INO. L CANADIAN CANADIAN GOLFER Subscription price 25c per copy. $3.00 per year. Office of Publication, BRANTFORD, Canada. £ c I 1 CONTENTS FOR MAY,1915, Vol. 1 No. 1 Page HH Re: Ther Duke ofConnanrsataccerscon eas se ate ste novos cotencrerceds ov Ws oaenemocooweveren Z C C Editorial, Fore! Royal Golfers, etc..... 3-5 I I Chip SROts ners nce eh ceen teeter nena 6 H.R.H. The Duchess of Connaught .. 4h The Offences of Golfers—J. T. Clark ...... ee ce t829 Golf in the United States —Clifford L. ehurierMeh OR Micake rhe tad ag Aces 10-11 Geos aU yon-—A MwA DPLeciatione etc kos creer ace rarsin veces W/W ven ssl. bcesroetioecetec deserts 12-16 AGBreeZy Letter drOmit ne WWeSt—— ly IbeORG venitecae ost. setoseeeetecsdecsssernass (ee ate 17 Some of the Great Golfers of England and Scotland ................cc.c2 ceeeeeee ceeeees 18-19 Gol Gossip sromiGreat wOxiUAIN ae seers vecciess cece ok nce seta Porcescduseeceahoccyros thee e c I CommonFaults and their Causes—C. R. Murray................. + ANG Olfiniee COMMUN DUST. cotecnecce tes re eosee iRise maak ese coh crete seaee Cabinet Members who PlayGolf... seeds Mr. Frank A. Rolph, President R.C.G.A. .... Royal Canadian Golf Association . ¢ Lhe Upkesp ot Goll- Courses Geom Cum minge ccs. ss cses tas patentee roaster tae OUe 1 Ladies’ Golf Department —Florence L.-Harvey. .......5.....c.cecececesesees Sree tesa OOL OT, Miss Dodd, Lady Champion of Canada—ByFlorence 1. Seite POOrOO A Modern Golf Course ....... Gist a orneipetcntcla'a cglsldstiwatemlat vices se snieainrs ceri cts salt se este are 39 The Trapping of Golf Courses—Nicol Thompson 40 Club Competitions —The iditorins. 2: ssc sate cae .. 42-43 DING A SOU IOML ass ccs avles case bede ee eh ds The Golf Doctor: <....... gee 44 Dedicatory Poem—W.H.. Webling: ... 2.00... ..c sic... decasys Z : ta ineang Around thelCilnb tlonse =. 65s. ccttee ee 46-54 A Brilliant Young Golfer—Fillmore Robeson 55 3 The Golfer’s Roll OLTTONOMNG 2. oe ese ae 56-60 - Chatham‘‘ Gets into the Game ”’ 60 3 CamaGiat noo Clubs OiMCers, cr. sr erste a oe wore Eeeeee ae 62-66 Canadians at Pinehurst .....:.......... 67 The Definition of an Amateur................. 68 Karl Keffer, the Open Champion of Canada. aaa . 69 < pWdtiitiie ue rofessiOnp sa icersstctier sv esensesha cee carseat ot he Pe ies Gh Cae NN 70-72 = c Advertising RateCard Canadian Golfer 3 Single Insertion Rate £8 sed. Least nets et einai 30/00 ;-Sétrlingwcurrency:.....5-c-cceses sous peressny 8 0 0 SUAS ee cok centre ee Lng ate $20.00 ; vs ie 4° 0°20 PAO e ssn. es -- $10.00 ; oeant Be Oni 0 Readers, per line..... .....:.. Sp eo & & Ob 1-30, < c 7 Space Discounts 3 Total sshages withinel wear...) cacerscseto setae Pee Se cane Marae amen gee 5 5% MOtAl:G Pages within doy eann. rrr si ep eiiee nse os ae Nahas ake onan ee dee 10% Total O Pages within lwyear ec esc ees Ste ee concee ee ee eee Wine Fem 15% Total weracesiwithin Ar year 2 tess. iiss aniasatesicsieee hee reeea 20% Preferred Positions Back cover in three colors, 26% extra per insertion, with regular space discounts for three or more pages Inside front and back covers, 10% extra per insertion, with regular space dis- counts for three or more pages. 2 eens 3c Ic 2 = CANADIAN GOLFER a “Wate PREMIER PLACE IN THE GOLF BALL WORLD IS HELD BY THE GOLF BALLS By making every “COLONEL” up to the highest standard and maintaining an unvary- ing quality —the POPULARITY of the “COLONEL” Ball, wherever Golf is played, is ever increasing. “ COLONEL” GOLF BALLS ARE FAMED THE WORLD OVER FOR THEIR Efficiency, Durability, Flight, Steadiness in Approaching and Putting and Perfect Paint. > “PLUS COLONEL” “ARCH COLONEL” “WHITE COLONEL’ Specially made for Plusand Two Sunken Markings z SoA: Hop Low Handicap Players, Dim- Crescent and Dimple. Float eeeUe Marking. Floating ple Marking, Nou-Floating. ing and Non-Floating eight 75ce. each. 75c. each. 75c. each. “HEAVY COLONEL” “PATENT COLONEL” _ Bramble and Dimple Mark- Bramble Marking, Floating ings. Not too heavy---Just Weight Right. 75c. each. 0c. each. ST. MUNGO MANUFACTURINGCO., Glasgow, Scotland Wholesale Selling Agents in Canada: Harold A, Wilson Co., Ltd., Toronto Hingston Smith Arms Co., Winniped Tisdalls Lid., 618 - 620 Hastings St-, Vonconver a Whenwriting advertisers, kindly mention CANADIAN GOLPER H. R.H. The Duke of Connaught, K. G., Governor General of Canada. Patron of the Royal Canadian Golf Association ian Gulter _ Vol. 1. BRANTFORD, MAY, 1915 No. 1 In no country where Anglo-Saxons Canadian Golfer foregather is the game played more Published Monthly enthusiastically than in the Dominion Ralph H. Reville --- Kditor here is no city or hardly a town of Ladies’ Goli Section edited by Florence L.Harvey any consequence to-day in Canada which does not boast its golf links. In Subscription Price Chree Dollars a Year the larger centres, of course, there are Single Copies Twenty-five Cents many clubs. Millions of dollars are Application made to Postmaster General, Ottawa, to be invested in the game, tens of thousands Entered at Post Office as Second Class Matter of men and women play it—play it in telligently, play it enthusiastically. The Editorial and Business Office - Brantford, Canada growth of the sport in the Dominion has been phenomenal. It has ceased to FORE ! be a fad; it has become an institution Busy men find it a splendid antidote for The “Canadian Golfer” takes his the cares and worries of office and shop stance on thefirst tee, bows to the gal- and factory; the younger crowd All lery—and a very good gallery is as- ideal recreation for the display of nerve sured already, as leading golfers and skill. throughout the Dominion, including The canny Scot builded well, builded the Prime Minister, other Cabinet Min- for brain and muscle, clear ey1 e and isters and leading financiers and pro- clean, keen temperament when he fessional and business men, have most madeit his national game. And to-day willingly signed the subscription lists that game is no longer confined to the and makes his ‘first swing and first country of its chief inception, but is shot for his constituents’ approval, played round the world and by eve1 And a very wide constituencyit is, increasing numbers of enthusiasts. t oo, From down bythe “sounding sea” It has often been unfavorably com o n the Atlantic, clear through to the mented upon by visiting followers of limitle ss prairies and across the Rock- the Royal and Ancient game why Can les to the rolling Pacific, golf to-dayis ada, unlike other countries which have becoming popular and ever more popu- many g if papers, has not long ere this lar in Canada. had a magazine to record the doings 4 CANADIAN GOLFER Volz leNow i and to look after the wants of her army sents, ate to be engraved on the cup. of thousands of golfers, playing over The ladies of the R.C.G.A., who, need- the many and rapidly increasing less to say, greatly appreciate the gift, courses stretching across a continent. will compete for this handsome trophy The “Canadian Golfer” has come to for the first time this season at the an- look after these interests, to conserve nual Ladies’ Championship meetitig. them, and serve themif possible. The Duchess, too, is Patroness of the The course may not be an easyone. Canadian Ladies’ Golf Union, that very There are traps and bunkers ahead energetic organization which is doing aplenty—no new magazine has an easy so much to put the game amongst the game to play—but there is no reason ladies on a firm footing throughout the why, with the loyal support of the golf- Dominion. ing fraternity, the “Canadian Golfer” H.R.H. the Princess Patricia, the should not be found a useful and inter- daughter of the Duke and Duch- esting medium for the exchangeof golf ess, also takes a great interest in golf, thought, golf story, golf instruction and frequently plays in Ottawa and on and golf betterment in Canada, Will other Canadian courses. you not try and make it so?) You can The photographs of the Duke and do so much if you only will. Golfers of Duchess which appear in this opening Canada, the game is on for another sea- number of the “Canadian Golfer” were son! Mayweall play it together, from most graciously permitted to be used, a journalistic and sport standpoint, and were Officially forwarded to the fairly, squarely and successfully? Editor. Needless to say, the honour is not only greatly appreciated by the “‘Canadian Golfer,’’ but will be recog- *nized as a most thoughtful and graci- ROYAL GOLFERS. ous act by Canadian golfers generally. The Royal Canadian Golf Associa- tion has the very great honour of hav- ing as its Patron H.R.H. the Duke of EDUCATIVE WORK. Connaught and Strathearn, K.G., Gov- In a letter which appears elsewhere ernor-General of Canada. His Royal in this issue Mr. E. Legge, whoby this Highness has shownhis interest in the time is probably in Europe fighting Royal and Ancient game, not only dur- with Mr. John Graham Jr., Mr. J. L. C. ing his tenure of office by officially Jenkins, Mr. Robert Maxwell, and visiting many of the goli courses other golf champions of Great Britain, throughout the Dominion,butby play- for King and Empire, makes the sug- ing himself- over some of the well- gestion—anda verytimely suggestion, known links. The Duke is immensely too—that “if your new magazine is to popular with all classes of golfers, as do any educative work, let me suggest he is with all classes of Canadians.
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