S.N Name of the NGO Cause FCRA Descriptor o registration 1 V Care Foundation Health Yes V Care is dedicated to providing free help, hope, awareness and education to cancer patients and their families through outreach programs and services that improve the quality of their lives. 2 Children Toy Children / Yes To educate children, through play, beyond reading and writing Foundation Education so as to help them acquire real skills and develop positive attitude. We open Khelvigya centres and go to children NGO's construction sites and hospitals where children have no access to toys and plays. 3 Population First Women Applied for Population First is a communication and advocacy initiative for Empowerem a balanced, planned and stable population, working from the ent / Against perspective of women's right and social development. Sex Reducing gender imbalances in the population, and working Discriminatio towards a family size of 2 children. n 4 Apnalaya Community Yes We work in some of the worst slums in Mumbai, striving for Development the empowerement of people. Programmes include training, sponsorship, balwadis and crèches, study classes, recreation groups and sports, community health, family counselling, saving groups, HIV awareness and prevention, work on civic issues, housing and food security. 5 Aural Education Children / Yes Our goal is to integrate children with hearing impairment to for the children Health become independent participating and contributing citizens in with hearing mainstream society. impairment 6 Paragon Children / Yes We offer low-cost, high-quality child-centered English medium Charitable Trust Women education for socio-economicaly challenged children, inclusive Empowerem of differently abled. We do this by training women from low- ent income communities who earlier had no career prospect. 7 Concern India Health / Yes Financial and Non-financial support is extended towards Foundation Children / organizations with the aim of capacity building of the Women beneficiaries and towards making the program sustainable. Empowerem We reach out to the underpriviledged children, youth, women, ent / Rural differently abled and aged. Development 8 Childlink India Sport for Yes We use sport as a medium to work on overall development Foundation Development enabling girls and boys to realize their true potential. Since its inception in 1999, we have reached out to over 30.000 children living in some of the most at-risk and marginalised circumstances in Mumbai. 9 Save the Children Children / Yes We have been tirelessly functioning in the field of child India Women development and child rights since our inception in 1988. We Empowerem firmly believe in making India a child friendly nation, and we ent / Health have demonstrated this through various innovative projects aiming at integrated child development. 10 K.C. Mahindra Girl child Yes We focus on underpriviledged girls, who are at risk of droping Education Trust - education out of government schools either due to financial constraints Project Nanhi Kali or social conservatism. We provide them with effective academic support, and with special sponsorships that take care of their educational requirements. 11 Helen Keller Disability Yes We offer free / subsidized education, residential facilities, Institute for Deaf & transport, nutrition, hearing aids, and medical facilities to deaf Deafblind and deafblind children. We also provide counseling services for teachers, parents and children. We do every effort needed to rehabilitate them in the society. 12 Shri Hari Satsang Rural NA Our objectives are to eradicate illiteracy, provide medical Samiti Development assistance and help empower rurals and tribals in India. To / Education / achieve this, we provide primary health education & health Health / facilities, training in handicrafts, horticulture, vegetable Sanitation plantation, optimal use of water ressources etc., and help establish direct contacts with major markets for their products. 13 American Alumni Education We promote closer contact, social intercourse and exchange Association of ideas between alumni of american universities residing in India. We arrange lectures, seminars, talks and meetings. We also facilitate students by ways of counseling and financial assistance to pursue higher studies in the US. 14 Parkinson's Working with NA Our aim is to improve the life of people living with Parkinson's Disease & people with disease & movement disorders. We develop and coordinate Movement parkinsons & support groups, dessiminate knowledge and understanding of Disorder Society movement Parkinson's disease (PD), organize workshops, conferences, disorder and encourage research on PD. 15 Women Graduate Women Areas we focus on include: the empowerement and education Union Empowerme of women, vocational skills training, scholarships, guidance on nt/ vocational the RTI Act, soft skills training for girls, awareness and life Training skills education for girls and women. &livelihoods/ Civic Issues 16 Aseema Human Yes Our mission is to provide underpriviledged children with a Charitable Trust Rights/ nurturing and stimulating educational environment that helps Children/ them recognize their limitless potential. Education 17 Habitat for Housing for NA We work in the area of affordable housing for the Humanity the marginalized communities in India. We have helped build over underprevile 24.000 homes, sheltering 120.000 people till date. We have dged HCR's (Habitat Resource Center) in Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi and Mumbai. 18 Population HIV/AIDS/ Yes Our goal has always been to help improve the health of the Services Children, underpriviledged populations in India via a social marketing International Health approach. We also deal with HIV/AIDS prevention and a wide range of maternal and child health areas (providing clean water, preventing diorrhea) 19 Child Rights and Children/ Yes We have direct action with children in the form of education You Education/ and health inputs. We strive towards community mobilisation Women for their right and are active with government bodies to Empowerme influence policy framing and their implementation. We also nt provide financial and non-financial inputs: capacity building, training individuals, organisational development etc. 20 Sunbeam Trust Children Yes We work primarily in the field of formal education for underpriviledged children in Mumbai. Our aim is the overall development of our children and not academic growth alone. We also work towards empowering the parents to take responsibility for the welfare of their children. 21 Light of Life Trust Children / Yes Our goal is to realize the untapped potential of India's rural Women children, to empower them and to recognize them as a major Empowerem resource of India. We thus educate, empower and ent / equip/employ these children. Education / Rural 22 Victory Arts Children / NA VAF is a non-profit org. committed to making dance a Foundation Health / meanigful experience for 'all'. It endevours to use the power of Sanitation / performing arts especially dance to bring joy to the Capacity underpreviledge, specially challenged, visually impaired and building of others. NGOs / 23 Able Disable All Disability/Ed Yes We work to ensure that all disabled children have equal People Together ucation/Child access to education, and all disabled youth have equal job ren opportunities. We thus provide education, therapy, counselling, support, skills training and a forum for disabled children and their parents. 24 Catalysts for Applied for The organization works for the welfare of the children with Social Action special focus on child adoption. We support adoption agencies located in remote areas. We also help in improving capabilities, enhancing capacities of the adoption agencies. Children 25 Friends of Tribal yes It provides literacy, primary health care, rural development in Society Literacy / the tribal belt of India by opening non formal schools. At primary present there are 26000 schools health care / Rural development 26 Bombay Chartered Human We promote the profession of Chartered Accountants, impart Accountant Rights/ knowledge, conduct educational and human rights programs Society Education for members and citizens at large. 27 Sujaya Foundation Children/Edu Yes Our aim is to bridge the digital and linguistic divide through cation/Enviro education. We offer educational services to underpriviledged nment/Rural school going children for maths, english and computers, as Development well as offer employment opportunities in the IT/Services/Retail industies. 28 Reform Image Children / NA Our primary objective is to enrich the quality of life of the Group Education underpriviledged and indigent people, and the children in crisis. We have chose to focus on education and healthcare needs, and contribute towards expenses for higher and primary education, and healthcare expenses of mentally and physically challenged children. 29 Door Step School Children / Yes We work for the education of the urban poor. Our aim is to Education eradicate illiteracy and to improve the quality of learning at the primary level. Today, we reach out to over 20.000 children in Mumbai and Pune. 30 Railway Children Children NA We work for the cause of children at risk in and around transport terminals. We intervene at the point when a new child lands at the station so that the child is not exposed to any abuse or maltreatment. We work towards ensuring rights for children in need of care. 31 Cancer Patient Aid Health / Yes We work
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