ALBERTA Alexander Tribal Government Long Lake (Kehewin) Cree Nation Box 3419 Box 6218 Morinville, AB T8R 1S3 Bonnyville AB T9N 2G8 (403) 939-5887 (403) 826-3333 FAX 939-6166 FAX 826-2355 Alexis Band Louis Bull Band Box 7 Box 130 Glenevis, AB T0E 0X0 Hobbema, AB T0C 1N0 (403) 967-2225 (403) 423-2064 FAX 967-5484 Lubicon Lake Indian Nation Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation P.O. Box 6731 PO Box 366 Peace River AB T8S 1S5 Fort Chipewyan, AB T0P 1B0 (403) 629-3945 (403) 697-3730 FAX 629-3939 FAX 697-3500 Mikisew Cree First Nation Beaver Lake First Nation PO Box 90 Box 960 Fort Chipewyan, AB T0P 1B0 Lac La Biche. AB T0A 2C0 (403) 585-3264 (403) 623-4549 FAX 623-4523 Montana Band Box 70 Bighorn First Nation Hobbema, AB T0C 1N0 (403) 721-2010 (403) 585-3744 FAX 721-2033 FAX 429-4065 Bigstone Cree Nation, O'Chiese Band General Delivery Box 1570 Desmarais, AB T0G 0T0 Rocky Mountain House, AB T0M (403) 891-3836 1T0 FAX 891-3942 (403) 989-3943 FAX 989-3795 Blood Tribe PO Box 60 Paul Band Standoff, AB T0L 1Y0 Box 89 (403) 737-3753 Duffield, AB T0E 0N0 FAX 737-2336 (403) 892-2691 FAX 892-3402 Chipewyan Prairie First Nation General Delivery Peigan Nation Chard, AB T0P 1G0 PO Box 70 (403) 559-2259 Brocket, AB T0K 0N FAX 559-2213 (403) 965-3940 FAX 965-2030 Cold Lake First Nations Box 1769 Saddle Lake Band Grand Center, AB T0A 1T0 Box 100 (403) 594-7183 Saddle Lake AB T0A 1N0 FAX 594-3577 (403) 726-3829 FAX 726-3788 Dene Tha' First Nation Direct: (403) 428-0985 PO Box 120 Chateh, AB T0H 0S0 Samson Cree Nation (403) 321-3775 Box 159 FAX 321-3886 Hobbema, AB TOC 1N0 (403) 421-4926 Driftpile River Band FAX 585-2700 General Delivery 1-800-661-2579 Driftpile, AB T0G 0V0 (403) 355-3868 Sawridge Band FAX 355-3650 PO Box 326 Slave Lake, AB T0G 2A0 Duncan's Band (403 )849-4311 PO Box 148 FAX 849-3446 Brownvale, AB T0C 2N0 (403) 597-3777; Siksika Nation FAX 597-3920 PO Box 1100 Siksika, AB T0J 3W0 Enoch Cree Nations (403) 264-7250 Box 2, RR1, Site 2 Calgary Direct 734-5100 Winterburn, AB T0E 2N0 FAX 734-5110 (403) 470-4505 FAX 470-3380 Small Boy Camp Box 7683 Ermineskin Band Edson, AB T7E 1Z8 Box 219 (403) 557-3424 Hobbema, AB T0C 1N0 (403) 420-0008 Stoney - Bearspaw Band FAX 585-2550 PO Box 40 Morley, AB T0L 1N0 Fort McKay First Nation (403) 881-3770 PO Box 5360 FAX 881-2187 Fort McMurray, AB T9H 3G4 (403) 828-4221 Stoney - Chiniki Band FAX 828-4393 PO Box 40 Morley, AB Tol 1N0 Fort McMurray #468 First Nation (403) 881-3770 PO Box 1630 FAX) 881-2187 Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4W1 (403) 334-2293 Sturgeon Lake Band FAX 334-2457 PO Box 757 Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0 Four Nations (403) 524-3307 Box 279 FAX 524-2711 Hobbema, AB T0C 1N0 (403) 585-3790 Sucker Creek Band FAX 585-2282 PO Box 65 Enilda, AB T0G 0W0 Frog Lake Indian Band (403) 523-4426 General Delivery FAX 523-3111 Frog Lake, AB T0A 1M0 (403) 943-3980/3966 Sunchild First Nations Box 747 Heart Lake Band Rocky Mountain House, AB T0M Box 447 1T0 Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0 (403) 989-3740 (403) 623-2130 FAX 989-2533 FAX 623-3505 Swan River First Nation Horse Lake Band PO Box 270 PO Box 570 Kinuso, AB T0G 1K0 Hythe, AB T0H 2C0 (403) 775-3536 (403) 356-2248 FAX 775-3796 FAX 356-3666 Tallcree Band #446 Kapawe'no First Nation PO Box 100 General Delivery, AB T0H 2C0 Fort Vermilion, AB T0H 1N0 (403) 751-3800 (403) 927-3727 FAX 751-3864 FAX 927-4375 Little Red River Cree Nation Tsuu T'ina Nation PO Box 1165 #200 9911 Chula Blvd High Level, AB T0H 1Z0 Tsuu T'ina, AB T2W 6H6 (403) 759-3912 (403) 281-4455 FAX 759-3780 FAX 281-6061 Loon River Cree Band Whitefish Lake Band #128 PO Box 189 Box 271 Red Earth, AB T0G 1X0 Goodfish Lake, AB T0A 1R0 (403) 649-3883 (403) 636-7000 FAX 649-3873 FAX (403)636-7006 Return to Index of Indian Tribes BRITISH COLUMBIA Tribal Names A through L Adams Lake Indian Band Gitanmaax Band P.O. Box 588 P.O. Box 440 Chase, BC VOE lMO Hazelton, BC VOJ lYO (250)679-8841 842-5297 FAX (250)679-8813 FAX 842-6364 Ahousaht First Nation Gitanyow Band General Delivery P.O. Box 340 Ahousaht, BC VOR lAO Kitwanga, BC VOJ 2AO (250) 670-9563 (250) 849-5222 FAX 670-9696 FAX 849-5787 Aitchelitz Band Gitlakdamix Band 8150 Aitken Road R.R. I P.O. Box 233 Sardis, BC V2R IA9 New Aiyansh, BC VOJ IAO (604) 792-2404 (250) 633-2215 FAX 633-2514 Alexandria Indian Band P.O. Box 4, R.R. 2 Gitsegukla Indian Band Rancherie Croup 36 Cascade Avenue R.R. 1 Quesnel, BC V2J 3H6 South Hazelton, BC VOI 2RO (250)993-4324, FAX 398-5798 (250) 849-5043 FAX 849-5276 Alexis Creek Indian Band P.O. Box 69 Gitwangak Indian Band Chilanko Forks, BC VOL lHO P.O. Box 400 (250) 481-3335 Kitwanga, BC VOJ 2AO FAX 481-1197 (250) 849-5591 FAX 849-5353 Alkali Lake Band (aka Esketemc First Nation) Gitwinksihlkw Band P.O. Box 4479 P.O. Box I Williams Lake, BC V2G 2V5 Gitwinksihlkw, BC VOJ 3TO (250) 440-5611 (250) 633-2294 FAX 440-5721 FAX 633-2539 Anaham Indian Band Glen Vowell Indian Band General Delivery P.O. Box 157 Alexis Creek, BC VOL lAO Hazelton, BC VOJ lYO 394-4212 F (250) 842-5241 AX 394-4275 FAX 842-5601 Anderson Lake Band Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw Indian Band P.O. Box 88 P.O. Box 998 D'Arcy, BC VON lLO Port Hardy, BC VON 2PO (250) 452-3221 949-8343 FAX 452-3295 FAX 949-7402 Ashcroft Indian Band Hagwilget Indian Band P.O. Box 440 P.O. Box 460 Ashcroft, BC VOK lA0 New Hazelton, BC VOJ 2JO (250) 453-9154 (250) 842-6258 FAX 453-9156 FAX 842-6924 Beecher Bay Haida Nation, Council of the Beecher Bay Band P.O. Box 589 3843 E. Sooke Road, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 RR 6, Sooke, BC, Canada, V0S 1N0 626-5252, FAX 626-3403 (250) 478-3535, FAX 478-3585 Member bands: Old Massett Village Council, Bella Coola Indian Band Skidegate. Nuxalk Education Authority P.O. Box 65 Haisla (Kitimaat) Bella Coola BC V0T 1C0 Kitamaat Village Council (604) 799-5613, FAX 604-799-5426 Haisla P.O. Box 1101 Kitamaat Village, BC V0T 2B0 Blueberry River Indian Band 639-9361/9383, FAX 632-2840 P.O. Box 3009 Buick Creek, BC VOC 2RO Halalt Indian Band (250) 630-2584 R.R. 1 FAX 630-2588 8017 Chemainus Road Chemainus, BC VOR lKO Bonaparte Indian Band (250) 246-4736, FAX 246-2330 P.O. Box 669 Cache Creek, BC VOK lHO Halfway River Band (250)457-9624 P.O. Box 59 FAX 457-9550 Wonowon,BC VOC 2NO (250)787-4451 Boothroyd Indian Band P.O. Box 295 Hartley Bay Indian Band Boston Bar, BC VOK lCO General Delivery (604) 867-9211 Hartley Bay, BC VOV lAO FAX (604) 867-9747 (250)841-2500 FAX 841-2581 Boston Bar Indian Band S.S. 1 Heiltsuk (Hail tsuk) Boston Bar, BC VOK lCO Heiltsuk Band Admin. Office (604) 867-8844 PO Box 880 Waglisla, BC V0T 1Z0 Bridge River Indian Band (604) 957-2381/2626 (Cultural P.O. Box 190 Education Centre) Lillooet, BC VOK lVO FAX 604-957-2544 (250) 256-7423 FAX 256-7999 Hesquiaht Band P.O. Box 2000 Broman Lake Indian Band Tofino, BC VOR 2Z0 P.O. Box 760 Campbell River Radio Operator Burns Lake, BC VOJ IEO (250) 724-8570/9807 Ch. 466 (250)698-7309 Hesquiaht Boat Basin FAX 698-7480 FAX 724-8570 Burns Lake Indian Band High Bar Indian Band Bag 9000 P.O. Box 45 Burns Lake, BC VOJ lEO Clinton, BC VOK lKO (250) 692-7717 (250) 459-2355 FAX 692-4214 Homalco Indian Band Burrard Band P.O. Box 789 (Also known as Tsleil-Waututh First 1400 Weiwaikum Nation) Campbell River, BC V9W 6Y4 3082 Ghumlye Drive (250) 923-4979 North Vancouver, BC V7H lB3 FAX 923-4987 (604) 929-3454, FAX (604)929-4714 Huu-ay-aht First Nations (formerly Campbell River Indian Band Ohiaht) 1400 Weiwaikum Road P.O. Box 70 Campbell River, BC V9W 5W8 Bamfield, BC VOR lBO (250) 286-6949 (250) 728-3414 FAX 287-8838 FAX 728-1222 Canim Lake Indian Band Iskut P.O. Box 1030 Iskut Band Administration Office 100 Mile House, BC VOK 2EO P.O. Box 30 (250) 397-2227 Iskut, BC V0J 1K0 FAX 397-2769 (250) 234-3331, FAX 234-3200 Canoe Creek Indian Band Kamloops Indian Band General Delivery 315 Yellowhead Highway Dog Creek, BC VOL lJO Kamloops, BC V2H lH1 (250) 440-5645 (250) 828-9700 FAX 440-5679 FAX 372-8833 Cape Mudge Indian Band Kanaka Bar Indian Band P.O. Box 220 P.O. Box 400 Quathiaski Cove, BC VOP lNO Lytton, BC VOK IZO (250) 285-3316 (250) 455-2279 FAX 285-2400 FAX 455-2772 Cariboo Tribal Council Katzie Indian Band P.O. Box 4333 10946 Katzie Road Williams Lake, BC, Canada, V2G Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2G6 2V4 (604) 465-8961 392-7361, FAX 392-6158 FAX (604) 465-5949 Member Bands: Alkali Lake, Canim Lake, Kincolith Indian Band Soda Creek, Williams Lake.
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