
(]Nt 25, 1942 ===-= than 7,000,000 Tigors Trap Thundentorms ~crc dest royed I an attempt 10 BOlkm til 8th Frame IOWA: tructlve to the To Win, '·3 ad 1OIII>8Wba& warmer In pe Stor, on Pare 4 , awl eeatral portloua iAlcla Iowa Cityls Morning Newspaper I .. FIVE CENTS THI A.IOCIATID ••111 IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1942 yae A O()IATID ••111 VOLUME XLD NUMBER 23S e e Men's Irtly Sty led Sin I AW HATS * * * * * )1.49 * * ** *** *** *** * * * * * * ~ d SoIQl" ! Light venti­ "air-cooled" •.. , popular and new col­ Imperia Is Forced' B·ack.130 Mi'le Into Egypt ~ight in eve ry 101' the most ninating man~ Axis S~ashing Toward Matruh;1 ANGLO-EGYPTIAN ARMY MASSES TO MEET ROMMEL'S AXIS LEGIONS Tokyo AHempts to Blame U.S. Nazis Reinforce Kharkov Push For Torpedoing oft Jap (oast By FRED VANDERSCHMlDT Soviets Say Merchantman Taken to Nippon Port Associated Press War Editor For Inspedion, Then Attacked by Sub Germany drove 1111 iron wedge deep into Egypt toward the Ni le delt alRst nig-ht Ilnd till' al,tni , of Russill were undel' tel'riblt' pre. · After Being Released lure on ~wo f'1'ont~, bl1t these wel'e \1IImi. takabl(1 signs tlHl t. th e united 11atiollR W(,I'(, takin~ s t ~ps to st I'tke 15ack wi th f\. maximnm Friday (AP)-A Japan ton ntl'alim l oj' tli!'il' Rtl'ength. The full ~l'!l"ily 01' t'lle situation in ,Africa wns laid bal'e with di ClOSIlI'C t ht! t t h(' battered eight.h 111'my of . Britain had fall 11 back towllrcl a lin<' in E!!ypt', west rn desert Rom 130 tnile~ from the Libyan "J'ontir and but 160 miles west of the p: I'cat naval Rtll­ tion of Al(lxalldl'ia, llnc1 tliat Pi ld MIlI'l!ual Rommel's axis Africnn eorps was AIr'!'lIdy mol'l' than 60 miles inside Egypt. A savage bat ­ Ik at latrllll, im[lortant roa. tal ba e almost "n\fw[\,~ hom the border 10 1111' :-.li1(', upreured iu­ for I EvitBble. thi Alread y II 'ity III' rubble lind ur- min, with only its innt'l' d fen, es Anti-German' intact aftel' tlt,'el' full weeks of tal' d with tht' III'vivol'!! in military storm, Russia's Sevasto­ 1 pi kl'd them up lind land d Ih 'm pol on the Black sea was under the Feeling Grows ------------- at Dllri 11, ill Japunt'-I 1\ ·d muzzles at German guns as huge as lerritol'Y' lit tIlt' tip or the Kwao­ 24 inches. Before Kharkov in the tung pt'llin ulll.outh or M n Ukraine, the pressure of the Ger- Second (zech ('llUria. LONDON, Friday (AP)­ In Argentina The Sovi t announc raid th Reuters reported rrom Cairo Aniarstrol flrat was h lied by JDpsn warship April 24 at a st hoes looay that the Brltlsb el,h Ih Police Squads Called Village Erased Army Is locked In battle with tbe 'ou Can Wear! entire strl.kln, force of the a..xi To Break Downtown YDNEY, Al1£lraHa (AP)­ o TONES In Alrica on tbe rolling coastal Riot in Buenos Aires Hitler'. 'New Horror' M mbtra of the rl'W ot a Ru • de ert between Sidl Barranl and Id e lerda Matrub. BUENOS AmES, Argentina, Brings Death to All $4.79 All other advl(' 9 from Cairo (AP)-An anti-German street Of Male Inhabitants type toes with Indicated the Brltl h were faUinl demonstration In downtown Buen­ J t let the cool bark without a. n,ht preparing os Aires was. pro ken up by the LONDON (AP )-Nazis hove ob­ I a neat de­ to take pOSitions somewhere police last night at this relfublic literated lJ second hU1Tlbl Cz ch sole " rubber about Matruh, 130 mILes east of was reported reliably to have dis­ village and slain oil its m n in reo point 130 mile~ off Japan, ond Ulen Iht Libyan border. patched three sharp demands to prlsal tor lhe llSSassinotlon of corted to a Japan po.t lU1 The Brillsh a,cney's report Germany for complete satisfaction Reinhard Heydrich, th han,man, Inspection. id there will be hard rJ,hUn,. for the sinking of the Argentine Egyptian troops, which hItherto have not tought 111 the desert war­ fo rces are pietured above on the dt'sert. nomn'el's axis le,ions have .1- It was stated yelfterday in reports Lot r Ule R 'ian hip was r - In the next 24 hOUTS, when the freighter Rio Tercero by a German lare in North Africa, entered action for the first time yesterday ready driven 60 miles Into ElYpt, and the battered elrhth army of !illering Crom th terror-ruled con- leased, and th hip was hom ·ward German obJecUvt's mU!\t become submarine. as :FIeld Marshall Erwin Rommel's German and Italian divisions Britain h8!l fallen back toward a line ome 130 mile from the fines of Germany's "New Europe." bound wh n torp deed, more obviou.. "There can be Three members of a pro­ toward the Suez canal. Units of the An,lo-Elypthin defense forces Libyan frontler and but 160 miles west of the ,reat naval taUon Farmln .. TowlI "From the ('Ireu or no ld-up tn this new bdtle In democratic or,anlza&JolI known s'ormed toward the Suez canal. Units of the An,lo-Egyptlan derense 01 Alexandria. The community was Lezaky Ih lnklne," til ann un r iel. the desert," the Reuters corres­ as "Accton Ar,entlna" were re­ population 100, in a farmln, dist- "It appeal'll that th Anlal'lltrol pondent sa Id. "There can be no ported arrested by the poUce rid of Bohemia about 70 miles wa unk. b a Japan ubmar- '!larter." who put down 'he demonstra· African* * Rivals* southeast of Pra~ue. Ine." tlon. ... ~... " ........ Its death sentence apparently (Tokyu In It · !lrst altnOUIlC - man tank assault increased, al­ Before the street disorder, two was identical to that which the ment or th linking early In May Ibough the mechanical monsters oC the largest German-owned Describe Aleutiah Raid Germans them elves announced on aid a U.S. submarine h d mad with which von Bock made his firms in the capital city had been June 10 had b n m ted out to the attack, and char,ed that It wa lirst hole in the Rus ian lines stoned in the tlrst populnr" demon­ Lidice, near Pr/liue. carried out "In 01\ ertol·t to er had been swallowed whole by stralioos against the Germans. Lid ice's male population of ate Irietlnn ~twE'en the Sovllt Marshal Timoshen.ko's derense in Large show windows we r e Hou'sing Materials aboul 350 all died by lirinll squad, Union nd Japan." depth. smashed. Japs Strafe Civilians ODI Requests its women wer s nt to concentra- (Thl:a charge was repealt'd sev- Reds Hard Pre d Predicts Axil Defeat tion campa and its children to eral limes lut r, th In t Ume II The Russians acknowledged that The sfreet disorder developed in May Go for Dorms, "educational institutions." recently June 2J, but both their troops in the Ukraine were the CaUe Flordla, one of the city's Around Dulch Harbor Po~tponemenl Yesterday listeners for the American and Sov! tour re- hard pressed with official an- prinCipal streets, after a meeting <Recho~lovak ,overnment-In- • mained silent until the Mo cow nouncement that they had lost the at the Accion headquarters at Evacuees Say Enemy Barracks Exclusively exile reported that a Budapest broadcast early today. railway junction town of Kupy- which former Finance Minister broadcast said Leza.ky had been (Mo cow apparently wanted to insk, 60 miles southeasl of Khar- Federico Pinedo predicted defeat Planes Driven Off Of All FalirS WASHINGTON (AP) - War razed, be sur of its r ct b fore nccus- kov. of the axis powers and urged bet- By Heavy U.S, Fire housing construction, stripped to It did nOl y what happened lne Japan 01 the Inkinll. J pan This indit'atcd the Germans, tel' commercial relations with the ____ bare essentials by shortages of ma- to the people, but the Vichy and the Soviet Union have 11 neu­ driving (rom Kharkov, might be United states. SEATTLE (AP)-First eyewit. WASHINGTON (AP)-Despite terials, may be concentrated be­ Freneb news ervlee quoted the tralily and [rl ndshlp pact, v n trying to push down to Rostov and More allan 100 yout.bs were re­ pleas from officials of fair associa- lore the end of this yeaI' largely announeemenl U laylne all thouah th y ae on oPPO ite id the oil-wealthY Caucasus around ,ported to have .tarted to form a ness accounts of Japanese bomb· tions and criticism from some on barracks and dormitories, Don­ adult _lea had been executed. in the global war. the northern end of the Izyum- parade outside, crylnc "Down Ing of Du~h Harbor in the Aleu· members of congres~, the office aId M. Nelson told congress yes- .A. In tbe cue or Udlee, tile (This neutrauty, while each na­ Barvenkova salient where the Rus- with the naz\s." tians, made public yesterday, dis­ of defense transportation stood terday. exeute ~u tbe a1le,aUGh thal Uon was heavily enga/led in war, lians carried out their surprise of- There were several tlst fights closed how heavy' anti-aircraft firm yesterday on its request for In a special report to the sen­ Leuky harbored paraehulbt3 has been watched closely, observ­ lensive this spring and thwarted Iwith the police when the Officers and even ritle fire drove off the general postponement of state and ate defense Investigating commit­ blamed b, the German for He,- ers generally leeUn, that ventuel a German drive toward Rostov.
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