OSHOKAN -ITEN MAMiYA BUNTU-DO Smithsonian Institution Libraries Gift of Henry Dreyfuss o Z |^(^hA\^JiJ^ fOO(p f ^ o 3?" J \fCry . * A. A. S 1 X 1 £\/ Jg 2.000 14 10 I 4 I . \ 2 . ;^ I I ' I ^ , . B , ^ L !g ?^ ' . 1 : ;^ 3 ;^ S , ' L , iJt . n ^ 1 1 "it L 1? / L ' ;^ - . 1^ , L. , ^ m I I - lintf L . -' (j , "d: . 15^ in^;§L . L iil: , L L-C ^t£ . ?5 : , L. IT -C L ' ^ , :m , a HI ?: . L H. ]U -^ (I, fis . / . , If ?^ 551- ^ t t£ L . !f L . ' . ( -. 15 1 * na , 1^ = Title page= : ^ :S . 1$ — ^:^ :1: & ^^' g / . : L S ' . t f / — L I :^ L . it . m li: . 1. ': VJ . • Simpler speling = 2. ; Ger.) Fr.) = (Lat.)= HfSp.) . 3 Br.) ) Am.) .. 3. , L ;^ . 4- .V 5. , I () ( *) , i L \ L L . 6. : L-( L / 7. " " I :r: . 8. a; " ' ,"'" ^' Vii . ," ' ' vj 9. - 51 L : f I , ^ . 10. "020.14" Dewey | ;! 11. I . L . , . f^: ffi- «^ U ^ K Hitcnler, 1 . — ataloging for small library. A.L.A. Pub'g Board, Chicago. Brown, J.D. Library classincation and cataloguing. orafton & Co.,London. L , . Moth, A.—Technical terms used in bibliographies and by the book and printing trades. 1 he F.W. Faxon Co., Boston. " " Glossary of library terms in eight languages. The F.W. Faxon Co., Boston. 1> . i5. ^W . S K . -. ^ V1U 4 iii vii - I-II8 I. I 69 1—5 II. I III. 1—3 IV. V. VI. … ' 1—42 Abb Abs . A Abbildung. (Gar.) illustration, Cut, Picture, Abbreviations- Abdruck. (Ger.) jjij mm Impression, Print. Abhandlungen. (Ger.) Transactions of a society. About. Circa (Lat.) ^ Abschnitt. (Ger.) IS Section or part of a book. Absolute location. Fixed location M : Acc Acc Accent. / ($) Si . r Umlaut (Ger.), Diaeresis (Eng.), TremaCFrOD ' 'H ) A 6, ii . ^» . Grave (Fr. & Eng.) A a, £ e, 1 i, 6, C u. Aigu (Fr.), Accute (Eng.) £ e. Trema (Fr.) A a, E e, I i, o, u. Circonflexe (Fr) Circumflex (Eng.) Aa, £ I 1, O 6, U u. L . Circonflexe, Cir- cumflex (Eng.) . - /\ccession. ;^ , , IE . Accession book. , - It? m . !?? .^ ^ .^13 Acc 3 Add ^^ . - Accession department. - ' , • Accession number. * , - ., i: : Accession order. , ABC ' Accession stamp. L ,- ~ ;^ . Adaptation. , '# L . Added edkioii' ;^ I , ;P .L L . — Add Ain Added entry. — 1®, .. I ' . Addendum. (…da) IB ^ I , ' Appendix Additions, List of ^ . - . Administration. Library administration ,, Advance sheets or copies. ffl) 4» ;• X - Advice blank. m . JL,t, aetans. amio CLat.) In the year of his age. Aine. Cfem.,...ee) (Fr.) • Ale Alp Elder or senior. (Eng.) '— ?^ , IE . Pfj , /\lcove. Sim , ' I . ., ;^ Alinea. (Fr.) Palagraph. (Eng.) All rights reserved. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. (Ger.) Derechos de propriedad. (Sp.) Tous droits reserves. (Fr.; Alle Rechte vorbehalten. (Ger.) All rights reserved. (Eng.) Allonym. a false name^ Alphabetic subject catalog.… ( BM, ABC Ij Alphabetical order. ABC 13 . H Alp 6 Ana Alphabetico-classed catalog. 5 ABC ,^ ABC . Alternative title. ] ^- ,^ — , ^ . ^ IE A. L. A. (. American Library Association) gfi ^ ¥. Ampersand. & And. /\. N. (Abscua note) (Lat.) fUBl. Anagram. Analysis. Analytic entry ^» Analytic Entry. fr- ^ . S 11^: . K - Anh Ant . ;^. I '/ f . .. ;^ ) Annang. (Ger.) Appendix. (Eng.) Anm , CAnmerkung) (Ger.) Annotation, Notes. (Eng.) Annonymous. Anonyme. (Fr.) . : ;i , . Annotation. Anmerkung. (Ger.) Ifi I . !^ VJ. Annual. !] Jahrlich. (Ger.) Annually. Periodical Anonyme. (Fr.) Annonymous. (Eng.) Antiqua. (Ger.) . = 8 K a — . Apoconym . Appendix. Anhang. (Ger.) . ^HJ -- . , I , !) . IE . Addendum Application blank. ' L . t ' /) , S IE . , . g Appraisal, ii^f fg . fflB Evaluation => Aquatint Ara Aus ! . Arabic numerals. 1, 2 ,3 S1 , I IIIII ! L V. Around. Circa (at.) ft%^M - Assumed name. Pseudonym Asterisk. Star mark - .. Dagger Asyndetic. Syndetic ^ Atlas. ( ) , . Map /^ Auflage. (GerO Edition. (Eng.) Ausgabe. (Ger.) Edition. (Eng.) Ausschnitt (Ger.) Extract. (Eng.) 1 . Aut Aut Author. Auteur. (Fr.) 1. , . 2. IS ( , I /. IJ: ^ , L . , f fm U: , ^ . Author card. , -'^ Main entry , Author catalog. f: . ABC I , . Author entry. , - ., X Author index. Namenregister. (Ger.) Index 5^ Author marks, numbers, symbols. …/ … Aut Aut ^ L , - * , Cutter, U • Cutter-Sanborn, Alerriil -brown . Call number !!!^ ( • . IS 13 5 Author proof. ) C . Author's revise. Author table. ( Cutter's 2 figure table, utters 3 figure table, Cutter-Sanborn's 3 figure table . Authorized edition ? Autorisierte Auflage. ( Ger.^ Autobiography. Jf . Autonym. /\utonsierte Auflage- r (or Ausgabe) ^ OeiO Authorized edition. (Eng.) • Bas B Back. S . (A) Flexible back.^ , I . IS ., -. (B) Hollow back. , . 1: , (C) Tight back. , T[^ - ra t ( ). Back number. Band. (Ger.) Tome. (FrO Volume. (Eng.) Bastered title. (Half title) Slj (A) ;i , , ' Bel 13 Bib (B) — ;^ St . .]^ Below. Infra (Lat.) Berichte. (Ger.) Reports. (Eng.) Berichte Auflage. (Ger.) Corrected edition. (Eng.) Bibliographee. Bibliography. ! , ,,, , . j . " t3 2 , , t£ . (A) Complete bibliography. f/f ,. (B) General bibliography. |3 .. (C) National bibliography. Ij I ;^ . (D) Select bibliography. ^ Bib 14 Bin H . (E) Special bibliography. ^ 21 -. (F) Trade bibliography. * . J I ^a ^ . Bibliopegy. ) Billige Auflage. (Ger.) Cheap caition. (Lng.) B Bimonthly. — f "0 Periodical Binder s title. - , . Cover title Bindery book. ;^, - Bindery slip. (r^. la 7 , . ^' . - ^ IE. , n Bin 15 Bla . Binding. :.T (A) Full binding. t , . (B) Half binding. ;^ . — (C) Quarter binding. ^ a :) . |-- . - (D) Three quarter binding. ()^ — ) ( n- ) B B , ]^ L ," " , 5 . Biographee. Black and white. , ,m — . Black letter. ( Bla 16 Bod , Old English letters i . * . , L , I . (3 , /n X . Blatt. (Ger.) Newspaper or a leaf or a book. (Eng.) Blined tooled. 1^ . Block book. 1: . ( 3( K Type, Movable printing ( . Block printing. ) . ^ . , = = . Boards. J , - /n . Body of the work. ^ Boo 17 Boo f: . Book. Buch. (Ger.) Liber. (Lat.) Livre. r.) ( Book binding. Book -card. , — . (I, ffi ,, ,. Book label. , 1. S .( )^; -- 1 . 2 . 2 , 5cm. Si . , Book number. , E Boo i8 Boo s - Call number - plate. (Ex-libris) Book 7 - t ' VJ. H , E . - Book pocket. IS — Book card) - , ?it ' ' Book room. & ' i ' lip - , & ' . 1: ' • 11,^ R JBl I ' , it - S ^. 4 Book supports. 51 ^ a: . .,IfiJti L , ifi Boo Bra 4 Book tag. Book label Bookseller. Bookshop. (Br.) Bookstore. (Am.) Buchhandkr, \ - ( er.) Buchhandlung. / juivraire. (Fr.) . Borrower's card. /" , X ;^ , [£ . Borrower's index. ta — , .ABC Application blank Borrower's register. Registration book , Bound volume. Gebunden. (Ger.) Bourgeois. (g) :… This line of type is Bourgeois. Brackets. J Bra Buc - . Parentheses ( )( ^ Branch library. General library( Departmental library ( m . , i^li , ( . fi f . 4» . IS K Brevier. o ) : his line of type is Brevier. Brilliant. Broad classification. Crassification I ^#BS Broad side. |5 o 5 . t VJ. L . Brochure J = . Brocher I ( ^ . Pamphlet Buch. (Ger.) Buc Cal Book. (Eng.) Libre. (Lat.) Liver. (Fr.) Biichdruckerkunst. (Ger.) Ifi (gi) Typography. (Eng.) Buchhandler. (Ger.) Bookseller. Buchhandlung. (Ger.) Bookseller. (Eng.) Livraire. (Fr.) c Calendered paper. ; a — L . Call number. S ;' , ^ ^ £ , . , Author number. Book number, lass num- ber, Cutter number. V Call slip. K . ^ a , !^ IE. , (call J Can 22 Car number) - Canon . Capital. (1 Kapitel. (oer.) r- . - ;V ^ . ^* ' ' Caption. 1: . BIfii] . Caption title. ,. ' Card. - !51 - . L K ' . Index card Index bristol I Standard size of catalog card Card case. Card catalog case Card catalog. ' — - L - ' ABC 1: ^ 2^- , r- ' • Cat . CaS : K ' ' . S - I - Card catalog case iH- , t: . , 3 S Card volume system. —— — ,;V . ( ;^ Leyder. —" . Caret. (a) () ;V ^ Case. ,^ Case work. , . Cast off (T cast off copy) ) L Cat 24 Cat . ^.§ I r- , . Catalog(or catalogue) of books. I L . ;"^ , . L IE i if ^ Accession book, jJictionary catalog, Alphabetic classed catalog, Name catalog. Alphabetic subject catalog, Personal catalog, Author catalog, Shelf list catalog, classed catalog. Subject Catalog . Catalog card . , L . Catalog reisonne • ffi /, Slj L . 1- / . Catalogue. ( Br.) Catalog Catch letters. , , t L . il , , L . Catchword entry. Cea 25 Cha |^^^,', L L , : Pi !^ . iM , ^ L . Adventures of 'om Sawyer Tom Sawye: |5 Cedilla. Cedille. (Fr.) edille. (Fr.) Cedilla. (Eng.) S / L I L. Francois . Ceriph. M, ;^ . I, Selif . Changed title. , . Chapter. - . Chapter heads. Charging desk. Cha 26 Chi , ^' Charging system. K C or Loan system) if ' Chart. Karte. (Ger.) —1^ ' Cheap edition. S Billige Auflage. (Ger.) Colonial edition Chiffre. (Fr.) Cipher Children's home library. ffi h : ' ' 11 41 — - -'—— B , ' 1 L I ,. Children's library. ' ' II 7^11 • B * ' a/? . | . Chr 27 Cla Chronogram. /,!^^ "StVLtVM est DIfflCILes habere nVgas = 1718." , n Cipher. Chiffre. (Fr.) Ziffer. (Ger.) / ( I . "ti Circa. (Lat.) About, Around. ^, . • 400 £ ' I Circa B.C. 400 ^ C400. Circulating library, S , ;^ . !^ . ;V . Circumflex, | " ) irconflexe. (Fr.) e. I. 6. 0 Accent Clarendon Cla 28 Cla . U . t fl; (Heavy) Conden- sed) . H / Egypt L . Class. & !^ :; : i! h , L 73? . Class entry. - *1 - m E , : ?^. I . Class letter or mark. , I . ft/Tl E§t . 7; , i: ;)^ t!^ A. General works Polygraphy. E. Philosophy Religion. C. History Auxiliary sciences. D. History and Topography(except America). E-F. America. G. Geography Anthropology. H. Social sciences, Sociology (incl'd'g Eco- nomics"). J. Political science. K. Law. L. Education. M. Music. Cb 29 Cla N. Fine arts. P. Language and Literature Cinci'a'j Modern European languages, Oriental languages, and literature. Hyperborean, American, and Artificial languages). Q Science. R- Medicine. S- Agriculture~Plant and animal industry. T- Technology. U Military science. ^ Naval science. Bibliography
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