, www.Rounder.com Revonda Roberts & Harvest Wind, 6WLOOZDWHU, C and L Entertainment, www.candlentertainment.com Runaway Freight, +LOOELOO\%DLORXWWKHUHFHVVLRQWDSHV, Switchtrack Records Darrell Scott, 0RGHUQ+\PQV, Appleseed
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