M em ber 94th YEAR — S4th WEEK N*yon*l £<Jlr/>rlnl Aa»aci*non MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY. OCTOBER >i, 1962 N«w Jflvae/ Pre** Ai*uciftUofl Single Copy Ten Cents Pipe Of Lesser ‘Houses- M ushroom On .Levilt And Sony, Inc.. Strutlsmore-Al-M alawan Tract Derogatory Letters Cost For Tie-Ins 1 6 Health Board Asked On Rules Unread Marlboro Township Board of Ed* By Clubs To Approve ucation-last night withstO'Kl a re­ Flood Control Bill newed attem p t to g et thes 10 ru le* ‘..Matawftii Board of Hfnllh Mon­ adopted Sepi. 5 to cover tha duties day was approached by rupmen- A $4,7G0jQOO i 1 o 0 rt cculiol and authority of Robert A. Sena, tatlvua ol ilia,Lochslea. Ciutf, and projed for the Harliun and Sandy fhe sitpunntendiint, rescinded.-Bill 'the. Cotony. Club on. the uso ol. ts-t\n- Hook Uavs i* included in a water .Mr. Sena mad* some inroad.* into slts j)ipo fon curlj-to-liouse In-con- project bill approved by tht* them o:j his own account by draw> nMtltins to the; borough's; new, sew­ House Puhhc Works sobcom* mg interpretations on succHla ers. Nicholns -.ftrady, speaking : for millet*. Ine bill would approp­ points in his report to tho board, the Colony Club, noted tha: tlie ria te $.‘1,100,000 lor reb u ild in g live A secondary »ssue was brought householder conid save 50 cents'lo ‘■“V V- ' .X.W0P V- VJ*--’ ■ 1 , - » v j- ■ ■ miles ol bcach along the hay- into tht? situapon on w hat tjui boar^i ?V‘P?f root by the cs« ot transit?, * V - * * shore, lo'.'fil and sfale agen­ sliouic? do aboul “ d ero ijato ry lot* l u s t e d ()f tIiB c a st iron spceifltxl in lers*’ addressed lo sl iu the maN tt»,existing; o rdinal, , . ’ ., cies wauUl cunfribute tht.* retnam* » i V ' A ^ V, iii^ 5W0,0tHI. (er Q uestion wa.s raise d i( a bourit 'J/illiam Sills, .fiainfieM i'a saiea* * " ihe pro.ect as ouclined hy inc werft dutv oound lo read all cor- mail for Johns Manville Co., mak­ ii-.- \ U.S. Army Corps ! Fn^meers ia- resj>t)nclence received. A final 'de­ ers o! tram lte picie, was present at ; *.^V' ' ' 0 % *-• •‘SW'-V- ^ ^ vnJves pumping (JM01J c u b ic cision was that If was not obligated their, request to in vile members ol yards of sand onto beaches In to do no. Ihe letters w;»*o read lu tho b o a rd 3! health to witness tests eKecutive session and then report­ Keansburp, and Matawan, Mid­ at the Johns Manville planl in F.in- ed at n resumed session as just dletown, Madison, und Rnritau ^erne to pro^o that Sransite has (he havim; been received and v-vt'e or-. rovvnsh'ps. h would also include same texture and tonsile.'-strengUi di-J't.'tl ta b led and frlwi, Lao Scully, as cast iron and does 110!. c o rra d e buildini; le v ees lo hold the board vice president, a toe ol ihe beaches in place, lhe hill would \V'UI\ tim e . " iV h tiS* O’*" Tk-”SS ill rules, was a lone negative ta Um Bolh Frederick Mauer. president uho raise Irom $100,01)1) to $1,000,- filing of tho UiUeiv, witliou?. pubhc- of tha board, and John Mullor. 0')0 tha am ount t h e C orps ol ly reading them. ;■■.. plumbing Inspector, Informed iheni F.n^ineers may spend on a single Mr. fieuilv reopened the tS.U'U 0? th a t tho m a tte r \y(>uld be. held open ’‘small UuikI control project : tiw \b rules shorily ufisr the se.1-' a month for this purpose. But lhe without any congressional ap­ s;on convened by suyin/» the boarsl. representative* from the two clubs proval. haa received notification from IhH were cautioned (hut the borough U would also prov'uh) that flood Parent * Teacher Association that has k record of highly satisfactory control project costing $1,W»0.- under the national rules of <!»$if experience with cast iron pipe 000 to $2,000,000 would require organization they were committed- reac h in g b ac k 30 to 50 y ea rs, 10 only approval of House and lo carry on their work through yvoulcl b e very cau tio u s about p ut­ Senate Public Works committees. superintendents and ptlncipals, Sd ting an option of trunslte in the or­ Present law provides thal ail Rule 3 und Rule 8 they found lo bt dinance. Mr. Muller also Rated the flood control projects costing an obstruction to the upproach they acidity of toll lini't for transit* i» m o re than $100,000 m ust b e au- are to take. 18 while tome soil In thi', borough thorUed by Congress. “ Nut H ap p y " WlUi Rules It 10. ' ■ Tbls aorlat photograph, taken yesterday, captures thu tremendous growth In ths the M-room school, donated to the school district by X.evilt. The new Matuwan Hettlonul Mr. Scully held tho word trout . Council Hat To Awwvr past several months of Ihe Strathmore-at-Matawan planned community under con­ H ig h School may lie seen at the upper left nnd (he Slnilhnioru sewage treatment plant ihe P-'fAs was enoug)/ to show th« Hiram Ware, Lochalaa reprosen- struction by Levitt and Sans, Inc., In Matawan Township, lhe cluster of houses in die (s located in (lie lower right hand corner. t.evltS ptnii'i to iwrease (lie site of the Strath­ more community fro m 1JIW to 1900 homes and is ofterlng ndiiltlonui euiilribuiioni public was “ not hap p y " w ith tlup t»tlve, found lt peculiar that asben- foreground sr« nearing completion and first closings hy new residents are expected to Firsl Appeals In rules and that the board was Mmor- to tho township In consiileruiion lor the expansion. tni coment, transit* pip« wasused (ak« place Oct. 17. Sandwiched between the Strathmore sections under construction Is ally’' o bligated to rescind th em , ai( jn tha m a in s (o r thetew ers under eiccled representatives. John Nar? th« »tre«t« hut fould not h? used Marlboro Heard New Construction wiwlch asked how {he b o ard coul< fcf th* line* Into the houses, Mr- fir* Prevention withdraw the rules when ihe; Muiler »xpl*lnad this wai a decl- Stenger Reveals Contributions Two More Days On Construction authorized in Mat* w ere taken from slate sta tu te s a|>- llori o l th*.borough council about In conjunction with F|re Pre­ plying to the otiictJ of u su|v.!rmten-« tfhlch thf b o a rd wai In no position vention Week, the Matawan Flre awan lownshlp during September Tax Pleas Slated went o v er tho milUon-dnllur dent of schools. He chided Mr. Scul* to an«w ar, Ha notsd that two o f Department is scheduling a ly for asking lhe board to rescin d valuation mark fur tho third con- Monmouth County Tax Board u>« malm contract) ipecifiod as number of flre-flghting tech­ Levitt Is Offering Township '•state law/' secutivu month, the Matawan yesterday acted on the firsl 112 ap­ utos cement pipe and the third nique* lo he displayed Monday M rs, Kai*i Jack so n d erided M i\ Township Committee wus notified peals of 321 filed in Marlboro tarra cotta toll pipe with rubberized betw een 7 and t p.m. at tlie Contributions in terms ot assis- The township will bo relieved of and, additionally, repave existim* T ow nship. O ther? will be h ea rd to- Nar/.owich’s position, m turn, ask^ kltlngt. Doth ne and Mr- Mauer municipal parking lot on I.lttle its obligation, under t> previous burlaco of tlie road from Room 31 Monday night In a report of tunes to Mutawun Township, to motrow and Monday or luesday ing if ii wero state law that prt* {bund th* answer to thin use had St. agreement, to reimburse Levitt for lo Church S’t. with ond-and-oue-lialf I Building Inspector Frank Dcvino. duced the rule {hat the superinten­ 1)8 given by i.evitt aud Sons, Inc., in Freehold. These are the ap­ tO ba sought from the council and Volunteer members ol the de­ work on those portions of I.loyd Rd. inches of bituminous concrete. During September, 17 permits dent should have two weeks vacfc- from tha Remington & Boyd firm , In consideration tor the expansion | w orn Issued for construction peals filed by the deadline for such partment, along with its modern north ot Houle 34, where Levitt has Improve Atlantic Avu. from lion instead of (our or brought hi fam den, the consulting engineers j valu ed at $1,750,5110. P e rm its actions, Then* were a number of equipment, \{ill be assembled for of the Strathmore-at-Mutawiin de­ no frontni'e. Church St. to the railroad bridge, the implications about school fundi, on the tawer project. : tor construction of 138 homes In property owners, estimated to run inspection by tho public at that velopm ent from 1300 to 1900 hom es Improve Church Si. from South a distance of approximately ^500 as hii;h as IGtlfl, unable to file ap­ being spent: Mr. Narzowleh shol Mr. Muller noted that the luiih 1 (h o .Slrathmore-nl-iWu/awan de hack that “implications" in tha time.
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